Batman and Robin Eternal #19
Does Batman and Robin Eternal start after Batman and Robin ends? The last trade I read ended at #34 and Robin Rises Omega #1. Is there an Omega #2?
Batman and Robin Eternal #19
So that newest manga vs. comics thread is... fun...
Does Batman and Robin Eternal start after Batman and Robin ends? The last trade I read ended at #34 and Robin Rises Omega #1. Is there an Omega #2?
So that newest manga vs. comics thread is... fun...
All the Dwight trade talk recently, well look at them now America! Winners!
It's because of this interview: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/07/movies/deadpool-movie-rob-liefeld.html?_r=0So Dan Slott, Liefeld and Fabian were talking shit earlier today I hear.
He is prickly, though, about sharing creator credit on Deadpool with Fabian Nicieza, who wrote the script for the characters first appearance, based on Mr. Liefelds story. As plotter, penciler and inker of The New Mutants at the time of Deadpools inception, Mr. Liefeld said he did all the heavy lifting.
If a janitor scripted New Mutants 98, hed be the co-creator thats how it works, buddy, Mr. Liefeld said. Deadpool does not exist in any way, shape or form without me.
It's because of this interview: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/07/movies/deadpool-movie-rob-liefeld.html?_r=0
Dan Slott called him out, but Liefeld denies it.
Creator drama is so fun!
Rafa created Deadpool?
No one comes back from a Marvel event the sameWait... Wait... Wait. Please tell me Marquez is coming back to Invincible Iron Man. I know he is drawing Civil War II but the letters page implies Deodato is the new artist on Invincible Iron Man. The most recent issue was great but I kept looking at the art and thinking how much better it would have looked and worked with Marquez. Deodato is on the next issue too.fuck sake.
Edit : he is solicited up to #8 at the very least. So disappointed.
I've never read Deadpools early appearances but wasn't he kind of just a straight rip off of Deathstroke? I thought the 4th wall stuff came much later.
Can't say much for that NYT article but those quotes from Robert Kirkman rub me the wrong way. People don't criticize Liefelds art because they 'lack joy in their soul,' they criticize because it's terrible.
What a world it would be if people gave as much a shit about Barry Windsor Smith or Bernie Wrightson as they care about Liefelds unskilled work.
That being said, Liefeld seems like a pretty alright dude. He's a passionate dude who really looks to connect with his fans as far as I can tell.
Can't say much for that NYT article but those quotes from Robert Kirkman rub me the wrong way. People don't criticize Liefelds art because they 'lack joy in their soul,' they criticize because it's terrible.
There is Robin Rises Alpha #1 which ends that section and I think that book has one trade after it. It then moves over to Robin son of batman that gleason writes and draws. Batman and Robin Eternal is a seperate thing dealing with the current state of Robin stuffs with some flashback batman and robin stuff.
Edit: I checked, Batman and Robin goes to #40 (That last arc is really cool too, #38 in particular is stellar and just so perfect)
I'm willing to join the church of Cassandra Cain. I am now a believer
What converted you?I'm willing to join the church of Cassandra Cain. I am now a believer
Thanks Messi. I'll plan for B&R v7 (which ends at #40) next and then track down Robin: Son of Batman.
I agree that a lot of criticism of his work isn't criticism and doesn't care to be honest. Usually, it's not just empty but mean spirited.Do you really think that the hatred Liefeld gets is really proportional to how bad he is on an absolute scale though? Because the way people -- and I'm talking about people who couldn't even name you another comics artist, who turn around and bow at the alter of Alex Ross without blinking -- despise him and his art on a personal level and hold his style up as the reason why the direct market collapsed in the 90s is completely inane.
A lot of the criticisms of him are valid, sure, but the discourse that surrounds him, especially online, is 90% memetic and performative, basically a way for strangers to signify that they're of good taste because they both recycle the same "haha, no feet," "haha, pouches," "haha, 90's," "haha, guns and swords," "haha, XTREME" etc etc jokes every single time his name comes up
Just look at their feets.
Juggs has a REALLY long right leg.......
He's clearly rollerblading. I'd recognize that pose anywhere.
No joke, the old ToyBiz Juggernaut figure had wheels on his feet.
Factual as hell. I loved that toy.
Remember the Apocalypse figure with the telescoping limbs?
Though to their credit, the second Apocalypse / Juggernaut figures that ToyBiz made were much much better.
Finished the first OHC of Hawkeye and it was amazing. I loved the Francavilla-drawn issue with that clown villain so much. The pizza dog issue was really interesting, too. I thought it was very well-done. Also loved issue #6, which is the snowy episode that took place over five or six days. The art was just really nice and the story was great. I love snow in comics so that made it better for me.
Yeah she's great. I need to read more of her solo, was up to issue #30ish or so. Watching her grow has been such a fun experience.I'm willing to join the church of Cassandra Cain. I am now a believer
Finished the first OHC of Hawkeye and it was amazing. I loved the Francavilla-drawn issue with that clown villain so much. The pizza dog issue was really interesting, too. I thought it was very well-done. Also loved issue #6, which is the snowy episode that took place over five or six days. The art was just really nice and the story was great. I love snow in comics so that made it better for me.
So I saw the comic sales and saw Hellcat #2 and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4 aren't in the top 100, those digital sales better help because yikes.