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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.

Didn't Secret Wars have all the hallmarks of another shitty Marvel event?

Yep and hey that event was awesome.

This...isn't that. Or at least it doesn't seem like it. Part of that is Axel saying that they planned this out in months, whereas Hickman spent years (and multiple comic runs) getting everything set for Secret Wars.

I'll give it a chance, but I'm not expecting something like that.


Bendis doesn't have a good track record regarding event books.

Better yet, Bendis's track record is pretty hard to describe. All but for one aspect; his event books suuuuuuuuck.
What are the best Batman comics to read?
I've started with "Year One" , "A death in the family", "Arkham Asylum", "The killing joke". Long halloween and The return of the dark knight are on my list. Anything else?
Hush is worth it? And what about The Court of howls?

I read Grant Morrison's Batman run up to Batman and Robin last year and I'd definitely recommend that. Still need to finish up with Batman Inc.




lol...why is Thanos in the middle of the streets. Not excited about another event in 3 months


What are the best Batman comics to read?
I've started with "Year One" , "A death in the family", "Arkham Asylum", "The killing joke". Long halloween and The return of the dark knight are on my list. Anything else?
Hush is worth it? And what about The Court of howls?

All of the New 52 volumes thus far are excellent, so I would start at volume 1 and go from there.

Beyond that, The Black Mirror is pretty much essential Batman reading, I enjoyed Hush and Heart of Hush a lot, and there are many others I can't really remember right now.
Mad Love is really good, something I'd recommend to anyone really.

If you want to check out more modern stuff, check out Batman and Son and The Black Mirror.
Not necessarily modern stuff, I'm ok with the classic ones, like Year one etc.
All of the New 52 volumes thus far are excellent, so I would start at volume 1 and go from there.

Beyond that, The Black Mirror is pretty much essential Batman reading, I enjoyed Hush and Heart of Hush a lot, and there are many others I can't really remember right now.

I actually started long time ago with the new 52 volumes but then I didn't continue, not because I didn't like it, it was for the money.
the only marvel event bendis didn't shit the bed on was Fear Itself
Siege wasnt bad. Average ish if you ask me. Fraction wrote Fear Itself.

And it was really bad


All very solid writers who wrote poor Marvel events. Hickman is the only one to survive the editorial dip in quality. Maybe it's just that Marvel events are inherently difficult to write a good narrative for?

Bendis has just been the executor for more of them. The list of poorly received events gets much longer if you include line wide events and probably includes one of your favorite writers.
Batman Volume 7 came in the post today. DC had to change the spine design after six volumes didn't they? The swines.

How bad is it?

(And wasn't v3 a completely different colour also?)

Siege wasnt bad. Average ish if you ask me. Fraction wrote Fear Itself.

And it was really bad


All very solid writers who wrote poor Marvel events. Hickman is the only one to survive the editorial dip in quality. Maybe it's just that Marvel events are inherently difficult to write a good narrative for?

Bendis has just been the executor for more of them. The list of poorly received events gets much longer if you include line wide events and probably includes one of your favorite writers.

What events would you say were well received in general?
How bad is it?

(And wasn't v3 a completely different colour also?)

Death of the Family was white instead of black, but the design was still the same. They've replaced the blue bit at the top with an image of the cover and the font's different as well.

It looks fine, it's just nice when they stick with the same design for the set, especially seeing it'll be over soon.
Death of the Family was white instead of black, but the design was still the same. They've replaced the blue bit at the top with an image of the cover and the font's different as well.

It looks fine, it's just nice when they stick with the same design for the set, especially seeing it'll be over soon.

Ugh. I can understand if there was a change in imprint/publisher, but this is just shitty.

It is definitely nice to have the same design.
Didn't Secret Wars have all the hallmarks of another shitty Marvel event?

Yep and hey that event was awesome.

I'm as amazed as anyone that they stuck the landing on that one, which is really the difficult part as far as Marvel events are concerned.

Mr. Hickman planned Secret Wars for almost a decade.
Mr. Alonso flat out stated that they're going into this with almost no prep time.

They just want to have something in print to try and capture sales from some of the MCU fans after they see the new Captain America movie. On paper, the plot sounds really stupid. They're essentially having a Minority Report debate.

the only marvel event bendis didn't shit the bed on was Fear Itself

Not sure if I'd agree. Like a lot of Marvel events, it started off really well and then turned to shit by the end.


Secret Wars is Marvel's equivalent to Final Crisis right? Company wide event that was advertised as having a large impact on the universe, but whose final mainline titles ended up releasing after books that took place after the event. Also, based on what I've read, the ending seems like something that would have come from the Morrison trick bag. If so, I'm definitely going to buy the collection. I loved Final Crisis, faults and all.


Hickman's Secret Wars.
Infinity Gauntlet
I've never heard anyone complain about House of M...

Not a big fan of Infinity. I'd definitely put Siege above it, and honestly probably even the original Civil War.

Not sure if I'd agree. Like a lot of Marvel events, it started off really well and then turned to shit by the end.

Re: Fear Itself - agreed here. Good buildup, no payoff.

The Enchanter

Neo Member
What are peoples views on Mirror? Lim's art totally drew me in on the Image promo, though when I read the sample panels I found it a little hard to follow.

It looks pretty gorgeous and dreamlike though.
Speaking of crappy events, what about Original Sin? The only good thing to come out of that stinker was that we got to see the Orb again.



Speaking of crappy events, what about Original Sin? The only good thing to come out of that stinker was that we got to see the Orb again.


I still have no fucking idea who Dr. Midas and Exterminatrix are.

I thought Fear Itself was fine but the escalation from Sin becoming Red Skull to becoming Skadi took place too quickly and being a big crossover took away from the Bucky /Sin rivalry that could have been. Instead he gets the uniform back after the Trial of Captain America and gets wrecked by Skadi.


Mr. Bendis is fresh off the heels of Ultimate End.
How can anyone have faith in him writing a line-wide event.

The same guy who just got done writing Uncanny, All New X-men and Miles-Man. Currently on one of the best ANAD books.


...and now I can't stop picturing the Daredevil v2 TPB's on my shelf where they are all numbered except for one that has a silhouette of his head where the number should be.
...and now I can't stop picturing the Daredevil v2 TPB's on my shelf where they are all numbered except for one that has a silhouette of his head where the number should be.

It happens to everyone.

Image seems to have stayed away from this problem with their OHCs.
What are the best Batman comics to read?
I've started with "Year One" , "A death in the family", "Arkham Asylum", "The killing joke". Long halloween and The return of the dark knight are on my list. Anything else?
Hush is worth it? And what about The Court of howls?

Late to this, but I'd definitely recommend Court of Owls. Hush is okay, Heart of Hush is better, but ultimately the character kind of feels... same-y in all of their appearances and storylines. It's like Bane's problem, where he's stuck in an infinite retelling of Knightfall, but moreso because even Bane has some cool stuff outside of that. Hush has pretty much one move.

Court of Owls is fantastic stuff, as is the rest of the New 52 run.


Just read Obi-Wan and Anakin #2.

This is what was missing from the prequels! An actual relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin, instead of pointless arguing like in Episode II.
Late to this, but I'd definitely recommend Court of Owls. Hush is okay, Heart of Hush is better, but ultimately the character kind of feels... same-y in all of their appearances and storylines. It's like Bane's problem, where he's stuck in an infinite retelling of Knightfall, but moreso because even Bane has some cool stuff outside of that. Hush has pretty much one move.

Court of Owls is fantastic stuff, as is the rest of the New 52 run.

is heart of hush a sequel to Hush?
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