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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.


I dont like how his stories end. Court of Owls had an amazing start and the first half was incredible creepy, then the Owls attacked the Batfamily and it went downhill from here, escelating in a stupid final involving a plane.

Death of the Family was incredible creepy und till the last two issues.

Year Zero was a big disappointment. A incredible downgrade compared to Year One, at least the art was cool. But thats not Snyders archivement.

No need to Avatarquote, I just think he somehow always managed it to write shitty ends.


Pls man...pls.
catman is looking after his dog taking a dump, batgirl drops out of a tree and lands in a weird supermodel pose with duck face. She speaks in stunted valley girl cadence and tells him to "like, clean up after your dog, or whatever". He laughs it off by handing her a bag of dog shit. They fight in a big looney toones cloud with the sound effects "HANDSOME" and "SELFIE"

...alright then

Oh lawd in heaven, where do I start? From the beginning, I suppose.

So, the book starts off carrying directly over from Remender's Uncanny Avengers. Magneto gone done murdered Red Skull, with his hatred combining with Xavier's psychic powers (akin to when Onslaught was first created) in order to create Red Onslaught. Now then, so far I'm on board. I like this idea a lot and I think it was done well...until all the other Avengers show up. Basically, Red Onslaught broadcasts a massive hate-wave across the world, causing everyone to be racist and angry. Everyone except IRON MAN. See, a big problem I have with this book is the heavy focus on Tony Stark. Later, when the Avengers head out to Genosha, Red Onslaught reveals that he had Stark's Anti-Superhero Sentinels (all of two of them) and sends them to attack all the Avengers plus whatever X-Men are there.

Now, my second big problem: the X-Men are pretty much garbage during this event. If they aren't just getting bodied, they're being evil and racist (I'll get to that later on). So, Tony's busy trying to get rid of the Sentinels (which are simply capturing those in their sights, but also maybe killing them. It's unclear) when suddenly, Magneto shows up! Now, apparently Magneto must still be super depowered or something, because he apparently can't do shit to this adamantium Sentinels. Tony is like, "these Sentinels were designed to hunt heroes, but not villains. Mainstream audiences think you're still a villain, so the Sentinels can't hurt you!" This brilliance in logic ends with everyone getting fucked. This includes Rogue, Scarlet Witch, and Doctor Strange trying to "invert" Red Onslaught on his "emotional axis" (aaaaand there's the event's namesake) in order to bring what's left of Xavier inside of him to the forefront. The plan works, until Kid Nova decides "wait, I'm a superhero," (actual dialogue) and screws everything up in doing so.

So, here's the good part: a small resistance force is left. They decide to take the fight to Red Onslaught one more time. It's going to shit, and then Magneto with a shitload of villains shows up. Why these particular ones, such as Carnage? Unknown, but these are the ones he picked up. Since the Sentinels can't target villains, they proceed to get fucked. The previous plan comes to unfold again as the heroes are freed from their prisons (inside the Sentinels), except something goes wrong, explosion happens, and then AXIS happens.

The rest of this is kind of a blur, since I didn't much care. Basically, the X-Men and Avengers attempt to have a race war, because someone kidnapped Red Skull. A few Avengers in particular (Medusa, Sam Wilson, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Kluh, and Luke Cage) become some weird, new Illuminati. Basically they're on their own side. They don't care for the Avengers any more, but they also hate mutants. It's weird. Everyone fights, completely blowing up New York (again). Steve Rogers gets a new team together comprised of inverted villains. Heroic moments happen, and the event ends with everyone back to normal EXCEPT Sabertooth, Tony Stark, and Alex Summers a.k.a. Havok.

I kind of rushed the final paragraph because I stopped caring. That's sort of the essence of the event: it became rushed because they stopped caring. Not to say they cared beforehand, but at a certain point shit just kind of happens. No real attachment to the characters, and while the art's pretty solid, there's nothing exciting happening in it. Some cool action shots, but nothing that got me too hyped. Admittedly, it kept me a bit hooked, but I think that was more curiosity than anything. I think the beginning and ending were the most interesting parts, since the beginning was a direct play off of where Remender had left Uncanny Avengers, and the end was set up for the Marvel Universe until Secret Wars happened: Doom has Red Skull hooked up to a chair, Sabertooth joins a new Avengers Unity Squad in penance for his crimes, an inverted Alex fucks off with Janet (unknown what happened to Janet) and visits Scott at the Weapon X bunker (setting up for the end of Uncanny X-Men), and an inverted Tony Stark becomes the Superior Iron Man. But while it may be bookended by an interesting story, the middle part is all the opposite.

It's nothing we haven't seen before. Hell, it feels like it's maybe a slightly more well-written version of Avengers vs. X-Men, but even then it's not saying much. It's pretty much the epitome of wasted potential. This was set to be Remender's finale to a saga that was long in the making. Beginning with Uncanny X-Force, it was supposed to end with this, and while it's definitely a massive nonsensical journey into mediocrity, I can at least see the story beats of Remender's initial tale: Red Onslaught wrecks shit, which fucks up the heroes present. A hate war occurs, shattering the Unity Squad. Evan ascends to the throne as Apocalypse. A brand new team is formed out of the fires of the old. The new team forms using legacy characters to replace the old members. Well, kind of. Sabertooth, Vision, Brother Voodoo, Sam Wilson, and Quicksilver all replace Thor, Wonder Man, Wasp, Sunfire, Havok, Wolverine, and Steve Rogers. The problem with everything is that it doesn't flow. It just doesn't. The core beats are there, and I can clearly see where a lot of Remender's stuff shows through (Deadpool trying to reason with Evan), but it just falls flat.

All in all, it's a bad event. The dialogue is just bad. The story is mediocre to bad at points due to the pure nonsensical stupidity of it all that there's no weight really given to anything. The narrative is choppy, because there isn't really a defined period of time for which everyone is inverted (I'm guessing a week at most) or even how long they're on Genosha (my guess is no more than 48 hours). Maybe I'm just more angry over the fact that one of the best sagas I've read in comics was just fucked into oblivion (and not in the fun way). I still have no idea what inverted Alex was supposed to be, other than gaining an insane obsession with Janet and Katie's "adventures" on Planet X (being pursued by the gestapo is not a happy life, Alex). I'm honestly not sure. He became a coward, I guess? Still unclear. I'm sorry if my review feels super choppy, ill-put together, but I guess my review just reflects the subject of it. Choppy, nonsensical, and ill-put together.

I would, however, really really like to know what Remender's original plans were. Before editorial swooped in.
They were sitting right there on the shelf next to each other. Maybe I'll like them...


No you won't.
I wouldn't say Zero Year is a disappointment but it doesn't get close to Year One as a Batman origin story, to me at least. I think GAMEPROFF has a point. A few of the arc endings have left me a bit unsatisfied (Death of the Family primarily) but overall I've still loved Snyder's run and I'm sad to see him go. Snyder and Capullo's Batman run got me into buying comics regularly.


Year Zero was interesting in the parts where we saw what Riddler did with Gotham. The rest of the Arc was between ok and good. After everyone wents nuts from week to week when the book originally released it just couldnt hold onto my expectations.


Doesn't Marvel do that all the time? They even took Soule and Lemire who were being groomed by DC.
King seems to be the one with the best book currently. I mean, to dont speak bad about Soules Star Wars books, but nobody seems to give a shit about Anakin & Obi Wan while all the time everybody seems to love Vision.

I know, sales, etc. but they should gave him another chance.
I dont like how his stories end. Court of Owls had an amazing start and the first half was incredible creepy, then the Owls attacked the Batfamily and it went downhill from here, escelating in a stupid final involving a plane.

Death of the Family was incredible creepy und till the last two issues.

Year Zero was a big disappointment. A incredible downgrade compared to Year One, at least the art was cool. But thats not Snyders archivement.

No need to Avatarquote, I just think he somehow always managed it to write shitty ends.

It's ok Gameproff I don't really like Snyder's Batman either. I intend to give Zero Year a shot but I don't think it'll top Year One for me.


Snyder's Batman run talk...no...keep your head down sillymonkey, stay out of it. You're already putting yourself out there campaigning for Trump, you can't fight this battle too. I've heard people say Snyder's run is terrible, but i don't want to say it myself. Should i say it? No, i shouldn't say it. But it's terrible.


King seems to be the one with the best book currently. I mean, to dont speak bad about Soules Star Wars books, but nobody seems to give a shit about Anakin & Obi Wan while all the time everybody seems to love Vision.

I know, sales, etc. but they should gave him another chance.

Given Marvel's history of snatching DC talent right from under their noses, they would have probably signed him in a few months if DC didn't, so it's probably less that Marvel passed on him than DC deciding to proactively retain him as an exclusive


King seems to be the one with the best book currently. I mean, to dont speak bad about Soules Star Wars books, but nobody seems to give a shit about Anakin & Obi Wan while all the time everybody seems to love Vision.

I know, sales, etc. but they should gave him another chance.
King in particular is really close to people at DC like Snyder and I doubt Marvel could beat the Batman offer. Given the critical claim Vision I would've expected King to get a higher profile book like Spencer did after Superior Foes if it wasn't for the Batman thing.

Also, the Inhuman books are good bro lol.
Yeah but you don't sign him up if that isn't the intention. His art is amazing.

That said...#1 only sold 31k :/

I mean, they can find other uses for him easily if they pass on an ongoing. Him on, like, Catwoman, would be dope. Or on Grayson which would be great considering he's already done Gambit and Ninjak

Kinda surprised to see it sell that little



Magneto was still depowered because he didn't show up to Uncanny X-Men that day they found Dark Beast hidden in a wall giggling about Nano-Sentinels.

I still love that half the Axis turns were just the characters saying "Well...it doesn't serve MY interests" a lot.


I mean, they can find other uses for him easily if they pass on an ongoing. Him on, like, Catwoman, would be dope. Or on Grayson which would be great considering he's already done Gambit and Ninjak

Kinda surprised to see it sell that little

Another case of a vocal minority on twitter banging a drum about wanting an ivy book and then not buying it when it comes out. I knew this would happen and I guess DC did too which is why it is a mini series. Its easy to retweet saying you want a book its a different story going into your store and spending the money.
Another case of a vocal minority on twitter banging a drum about wanting an ivy book and then not buying it when it comes out. I knew this would happen and I guess DC did too which is why it is a mini series. Its easy to retweet saying you want a book its a different story going into your store and spending the money.

I wonder why DC or Marvel don't start a Kickstarter type of website. List the idea and the creative team. Sell a 12 issue subscription and only go ahead if they get a minimum buy-in.


I wonder why DC or Marvel don't start a Kickstarter type of website. List the idea and the creative team. Sell a 12 issue subscription and only go ahead if they get a minimum buy-in.
Big Companys and Kickstarters always backfire.

Jim Lee's cover to Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad

Really like her costume on the cover


That costume is actually really good. Like it very much.
I wonder why DC or Marvel don't start a Kickstarter type of website. List the idea and the creative team. Sell a 12 issue subscription and only go ahead if they get a minimum buy-in.

I feel you'd get too many people acting like how when Sony were helping out with Shenmue 3 and a bunch of people (obviously the most vocal, as it always seems to be :( ) saying why should they bother when it's a big corporation. Not so much a subscription but it'd be cool if they had a DC Ideas site that was like Kickstarter and basically funded pitched OGNs from a creative team.

Edit: Capullo has finished his art on Batman 50. End of an era indeed.
That cover is pretty good
and yo I read up to the part in Zero Year where he flips the bird and it's covered by this ugly ass graphic that some bum intern did in five minutes and it's just like nah son
what the fuck, this was published?

that's such a DC move
Another case of a vocal minority on twitter banging a drum about wanting an ivy book and then not buying it when it comes out. I knew this would happen and I guess DC did too which is why it is a mini series. Its easy to retweet saying you want a book its a different story going into your store and spending the money.

true. figured Ivy was a popular enough character to sustain a series, but eh. First issue was pretty decent though


I wouldn't say Zero Year is a disappointment but it doesn't get close to Year One as a Batman origin story, to me at least. I think GAMEPROFF has a point. A few of the arc endings have left me a bit unsatisfied (Death of the Family primarily) but overall I've still loved Snyder's run and I'm sad to see him go. Snyder and Capullo's Batman run got me into buying comics regularly.

Good post. I don't think it's an insult to say it's not as good as Year One. For a lot of Batman fans, myself included, Year One is right there at the top of Batman stories ever done.
I quite liked Zero Year, but don't think it reaches the same level.


I liked Snyder's Batman through the first seven or so issues, especially the Court of owls upside down swirly issue. After that, the resolution of Court of Owls, Death of the Family, Zero Year, the stories just seemed rather dull. Loved the art though.
I don't see him doing both Batman and Green Lantern, but I could be wrong.

I'm sure his exclusivity contract ensures his DCU work doesn't interfere with his Vertigo books. I can see that being a big bullet for why he'd go exclusive. Oh, and the health care benefits.
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