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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.

Oh, it absolutely doesn't have to be done the way Marvel did it. It's just the way they did it worked really well so they'd be stupid not to follow suit. Whether they like it or not the DCU is going to be directly compared to the MCU not just by the fanboys but the general movie audience as well. I just don't see the DC rushing working out for them. They really needed to slow down and plan things out. If BvS doesn't perform well like the recent rumor suggests then DC just shot themselves in the foot. Adding a Batman movie directed by Affleck in between would have been a better move in my opinion.

I mean, yes, if it doesn't work it was the wrong move.

But that's always true.

Assuming it's not planned out is a little bizarre to me, it's been 3 years since MoS. What do you think they've been doing since then?


Was Legendary Star-Lord bad? I remember people not liking it and unless it's worthwhile i'm skipping that series and going right to Black Vortex.

Kitty in a banana suit.

Kitty rides a magic space bullet through a prison phasing through walls to save Peter.

Both of these things happen.


Assuming it's not planned out is a little bizarre to me, it's been 3 years since MoS. What do you think they've been doing since then?

I'm sure it is planned out, but I was just saying they should have taken a more cautious approach. They seem to be going all in with BvS when they really didn't have to. It's really part of the reason I am put off by BvS. The movie is called "Batman vs Superman". but they've already downplayed that to a degree where I could give a fuck about the two of them fighting because of all the other shit going on in the movie. Just throwing everything into the script like that strikes me as desperate and a little sloppy. I hope I'm wrong, though.


This has been one of my favorite issues so far on my Hawkeye read-through. Tons of fun and great artwork by I'm guessing Annie Wu (but I may be wrong; I wish it would say at the start of the issue). Nice self-contained story that establishes what future issues may be like for Kate Bishop.


The Clint issues...I know I should love them. And I DO love the plot points that are going on, and the art in his issues is just sublime (both Aja and Francavilla). But...so many of the issues use this non-linear storytelling format that I'm just not loving. It makes me feel bad for not enjoying it, but I feel like I would like it so much more if the storytelling was just more straightforward.
This has been one of my favorite issues so far on my Hawkeye read-through. Tons of fun and great artwork by I'm guessing Annie Wu (but I may be wrong; I wish it would say at the start of the issue). Nice self-contained story that establishes what future issues may be like for Kate Bishop.

The Clint issues...I know I should love them. And I DO love the plot points that are going on, and the art in his issues is just sublime (both Aja and Francavilla). But...so many of the issues use this non-linear storytelling format that I'm just not loving. It makes me feel bad for not enjoying it, but I feel like I would like it so much more if the storytelling was just more straightforward.

Yep that issue was done by Wu. I know the Kate issues are probably the least popular part of the run but they were great. Wu killed it and they were tons of fun.


Yep that issue was done by Wu. I know the Kate issues are probably the least popular part of the run but they were great. Wu killed it and they were tons of fun.
Really? I just finished reading the entire run and I thought the Kate stuff was miles above the Clint stuff. I was more interested in what Kate was doing, than the whole Clint/Barney/Russian stuff and felt the re-connection of the two plot threads was a bit lackluster.

Also, one random question regarding Clint Barton following the final issue:
Does he still sport that hearing aid in titles that occur after the final issue or is it swept under the rug?


They were easily my favorite issues of that run. Stopped caring about Clint midway through.

Granted, I'm only onto issue 15, but his plot has been meandering too long, IMO. There hasn't really been a coherent story arc. There's just been a few little things that have happened and show up sometimes. Kate's stuff feels like there's actually a direction they are and have been going.

Like, I enjoy the tracksuit mafia stuff, and the brother thing, and the dog, etc. but I just wish his arcs were tighter.


I'm sure it is planned out, but I was just saying they should have taken a more cautious approach. They seem to be going all in with BvS when they really didn't have to. It's really part of the reason I am put off by BvS. The movie is called "Batman vs Superman". but they've already downplayed that to a degree where I could give a fuck about the two of them fighting because of all the other shit going on in the movie. Just throwing everything into the script like that strikes me as desperate and a little sloppy. I hope I'm wrong, though.

Actually it's called Bat-man v Superman Dawn of fucking Justice. Dudes really surprised that the whole film won't be them pounding on each other.

Fucking newsflash All the heroes team up to fight Baron Zemo in Civil War and will be back in the Avengers by Infinty War.
Kitty in a banana suit.

Kitty rides a magic space bullet through a prison phasing through walls to save Peter.

Both of these things happen.
Really? I just finished reading the entire run and I thought the Kate stuff was miles above the Clint stuff. I was more interested in what Kate was doing, than the whole Clint/Barney/Russian stuff and felt the re-connection of the two plot threads was a bit lackluster.

Also, one random question regarding Clint Barton following the final issue:
Does he still sport that hearing aid in titles that occur after the final issue or is it swept under the rug?
It's in Hawkeye vs. Deadpool and in Kot's Secret Avengers run.


Actually it's called Bat-man v Superman Dawn of fucking Justice. Dudes really surprised that the whole film won't be them pounding on each other.

If only. It's almost like they could just axe the whole "Batman vs Superman" portion of the title.

Fucking newsflash All the heroes team up to fight Baron Zemo in Civil War and will be back in the Avengers by Infinty War.

Right, but Marvel isn't showing that in the trailer. Just from watching the BvS trailer I know how and why they stop fighting. Lame.


I call bullshit of WB being nervous, you think they would be cool with BvS. It would be insane if Civil War, X-Men and Squad make more of an impact than BvS.
I call bullshit of WB being nervous, you think they would be cool with BvS. It would be insane if Civil War, X-Men and Squad make more of an impact than BvS.

They've apparently got a ton riding on it after a financially disappointing 2015 and a hostile takeover attempt. Nervousness is pretty reasonable.


Oh, it absolutely doesn't have to be done the way Marvel did it. It's just the way they did it worked really well so they'd be stupid not to follow suit. Whether they like it or not the DCU is going to be directly compared to the MCU not just by the fanboys but the general movie audience as well. I just don't see the DC rushing working out for them. They really needed to slow down and plan things out. If BvS doesn't perform well like the recent rumor suggests then DC just shot themselves in the foot. Adding a Batman movie directed by Affleck in between would have been a better move in my opinion.

The 'general movie audience' doesn't know the difference.

Which is also the reason they might have needed to be 'eased' into Avengers. They didn't know who the hell the most of them were.

Right, but Marvel isn't showing that in the trailer. Just from watching the BvS trailer I know how and why they stop fighting. Lame.

How and why?


look I actually was joking this time
but i may still fuck with some songs sometimes and may have seen The Aquabats and Less Than Jake live several times

it's cool man, we all have our vices
i fuck with Less Than Jake and Streetlight Manifesto too


He is shifting focus around to the other couples in their friend circle. Ally and Lisa will still be big parts of it and won't be abandoned . Ally and Lisa are still the main characters but we will get to see these other relationships unfold. He is doing it to keep it fresh and expand on characters people have been asking him to. Like Marion and Alan.

I'd vouch Alan being good enough to carry the book for an arc.

There is only so long the stringing along the will they won't they thing will work. Eventually you need that payout or it just becomes an exercise in relationship drama. He knows what he is doing. Just like Obama.

See, that's fine. I could feel that happening by the middle of Vol3, where everyone but Lisa's brother have gotten into the story somehow, and it worked because they were meeting people/we were meeting their circle of friends.

And honestly, if he does drag out their relationship drama, I'll have a hard time reading further. He's done a good job thus far making them seem like real people, it would be terrible to seem them become complete cliches just to keep people reading.


It's on Diamond's list for this week, so it should be coming out.

You are correct. The book is for sale now.
I must've checked CGN's website as they were updating their system because the UXM omnibus wasn't on there at all.

UXM omni vol #3 and SFV. It's going to be a great week
in my experience, BvS trailers dont get much traction with audiences with the exception of WW. A well done WW would save the movie if the movie turns out to be poor.


Yooooooooooooooooooo! Afterlife with Archie and Sabrina get return dates. They back!!!

The Archie Horror Line will soon shamble back into comic book stores. Vulture has learned that Archie Comics' "Afterlife with Archie" and "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" series will release new issues this summer after being on hiatus since May and July of 2015, respectively. The series will return this summer, with "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" #5 arriving on May 18 and "Afterlife with Archie" #9 hitting stores on June 1.
Writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa said that his work on the pilot for the CW's Archie television series "Riverdale" caused delays in the series. Aguirre-Sacasa's statement reads:

"After a too long delay, Archie Horror is back from near-death, with a new issue of 'Afterlife with Archie' and a new issue of 'Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.' With follow-up issues already in process! There’s no excuse for late books, just apologies. It’s been a humbling -- and busy -- few months. I’ve been working on our soon-to-be filmed television pilot 'Riverdale,' which will bring our favorite characters to life for the first time in … decades, maybe? Again, that’s not an excuse, just something that’s been taking up a lot of time and energy. But … we’re back! And, as always, Francesco Francavilla and Robert Hack are doing the work of their careers. We know how much these books mean to you -- so thank you, thank you, thank you for sticking with us through thick and thin. You’re the best fans in the world, is the truth, and hopefully we can serve you on a more consistent schedule over the next few months."

Preview art from both books at the link



Started Black Vortex, Quill and Kitty's argument reminds me of Valiant fans around here, you think you understand their reading lists and then BAM, Ninjak.
Started back up Star Wars: The Clone Wars again. Great show. I'm also going to start a SW comic soon. Probably Vader.

TFA really renewed my interest in this franchise



That lettering apparatus seems painstaking to use.

yeah, a lot of the things he does seem fairly reasonable but that lettering set was a bit much outside of achieving the very specific effect of evoking 1950s EC Comics
yeah, a lot of the things he does seem fairly reasonable but that lettering set was a bit much outside of achieving the very specific effect of evoking 1950s EC Comics
I like this guy's attitude. Clearly loves comics and goes in deep.

Theres definitely a good bit of inking knowledge and old craftsmanship that is gonna be lost on a generation of artists that draw almost all digitally (myself included).

Ill never understand why people want to apply screen tones in real life. You can get entire books of nothing but screen tones in varying density and patterns and just use them digitally.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I really want to like Pretty Deadly but the art really is not doing it for me. Besides just not looking that great It's pretty incomprehensible at times. After a few issues its starting to get a little annoying.


The 'general movie audience' doesn't know the difference.

I don't know, man. My mother knows the difference, granted she refers to DC/Justice League as "Superman and his friends" but she knows there is a difference between the two. If she knows I'm willing to bet most other people do too.

How and why?

Doomsday shows up and they have to team up to overcome that threat? They've already shown the moment where it turns and Wonder Woman shows up which to me was a mistake. If you have Batman vs. Superman in the title don't immediately downplay that aspect in trailers.

I really want to like Pretty Deadly but the art really is not doing it for me. Besides just not looking that great It's pretty incomprehensible at times. After a few issues its starting to get a little annoying.

I have the same thing with the Manhattan Projects. I want to get into the book, but the art just ruins it for me.
They've apparently got a ton riding on it after a financially disappointing 2015 and a hostile takeover attempt. Nervousness is pretty reasonable.

Keep in mind that with the rumored $400 million budget they'd need to take in about a billion for it to be profitable (the usual math is budget x 2,5 to cover marketing, theater splits etc). Man of Steel took in around $670 million by comparison, so they have plenty of reason to worry.


Saw Deadpool over the weekend and did laugh at a family walking out of the movie early on. It does make me wonder if that's going to be a trend this year since all the comic films this year look less kid friendly then previous years.
The Clint issues...I know I should love them. And I DO love the plot points that are going on, and the art in his issues is just sublime (both Aja and Francavilla). But...so many of the issues use this non-linear storytelling format that I'm just not loving. It makes me feel bad for not enjoying it, but I feel like I would like it so much more if the storytelling was just more straightforward.

I definitely have the same complaint too. Reading it again in a collected fashion instead of on MU highlights this even further.

I mentioned it in the book club thread but it looks like everyones jumped ship. Gameproff and bernardobri are putting up a valiant rearguard action.


I don't know, man. My mother knows the difference, granted she refers to DC/Justice League as "Superman and his friends" but she knows there is a difference between the two. If she knows I'm willing to bet most other people do too.

I'd say she's more the exception than the norm. Almost all of my non comics reading friends couldn't do much with categorizing superheroes between Marvel and DC. Marvel getting their movies out there in recent years have helped, sure. But As much as webhere obviously love them, there are a lot of the 'general audience' that doesn't deal much with comics at all.

Doomsday shows up and they have to team up to overcome that threat? They've already shown the moment where it turns and Wonder Woman shows up which to me was a mistake. If you have Batman vs. Superman in the title don't immediately downplay that aspect in trailers.

I mean, I didn't like seeing Doomsday either, but that's not really much of an answer though. That the three of them would have to team up and face something and that Supes and Batman wouldn't remain mortal enemies all the way through wasn't hard to infer without seeing a single trailer.

Saw Deadpool over the weekend and did laugh at a family walking out of the movie early on. It does make me wonder if that's going to be a trend this year since all the comic films this year look less kid friendly then previous years.

No joke I know 3 separate families where this happened (though I don't know if they walked out). We're talking kids in one of those instances as young as 6.

I'm no parent of the year, but even as little research as wondering about that R rating might at least be worth looking in to.
Saw Deadpool over the weekend and did laugh at a family walking out of the movie early on. It does make me wonder if that's going to be a trend this year since all the comic films this year look less kid friendly then previous years.

Heh, same thing happened to me. Movie started with a mom and at least 3-4 kids in there. Looked around at the end and... they'd left :p
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