I'm enjoying Jughead as well but not as much as Archie. The series don't tie in together, even the Jugheads from each series are kind of different, they both have their own unique voice. Jugheads title is also full of dream sequences that give each issue a theme like pirates, spies, time travel, game of thrones and superheroes. I don't know if they will ever step away from that but so far it is a fun series.
Damn Messi, how many books is that?
Jesus Christ I need to get my pull list in order. My books on comixology this week just cost me:
But in euros (you can't put items in your cart that you have already bought hence me using comixology usa)
Mine cost me $8.98 this week.
Mine cost me $8.98 this week.
$16 for me, but I threw in a few impulse buys like Red Sonja #1 and 2.
Do you guys want the comic industry to close down? Get your shit together.
Messi, how do you spend $100 on a week where barely anything of note came out?
added to my wish list and will buy later. I don't mind a fun seriesI'm enjoying Jughead as well but not as much as Archie. The series don't tie in together, even the Jugheads from each series are kind of different, they both have their own unique voice. Jugheads title is also full of dream sequences that give each issue a theme like pirates, spies, time travel, game of thrones and superheroes. I don't know if they will ever step away from that but so far it is a fun series.
Damn Messi, how many books is that?
Messi has his own lists.
about to pay 15 dollars for some back issues of paper girls, low, and Archie
Do you guys want the comic industry to close down? Get your shit together.
Messi, how do you spend $100 on a week where barely anything of note came out?
Nothing came out???
I thought we agreed not to buy Bitch Planet anymore.
Reread it and while I agree that it is an angry book I don't mind it. Its not great though. I will prob drop it if nothing clicks with me in this or the next issue.
I thought you knew KSD can't write a story without bullshitting for 3 issues?
Extraordinary X-Men #7
Oh hey look. Another X-men issue where no one directly comes out and says what Cyclops supposedly did to turn the world against mutants. Again. All while continue their weird ass, year long character assassination campaign against him.
I honestly have no ideal what Marvel's game plan is where it come to Scott Summers. It literally makes no sense and has become more then tiresome.
I am starting to realize that Kelly Sue's writing does little to nothing for me outside of Captain Marvel. Especially Pretty Deadly and Bitch Planet. I THINK they are well written but maybe they aren't for me. Its not what I come to comics for.
I am starting to realize that Kelly Sue's writing does little to nothing for me outside of Captain Marvel. Especially Pretty Deadly and Bitch Planet. I THINK they are well written but maybe they aren't for me. Its not what I come to comics for.
American Alien #4 was the best one yet. So far, Max Landis is doing the most interesting take on the character that I have ever read.
Basically, since it's been awhile since I read the run (like over 2 weeks), I'll just link to my post. It's about the third Ultimate Collection, which covers Weapon Plus, Planet X, and Here Comes Tomorrow.I mean -- if by early Bachalo you mean "over a decade of working professionally Bachalo" then sure, but early Bachalo to me is like... early 90s. Seriously though, Bachalo is fucking great in NXM, and one of the few non-Quitely artists who doesn't completely embarrass himself. The first issue of Assault on Weapon Plus* is like an all time great X-Men comic!
And despite certain problems I have with Planet X and Here Comes Tomorrow, they're a perfect thematic capstone to everything Morrison & co. were building towards, partly a product of Morrison's move to DC but also a really succinct articulation of everything the people who were working on those comics were trying to do
NXM remains the last time the mainline X-Men comic was genuinely exciting and not just "oh this is is really interesting even though you're totally hobbled by the status quo/having to write around a billion events/reverential to Claremont to a fault" (sorry Gillen and Whedon!)
*i dunno why I called it Assault on Weapon X last nite
But why, though?A couple of library pickups...
All I really have are POP!s and Mystery Minis.I want to see your all's figure collections. Some of you must have pretty massive collections.
X-Men '92, A-Force, and Old Man Logan got their own series. America Chavez is in an ongoing, which means she's relevant again.That is all Secret Wars was. One big tease of cool stuff we'll never get to see again.
It's definitely a character assassination, but they've basically said "attempted genocide." Beyond that, we know no details.Extraordinary X-Men #7
Oh hey look. Another X-men issue where no one directly comes out and says what Cyclops supposedly did to turn the world against mutants. Again. All while continue their weird ass, year long character assassination campaign against him.
I honestly have no ideal what Marvel's game plan is where it come to Scott Summers. It literally makes no sense and has become more then tiresome.
First time I am avy quoted
Uh guys, has there been a Vertigo sale on comixology recently ?
There was the lucifer sale the week the show debuted.Uh guys, has there been a Vertigo sale on comixology recently ?
I am starting to realize that Kelly Sue's writing does little to nothing for me outside of Captain Marvel. Especially Pretty Deadly and Bitch Planet. I THINK they are well written but maybe they aren't for me. Its not what I come to comics for.
I think Deadpool is my favorite X-Men movie. That's a huge bummer.
I still really want a Fassbender's Magneto: Nazi Hunter, movie. I also need to get back to reading comics. Maybe back to my read through of Uncanny. In the 200's, and I think Mister Sinister is showing up soon in my run through.
But why, though?
i saw scans of the new comics-gaf and i'm not impressed.
Continuing yesterday's discussion, it looks like Groot has Puerto Rican roots?
I'll show myself out.
Mighty Thor is so fucking good month after month. Marvel's best book.
Man read some Scans from the newest Secert Six and it seems like Gail Simoine isn't a fan of the current Batgirl run.