Allred's awesome Silver Surfer cover. How many people can you name?
Just one. Silver Surfer.
Allred's awesome Silver Surfer cover. How many people can you name?
Cosmic powered farts must smell pretty awful.Allred's awesome Silver Surfer cover. How many people can you name?
Not really feeling this All-New Wasp outfit... was hoping for something less over-designed and more streamlined.
Compared to some of the DC and Marvel redesigns, that new Wasp outfit is very streamlined.Not really feeling this All-New Wasp outfit... was hoping for something less over-designed and more streamlined.
Celebrating 52 issues of incredible storytelling,
I like Babs Tarrs attempt but ...nah to the rest of them
I enjoy the amount of times I see Lying Cat thrown out around here.
Can't tell if lying.
The Manpaul cover is great as well. One of the few that isn't a complete copy and paste from the original. But, Brett Booth vs Ivan Reis is completely unfair.Albuquerque and Oliver are the only ones that are really fucking good.
The Manpaul cover is great as well. One of the few that isn't a complete copy and paste from the original. But, Brett Booth vs Ivan Reis is completely unfair.
Not a fan of lying cat.
How can you say such a thing?
Lying Cat is delightful.
That is my fave page of Saga.
If we lie and say we hate certain characters the evil Brian K Vaughn can't hurt us.
Mine too. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Fiona Staples refuses to draw anything bad happening to Lying Cat.
I will never forgive BKV for what he did at the end of Y. After that no one is safe, that fucker will hurt who he likes even if he has to draw stick figure versions instead of Fiona.
If people here wants to play I'm down.Absolutely. I'm all in and ready to go. I actually think we're in the works of cooking up a comicgaf tournament.
I'm willing to bet that 1 out of those 3 Secret Wars Pop figures will be crate exclusive.
Not really feeling this All-New Wasp outfit... was hoping for something less over-designed and more streamlined.
If people here wants to play I'm down.
I will never forgive BKV for what he did at the end of Y. After that no one is safe, that fucker will hurt who he likes even if he has to draw stick figure versions instead of Fiona.
How will you feel about BKV after Ghus dies next issue?
Wonder Woman (just as good).
Wonder Woman
just as good
I liked when DC was going to give Wondy pants in the New 52
Finch's cover trades Chiang's greek pottery art for dull as dishwater dead eyed house style.
For some reason, he decided to turn the obvious action flash from the arrow hitting Diana's cuff, which radiates throughout the entire cover, into a damn cloud.
The blue and orange background of Chiang's original, used to match the orange hue of Diana's skin and the dark blues of her outfit, are recreated in Finch's for no other reason but to match it. For some reason, the color of Diana's boots in Finch's don't even match her undergarments.
Where Chiang's Diana is scratched, bloodied, and presumably sunburnt, Finch's is pristine, spotless, and waifish.
Chiang gave Diana a nice thick outline to let her pop out, whereas Finch's looks photo shopped in.
It's a poor reproduction, so poor I hesitate to call it a reproduction honestly.
Wasn't there a pre-N52 run where she had pants?
Then they decided against it and drew the hotpants
Wasn't there a pre-N52 run where she had pants?
Finch's cover trades Chiang's greek pottery art for dull as dishwater dead eyed house style.
For some reason, he decided to turn the obvious action flash from the arrow hitting Diana's cuff, which radiates throughout the entire cover, into a damn cloud.
The blue and orange background of Chiang's original, used to match the orange hue of Diana's skin and the dark blues of her outfit, are recreated in Finch's for no other reason but to match it. For some reason, the color of Diana's boots in Finch's don't even match her undergarments.
Where Chiang's Diana is scratched, bloodied, and presumably sunburnt, Finch's is pristine, spotless, and waifish.
Chiang gave Diana a nice thick outline to let her pop out, whereas Finch's looks photo shopped in.
It's a poor reproduction, so poor I hesitate to call it a reproduction honestly.
Rebirth's not until June, you're not gonna find out about those books for another three-to-four weeks at least.I thought that link thing was going to be about the next set of New 52 books rebirthed, but then it was just covers for the new 52 books that are still around, and mostly bad covers. DC Hype.
Well at least I got hearthstone standard mode while I wait.Rebirth's not until June, you're not gonna find out about those books for another three-to-four weeks at least.
Not really feeling this All-New Wasp outfit... was hoping for something less over-designed and more streamlined.
There was this:
Rebirth's not until June, you're not gonna find out about those books for another three-to-four weeks at least.
They just revealed the Superman soliticts for April and May and it seems to be an event called Super League. Also Janin on art for both Superman issues. dope.
So Spike is right, we are prob a month away from hearing about rebirth officially. Also they showed that Rebirth teaser too early lol.
That is my fave page of Saga.
If we lie and say we hate certain characters the evil Brian K Vaughn can't hurt us.
Not really feeling this All-New Wasp outfit... was hoping for something less over-designed and more streamlined.
According to the article Janet will still be around and Marvel seems to be building up characters related to Ant-Man so I guess a new Wasp is a part of that.Ugh. Of all the "new" old characters they are creating, I really don't see why they are doing a new Wasp. A Janet van Dyne solo series could have a lot of potential.
I still really like that costume.
So Spike is right, we are prob a month away from hearing about rebirth officially. Also they showed that Rebirth teaser too early lol.