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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.


Are they ever going to finish the TPB collections of the Ostrander Spectre series?

And when the hell is Hal!Spectre going to be collected?


Fuck the haters, Moon Girl is amazing and full of heart.


Hope it doesn't get cancelled and I hope more people give it a chance.


I'd put it comfortably a notch above Hellcat in terms of "deliberately adorable" books.

I'm an issue or two behind tho.

Hellcat is clearly trying for the deliberately adorable style.

Also one or two issues behind on a book that is 3 issues in? loooool amazing.

Hellcat also has sweet parkour flips.

I read that hellcat page backwards. The action is moving left and everyone is facing left. First time I've mixed it up

Edit: well not entirely leftward but you get the point


Nothing too crazy this week in terms of new trades. I guess the big thing is that Ivy and Harley book, right? Oh, and a trade of the new Secret Six run? How is that, btw? And it looks like there's a second Atomic Robo omni when I didn't know a first was already out. Anyone know how nicely put together those are? I'm definitely interested in grabbing those eventually...


Nothing too crazy this week in terms of new trades. I guess the big thing is that Ivy and Harley book, right? Oh, and a trade of the new Secret Six run? How is that, btw? And it looks like there's a second Atomic Robo omni when I didn't know a first was already out. Anyone know how nicely put together those are? I'm definitely interested in grabbing those eventually...

New Secret Six first issue is dodgy and then after that it is all amazing. Simone has such a good handle on these characters and she writes great character moments. If you liked the first time she wrote Secret Six you will like this. Also Strix is so damn good.


New Secret Six first issue is dodgy and then after that it is all amazing. Simone has such a good handle on these characters and she writes great character moments. If you liked the first time she wrote Secret Six you will like this. Also Strix is so damn good.
Awesome, thanks for the impressions!
Superboy Prime reformed, started a family, but DC decided that every multiverse was going to be rebooted de-aging everyone and removing all marriages and children. To save his family, Prime will have to destroy DC once and for all.

Probably would work better as a new 52 story but we can pretend it was delayed.

Then he tears off his face in an EXTREME panel only to have it be a "IT WAS ME AUSTIN, IT WAS ME ALL ALONG" but with Didio instead of McMahon.


Just read Deadpool and the Mercs. Not ONE but TWO Nextwave references!

Of Nextwave shows up that would be awesome. I'll settle for The Captain joining the Mercs.


I already had the standalone volumes.

So do I bought I bought it anyway because that book is lovely and hefty as fuck. Now to find a friend to poison with a love of Eva Bell. Once I manage to do that I can text them at all hours of the night with hypothetical scenarios about Eva and discuss how she would deal with them. I think Grandharrier doesn't want/appreciate these messages currently.
So do I bought I bought it anyway because that book is lovely and hefty as fuck. Now to find a friend to poison with a love of Eva Bell. Once I manage to do that I can text them at all hours of the night with hypothetical scenarios about Eva and discuss how she would deal with them. I think Grandharrier doesn't want/appreciate these messages currently.

The annuals with Eva's story still haven't been collected anywhere, have they? Just going to buy them digital from CMX, then.


Just got over a real bad flu,couldn't even sit up to read comics PR listen to podcasts.

So any Comic news I missed over the past few days.


Trump is the projected New Hampshire winner, we did it comics-gaf, what a time to read comics and watch the rockets/warriors tonight.


you're gonna get 8 years of socialism and you're gonna like it, son

get hooked on that sweet sweet revolt of the proletariat

The government takes over the comic book industry and all we get are Harley and Deadpool books as they are efficient entertainment.
The government takes over the comic book industry and all we get are Harley and Deadpool books as they are efficient entertainment.

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Well the All New X-Men books are nearly finished coming out. I think one more still has to come out. Whats the rush, you read the story. Do you need to own it now? lol if so buy it digitally.
I'm upset because I bought all the trades, which normally include annuals, and yet this did not. I don't want to buy the OHCs if I don't have to, and buying digitally just makes me sad because the rest of my collection is physical and in trades. I could get the physical issues, but as I said the rest is in trades. Makes re-reading a chore. A minor inconvenience, but one that makes me sadder than I should be when I want to read a comic


DC unveiled Rebirth, it's a temporary ban on all Muslims from traveling the multiverse until they can figure out what is going on.

Trump 2016.
I just now noticed the colors represent the different hours of the day.

Hmm, I think it represents the color of the tiles she's playing, if I remember correctly as you go up levels in Tetris the tiles change colors.

Edit: Then again it could also represent her mood.

The magic of colors, y'all
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