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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.

All of the Mexican heroes had their books cancelled.

Big 2 sensed the coming Trumpocalypse. After he becomes president all Mexican comic book characters will be deported, as they are illegal immigrants from various fictional universes. Better to end the books early so the storylines don't get messed up.

This would be a great time to bring Jaime out of whatever hole you've got him tucked away in, DC. Just sayin.



Tell me about this X-Men book:


I see it's getting reprinted. Worth a read/buy? Is this some alternate universe X-men story? It's a nice 1100 page book.

Also, it looks like the UXM omnibus vol #3 variant cover edition sold out quick on IST. I'm glad I checked their website around 3pm to see it if was up. Got my copy :)



Tell me about this X-Men book:

I see it's getting reprinted. Worth a read/buy? Is this some alternate universe X-men story? It's a nice 1100 page book.

Also, it looks like the UXM omnibus vol #3 variant cover edition sold out quick on IST. I'm glad I checked their website around 3pm to see it if was up. Got my copy :)

It's pretty good, it takes place in a different universe where all the X-men are potatoes, but the story is great and compensates.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me

Tell me about this X-Men book:

I see it's getting reprinted. Worth a read/buy? Is this some alternate universe X-men story? It's a nice 1100 page book.

Also, it looks like the UXM omnibus vol #3 variant cover edition sold out quick on IST. I'm glad I checked their website around 3pm to see it if was up. Got my copy :)

It's pure unadulterated garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Kate Bishop issues in Hawkeye are awesome. I would totally read a standalone series by this creative team and with this tone.

Also, I'm trying to decide whether to delve into the Daredevil character with the somewhat thin Daredevil by Mark Waid OHC vol 1, or the thick Daredevil by Bendis Ultimate Collection vol 1 TPB. I'd get like twice the content in the Bendis one for the same price, but I much prefer the OHC format and I don't know which is better.

Basically, if both series are of comparable quality, I will likely get the more economical Bendis ultimate collection, but if the Waid one is much better, I will go with that. I need advice.

Oh, I will say that I love Maleev's art, so that may influence my decision towards Bendis.
The Kate Bishop issues in Hawkeye are awesome. I would totally read a standalone series by this creative team and with this tone.

Also, I'm trying to decide whether to delve into the Daredevil character with the somewhat thin Daredevil by Mark Waid OHC vol 1, or the thick Daredevil by Bendis Ultimate Collection vol 1 TPB. I'd get like twice the content in the Bendis one for the same price, but I much prefer the OHC format and I don't know which is better.

Basically, if both series are of comparable quality, I will likely get the more economical Bendis ultimate collection, but if the Waid one is much better, I will go with that. I need advice.

Oh, I will say that I love Maleev's art, so that may influence my decision towards Bendis.
Both of them are really good. I read through the Bendis run then Waid's after last year and I really enjoyed both of them!



Tell me about this X-Men book:

I see it's getting reprinted. Worth a read/buy? Is this some alternate universe X-men story? It's a nice 1100 page book.

So in 2000, Marvel decides to revamp the X-Men. They make a big fuss about it, call it "Revolution", and put Chris Claremont, that Chris Claremont, the "Dark Phoenix Saga" Chris Claremont, the Chris Claremont in the sentence "The best selling comic book of all time is 1991's X-Men #1 by Chris Claremont and Jim Lee" in charge.

It's a bust, the books are pretty bad, and, with Bryan Singer's first X-Men film bringing some attention to the franchise, they have to rethink their strategy.

And so, in july 2001, enters Grant Morrison, famous for his DC work, you might have heard of it, it's a little masterpiece called Animal Man / Doom Patrol / Kill Your Boyfriend / Flex Mentallo / JLA / DC One Million / The Invisibles. After two mini-series (Marvel Boy and Fantastic Four: 1,2,3,4), he comes to the X-Men with a mission : he's gonna make mutants cool again.

And boy oh boy, he does. It's basically a sleeker, smarter and generally more modern greatest hits collection, remixing the classic Claremont stories with counter-culture twists and turns, and unparalleled world- and culture-building, digging deep into what makes mutants their own thing.

With him on art are some of his usual co-workers, like Frank Quitely. And also some guy named Igor Kordey.

It's great comics, and not just that. It's become one of modern Marvel's founding texts, when it comes to all things mutants, with Rick Remender's Uncanny X-Force, Jason Aaron's Wolverine and the X-Men and Jonathan Hickman's Avengers making repeated references to it, and building up on some of its ideas.

Saw Deadpool. Heavily enjoyed it, even though Colossus came off like a little bit of a bitch which made me sad. Still have no urge to read Deadpool books.
Yeah, I just read some reviews that said it was a bit too preoccupied with sex and rape. Just tried to cancel my order on Amazon, as it sounds like Locke and Key would be a better choice for what I'm looking for.
Locke and Key is the perfect horror-fantasy comic book.
So the Boom Power Rangers book is already getting a Pink Ranger spinoff. Huh.
But why Pink? And only if it's Kimberly. Because fuck Kat.


Tell me about this X-Men book:

I see it's getting reprinted. Worth a read/buy? Is this some alternate universe X-men story? It's a nice 1100 page book.

Also, it looks like the UXM omnibus vol #3 variant cover edition sold out quick on IST. I'm glad I checked their website around 3pm to see it if was up. Got my copy :)
The first two thirds are really good. Assault on Weapon X is an okay arc, Planet X is garbage, Future is mildly okay. Art is spotty all around, save for Silvestri. I would highly recommend it despite my qualms with it. Much like Claremont's Uncanny, it influences a lot of modern X-Men mythos (E for Extinction is still heavily referenced). Plus, Whedon's Astonishing is sort of a loose sequel, meaning that while you don't have to read Morrison's run, it gives Whedon's book a lot more impact if you do.

And it's not an alternate universe. It's main 616 continuity.
What happened to Goldballs?
Is he Mexican? They didn't specify much past Latino. Miles is half-Latino, yeah? Is that Latino half Mexican? Isn't Earth 2 Lola Montez Mexican?
Ive read tons and tons of marvel books but I can't name you one semi prominent mexican character

There was Ultron's son from Runaways. Was Arana mexican?

Ewing trying to make me read more of his book. It's almost working ;)

rocafort needs to stop drawing characters with tube tops

in fact, there needs to be a moratorium on tube tops in comics. no more tube tops for comics for a while. like 30 years

Aracely is Mexican


Oh really? Im not familiar with that character. Time to look them up
wiki said:
She has no recollection of her life previous to her arrival to Houston, Texas with the exception of the event that took her there: her forced trafficking at the hands of the Lobo Cartel and the singular circumstances of it
Yup, thats the background Marvel gives a Mexican superhero

thx marvel


Ive read tons and tons of marvel books but I can't name you one semi prominent mexican character

There was Ultron's son from Runaways. Was Arana mexican?

rocafort needs to stop drawing characters with tube tops

in fact, there needs to be a moratorium on tube tops in comics. no more tube tops for comics for a while. like 30 years

Oh really? Im not familiar with that character. Time to look them up

Yup, thats the background Marvel gives a Mexican superhero

thx marvel
Spider-Girl and Retil are/were Mexican.
is Bunker still on the Teen Titans? because I'm pretty sure he's mexican and also of a non-intensely-tragic-for-the-sake-of-tragic backstory.

He was last I checked.

Dude's the best thing to come out of N52 TT hands down.

His powers are also themed around building walls.

Trump 2016! He'll make Bunker build the wall!


Slightly late, but wouldn't the whole "from another dimension that IIRC was pretty significantly different from ours" make trying to pin a specific ethnicity to America a bit of a weird thing in the first place? Like, she's not white obviously and it's cool as she does indeed represent diversity in that way, but I don't know, feels weird to try to peg her specifically like "oh, she's Mexican" or something considering that part of her background.

Regardless, I agree that we totally need more America, as she is indeed awesome.

Tell me about this X-Men book:

I see it's getting reprinted. Worth a read/buy? Is this some alternate universe X-men story? It's a nice 1100 page book.

It's pretty good to see some of these books getting reprints, I am definitely not going to miss UXF the next time it comes around.


I've spent all my comic reading time on GotG leading up to Black Vortex and four issues of that. No Squirrel Girling, no starting A-Force, Darth Vader, or the Weirdworld SW tie-in. No, it's allllll Star Lord, and i make great comic reading decisions.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Why is Rocket Girl releasing so damn slowly?

Good question. It is weird that they put out one issue after a 7 month hiatus and then haven't had another one solicited for the next 5 months. Maybe Reeder and Montclare are just too busy with Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur?
Good question. It is weird that they put out one issue after a 7 month hiatus and then haven't had another one solicited for the next 5 months. Maybe Reeder and Montclare are just too busy with Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur?

The release schedule must be starting to look a lot like Scarlet's by now.
oh yeah, Jon Malin is one of those Liefeld-alikes. He drew some of the Youngblood relaunch the last time that was coming out. I guess it's cheaper than getting Rob, and Rob is busy anyway, so, sure, whatever.
The Ultimates #4
I'm loving this book still, but it's becoming more and more hyping and not enough delivery. Granted, it's not OnePiece levels, but still. I want to see this team do shit. And T'Challa over there, being a dick.

Black Canary #8
This is one of those books where I don't get excited for it, but then I read it and it's completely enjoyable. I'm glad it's becoming more and more action-oriented, because even though Wu isn't drawing (don't know if she stopped or if she's on a break), the action is still baller. Also, some Vixen love. The twist seems cliche and expected, but it drives my interest into the plot.

Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3
This book finally exhibits some gore. I wasn't expecting it, but damn has it happened. And finally, the villain team-up I was actually expecting out of this book. Still going strong, though I still feel like the Turtles seem underpowered comparatively. This book would be so much better, methinks, if it was a Robins/Turtles team-up. Dick/Leo, Jason/Raph, Tim/Donatello, and Damien/Mikey.

Hellboy Winter Special
Goddamn it I love these short story specials they keep doing. Four stories, all super delightful. One is filled with the usual "Old Ones and shit" nonsense; One is a good ol' fashioned Hellboy BPRD story; One is a delightfully heartwarming backstory with Professor Broom and Hellboy being the worst guardians ever; And finally, the third is downright ridiculous and I love it. I will never be able to dislike Hellboy and this universe. Never.

Cry Havoc #1
Demon black ops squad? Writing and art is fantastic? We in there.
Assault on Weapon X fuckin owns
It's okay. I think what killed it for me was Bachalo's art, which is weird because I normally like his art. I think it was a combination of it being so different from what came before, and I'm pretty sure it was early Bachalo, so it wasn't as good as his current stuff.
New X-Men fuckin owns too, even the bad parts
I can't agree. Planet X honestly soured it way too much. Weapon X and Future arcs could have been dealt with, but Planet X was straight up bad.


Oh absolutely. Without question, but all Singer did was have him carry a TV. Ratner was the true hero that had him throw a fastball special.

Hey now, Colossus landed on someone in DoFP. At least I think that was him. Let's not start throwing praise at Ratner, it might encourage him to make more movies.
Hey now, Colossus landed on someone in DoFP. At least I think that was him. Let's not start throwing praise at Ratner, it might encourage him to make more movies.

I don't think Ratner is that bad of a director. He knows his wheelhouse and he sticks with it. TLS was a special case because, if I recall correctly, that movie had been passed around quite a bit before he got it. I think he was like, fourth in line after Singer or something. Plus the script was totally reworked and in a very short amount of time. The man did what he does, but this time with a pre-existing property in a very short amount of time with quite the patchwork quilt of a movie. It's not that great of a movie at all, but I still really enjoy the action and how colorful it is. Plot and dialogue be damned. It felt more X-Men then Singer's movies. I'm okay admitting that I enjoyed TLS and X-Men Origins: Wolverine more than X-Men and X-Men: Days of Future Past.


user-friendly man-cashews
The first two thirds are really good. Assault on Weapon X is an okay arc, Planet X is garbage, Future is mildly okay. Art is spotty all around, save for Silvestri. I would highly recommend it despite my qualms with it. Much like Claremont's Uncanny, it influences a lot of modern X-Men mythos (E for Extinction is still heavily referenced). Plus, Whedon's Astonishing is sort of a loose sequel, meaning that while you don't have to read Morrison's run, it gives Whedon's book a lot more impact if you do.
Riot at Xavier is the GOAT.



Tell me about this X-Men book:

I see it's getting reprinted. Worth a read/buy? Is this some alternate universe X-men story? It's a nice 1100 page book.

Also, it looks like the UXM omnibus vol #3 variant cover edition sold out quick on IST. I'm glad I checked their website around 3pm to see it if was up. Got my copy :)

Not an ultimate universe, just a new era sort of thing. There's a reason the previous printing still goes for a fair stack of cash even after the reprint has been announced. It's great.
Its an Mini :(

Would be in for another book set in the Clone Wars...

It's an ongoing thankfully! I assumed it would be a mini series when it was announced.

AN ALL-NEW ONGOING SERIES SPINNING OUT OF STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS! Poe Dameron, former Republic flyer turned Resistance fighter, is the best pilot in the galaxy. Hand-picked for the resistance by General Leia Organa to lead a squadron on a top secret and vital mission...Poe sets off investigating sites of historical importance to the Force. Revealing backstory leading directly into the holidays’ greatest adventure, follow Poe and his X-Wing squadron on covert missions against the First Order brought to you by writer Charles Soule (Star Wars: Lando, Daredevil) and artist Phil Noto (Star Wars: Chewbacca, Black Widow)!
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