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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.


I'm watching Supergirl for the first time. Only 10 minutes in and it already has
Kelex and a Black Mercy
. Strong early DCU references. I'm impressed.


I didn't say marvels approach was positive either. But people act like Image has no problems.

I think I focus on their problems less because I start with Walking Dead and Invincible and then whatever else they have out. Those two Kirkman books have been so consistent for so long that when a random new series fades I just accept it. Now let's all read Mudman.
I mean, I'm not sure I'd say the show is 'good' so far, but I appreciate them pulling the references and using them fairly correctly.

and Kelex looked pretty damn awesome for being a network tv show
I've heard good things. I'll binge watch it after the season is done
Spider-Man #1 was good fun. Think this will be the Spider book that I follow. I like how Bendis writes the character and it was a solid first issue. Next issue should be good too with him getting to write Pete again. Pichelli's art is lovely as usual, I've always enjoyed her work.

edit: Oh wow, Vision #4 was great. That ending was rough. This book's so unlike everything Marvel is doing with the other Avengers and it is SO good.
Welp with my favorite site just died (GT) I guess with all my free time not watching their streams and shows I'll read comics? :( It's the death of 1Up.com all over again


I agree that a lot of criticism of his work isn't criticism and doesn't care to be honest. Usually, it's not just empty but mean spirited.

There are probably more positive attributes to Liefelds creative career than people care to admit.

He's very engaged with fans. He's consistently super enthusiastic about his work. He did have an undeniably important part in Image comics and helping establish creator work as a viable career path even if it didn't come into fruition until much later. He's been pretty good about letting talented creators have their own takes on his characters even if they're pretty different to his work (Alan Moore Supreme. Keating Glory. Graham Prophet).

It's just that his art, as the most visible part of his career, isn't good. You can say that it was pretty different to what came before it and that certainly counts for something. People don't realize how difficult that is. But the thing is his art and storytelling never got better in a way that is immediately clear. So Liefeld kind of is just this walking talking reminder of one of the most awkward phases of American comics. Pointing and laughing at Liefeld is a bit like pointing and laughing at the middle school photos of people you don't know.

The thing about him is that he basically became a millionaire at, what, 25? If he had kept working regularly he might've become a more interesting artist instead of stagnating at whatever age he was when he hit it big. I just think for all his failures as an artist, the way he's perceived in contemporary comics culture is totally disproportionate to those failures.

I think your point about laughing at old middle school photos is spot-on -- Liefeld functions as an avatar of everything people who read cape comics today don't want to be associated with and I think a lot of how people think of him today comes from that. Like "Oh, we're not like that anymore so please take us seriously!"
Indie books article.

Oddly Hawkguy is listed as one of them. Honestly, Bitch Planet is eh, Saga is the bomb, IDW books have hooked me more than Image's stuff.


I feel like The Guardian and The Verge make these types of articles every month. I think everyone gets that indie comics are expanding guys. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the people reading these articles are people already reading the books.


I remember when Morning Glories was my favorite series.

I had a lot of favorite series back in the day. Now....I just don't win on Wednesdays anymore. If only there were someone who could make America great again :(
Who the fuck designed this.


Who the fuck designed this.

Acuna was the artist on the first issue of this run of cap so maybe him?

Never understood what was wrong With Misty's costume from the last run. It wasn't amazing but it's also not awful. The new one is laughably bad.

Real talk this is the best Misty thing in ages.

Her and Danny make such a cute couple and her taking off her metal arm at home was a cool touch.

Gah, give me a romance book based on the relationship they established in that book.

Also her and Danny's kid with Luke Cage and Jessica Jones kid. Dorbz

Apologies for all the pics. I just love Misty and wanted more of that story more than anything.
Honestly, you'd probably best prepare her now. It's kind of inevitable.

I have. You.. should have seen her face when I suggested it was a possibility. It was like I had just punched a puppy.

The thing about him is that he basically became a millionaire at, what, 25? If he had kept working regularly he might've become a more interesting artist instead of stagnating at whatever age he was when he hit it big. I just think for all his failures as an artist, the way he's perceived in contemporary comics culture is totally disproportionate to those failures.

I think your point about laughing at old middle school photos is spot-on -- Liefeld functions as an avatar of everything people who read cape comics today don't want to be associated with and I think a lot of how people think of him today comes from that. Like "Oh, we're not like that anymore so please take us seriously!"

I appreciate you and Ed talking about, and therefore educating me on, Liefeld. Comics lost me in the 90's. I was into them as a kid, and then as an older teen I checked out the stands and hated what I saw. It was just so terrible. And when I see Liefeld's old work, it reminds me of that. So it's good to be reminded that he was, like, important and stuff.


I'm thinking about pre-ordering the Batman by Neal Adams Omnibus. I've never read any of his stuff before. I assume it's good? I am mostly wondering if it holds up well for a new comic fan like myself.
I feel like The Guardian and The Verge make these types of articles every month. I think everyone gets that indie comics are expanding guys. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the people reading these articles are people already reading the books.

Yes. It's just feeding the circlejerk of fans coming in being "aw yes, Saga is so goood".

And it is, don't get me wrong, but considering the amount of attention it gets naturally, I dont feel an article endorsing it is necessary.


Indie books article.

Oddly Hawkguy is listed as one of them. Honestly, Bitch Planet is eh, Saga is the bomb, IDW books have hooked me more than Image's stuff.


Yeah, I quite liked the article (except the love in for Bitch Planet which is meh, and the constant "Captain Marvel is a neutral prefix". Which isn't that relevant given Ms. Marvel was given to a better, more interesting, more diverse, and better selling book.).

But the top 10 picks is rubbish. Morning Glories is okay, but it's not even in my top three "school turns out to be a front for a murderous conspiracy" books, never mind a top ten in general.


Continuing the read of the Valiant Universe. Still very consistent in quality. I'm now up through the end of Armor Hunters and the aftermath. Unity #12 which is where I've stopped for the moment was a strong setup issue. Lots of potential juicy conflict to come. Also featured some much needed levity after all the shit that's gone down. The Faith intro pages were just perfect. From the panels with the military driver's face front and center slowly getting more and more pissed to Ninjak's reaction. Also enjoyed the interactions between Ninjak and Gilad. Kindt has nailed it so far. Looking forward to future escapades.

Quantum and Woody - the humour hasn't really worked for me so it often falls flat. I had the same problem when I read the first two issues as they were releasing way back. It has its moments but more miss than hit. I think it's partly because Woody, even though it's by design, is bloody annoying and that tends to override anything else in a particular scene for me. I still find the book entertaining enough to continue and appreciate it for bringing a different tone and style to the Valiant universe, but, yeah... not my favourite.
Real talk this is the best Misty thing in ages.

Her and Danny make such a cute couple and her taking off her metal arm at home was a cool touch.

Gah, give me a romance book based on the relationship they established in that book.

Also her and Danny's kid with Luke Cage and Jessica Jones kid. Dorbz

I don't know anything about her character. What book is that from?


You should email your dream scenario as a tip to BC and see how long they take to run with it.

Superboy Prime reformed, started a family, but DC decided that every multiverse was going to be rebooted de-aging everyone and removing all marriages and children. To save his family, Prime will have to destroy DC once and for all.

Probably would work better as a new 52 story but we can pretend it was delayed.


Welp with my favorite site just died (GT) I guess with all my free time not watching their streams and shows I'll read comics? :( It's the death of 1Up.com all over again

Death of 1up was way worse due to the fact that it murdered a very specific community that couldn't really fit in anywhere else.


I'm getting pretty into the Marvel Now OHCs. I currently have the Hawkeye volumes, but I ordered Amazing Spiderman Vol. 1 and Thor: God of Thunder Vol. 1 last night. Spiderman was only about $15 and Thor was $17, so I'm really happy with those prices.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
My new iPad gets here tomorrow!!!!!!! It's going to be so nice not having to make room every time I want to read a new issue!
Spider-Man #1 was good fun. Think this will be the Spider book that I follow. I like how Bendis writes the character and it was a solid first issue. Next issue should be good too with him getting to write Pete again. Pichelli's art is lovely as usual, I've always enjoyed her work.

I got this book because of that badass art preview... but spider-man just never really did much for me,, the only "spidey" book I liked,,, well it wasn't hardly even spidey, was Superior Spider-man

With that said,, im giving em another chance
(Haven't read yet, waiting on DCBS)
5 issues into spectre, really like the art style for an older comic. The writing is superb and I'm enjoying it more than even his squad run.
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