Finally finished Sunstone vol3.
Laughed a lot more than I expected, though I'm not sure how I feel about the relationship going forward. Feels like he's going to drop it into obvious sitcom/tv drama territory with Lisa and Ally not being able to come clean about being gay and what their relationship actually means to each other. Still, didn't want to put it down and I'm really enjoying it overall.
Also, not that I mind, but almost all the women are drawn exactly the same: tall, thin, large breasted, with slight facial variation and different hair styles/colours. I was hoping it would take a less stereotypical comic book approach to the female character designs, especially as more characters were intrroduced, but I guess not. At least the guys look vastly different.
Moving on to the Green Arrow hardcover, and Lemire does not disappoint (though I'm like one issues worth of story in and am lost as hell, having never read Green Arrow before).
Also, will get to Wicked and the Divine vol3 as soon as I can, have been waiting months for this one.
Hope Beauty and Howard the Duck can continie being great as well.