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COMICS! |OT| February 2014. Flowers? Candy? Please. Get that guy/gal an omnibus!

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Right now looks like I'll have at least two new creator-owned projects debuting this year, beginning with SOUTHERN BASTARDS.

Jason Aaron on twitter an hour ago. Thank the all-father. So that's 5 books so far, bring it oooooon.
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight #5 was the most disturbing comic I've read. It filled me with rage. I've never wanted so badly to see a comic book character die a horrible death. But now I can't wait for the next issue to see Branwyn savagely kill all of the people.

The way Grindhouse works is it's an 8-part series comprised of two-part stories done in the fashion of 70s Grindhouse films. Kinda dig that format actually. And Alex de Campi has my attention with her writing. Funny though to think she also writes My Little Pony comics.

Jedeye Sniv


I was good until the last one where it was across 3 pages but I see it now. I didn't look at the background for some reason and just looked like a random triangle drawn over top at the end. I'm tired. :(

I thought that was either the coolest bit (Ben's red face in the middle made it quite clear) or it was evidence of Fraction maybe reaching a little, who knows.

But really, for the sake of your own brain, your reaction to a neat piece of information from someone who really knows the medium should probably not be "The fuck?"
I thought that was either the coolest bit (Ben's red face in the middle made it quite clear) or it was evidence of Fraction maybe reaching a little, who knows.

But really, for the sake of your own brain, your reaction to a neat piece of information from someone who really knows the medium should probably not be "The fuck?"

Eh, I'll admit that I have no idea what he's even talking about for most of it. Maybe to someone more knowledgable it's cool but for me it mostly seemed like gibberish. I know nothing about reverse engineering comics and was completely lost by the seemingly gibberish he wrote in the two columns to the right of his sketches.

And I have no idea who Matt Fraction is so he might be a master of the medium but it was lost on me at least. It was more a "the fuck?" in the sense of I have no clue what he's talking about than an insult or whatever you took it as.


Do you write, Bronson? I'd love to hear more about that if you can recall any specifics.
I really want to get back to writing, but since graduating I've been busy finding freelance work. Hopefully when I get a job I'll revisit writing comics.

Bendis' class had three major writing assignments. One involved writing and drawing six pages of your own stuff (he didn't care about art quality, just storytelling) and one was a collaboration with students in another prof's art class (which went terribly for me). The last one was my favorite -a self-contained 22-page comic, with pitch meetings and everything. He also had a series of guests (Fraction, Rucka, Samnee, Oeming, Dark Horse Editor Diana Schutz), taught from Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art and screened some pretty great documentaries (Visions of Light, Comic Book Confidential).

Overall I was surprised and impressed with Bendis' enthusiasm for the medium, and for teaching. I went in skeptical because I don't love all of his work, but I'd recommend the class to like anyone in this thread.


Really like Bombshells Zatanna's outfit/pose but not so sure about the hairstyle and what look like chest tattoos.

Seconded...not sure about that hair. I'm still trying to avoid statues, i came upon a batman black and white allred one and that was tempting. The article says there is a DC Cover girls Mera statue announced alongside Katana but no picture, maybe they wrote that too fast.

That Wonder Woman line looks interesting, Paquette's is tempting.

well, avoid MORE statues, i have two right now and i don't want to start something that expensive. DC Cover Girls Catwoman Hughes model and Batman Black and White Bermejo are good enough maybe...
Leonard Kirk's art on the new FF relaunch is ...fantastic. I just don't think Robinson's style of writing is for me, but that art, it's going to be a great looking book.


Seconded...not sure about that hair. I'm still trying to avoid statues, i came upon a batman black and white allred one and that was tempting. The article says there is a DC Cover girls Mera statue announced alongside Katana but no picture, maybe they wrote that too fast.

That Wonder Woman line looks interesting, Paquette's is tempting.

well, avoid MORE statues, i have two right now and i don't want to start something that expensive. DC Cover Girls Catwoman Hughes model and Batman Black and White Bermejo are good enough maybe...

Hey dc how about Catwoman and Batwoman Bombshells?
What's this Fairy Quest kick-starter about? The art looks gorgeous. Is it possible to get vol 1 and 2 hardcovers off the kick-starter?

They did a pretty successful one for the first book. doesn't look like there's options for both HCs through here though, but it looks like IST still has the first HC. The paperback is also available on amazon. I bought the first issues when they were on sale on Comixology recently, i should read those sometime. Ramos' art looks really good based on the previews
Sometimes when I read a professional reviewers review I have to make a judgement call whether they are actually reviewing it or if they are part of the marketing team and are actively trying to push the book as though they have a financial interest in it's success.
eh, "professional reviewers." I don't really read reviews that often because anyone can be a reviewer if they want, doesn't mean i'm gonna trust their opinion. there are some critics i like and trust but otherwise i'll just flip through it at the shop if i'm interested
Part of my wife's valentines day gift. 11x17 print framed.



Finally read Amazing Spider-Man #700.

Peter fucking DIED, dude. No hope at all for him whatsoever in that issue. I can see why some people were upset, what was the reaction like on GAF?
Using this week's issue as an incentive, I finally caught up on these 5-6 Thor issues I hadn't read yet.

I liked the first arc but damn were these past few issues awesome. I love what Aaron is building up.


Nono. What you guys want are these on your shelves:

Particularly the Drax figure that looks like a wwe repaint haha

Hahaha Gamora.

Damn, I was hoping it would be a comic/movie hybrid wave like theyre doing for Cap/Spidey. We know they have a comic Star Lord coming at least.
I really want to get back to writing, but since graduating I've been busy finding freelance work. Hopefully when I get a job I'll revisit writing comics.

Bendis' class had three major writing assignments. One involved writing and drawing six pages of your own stuff (he didn't care about art quality, just storytelling) and one was a collaboration with students in another prof's art class (which went terribly for me). The last one was my favorite -a self-contained 22-page comic, with pitch meetings and everything. He also had a series of guests (Fraction, Rucka, Samnee, Oeming, Dark Horse Editor Diana Schutz), taught from Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art and screened some pretty great documentaries (Visions of Light, Comic Book Confidential).

Overall I was surprised and impressed with Bendis' enthusiasm for the medium, and for teaching. I went in skeptical because I don't love all of his work, but I'd recommend the class to like anyone in this thread.
That sounds pretty schway brah. Bendis nearly has the work ethic of a Japanese mangaka.
There's an ever better set at Target where Groot is just a sapling in a pot.

Hahahah, I laughed out loud for that one. I want to get that for my boy just to see the disgust on his face. I'd have to have something decent lined up for right afterwards though for that joke haha.

Korupt man, you and your wife are so nice to each other haha, me and my girlfriend, the last few years we just get each other a bluray and a graphic novel and then throw in a tenner each for takeout, then we consume said movies, books and food in the evening. £30 round trip, you make me feel cheap haha. That's amazing though, I can't imagine she won't love that.
I NEED that new BTAS Batman. NEED.

I'll never be able to get one. Profound sadness.

Finally read Amazing Spider-Man #700.

Peter fucking DIED, dude. No hope at all for him whatsoever in that issue. I can see why some people were upset, what was the reaction like on GAF?

We knew he'd be back, although quite a few (including me I'll admit) said "Fuck this, fuck Slott, will come back when there's a new writer." I myself turned about on the series after getting the first issue free in that ComiXology promotion with the 700 free first issues Marvel did last year.

Non-Comic GAF was split between "This is stupid because comics are stupid and never change" and "Comics should never, ever even attempt a change because I WATCHED A CARTOON IN 1994, COME AT ME BRO!"


Hahahah, I laughed out loud for that one. I want to get that for my boy just to see the disgust on his face. I'd have to have something decent lined up for right afterwards though for that joke haha.

Korupt man, you and your wife are so nice to each other haha, me and my girlfriend, the last few years we just get each other a bluray and a graphic novel and then throw in a tenner each for takeout, then we consume said movies, books and food in the evening. £30 round trip, you make me feel cheap haha. That's amazing though, I can't imagine she won't love that.



We knew he'd be back, although quite a few (including me I'll admit) said "Fuck this, fuck Slott, will come back when there's a new writer." I myself turned about on the series after getting the first issue free in that ComiXology promotion with the 700 free first issues Marvel did last year.

Non-Comic GAF was split between "This is stupid because comics are stupid and never change" and "Comics should never, ever even attempt a change because I WATCHED A CARTOON IN 1994, COME AT ME BRO!"
I guess no one really does stay dead in comics, huh? Gotta say, though, I felt the same when I read that Peter Parker bit the dust and had his mind replaced by Otto. Total lump in my throat, that's a horrible, no-win, way to go out.

Now I don't want him to come back, lol.

I can only imagine Non-Comic GAF's reaction, though. Sounds hilarious by the sound of it, though.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Despite everyone's stance against X-Force, I gave it a go and enjoyed the art and action. Marrow sucked the first half of the issue and Fantomex stuck out too much for my liking.

I've only read a two others from the 12 I bought this week. Winter Soldier was fun and I didn't like the new Thor, besides the ending.


Nono. What you guys want are these on your shelves:

Particularly the Drax figure that looks like a wwe repaint haha

Hahaha Gamora.

Im waiting for the inevitable Funko vinyls for this movie. Will buy the shit out of those. I'll finally have a Thanos funko to match up with my Darkseid one
I just thought X-Force #1 was just flat-out bad. That's one of the few 1-star CBR reviews I'm inclined to agree with. I can't name a single thing about that book I liked.

Spurrier y u do dis
Where did you get the print? I want a print of the #15's cover.

Messi, if I ever get divorced, I'll look you up.

I bought the the print at my LCS. He always gets cool stuff that other shops around here don't get.

Donnie, you are not cheap. I think we overspend on the stuff. We have no kids and we rent a 2 bedroom apartment. We have aspirations of getting a house and would probably be close to that if we were not such impulse buyers of this stuff. On the other hand, I don't think we are ready for home ownership. We're happy though.


Disappointing to hear the reviews on X-Force #1. Won't get to read it until tomorrow at the earliest assuming that's when it's delivered.

I still have faith in Spurrier though. He hasn't let me down yet. Would be nice to see him teamed up with a decent artist at least. Tan Eng Huat pls. All is forgiven. Come back.
It's interesting to read the responses to X-Force #1. I wonder how much knowing the characters and X-Force history plays a role in peoples' judgements of it. GAF, and critics too from the sounds of it, would probably say that has nothing to do with it. That it's just a terrible comic.

I understand if people who know and care about the characters are pissed about seeing them as simplified, amplified archetypes. I'm only a little familiar with Psylocke and Cable. But I liked the characterizations. I thought their interplay was funny. And I'm too excitable like Marrow to be very annoyed by her.

I liked the art, too. Thought it was neat. Something different. But I couldn't give two shits about the plot. I struggled to follow the who and what and eventually kind of gave up and just enjoyed the dialogue. I'll probably give it a couple of arcs. Between Numbercruncher and Six-Gun Gorilla, Spurrier has earned a lot of good will.

Worst part of the comic for me was that I was reminded that I lost the sword that goes with my Psylocke action figure. Shit sucks.
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