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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.



Well there goes some more Messi money. There's even a Christmas Harley!


So it's safe to assume no one actually read that Comics Alliance article on Starfire?

Because this
Jimmy Palmiotti said:
When we were offered Starfire over a year ago, Amanda and I committed to 12 issues total, nothing more and nothing less, and with the series ending with us.
Jimmy Palmiotti said:
We feel a year on a title gives the reader what they want, and in the end a nice trade collection. Us ending on #12 had nothing to do with any re-launch or anything else going on in the DCU.
Jimmy Palmiotti said:
If we wanted to stay on for another six issues, we could have, but we have another project we are doing that will be announced later in the year right after this.

don't really match your manufactured outrage over DC "cancelling" the book. But whatever, carry on.
I'm a wee bit late on this:

Cassandra Cain as Batgirl Vol. 1: Silent Knight

So, before reading this, I had interest in Cassandra Cain. Not much more than that, though, as I didn't know much about her other than she used to be a badass assassin and she had some kind of disability (originally I thought it was blindness for some reason). However, after reading this book I can safely say that she is one of my favorite Bat-Family members.

As the book starts, and we're introduced to this little girl who is far too good at killing, it's a very poignant scene. The art distracts from the fact that this book is dark. Granted, it's a Bat book, so "dark" is to be expected. Still though, child raised as an assassin is always something that is disturbing, and it always adds a level of depth to the character that I like. Granted, maybe I've watched too many anime, so it seems like a common trope to me. Still, it's a trope I have yet to get tired of.

We then get to a scene where she's sparring with Barbara who matches her blow for blow and then disarms her. Now, I know Cassie is badass, but Oracle is still my girl. As the first arc of the book progresses, and we see Cassie saving some people, but because she doesn't know how to say anything, she simply touches them on the shoulder or kisses them on the cheek. It's very adorable, and I really like it. It shows that she knows to comfort these people. A nice indication of her arc to becoming less than just a weapon, but more human. The arc also shows her progression of learning fear tactics as well, but again she can't talk. The heavy emphasis on the importance of body language is an extremely interesting topic, and one that I haven't really seen in a cape book before. So to see an entire character revolving around it the concept is nice. Different. A diversion from the norm. When she tries to save the one man from the prison and he dies, delivering the letter to his wife. Realizing how the world heavily relies on communication via words, she tries to write. Again, a powerful moment. It's not large or grand, but it's powerful because again, she wants to be normal. She wants to be able to communicate with people. So she can get closer. And even though Batman wants to hammer it in that she failed, with Barbara basically telling him to get his shit together and get the fuck out, we can see Cassie already takes it hard. She takes it hard again, later on, when she thinks Batman is dead (protecting a metahuman who affects her speech), she beats the man almost to death. Later yet again, she takes it hard when she couldn't stop another metahuman from killing a woman.

Later on, when the big turn happens and she learns to understand words, it is another powerful moment. She can finally understand people on another level, but at the cost of her skill. Eventually she gains her skill back, from Shiva no less (which makes two Bat family members at this point), but still retains the ability to talk. Honestly, I would have preferred she lose her ability to speak again, because it would have been a powerful sacrifice, but the stress on body language is still apparent. She still has trouble speaking and reading, and doesn't understand a lot of words. But she still wants to learn.

Now, the main story ends with several people (Babs, Bats, Gordon, and even Catwoman) gone missing. But there's another story at the end of the book that I found really cool, involving a shape-shifting Indian woman. It also again, shows how hard Cassie takes it when a person she swears to protect dies before she can save them. It shows that even though she may be a flawless fighter, she still has a ways to go to become a hero, and that's what she really wants. to become a hero. To save people. It also forces her to toe a line between being a killer again, or not. The line "I don't kill. Not anymore. But I don't lose, either," is badass as hell.

There's another arc running through the book, with Batman interrogating Cassie's "father." This arc I found interesting, because Batman has to not only get over the fact that his current protege has killed before, but he also is essentially battling for her custody. Showing that she is no longer an assassin. That she's a hero. Whereas her "father" actually does love her. She isn't just a weapon to him, but a daughter, although it is a twisted relationship. He effectively trained her to be a killing machine. She was his special prized possession. But he was also the only father she ever really knew.

The writing and dialogue in this book is great, and so is the art. My one gripe is that it feels like the book moves too fast at points, almost skipping points in the plot. There aren't a lot of words though, and that's why it feels that way. Since Cassie isn't constantly talking to herself, even when she does gain the ability to talk (words are still foreign enough that she'd rather not use them). Beyond that, I can't wait for more volumes to drop so I can read them. Really excited.
Its very energetic and just looks different to me.
The action sequences in that book are fantastic because of it.
Ewing has British Marvel writer's disease where he keeps getting paired with poor artists on his high profile books
Talk shit get hit
I was a mod on the IGN boards back in the early 2000 days (Focused on comic, Final Fantasy and PlayStation boards). Never again would I ever want to be a moderator.
IGN sucked. Horrendously. Beyond terrible. I used to go there, and good god was it just the worst. Absolutely toxic forum. Don't know if they've cleaned up since 2011.


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
So it's safe to assume no one actually read that Comics Alliance article on Starfire?

Because this



don't really match your manufactured outrage over DC "cancelling" the book. But whatever, carry on.

I didn't need to read it to know it said all that. It changes nothing.


So it's safe to assume no one actually read that Comics Alliance article on Starfire?

Because this



don't really match your manufactured outrage over DC "cancelling" the book. But whatever, carry on.

Yeah, i don't begrudge them. Did they initially tell us it was only going to be 6-12 issues? Did they not mention it because they know people tend to skip buying miniseries/short series monthly?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Yeah, i don't begrudge them. Did they initially tell us it was only going to be 6-12 issues? Did they not mention it because they know people tend to skip buying miniseries/short series monthly?

It's not about begrudging someone. It's about the fact that Starfire is not going to be around anymore.


Yeah, i don't begrudge them. Did they initially tell us it was only going to be 6-12 issues? Did they not mention it because they know people tend to skip buying miniseries/short series monthly?

No they didn't.

This is them hiding the fact that the book is being canned. Of course Jimmy's not going to say it got cancelled.

You really think if Starfire was selling 40-60k DC would let them end it. Lol.


She will be on a team. Solo book is toast.

I wish those Harley figures were a statue line. I hate figures like that. The paint is always shit and the prototypes are all lies.

i only have one figure pre-ordered, Zatanna animated series line. I want to see the end result of Supergirl Darwyn Cooke line before ordering, it's a trap.


i only have one figure pre-ordered, Zatanna animated series line. I want to see the end result of Supergirl Darwyn Cooke line before ordering, it's a trap.

Very much so. Make these figures into a series of statues like art of war or batman black and white and I'll buy them all.


speaking of things that are or are not miniseries, how's that Karnak going. If he sees the weakness in all things, why is the release schedule so bad?
You serious? I read #3 and thought everything leading up to that issue was boring/predictable. Guess I'll have to go back and pick up #4.

I fell off after the second issue because of that. #3 was marginally better, but #4 has turned this into an almost must-read. Ellis and Masters were both so on point with everything.
That's a shame. That's been my go to DC fun book the last few months.
Any good recommendations for good lighthearted comics? I'm already reading Transformers MTMTE (which sometimes fits that bill, and is always good)
Ms. Marvel
If you enjoy Starfire definitely check out Power Girl: Power Trip if you haven't already! It's already completed but Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner both worked on it so it has a similar tone. It's really good! Atlee is in it too, she's Peej's BFF.
Vader #16 was great. Nice continuation of the annual story. I was hoping Gillen would revisit Shu-Torin at some point. That final page was cold, but anything else would have been wrong.
Please don't kill Aphra.


IST order came in today. Yahoo!


That's a lot of good comics and also DC comics you have there.

edit: I really need to get back to Hellboy, i'm still halfway through vol 1 and mainly stopped reading because i find the library edition too large to enjoy reading often.
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