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COMICS! |OT| February 2014. Flowers? Candy? Please. Get that guy/gal an omnibus!

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Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I realize I'm probably not Marvel's intended audience (since I don't do tumblr fan fic or whatever the kids are into these days) for Ms Marvel, but good lord was the ending incredibly forced and ham fisted. Thank goodness the art was so stunning.

Oh no. I pulled it based solely on the art but if the writing/story is piss-poor, I'm not going to pick it up past 1.

Also, I finished the first Unknown Soldier trade. Damn. I have the rest of the series in my instocktrades cart. Who is Joshua Dysart and why is he not writing any books currently?

Just looked it up. Joshua Dysart, the man who wrote Unknown Soldier, also penned this Avril Lavigne comic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_5_Wishes
Totally missed these before somehow.

There are 80 issues worth of Cable books?

The first series in the 90s was over 100 issues and then there was a reboot in the 2000s that was only like 20-30 issues.

Well in terms of dollars to paper that's a pretty good deal. I definitely don't think you could get that much paper for less.

But Cable... might not be very good, just a warning.

How bad are we talking? Is he generally disliked? I remember liking him as a kid, he was one of my favorite characters and after reading the new x-force comics I want to read more with him. I can't for the life of me remember if I liked him from guest appearances or if I read the actual cable series. I think I read a couple issues but most of my exposure was from guest spots...

Why would we be joking? The first issue alone is incredible and will hook you.

I don't know, people warning about gag recommendations to unsuspecting people earlier in the thread has made me nervous. :p I know nothing about the series.


I don't think I've read a more fucked up cape book than I did with the Jokers Daughter 1shot. Marguerite Bennett really dived into the character and brought out this very mentally disturbed teenager. I thought it was really well done.

Damn I knew I forgot something


Was that thing posted on BC with yhe captains? When are these brahs going to stop having forty plus year olds write teen characters? It's like doreigners that learned english through MTV or Howard Cassel. There is a twenty five year old brah out there that works at Walmart that can do it for $9.30 page rate.

I didn't see BC's post but early in the issue you see her dreaming about the Avengers and then later they
visit her in a Terragin Mist infused vision

It's pretty clear the main gist of this first arc is
"be careful what you wish for! Things aren't as good as they seem!
which hopefully wraps up in issue 2.
The first series in the 90s was over 100 issues and then there was a reboot in the 2000s that was only like 20-30 issues.

How bad are we talking? Is he generally disliked? I remember liking him as a kid, he was one of my favorite characters and after reading the new x-force comics I want to read more with him. I can't for the life of me remember if I liked him from guest appearances or if I read the actual cable series. I think I read a couple issues but most of my exposure was from guest spots...
oh damn. gonna have to check some of this out. Cable is probably divisive because he's really 90s and a Liefeld creation, but fuck that, Cable's rad


Oh no. I pulled it based solely on the art but if the writing/story is piss-poor, I'm not going to pick it up past 1.

Also, I finished the first Unknown Soldier trade. Damn. I have the rest of the series in my instocktrades cart. Who is Joshua Dysart and why is he not writing any books currently?

Just looked it up. Joshua Dysart, the man who wrote Unknown Soldier, also penned this Avril Lavigne comic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_5_Wishes

Just skip the words and look at the pictures in Ms Marvel. I dunno, maybe I'm the exception and everyone else will BenjaminBirdie it and declare it the #BESTBOOKEVER and #ONLYPOSSIBLEINTHEMARVELU!!!
I'll give it a couple issues to work out the kinks and find its groove.
Just skip the words and look at the pictures in Ms Marvel. I dunno, maybe I'm the exception and everyone else will BenjaminBirdie it and declare it the #BESTBOOKEVER and #ONLYPOSSIBLEINTHEMARVELU!!!
I'll give it a couple issues to work out the kinks and find its groove.

:( This makes me sad. I hope the story picks up if it's that bad, I was really hyped for it.
Wolverine #1 was ok. Nothing amazing, nothing terrible. I feel like Stegman went backwards with his art here. Feel like the proportions of the characters are way off. He has always said on Twitter that it was Greg Capullo was his main inspiration as a kid and teen. That's cool but in an effort to distinguish himself from him, he's trying to hard to make something different. I felt his Spider-Man became more natural and there was confidence in his art. This issue it seems like his art lacked confidence.
Oh no. I pulled it based solely on the art but if the writing/story is piss-poor, I'm not going to pick it up past 1.

For what it's worth: The writing is strong. Far stronger than I hoped it to be. It takes on most of the issues "token - xyz" books have and challanges them.

I HOPED for it to be good, but it is really good.


For what it's worth: The writing is strong. Far stronger than I hoped it to be. It takes on most of the issues "token - xyz" books have and challanges them.

I HOPED for it to be good, but it is really good.

I dunno, I think the
"see, being white and blonde
isn't as good as you think!" story she is setting up with the last page is incredibly stupid. Why can't she just be a strong character without needing an identity crisis?
Goodness, admist all the chaos and carnage there was actually a sliver of hope in Earth 2!

I loved the E2 books in the last two weeks and despite the wacky and in now way working timelines Taylor established.

Too bad #20 had to go up against NA#14, Ms Marvel#1 and Arrow #28... It got trashed by top tier books this week.

And FE#5 -
if the villian is Darkseid I will claw at my cheeks and cry in pain. And Nightwing was supposed to have a role in all of this?
They froze 80% of the DCU in "nothing can happen allalallal"-mode for this story?
I dunno, I think the
"see, being white and blonde
isn't as good as you think!" story she is setting up with the last page is incredibly stupid. Why can't she just be a strong character without needing an identity crisis?

I did not get the vibe that this will be the main focus of the book. It will have to deal with some sort of
identity crisis
indeed, but I think it is fitting for the character.
She is 16, between different worlds and has to find some kind of self. And I hope that we will get to see how the different characters are not stereotypes of their respective cultures. The tropes shown were retracted nicely and thus I found it engaging.
I hope the
white and blonde
is dealt with in a few issues and we see the character as shown in the previews.


ended up getting Infinity HC, New Avengers Vol 1, Avengers Vol 1 and 2.

Probably should have just got the Infinity HC, but it would have felt weird not starting from the beginning on those two series.

this hobby man..how do some of you guys do it. Your weekly pull lists are like 10 comics


Might as well just finish out superior now..
Yeah, I suppose so..

Bought that GL/RL flipbook issue to see Red Lantern Kara and man I dunno what's worse, Venditti's writing or Billy Tan's art. The human anterns alternate between looking like adults and teenagers from one panel to the next, and Hal's face and mask seems to change from panel to panel as well. As strong of a grasp as Soule has on Guy and the Reds, Venditti is completely lacking on Hal. Glad I dropped that when Johns left.

Soule is killing it in RL. Best Lantern book by far right now
ended up getting Infinity HC, New Avengers Vol 1, Avengers Vol 1 and 2.

Probably should have just got the Infinity HC, but it would have felt weird not starting from the beginning on those two series.

this hobby man..how do some of you guys do it. Your weekly pull lists are like 10 comics

Cheap vegetables cooked in soy sauce and fried noodles with a glass of water ;)

But you are in for a ride. The stories you are about to read are (some of) the BEST Avengers stories in the history.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Just skip the words and look at the pictures in Ms Marvel. I dunno, maybe I'm the exception and everyone else will BenjaminBirdie it and declare it the #BESTBOOKEVER and #ONLYPOSSIBLEINTHEMARVELU!!!
I'll give it a couple issues to work out the kinks and find its groove.

Hah, shop didn't even have any copies. I guess I'll weigh in next week then.

They did have copies of Green Arrow though, so I'll be able to read this beast of a comic when I get home! Can't wait for that Sorrentino magic.


I did not get the vibe that this will be the main focus of the book. It will have to deal with some sort of
identity crisis
indeed, but I think it is fitting for the character.
She is 16, between different worlds and has to find some kind of self. And I hope that we will get to see how the different characters are not stereotypes of their respective cultures. The tropes shown were retracted nicely and thus I found it engaging.
I hope the
white and blonde
is dealt with in a few issues and we see the character as shown in the previews.

All of the advanced press I read for the book mentioned Kamala wishing she was
white/light skinned and blonde
, so based on that and the last page I figure that will be a theme for the first arc. I really enjoyed how Nakia/Kiki was written, I knew a couple of Muslim girls like her in college. Like I said, I'll give it a couple issues, but the writing overall didn't blow me away.
How come nobody has ever said how good the superior foes of spiderman is? Just picked up issues 1-5 over the weekend, good stuff!

Bad thing is im snowed in and the roads are terrible so I won't be getting this weeks comics until the weekend.
Which series are the best to read if you like cable? X-force? Deadpool and cable? 2000s reboot of cable? Other stuff?
Cable and Deadpool is where I enjoy him most. If you don't hate Deadpool that's where I would go first.

That reboot from the 2000s starts off solid but after about 15 issues I wasn't interested anymore. It could have picked up in the last 10 issues and ended well, but I wasn't sticking around to find out. I haven't really read much of the X-Force stuff he's in so I can't really speak about it either way.

I know that I bought two volumes of Cable Classic and I won't be taking them off the shelf again any time soon.
I love the bizarre way he is holding the arrow.
ahaha, i figured that's where it'd be off. i'd never be able to tell
Speaking as a fan of Cable, the 90's stuff is still a pretty rough read.
yeah, that doesn't surprise me. it's too bad. comics need more big time travel super soldier guys with huge ass guns.
Loki was exactly everything I wanted it to be, which is just Loki being a smartass to everyone. You don't need anything else, just twists and turns and stuff. Fun as heck.
Perfect. that's exactly what i want from a Loki spy book. that was the best thing about Thor 2. just Loki trolling the shit out of everyone.


I'm not sure the direction Edmonson is taking the Punisher in is appropriate, feels a bit off to make it your friendly neighborhood guy who murders the fuck out of gangs, but, fuck it, Punisher #1 was a pretty good action book in which things blow up.

As for Ms. Marvel, I'm not sure what to think. Like, it's not mindblowing, quite the opposite in fact, it's riddled with clichés, but, like, I don't know if it needed to be anything else, considering the context in which it's made. It's absolutely necessary and completely unnecessary at the same time. It's a book I wanna fight to the death for in principle, that's absolutely not worth fighting for in any way whatsoever. I love that it exists for sure. But it's not very good.

Loki was exactly everything I wanted it to be, which is just Loki being a smartass to everyone. You don't need anything else, just twists and turns and stuff. Fun as heck.


Ms. Marvel 1

Wow, that beat the ethnic angst drum HARD. I guess it read like it was trying to squeeze way too much of an origin into a single issue. The exposition was to be expected, but still stung to read.
ended up getting Infinity HC, New Avengers Vol 1, Avengers Vol 1 and 2.

Probably should have just got the Infinity HC, but it would have felt weird not starting from the beginning on those two series.

Nah, you made the right call. If there was a series you should make sure you're up on before the event, it's this one. Hickman's plots are intricate beasts and tbh, I'm not really sure there would be enough pay off if you're not invested into all of it, since often his focus on crazy deep intense plot means it's softer on the character side. Also, Avengers 1 & 2, and New Avengers 1 are amazing, so there's that too. Did you buy these in store or order them online?

Also, I finished the first Unknown Soldier trade. Damn. I have the rest of the series in my instocktrades cart. Who is Joshua Dysart and why is he not writing any books currently?

Fuuuuuck yes. He does write a book right now though man, one of the valiant books. I don't read it, but I await another creator owned work from him with baited breath. He's also super cool on twitter. Read mooooooore.
New Guardians? Not bad by any means, but I find RL more entertaining.

It's a good book and many characters are written really well. But neither Guy nor Atrocitus work for me too well.

But both of them are the "better" Lantern books at this moment.
How's Avengers Assemble been? Debating if I should start with the first TBP or just go from the Captain Marvel tie-in. I know it ties in to Age of Ultron after the first TBP but I'm not planning on getting into that.
What is the deal with Bucky at present? Does Natasha still not remember their shared history?

Nah she doesn't. Read LAtour's last volume of Winter Soldier and that is him pretty much up to date. He's basically still off the map and dead to most. There's a plot thread in
Secret Avengers
with him which has involved him literally in one panel so far, but apparently that will be paid off in the last issues of
how to main a mockingbird
. Going forward, expect him to appear in New Invaders, Remender's Winter Soldier mini (but this is set in the past and he's more terminator here) and Cap around issue 18 onwards. I hope we see him under the pen of Edmondson or Kot eventually though, I think he'd be much more suite din the page sof Secret Avengers or Black Widow (or even his own book). The one big spot I'm really excited to see him in is in Original Sin under the pen of Aaron, Aaron has definitely name checked him as appearing. I doubt he'll have a big role but with Nick Fury taking centre stage he definitely might command a sideplot of his own (nick sending him in to extract something from somewhere or the like):

Speaking more of the characters involved, Aaron reiterated than along with the obligatory major Marvel names -- "Thor has some big scenes later in the series" -- "Original Sin" will also have less expected players and combinations, divulging that Gamora, Moon Knight and the Winter Soldier will travel to space together

Tim you read Phantom Stranger yet? Another solid issue in the story. Nothing really ground breaking happened but everything that does happen is just well thought out and matters. I don't think there has been one throw away idea in this story.


Cheap vegetables cooked in soy sauce and fried noodles with a glass of water ;)

But you are in for a ride. The stories you are about to read are (some of) the BEST Avengers stories in the history.

Nah, you made the right call. If there was a series you should make sure you're up on before the event, it's this one. Hickman's plots are intricate beasts and tbh, I'm not really sure there would be enough pay off if you're not invested into all of it, since often his focus on crazy deep intense plot means it's softer on the character side. Also, Avengers 1 & 2, and New Avengers 1 are amazing, so there's that too. Did you buy these in store or order them online?

good to hear

Got them off IST. I put my grudge aside for now because Infinity for 50% off was too good to pass up on.

Just paid the extra $4 for Fed Ex shipping because fuck USPS. Hopefully FedEx doesn't fuck up
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