Reading people diss Erica Henderson's art gets me mad.
This must be quoted more. Henderson is a gift.
Reading people diss Erica Henderson's art gets me mad.
Reading people diss Erica Henderson's art gets me mad.
Hellboy and Bendis' Uncanny X-Men? All you need right there.IST order came in today. Yahoo!
Invincible Iron Man has been pretty good. Superior Iron Man was decent. It's fun seeing Tony being a complete douchebag with zero inhibitions.So does Iron Man have any really good/definitive run?
The Martian...would it have killed them to have some type of vampire enemy on Mars? Missed opportunity really.
If you enjoy Starfire definitely check out Power Girl: Power Trip if you haven't already! It's already completed but Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner both worked on it so it has a similar tone. It's really good! Atlee is in it too, she's Peej's BFF.
is there a Bendis Uncanny X Men OHC?
Literally just dropped last week:
Some dude taped her killing Reaper and lured her to his house threatening her that he'd release it if she didn't take her family and leave town. She refused, he pulled a gun. She freaked him out and he fired right as his son was coming down the stairs asking what was going on. She phased, boom. Son dead.
*adds to my list*
Edit: Does anything really come before it? I've read AvX.
IST order came in today. Yahoo!
You forgot the best/worst part.
Rebirth is never actually happening, who the fuck goes three weeks without an announcement after testing one. Shit like this is why Marvel dominates DC all day long.
Pretty sure the solicits this month will make it clear.
Reading people diss Erica Henderson's art gets me mad.
And yet they're taking a beating in PR with all these writers confirming they're leaving and whatnot. Everyone knows what's up so why try to string it along espicslly after the big BC leak.
Rebirth is never actually happening, who the fuck goes three weeks without an announcement after testing one. Shit like this is why Marvel dominates DC all day long.
Rebirth is never actually happening, who the fuck goes three weeks without an announcement after testing one. Shit like this is why Marvel dominates DC all day long.
Bad perhaps, but right all the same.
She's got a very distinctive look and style that she executes on very well without fail and it rubs me all kinds of wrong ways to look at it. Just not visually appealing on any level.
Not good in Squirrel Girl, not good in Jughead, not good in Real Science Adventures.
Its DC Collectables, that doesn't really happen besides bad weak joints.There's no way this doesn't end up an abomination
Its DC Collectables, that doesn't really happen besides bad weak joints.
Spider-Man/Deadpool is the best Spider-Man and Deadpool comic Marvel is putting out. Issue 2 was awesome.
Its DC Collectables, that doesn't really happen besides bad weak joints.
^^^ that's the one that soured me on figure pre-orders. I didn't pre-order despite wanting it and was going to get it from Amazon but decide to look up pictures of it....
Spider-Man/Deadpool is the best Spider-Man and Deadpool comic Marvel is putting out. Issue 2 was awesome.
Rafael Albuquerque Batman Black & White.
Looks nice but I'm pretty sure if I stare at this picture hard enough the cape will snap off.
When you order Japanese figures what you see is what you get.
First two ANXM trades and then Battle of the Atom.You're fine. You do need to read All New for a while though because they cross over pretty explicitly.
the only Japanese figures/statues i want so far are the artfx Emma Frost an possibly koto spider-gwen. Waiting to see if emma drops in price at amazon.
I just got artfx Magik in the mail. Pretty awesome.
1/10 scale? Disgusting.
1/10 scale? Disgusting.
Scale snobs lol
Scale snobs lol