Rad as fuck. I honestly forgot about that book.
It just came out in a condensed edition. I saw it at IST the other week, though it seems to be out of stock at the moment.
Rad as fuck. I honestly forgot about that book.
Regarding Hijinx, cant wait for the Harley & Ivy Deluxe Edition later this month.
Amazon DE still lists it for the 16th, but the changing dates always arrive sunday evening, so yay!That's this Wednesday bro
Maybe we should do something really mainstream next time.
Miles Spider-Man as I planed, Batman. Etc. Something that has a Movie coming up and is currently beeing hyped by the movie goers.
Our stuff seems to be to niche.
The coloring was done very well. The pencils, though...Anyway, it seems like it's setting up for more of a "long journey to save the world" type of story. If you like those, then I'd pick up the first issue and see if it tickles your fancy.
Amazon DE still lists it for the 16th, but the changing dates always arrive sunday evening, so yay!
Ah Amazon are always a few weeks behind the direct market.
Messi list is under construction and will be posted later this evening. Apologies for the delay. Messi Corp had some hijinks related delays today.
Dont even think about reading Captain AmericaDear lord. Fantastic Four just after heroes reborn is utterly terrible. It's bad in ways I didn't think possible.
What did you buy?
Hmm. I do like those kind of stories, but usually when there is a bunch of material available. I might wait for a few issues to come out then.
Dear lord. Fantastic Four just after heroes reborn is utterly terrible. It's bad in ways I didn't think possible.
Sounds bad. Do we need to put you on suicide watch?
Is the current series of Ninja Turtles worth reading? Might grab a few trades
It's the best version of TMNT IMO.
Ah man, the times you want to yell at persons but cant/dont dare.
And that makes you sad until you almost cry because you feel so alone and awful and a couple of months ago everything was so perfect?
I really feel bad. Because I really dont know if its because of me or something else. Or if anything is really going on and I am not just thinking to much, which has happened a couple of times.I love you man!
So that newest manga vs. comics thread is... fun...
Hm, getting killed by psychich clowns or getting a building dropped on your head by a careless alien-dude.Preferred tourist destination? Gotham or Metropolis.
Yes it is!I'll be ok. I know there's some good stuff coming up eventually. I figure I'll appreciate it more if I wade through all this shite first
Is the current series of Ninja Turtles worth reading? Might grab a few trades
yeah, I don't wanna say that there aren't differences because, y'know, there are, but a lot the people who are really in it one or the other seem like they haven't really engaged with the other beyond the really obvious elements
Is the current series of Ninja Turtles worth reading? Might grab a few trades
My favourite was when I thought I saw someone call manga white, and homogeneous when the massive majority of it takes place in Japan with Japanese characters. So homogeneous sure but more East Asian than anything else.
Preferred tourist destination? Gotham or Metropolis.
It's funny, I was just thinking about how incredibly homogenous Manga is, but you'd have to be pretty out of it to assume that everybody's as white as they look
Gotham fo sho. Love me some Gothic architecture.
Ah man, the times you want to yell at persons but cant/dont dare.
And that makes you sad until you almost cry because you feel so alone and awful and a couple of months ago everything was so perfect?
True, though Jormungand is really diverse both for nationalities and race regardless of manga/comics it's compared to. But yeah... 99% of manga has Japan as a setting so they're asian.
What really blows me away is when they have an international premise (i.e. team of whatevers fighting a global threat, best whatever school in the world) and every significant character is japanese or half japanese.
I mean, I guess that's a lot of fiction for you to some degree, like how the same thing will happen with Americans in stuff from America. Terra Formars definitely suffers from that to a decent degree too (and is another one with a good bit of nationalities sprinkled around). Oh, and I was actually just watching Michiko and Hatchin recently, which is a really interesting one because it kind of plays on that by being pseudo-Brazil (which has a significant Japanese population), which was a cool thing to see. I guess there's also a lot of stuff where race is indeterminate/fantasy, ala One Piece and the like. But yeah, would be nice to see other ethnicities see play more commonly in manga. Like, as much crap as I can give Bleach, at least it has a decent number of examples of darker skinned characters (though IIRC maybe some of those run into the old "tan, not black" thing?) Or the old standby of fantastically done international characterization, G Gundam.I do legit love G Gundam, but stuff like "Tequila Gundam" are... yeah...
Edit: American comics definitely have that issue too, though. Like, I would not be surprised if there's more (significant?) Marvel/DC heroes from space/different dimensions/other timelines than there are from other countries than the US.
Bleach is actually kind of egregious; you've got the Quincies, a group with strictly germanic naming schemes, and... they're all Japanese (or at least they were when I stopped reading). The afterlife, the one everybody goes to, is Japan themed. And so on. That said, it does get a lot better when you expand to sci fi and fantasy, but there's still issues with cultural bleedthrough. Now, maybe I'm just noticing them because I'm not immersed in Japanese, and fail to notice the Anglosphere examples, but considering how unique a lot of Japanese cultural indicators are... it stands out. So many fictional countries out there eat rice balls, etc. even though literally everything else is lifted from different basings. Gets especially strange when there's a fantasy counterpart to Japan in-universe that nobody in the main cast has been to.
You're right that there's a strong tendency towards american-centric makeups in american comics, and they do need to work more on that, but a lot of that stuff from the big 2 is down to them having roots stretching back to the 40s. Legacy and all that. Manga series generally don't have that excuse.
Guys, what if Harley Quinn is on Iron Mans team?
not sure I would like that.
If that happens, then she's jumped publishers to Marvel, and you can look forward to six Harley ongoings.
Would Marvel do more books than DC? If both companies traded. Deadpool for Harley.
Would Marvel do more books than DC? If both companies traded. Deadpool for Harley.
Bleach is actually kind of egregious; you've got the Quincies, a group with strictly germanic naming schemes, and... they're all Japanese (or at least they were when I stopped reading). The afterlife, the one everybody goes to, is Japan themed. And so on. That said, it does get a lot better when you expand to sci fi and fantasy, but there's still issues with cultural bleedthrough. Now, maybe I'm just noticing them because I'm not immersed in Japanese, and fail to notice the Anglosphere examples, but considering how unique a lot of Japanese cultural indicators are... it stands out. So many fictional countries out there eat rice balls, etc. even though literally everything else is lifted from different basings. Gets especially strange when there's a fantasy counterpart to Japan in-universe that nobody in the main cast has been to.
You're right that there's a strong tendency towards american-centric makeups in american comics, and they do need to work more on that, but a lot of that stuff from the big 2 is down to them having roots stretching back to the 40s. Legacy and all that. Manga series generally don't have that excuse.
DC would waste Deadpool.
You know the best thing about The Ultimates? Just how much of a damn hypocrite T'Challa is.
It is actually a wonder to behold.
I cannot WAIT until someone calls him out on it.
"return"I, for one, am excited to see the return of Deadpool memes