my name is ed
That is the jankiest Babs Tarr drawing I've ever seen. She can do much better.Oh hey, the theme for DC's May variants is "Covers from the New 52 #1s, but either slightly better or slightly worse"!
Action Comics: Slightly better!
Aquaman: Slightly worse!
Batgirl: (sad but) Slightly worse!
Batman: Slightly worse! (but really it's because Capullo fucking killed it first go-around)
Catwoman: Slightly worse! (and that's in spite of closing the suit so as to make the cover about anything other than Selina's gazonkers)
Detective Comics: Slightly better! (though really it's just served to remind me how shit Tony Daniel's first issue on Detective was, like, whoa, that was a whole big goddamn waste of time for the sake of terrible gratuitous gore porn)
Flash: Slightly worse!
Green Arrow: Slightly better! (though what's up with his neck goddamn)
Green Lantern: Slightly worse! (but only because Sinestro as Green Lantern FUCKING RULED and he's not that anymore on the new cover)
Superman: Slightly better! (actually a whole lot better, might be my favorite one)
Wonder Woman: A whole lot worse, hoooooly fuck how bad can Finch get, goddamn
I'm kinda laughing at the difference between booth and reis. I shouldn't. It's mean.