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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.


Hmm, I'm toying with the idea of seriously reading comics again. But no sir, this time I won't end up with an insane pull list and a ton of backissues. I will fight my OCD and only select what truly excites me.
I know, I'm already fucked. I mean choosing between a fun no brainer actioner and a creator driven title ? Between the big commercial spandex and countless daring indies ? Piece of cake.

What's the consensus on Aftershock comics btw ?
Any must read these days ?

was MU an option for you? I'd suggest reading Image/other stuff monthly and subbing to MU, that way you avoid the constant feeling like you need to buy tie-ins events all the time.

DC also makes comic books but that's not really an issue.



It's okay. I think what killed it for me was Bachalo's art, which is weird because I normally like his art. I think it was a combination of it being so different from what came before, and I'm pretty sure it was early Bachalo, so it wasn't as good as his current stuff.

I can't agree. Planet X honestly soured it way too much. Weapon X and Future arcs could have been dealt with, but Planet X was straight up bad.

I mean -- if by early Bachalo you mean "over a decade of working professionally Bachalo" then sure, but early Bachalo to me is like... early 90s. Seriously though, Bachalo is fucking great in NXM, and one of the few non-Quitely artists who doesn't completely embarrass himself. The first issue of Assault on Weapon Plus* is like an all time great X-Men comic!

And despite certain problems I have with Planet X and Here Comes Tomorrow, they're a perfect thematic capstone to everything Morrison & co. were building towards, partly a product of Morrison's move to DC but also a really succinct articulation of everything the people who were working on those comics were trying to do

NXM remains the last time the mainline X-Men comic was genuinely exciting and not just "oh this is is really interesting even though you're totally hobbled by the status quo/having to write around a billion events/reverential to Claremont to a fault" (sorry Gillen and Whedon!)

*i dunno why I called it Assault on Weapon X last nite
Hmm, I'm toying with the idea of seriously reading comics again. But no sir, this time I won't end up with an insane pull list and a ton of backissues. I will fight my OCD and only select what truly excites me.
I know, I'm already fucked. I mean choosing between a fun no brainer actioner and a creator driven title ? Between the big commercial spandex and countless daring indies ? Piece of cake.

What's the consensus on Aftershock comics btw ?
Any must read these days ?

Re: Aftershock, I read the first issue of Super Zero and it was OK enough, but I haven't followed up on later issues. Insexts is an easy digital pull for me but it's (so far) a body horror lesbian romance/smuttish book so that's probably going to be rather polarizing depending on your tastes. I have a few other #1s but haven't gotten around to reading them yet. In general I'd say it's another indie label with comics you may or may not enjoy!

Li Kao

was MU an option for you? I'd suggest reading Image/other stuff monthly and subbing to MU, that way you avoid the constant feeling like you need to buy tie-ins events all the time.

DC also makes comic books but that's not really an issue.

Well I'm not too hot on being six month late to the party and in this thread, and the last time I tried it the service was a little too much on the shitty side (missing issues, loading issues etc.), but yeah, MU seems unavoidable these days.
Problem is that if it settles the budget issue it increases the OCD one. When you can read so many titles, well, good luck choosing which one. Speaking for my case here, not saying this is an universal issue.

But man, do I miss comics. There is some fantastic feeling when you read a great comic book that I don't get anywhere else.

this lady was cast in a unknown role in Guardians 2. Sure looks the part :eek:

this woman is 6'2 btw. crazy height on her.


going to continue to my binge

by finishing up Tokyo Ghost and then moving on to black science. After these issues I will decide whether to drop it or it keep it. Since I will be caught up with the recent hardcover that released.

will wait to post summaries after I finish an arc


Okay, Standoff got me hooked if only because it's another reminder SHIELD sucks.
The spoiled twist of the ANAD Avengers in #7 losing their memories makes sense. Also, Bruce might be in with them.
Oh crap, I didn't realize that Harley Quinn statue Messi posted is actually a 12.75" statue. I thought it was just a colored version of the B&W one. They did the same shit with the Batgirl statue. Like DC just discovered they can make the same shit, but bigger.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The next Image Expo will be happening on April 6th.

Confirmed guests:
Leila del Duca
Joe Harris
Jonathan Hickman
Rick Remender
Alison Sampson

So get ready to learn about the comics you'll be buying in the second half of 2017...

Good chance for Hickman to reintroduce Feel Better Now and The Dying & The Dead. Maybe he can tell us what's happening with the future of Manhattan Projects too.


Tokyo Ghost #2-5

damn Teddy reminds me of wolverine aka a damaged badass. The the last couple of pages of #4 was awesome. Like TMNT levels of action

edit: just finished #5...what a fucking cliffhanger. April can't come fast enough

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Tokyo Ghost #2-5

damn Teddy reminds me of wolverine aka a damaged badass. The the last couple of pages of #4 was awesome. Like TMNT levels of action

edit: just finished #5...what a fucking cliffhanger. April can't come fast enough

Yeah really looking forward to the next issue. Really hoping that bunker saved Debbie.


Have I wronged you in some way? That was cruel, man. Those eyes, they haunt me.

Edit: Son of a bitch, I posted and they popped up right above my post. It actually scared me for a second.

It's just a regular figure, nothing to be afraid of. Although DC did say that on the 12th day of the 12th month it would come alive to feed. They were probably just joking after watching Jeepers Creepers. Probably...


Black Vortex reminds me of Bendis' last X-Men event that i forgot the name of because nobody cares about it. Mutant Hopscotch or something.


Unconfirmed Member
No Misty. Just Danny x Luke bromance and it was great.

I got the feeling like Luke was mad at Danny for something, like they weren't really friends anymore. And Danny was wearing the black Karre Andrew's Jumpsuit, which already makes me dislike the book a bit.

There was some cute as hell Luke/Jessica/Danielle stuff, though.
I want to see your all's figure collections. Some of you must have pretty massive collections.

All I really have on display at the moment is my Funkos.

I used to be big into Marvel Legends but I sold up years ago. I still buy the odd one, I have Winter Soldier, Iron Man XLII and Star Lord on my desk.


Jesus Christ I need to get my pull list in order. My books on comixology this week just cost me:


But in euros (you can't put items in your cart that you have already bought hence me using comixology usa)



Dropping books is fun, just think about the ones you don't like and stop buying them.

This is what my current statue/regular sized trade shelf looks like at the top:

This was after the Harley B&W return, I lost another potential spot.


Power Man/Iron Fist off to a good start but I wonder why Luke is being pissy about not teaming up again? Did the Mighty Avengers stuff burn him that bad?

Also, Carnage is dope.
is the new jughead series any good? does it tie in with the main series (archie)
I'm enjoying Jughead as well but not as much as Archie. The series don't tie in together, even the Jugheads from each series are kind of different, they both have their own unique voice. Jugheads title is also full of dream sequences that give each issue a theme like pirates, spies, time travel, game of thrones and superheroes. I don't know if they will ever step away from that but so far it is a fun series.

Jesus Christ I need to get my pull list in order. My books on comixology this week just cost me

Damn Messi, how many books is that?
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