
All the signs pointed to no for anyone with a bit of common sense.
Hickman (by far the best writer at Marvel at the time) writing it
His previous event, Infinity, was the best Marvel crossover event in years
Avengers and New Avengers runs were fantastic
Meticulously planned, with plot elements set up all the way back in his Fantastic Four/FF run.
Still pisses me off that editorial messed with that and had it spun out into a crossover instead of just being the final Uncanny Avengers ark.
The ending to Vision #4 was something. Amazing book.
That's a good call. Dark Prelude is okay, but not core. Dark Cybertron is really not very good but the events of MTMTE Volume 6 would not make much sense without it.
Could someone check something for me? Transformers Volume 6: Police Action is in the sale, but in the UK at least it's £5.49, which is a lot compared to the others given it's the shortest trade. Is it more expensive than the others on the US site too, or a cockup?
I need guidance on matters involving this Transformers IDW sale.
Sure thing! Here's my reading order, hope I'm not late with it :X
Now I just need DC coke zero and my already colossal sense of moral superiority will become complete.
Doesn't dc have a dr pepper thing going
Doesn't dc have a dr pepper thing going
Not at all! Appreciate the input. I haven't started reading any yet, but I'll see if it's for me and if I'll buy more before the sale ends.
I hate read OS. I'm a big fan of Aaron's work but eesh. I still don't know why it was supposed to be important.Nah. I'd knock House of M down at least one, and bump up WWH and Original Sin up to average. As disappointing as Axis was, I don't think it's any worse than AvX.
Yeah I haven't read all the events. Only listed the ones I remember. Even then I haven't read Secret Invasion in like 7 years.You're forgetting a few events, and I will never not be enraged that Axis went down the way it did. It would have been such a perfect capstone to Remender's saga.
Yes, sadly.
Garbage tier drink, why DC why?
Dr Pepper probably jumped on them like they did AoU last year, Doritos also has something with Batman V Superman this year like Avengers last year.
This may be the first time in the history of ever I've agreed with a Rob Bricken article on io9.
Warning: contains the awful, awful TV show Big Bang Theory shitting on Vaughan and Staples' Saga comic.
Is anyone into the new run of Doctor Strange? I'm new to comics, but not to animated features and the like, so being a fan of this character, I thought I'd start with the new stuff. Anyone else? Any other quintessential Doc Strange stuff that you'd recommend?
"That it’s a sexy, funny, tragic, amazing Star Wars for grown-ups?"
that oversell on Saga....
Is anyone into the new run of Doctor Strange? I'm new to comics, but not to animated features and the like, so being a fan of this character, I thought I'd start with the new stuff. Anyone else? Any other quintessential Doc Strange stuff that you'd recommend?
Yeah, I'd definitely recommend it. It's the first Doctor Strange comic I've read and I've really enjoyed the first four issues.
I didn't word my post well at all. I'm actually on the fifth issue of the new run, and really enjoying it. Any back issue story arcs that are "can't miss" for the doc?
The Oath
Doctor Strange/Doctor Doom: Triumph & Torment
Strange: The Doctor is Out
I was gonna say both Secret Wars events prior to this one and Infinity Gauntlet. Plus there's Age of Apocalypse and Atlantis Rising.Yeah I haven't read all the events. Only listed the ones I remember. Even then I haven't read Secret Invasion in like 7 years.
Isn't Dr. Strange: Season One supposed to be really good?The Oath
Doctor Strange/Doctor Doom: Triumph & Torment
Strange: The Doctor is Out
The best in storytellingWell, I've just read the issue of the Avengers where Ultron gets his first reveal. I think.
Jarvis is in need of money for an operation for his Mother. Yet, despite working for one of the wealthiest men in America, he decides to gather a bunch of has-been Villains... I mean even for Marvel this is dumb.
*sees Zack Snyder's comments about Superman*
"Anyone who knows the true canon knows I didn't change Superman"
*blinks furiously at the notion of there being a true canon* remembers that they had a speech that went most of the way to defining Superman at the start of the film*
I have no idea what canon he could be referring to, because I can't remember a time when Superman just fucking gave up and snapped a neck, like "welp, I tried everything, so I'm gonna get my necksnap on".
Lol, exactly. Part of me isn't annoyed about it because it's not like it is literally comic Superman or whatever favorite incarnation people have...but it just feels so...
Isn't Dr. Strange: Season One supposed to be really good?
I always took it as creative license on what made Superman feel so strongly about not killing after he did that.
Lol, exactly. Part of me isn't annoyed about it because it's not like it is literally comic Superman or whatever favorite incarnation people have...but it just feels so...
This may be the first time in the history of ever I've agreed with a Rob Bricken article on io9.
Warning: contains the awful, awful TV show Big Bang Theory shitting on Vaughan and Staples' Saga comic.
I have no idea what canon he could be referring to, because I can't remember a time when Superman just fucking gave up and snapped a neck, like "welp, I tried everything, so I'm gonna get my necksnap on".
Lol, exactly. Part of me isn't annoyed about it because it's not like it is literally comic Superman or whatever favorite incarnation people have...but it just feels so...
Superman would be more interesting to me if he snapped more fools necks.
Since nerds can't handle a cover that shows breastfeeding maybe it would be better to have the next cover be a dragon sucking his own dick. Gotta keep it family friendly right?
I don't ever plan to collect statues but that spider gwen reveal got me hype.
I collect a lot of gundam kits that I display so it is more of a space issue than a interest issue.The bishoujo line from Kotobukiya is a relatively cheap alternative to the vast majority of figures out there. They generally range for about $55-$70 each, and for the price-quality ratio, they can't be beat.
but is there a good site to buy these statues at?
Ahh Ty, I will look more into this.The usual Japanese shops if you want to get them as soon as they come out. AmiAmi, Hobbysearch, HLJ.
If you're patient, they hit Amazon about a month later. If you're really patient, you can just keep an eye on the price, as most of them will eventually hit $55 on Amazon.
They're pretty widely available and you usually don't have to worry about getting one you want. Kotobukiya's production runs are pretty massive. If you really want one, I'd grab it within the first few months it's out, because once they start to get scarce they seem to shoot up in price pretty drastically. And as much as I love these, I wouldn't pay more than $100 for any one statue.