do you still have star wars enthusiasm or have you freeza'd?
The love is definitely fading but that is somewhat expected. I'd be there day one for the sequel. Maybe I didn't need to preorder Rey BB8 and Finn tho.
do you still have star wars enthusiasm or have you freeza'd?
Where are you reading about this hack?
As an added security measure, we have strengthened the password requirements on As a result, all users will need to create a new password that meets our updated requirements
Where are you reading about this hack?
This and like I posteda couple of days ago I was unable to log into my Account, so I just wanted to be sureComixology had a data breach. Maybe gameproff was just being careful because his accounts are linked?
Isn't comixology Amazon? They use a similar content delivery engine, but I don't think they share accounts?
I appreciate the elaboration. I didn't chime in to defend the books exactly but I thought your post came off as drive by contrarian posting. I think your points are pretty valid so I'm not really looking to dispute themSure, let me elaborate.
It's Geoff Johns' Mary Sue fanfic about his favourite character that he couldn't accept had died, whose sole memorable moment was the time he died and was replaced by an infinitely superior character. The entire story is page after page of trying to jam this tired, worn out character into a universe that's evolved beyond them, entirely for the better, and attempts to do so by having everyone talk at length about how he's the coolest dude on the block. A popular character shows up to be the voice of dissent before being taken down because they didn't believe in the inherent greatness of Johns' pet character, and ultimately it ends by ascribing an artificial importance to the returning microwaved leftovers, pretending that there are super deep and meaningful reasons for their return and not just because old white men couldn't let go of their favourite comic book character, who were removed from the spotlight entirely because, at the time, nobody cared who they were.
Now which one am I talking about again?
They're bad comics. I'm fine calling them bad comics.
I appreciate the elaboration. I didn't chime in to defend the books exactly but I thought your post came off as drive by contrarian posting. I think your points are pretty valid so I'm not really looking to dispute them
You know, whenever I get some free time to do whatever I think "I'm gonna read X!". Then I never do. I hate that.
That's how siths were created.
Sure, let me elaborate.
It's Geoff Johns' Mary Sue fanfic about his favourite character that he couldn't accept had died, whose sole memorable moment was the time he died and was replaced by an infinitely superior character. The entire story is page after page of trying to jam this tired, worn out character into a universe that's evolved beyond them, entirely for the better, and attempts to do so by having everyone talk at length about how he's the coolest dude on the block. A popular character shows up to be the voice of dissent before being taken down because they didn't believe in the inherent greatness of Johns' pet character, and ultimately it ends by ascribing an artificial importance to the returning microwaved leftovers, pretending that there are super deep and meaningful reasons for their return and not just because old white men couldn't let go of their favourite comic book character, who were removed from the spotlight entirely because, at the time, nobody cared who they were.
Now which one am I talking about again?
They're bad comics. I'm fine calling them bad comics.
I appreciate the elaboration. I didn't chime in to defend the books exactly but I thought your post came off as drive by contrarian posting. I think your points are pretty valid so I'm not really looking to dispute them
Sure, let me elaborate.
It's Geoff Johns' Mary Sue fanfic about his favourite character that he couldn't accept had died, whose sole memorable moment was the time he died and was replaced by an infinitely superior character. The entire story is page after page of trying to jam this tired, worn out character into a universe that's evolved beyond them, entirely for the better, and attempts to do so by having everyone talk at length about how he's the coolest dude on the block. A popular character shows up to be the voice of dissent before being taken down because they didn't believe in the inherent greatness of Johns' pet character, and ultimately it ends by ascribing an artificial importance to the returning microwaved leftovers, pretending that there are super deep and meaningful reasons for their return and not just because old white men couldn't let go of their favourite comic book character, who were removed from the spotlight entirely because, at the time, nobody cared who they were.
Now which one am I talking about again?
They're bad comics. I'm fine calling them bad comics.
No one knows. Possibly pushed back till Marvel figures out what they want from the series.Just remembered, was the new Blade title ever published ? Is it canceled or just pushed to a later date ?
and let's be honest, outside of a couple of cool sequences, Flash Rebirth wasn't very good. EvS should never be allowed to draw a speedster again.
Did you happen to read this editorial from Comics Alliance?
DC Rebirth: Is Geoff Johns Selling Out DCs Future in Pursuit of its Past?
No, but it's more that I'm never not in a position where I'll complain about Geoff Johns because Geoff Johns hasn't written anything of merit since Booster Gold, and prior to that, JSA.
Besides his style not being personally appealing for an extended period of time, I think there are a lot of this EVS doesnt do particularly well. His work tends to be made stiff by detail so his work isnt very well suited for a book with more dynamism than posturing imo
Just remembered, was the new Blade title ever published ? Is it canceled or just pushed to a later date ?
Limbo, same fate as Gamora except while Gamora is in limbo due to the writer of that book doing the Cap Marvel movie, there was a harsh reaction for Blade because of the daughter angle. All we know is that the original writer has quietly left the book.
Gambit/Deadpool miniseries...yaaaaUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH
Limbo, same fate as Gamora except while Gamora is in limbo due to the writer of that book doing the Cap Marvel movie, there was a harsh reaction for Blade because of the daughter angle. All we know is that the original writer has quietly left the book.
Do you have any Star Wars Hot Toys on order?
There's an ending to Star Wars fever?
It's Geoff Johns' Mary Sue fanfic about his favourite character that he couldn't accept had died, whose sole memorable moment was the time he died and was replaced by an infinitely superior character.
Marvel themselves sent out an email to reset passwords, but didn't mention a hack.
Comixology had a data breach. Maybe gameproff was just being careful because his accounts are linked?
In for a collected edition.
There's an ending to Star Wars fever?
Thanks, haven't changed mine for a while anyway.
I still have the fever, upcoming Hot Toys, current comics, future comics, Force Friday, Rogue One, Legos, fan theory videos, production of Ep 8, Rebels show, Lego show. I'm very excited for the future. Now that they hacked the EU out of canon, it's a very fun universe to follow.
No such thing as an end to Star Wars fever. I'm seeing it tomorrow for my 6th time.
No such thing as an end to Star Wars fever. I'm seeing it tomorrow for my 6th time.
The attention to detail is sickening.
Damn, just read Big Barda's first appearance. Great character design, immediately catches your attention. Makes me want to skip the other three comics and jump to the next Miracleman issue.
Reading the Fourth World for the first time? Great choice. That is my absolute, all time favorite story ever.
Yep, partway through the second omnibus and loving it. So many new characters* and all of them super interesting.
*(to me and as I as I understand, to everyone at that time)
Reading the Fourth World for the first time? Great choice. That is my absolute, all time favorite story ever.
my ipad air smart cover is starting to come apart, must be all the hearthstone i i read.
Messi. I have a confession. I like Harley better with blonde hair where only the tips are dyed (very light) red and blue. The Jim Lee cover is super rad.
I just finished the first omnibus for the first time, too. It really bums me out that DC had various artists redraw Kirby's Superman and Olsen to fit the one basic model sheet they deemed necessary to always be used, without exception. So stupid.Superman and Jimmy Olsen are pretty much the only non Kirby created characters in the whole thing. The Newsboy Legion, Dan Turpin, and Guardian were characters he created in the 40s with Joe Simon, but Intergang, the New Gods, and the Forever People were all new to this story.
So do I. Not really a fan of the split red and black hair. Sometimes it works but usually it doesn't.