Her name sounds like a pork. Tartar.what
Her name sounds like a pork. Tartar.what
Babs Tarr sounds like pork
Does Cameron or Fletcher have to write it?I hope the Babs Tarr and Co birds of prey book is part of rebirth
Does Cameron or Fletcher have to write it?
Her name sounds like a pork. Tartar.
Hey I am sorry, I didnt named it.I'll step up because JC isn't here:
Hey I am sorry, I didnt named it.
I mean, whats so offensiv about this, my last name sounds like a kind of cabbage and I dont care.
Are we all going to be Harley fans after Suicide Squad?
Are we all going to be Harley fans after Suicide Squad?
Are we all going to be Harley fans after Suicide Squad?
Are we all going to be Harley fans after Suicide Squad?
Bleedingcool saying Marguerite Bennent is the new Wonder Woman Writer.
Hoping Babs doesn't leave Batgirl.
Suicide Squad is going to make a new generation of 30 Seconds to Mars fans.
I saw them live when they opened for another band (won't say which band because it's a tiny bit embarrassing) and in one of their songs in which Jared Leto took his shirt off he told everyone to jump up and down. I was wearing a bright red shirt (and I was in the mosh pit) and he noticed me and said "dude in the red shirt jump!!!". I don't remember the song but his attitude oozed positivity and good vibes all around.That thought is horrifying.
I saw them live when they opened for another band (won't say which band because it's a tiny bit embarrassing) and in one of their songs in which Jared Leto took his shirt off he told everyone to jump up and down. I was wearing a bright red shirt (and I was in the mosh pit) and he noticed me and said "dude in the red shirt jump!!!". I don't remember the song but his attitude oozed positivity and good vibes all around.
That was like a month or two before they announced he was gonna be the new Joker.
I love 30STM
It's already too late.
I didn't jump btw. I didn't recognize any of their songs. And I came because of the second band.
Bleedingcool saying Marguerite Bennent is the new Wonder Woman Writer.
Hoping Babs doesn't leave Batgirl.
Bleedingcool saying Marguerite Bennent is the new Wonder Woman Writer.
I love 30STM
The way Scott Snyder proteges seem to be infiltrating comics I feel in 5 years he'll have Geoff Johns' job. Please be right, Rich,
Are we all going to be Harley fans after Suicide Squad?
More likely we all stop being DC fans.
i stopped early so it wouldn't look like i was just trying to fit in.
More likely we all stop being DC fans.
Suicide Squad looks better than Batman vs Superman at least. Boy, the future is bleak for DC.
Suicide Squad looks better than Batman vs Superman at least. Boy, the future is bleak for DC.
People either hate Loeb, how the character is portrayed in the cartoon or blame him for Rider being dead.So, can someone explain why Kid Nova is so hated? Like, he irks me a bit, but I mostly find him to be average more than anything. I mostly just exaggerate for humor
They have had an extremely paltry release schedule over the past couple of years. The Superman Returns and Green Lantern mega failures, along with the Christopher Nolan vice like grip on the Batman property definitely didn't help. Green Lantern specifically set them back a few years as they were prepping that up to start a "cinematic universe" with a Flash film to follow.They've been doing fine with the TV series, so I don't know why they seem to have so much trouble with the theaters. Maybe their biggest characters just don't captivate people the way that Marvel's do? That's certainly how I feel.
This year will be the real test for WB and should give us a good idea on how healthy DC properties will be in theaters.
They've been doing fine with the TV series, so I don't know why they seem to have so much trouble with the theaters. Maybe their biggest characters just don't captivate people the way that Marvel's do? That's certainly how I feel.
Well, we'll have a better idea by the end of the year. Though next year will be even more interesting as we'll get a Batman free, female led superhero movie which will be even more telling as to the health of DC characters in film.I wouldn't hold my breath. Batman seems to be the only thing DC can really rely on in theaters.
Was Legendary Star-Lord bad? I remember people not liking it and unless it's worthwhile i'm skipping that series and going right to Black Vortex.
Suicide Squad looks better than Batman vs Superman at least. Boy, the future is bleak for DC.
In what way? There's only been one DCU movie so far and it did pretty well.
Whoever does these needs to stop.
Just saying, as a fan of DC I have very little interest their films so far. Man of Steel was pretty "meh" for me and Batman vs Superman is looking like a rental at best. It's pretty sad that the movie that is setting up the Justice League is being overshadowed by Suicide Squad. DC needed to hit a home run with BvS, but it doesn't look like they are going to do that. They are just copying Marvel, but taking an accelerated path which may or may not pan out for them. Marvel eased people into The Avengers, DC seems to be jumping right in.
Just because Mahvel did it like that doesn't mean it's the way it has to be done.
Now, as to copying Marvel, I'd agree in the broad strokes (I doubt they'd have turned it into a cinematic universe without Marvel paving the way first), but in the particulars they seem to be going a totally different direction.