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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.



Others may let this stand but I won't. This is some bull shit. Those are chicken tenders not chicken nuggets. Get that shit out of here.


Which means there's nowhere to get McDonalds breakfast!

I should probably not eat anymore beige food for awhile. I had some for the first time this year last night. Lawd, it was so good.
But Disney has now Breakfast all day!

But I agree, I have to start running again. I really dont feel good currently.
Next week it is!
Listening to the new Ye and reading Love and Rockets. Nice Sunday.

Would be better if I had early copies of DC comics like someone here but I'm content.
Knew about this for a while. Fucking devistated that they didn't show any new comic figures...I mean wtf?
Really piss poor output, and their show waves are lapping comic waves.

I'm guessing that most people watch the TV show as opposed to reading the superior comic book.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #2
This was not a good issue, by any metric. Though, I don't remember what happened in the previous one because it's been so long. Still, seems like it was just set-up for Pleasant Hill. Just not a great issue, which saddens me because I liked this book. I'll keep reading, if only for the Pleasant Hill set-up

Radioactive Spider-Gwen #5
Wow. Last issue was a sign that things were picking up, and now they're filling in all the blanks. All that wheel spinning and world building is paying off. Next issue better be a damn bang.

Silk #4
It's getting better. Pieces coming together. That's about it. I'm betting
that the electric guy is her brother
. It's still a fun book, just not as exciting as it used to be.

Ms. Marvel #4
How does this book consistently stay good? Honestly. It's just so lovable. Even her bad decisions are lovable.

Old Man Logan #2
I'm more than okay with this book being about him fighting the all-new, all-different versions of heroes he used to know. Goddamn you Sorrentino. This book could be complete garbage and I'd still love it.

Illuminati #4
Villains being villains, with a sick Titania vs. Thor match. Although, I feel like the art degraded, for some reason.

The New Avengers #6
Oh you heartwarming son of a bitch. Honestly, this is my favorite ANAD book next to The Ultimates. I love it so much. It's fun, it's emotional in all the right ways, I love the art, the dialogue is snappy and works so well...I love it

All-New All-Different Avengers #5
This book...It feels so average. I don't like Kid Nova, and SamCap is an uncharacteristically huge dick in this. It's ridiculous. But then it ropes me in with the plot, because goddamn I am intrigued. Crafty bastards. I'm betting
the Vision is infected with something.
Only thing that makes sense, to me.

All-New X-Men #4
I'd like this book more if it looked like Warren contributed anything that wasn't being worried and upset with Laura. Seriously. All he does is fly around. I also find this to be an intriguing development with Laura: she used to be very defensive and territorial. Not letting anyone get close to her because of all the pain she suffered. Now she constantly throws herself in danger. Throwing herself in the path of danger, once again not letting anyone get close to her. For different reasons this time. Before it was to protect herself. Keep others away. Now she throws herself in danger to again, keep others away, but this time instead of away from herself it's away from danger. However, since she's throwing herself into danger, it's also still keeping people away from herself, while still causing herself pain. She's still a creature of habit, just accomplishing it through different means.
The fuck is that from?

Don't like it. Don't like the outfit.


Trump is a lot like Rick, wants to make make America great again, not so sure about letting in outsiders, cares about his amazing family.

Trump 2016


I do not understand that reference.

Trying to get caught up on GotG so i can read Black Vortex is the least fun i've had in comics lately, just read another issue after a long break. I have a three issue symbiote arc to get through and then i'm Vortexing so i can finally finish getting caught up with All New X-Men on MU.
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