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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.

Batman & Robin #29-#34, Robin Rises Omega #1 : Continues to be really good fun. Damn cliffhanger to end the volume on though. (
Am a bit lost as to why Luthor is in the Justice League

On that note, what shitty QC on the tpb printing by DC. Like watching a television with overscan turned on.


C.O.W.L #7-#11: - Pretty strong conclusion to the run. Doppler's powers were very cool and his design was very memorable too (especially the mask).

Can't help but think though that the series would have gained a lot by being set in a more established "comic city". Maybe as part of the Marvel/DC universe or even a part of Astro City.

Also, I wonder why #6 got left out of the trades.


i presume this thread is a little quiet because everyone is either getting mugged or watching the Republican debate. I hope it's the debate.


totally buying the spider-gwen statue and looking for matching acrylic paints.

edit: well, maybe not....statues are all against me and i haven't read the spider-gwen book yet so that first. Harley is kinda okay but seems a little generic harley-ish. Maybe too many harley statues?


Really enjoying this new volume of Howard the duck. The first volume was OK but this is really good. They have a great cast now and the most recent issue was really cool. Zdarsky is clearly having fun. Quinones art is on point as usual.

#2 was surprisingly sad and touching.


Really enjoying this new volume of Howard the duck. The first volume was OK but this is really good. They have a great cast now and the most recent issue was really cool. Zdarsky is clearly having fun. Quinones art is on point as usual.

#2 was surprisingly sad and touching.

Q I think is taking a break, Kevin Maguire will be doing #7


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Deadpool getting great reviews it seems.

The movie that is.


Does anyone know officially if the Uncanny X-Force Omnibus is getting a reprint anytime soon? I really want to pick one up but im not about to drop 175$ on it. Ive seen a few sites like Overstock.com listing it as getting a reprint Dec 31 2016 but I dont know how reliable they are.

I just got Deadpool and Cable & Deadpool's Omnibuses and they are awesome! Seriously wish I had started buying these earlier since I have all the comics packed away and dont want to dig them out every time I want to read them.


Does anyone know officially if the Uncanny X-Force Omnibus is getting a reprint anytime soon? I really want to pick one up but im not about to drop 175$ on it. Ive seen a few sites like Overstock.com listing it as getting a reprint Dec 31 2016 but I dont know how reliable they are.

I just got Deadpool and Cable & Deadpool's Omnibuses and they are awesome! Seriously wish I had started buying these earlier since I have all the comics packed away and dont want to dig them out every time I want to read them.

Nothing was announced for an Uncanny omni reprint so that date is bogus. It is expensive because it is gone out of print sadly :/
People weren't lying about Animal Man. 5 issues in and this is just great comics.

The Lemire one or the Morrison one? (I agree, both are quite good).

Does anyone know officially if the Uncanny X-Force Omnibus is getting a reprint anytime soon? I really want to pick one up but im not about to drop 175$ on it. Ive seen a few sites like Overstock.com listing it as getting a reprint Dec 31 2016 but I dont know how reliable they are.

I just got Deadpool and Cable & Deadpool's Omnibuses and they are awesome! Seriously wish I had started buying these earlier since I have all the comics packed away and dont want to dig them out every time I want to read them.

I haven't seen the Uncanny X-Force omnibus re-solicited recently.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I like how the comic thread of all places os the thread where the LEAST amount of Deadpool movie talk is happening


I like how the comic thread of all places os the thread where the LEAST amount of Deadpool movie talk is happening

i remember Ryan Reynolds in Green Lantern so i don't feel like saying anything until i see the movie...on blu ray when it comes out. Might go to the theaters for Suicide Squad, Star Wars is the only time i've gone in the last five or so years.
Red Lanterns Vol. 3: The Second Prophecy

Honestly, I don't think there's too many concepts that outdo "cosmic horror blood magic" as far as "Can you dig it?" Because I dig it hard. If there's anything about this book to take anything away from, it's that the lore surrounding this book is fantastic. I love it. Necromancy, other dimensional demons, blood magic and blood prophecies...it's all great.

That being said, this particular volume deals with Atrocitus' back story a lot. Showing how he discovered blood magic and who the Five Inversions really were (a bunch of demons and then Atrocitus). Atrocitus then straight murders his fellow Inversions (one of whom was his demon lover) and successfully performs a prophecy that shows who he is. Thus beginning the saga of Atrocitus and Co. Honestly, he's become one of my favorite characters, and his realization that rage for the sake of rage is meaningless, but rage used for the sake of others is not. It also showed that Atrocitus has a much more tactical mind, being able to keep a cool head whilst still utilizing his rage to carry out his plans (such as planting a Manhunter army ahead of time). I like Milligan's attempt to add depth to a concept that Johns' portrayed as very one-note. The added depth to the Red Lanterns' powers (effectively it's just super-powered blood magic, since Atrocitus was a hoss before he created the Red Lanterns by just using blood magic) is incredibly welcome as well. Especially being that blood magic is already broke (can control Manhunters). Despite that The End (Johns' final arc within the GL franchise) is incorporated into this book, re-reading it with the added knowledge of the Red Lanterns' side of this added something to the story. Sinestro's gift to Atrocitus (the life of a Guardian) showed respect (real respects real) that added to Sinestro's character.

Now, on to the other main storylines: one of these is the Red Lantern Power Battery, still in a weakened state after the First Red Lanterns tried to destroy it from within. This leads Atrocitus to assign Ratchet to figure out the problem. Ratchet discovers that the Inversions are indeed back, and are awaiting a time to deal a reckoning to Atrocitus.. The cause of their return is not explicitly stated, though it is hinted at that, since the Battery was built upon their graves, that they've been feeding off its power (again, blood magic) in order to grow stronger, This in turn, of course, leads to the discovery that they are the ones draining the battery. However, due to the First Lantern's great fuckery, Atrocitus orders his corps to murder him, during which he is "reborn" as a new Atrocitus. The Inversions retreat, and the Corps goes to fight the First Lantern and return back to Ysmault, the Battery assumedly operating at full capacity (it's never fully explained).

Now, the third main storyline involves Rankorr, and...fuck Rankorr. He adds nothing. His only contribution to the whole damn thing is that he's the only human Red Lantern, the only Red Lantern who can make constructs (which is how Atrocitus learns how to use the Manhunters to fight the Third Army that the Guardians unleashed and the Red Lanterns encountered much earlier in the book), and that Bleez wants his power. I suppose his storyline is interesting in the sense that becoming a Red Lantern means you become a monster, but honestly you could do that with literally anyone. Rankorr's only role is to be this special flower that can make constructs and is apparently the "heart" of the Red Lantern Corps. Quite honestly, though, I'd give that role to Ratchet (he doesn't get enough love). Oh, and Bleez wants his blood so she can make constructs (because apparently only humans/Rankorr can do it). That's about it. It's especially stupid, considering that at the end of the book, he declares that "there are no humans here," meaning that he no longer holds the role of "heart of the Corps" anymore. He's completely pointless.

Beyond that, the art is great and the writing is solid. Though, the dialogue does use the words "rage," "blood," and "magic" far too often. I really enjoy this book, and I believe this is the end of Milligan's run, which means Soule's run is up next. Since Soule's run is the one that gets praised, and I like Soule, and I like this book...well, quite honestly it's a match made in heaven for me.
I got Batgirl today too.

As far as I'm concerned, 1995 - 2004 was one of DC's greatest creative periods, until Identity Crisis ruined everything.
Not everything. It gave us Simone's Secret Six run, which was godlike.
people are weird, there is no Deadpool movie, everyone's thinking of Blade Trinity, go give that another watch.

At least that has Triple H


Not everything. It gave us Simone's Secret Six run, which was godlike.

No, not entirely.

But the Post-Crisis DCU is, as far as I'm concerned, the best one. It built a myth around the heroes and actually moved the universe forward.

There's always going to be a handful of good books, but the DCU of the late 90s moved in tandem towards the unifying theme of the heroic legacy. That these stories had happened, are happening now, and will happen in the far future.
No, not entirely.

But the Post-Crisis DCU is, as far as I'm concerned, the best one. It built a myth around the heroes and actually moved the universe forward.

There's always going to be a handful of good books, but the DCU of the late 90s moved in tandem towards the unifying theme of the heroic legacy. That these stories had happened, are happening now, and will happen in the far future.
It was my favorite DC are for sure. Things took a hit when N52 happened


i don't like announcing a series without the creative team, seems like it only exists for property synergy and the quality is secondary.


So wait, when was it that Female Loki happened again, and was that any good? Heck, now that I'm thinking of it, anything else good Loki-wise outside of the Gillen JiM run->Young Avengers->Agent of ASGARD?

Oh, and off-topic, but since figure stuff is happening, any good news site for those things? Like, I want a way to keep up with what's announced that doesn't involve forums or threads, but I've been trying to use tomopop.com and that just honestly doesn't seem to have great coverage. Like, it gives some information, but it definitely doesn't seem to cover everything, far as I can tell. Just want something nice that covers figmas, nendoroids, figuarts (zero), etc...
Wytches #1 - #6: Felt like a rather paint by numbers horror story. With the reasons some character did something being as obscure as in any other horror movie. The art was pretty nice though but no real interest in reading anymore.


Just bought a 128GB iPad Air 2. Yessssssssss

Just don't play Hearthstone in the hot sun with an apple cover attached....mine got too hot and faded the casing side the magnetic cover was attached to. I thought there was never a bad time to play hearthstone....
How come no one told me that Bendis and Maleev were working on a new series?!
In fairness, comic movie/TV talk is where sensible discussion goes to die.

I'm going Thursday morning, looking forward to it.

It makes me sad that it does. Why is it so hard to have a good discussion? It always gets boiled down to, "It was shit," followed by, "no but it was the greatest and fuck your terrible opinion."

It makes me sad that it does. Why is it so hard to have a good discussion? It always gets boiled down to, "It was shit," followed by, "no but it was the greatest and fuck your terrible opinion."


I think, these days at least, maybe people put a bit too much of their identity in the media they consume. Mainly because there's very little else out there for the younger generation to attach themselves to. I know I have been guilty of it for lots of my life, but it's something I'm actively seeking to fix. It's mainly because I hate labels though.
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