Its great. The Avengers trying to defend New York from Godzilla. Comics <3
You need to get it from Ebay, its a licencend book.Well now I really need to read it. Is it on Unlimited?
Also, I finished SAGA Vol 1. and really enjoyed it.
I really liked his work with Azzarello on the Banner mini series. It's been like 10 years since I read it so it might be trash who knows.I read some Solo this weekend because I was tired of getting owned on SFV, and yeah the Richard Corben issue is fucking rad. I don't think I'd ever read his stuff before but now i wanna read some of those indie horror comics he's done because I really liked that issue
The Tim Sale one was kinda cool too for decent genre noir comics
I'll say this...I liked the first four parts. Its a really dramatic thriller for the first 2/3rds, lot of dark shadows, great melodramatic body language from Mike Deodato Jr. A dark secret from Peter's past, wtf could it be, where the HELL is this story going...
and then it goes there
Civil War is worse than Nemesis?
What do you think of JMS original idea to make Sarah and Gabriel Peters children?
Why don't they have mouths?
I'm having a hard time finalizing March's new OT thread, i can't decide between talking about wrestling or the nba.....i feel like both might be too much if i'm going to include any comic talk.
You know you want it.
Yeah maybe.That probably went have been worse. Peter Parker the deadbeat father, with some kids out there he never knew or would need to be part of his life forever unless they both tragically killed off as soon as they introduced.
Probably should've just canned that idea, b.
You could prob drop the NBA section and have an Olivia section instead?
it's the road to wrestlemania season, manI'm having a hard time finalizing March's new OT thread, i can't decide between talking about wrestling or the nba.....i feel like both might be too much if i'm going to include any comic talk.
Leaning towards the title being " You can't hurry Love" the classic Phil Collins song, about Kevin Love/Cavs alongside people still booing Roman Reigns despite getting pushed heavily. Maybe i'll drop comics for Olivia, it's what the readers want.
Leaning towards the title being " You can't hurry Love" the classic Phil Collins song, about Kevin Love/Cavs alongside people still booing Roman Reigns despite getting pushed heavily. Maybe i'll drop comics for Olivia, it's what the readers want.
COMICS! |OT| March 2016. The only Snyder we care about is Scott.
Civil War is worse than Nemesis?
Civil War's a bad comic and easily the worst of the Millar/McNiven collabs, but Sins Past is downright repulsive
Civil War is worse than Nemesis?
Nemesis gets a movie, right?
Bayern <3Watching Juve vs Bayern
fuck you Robben
Watching Juve vs Bayern
fuck you Robben
Wrong game m7, Barca vs Arsenal was the game to watch.
I watched the first half. snoozeville right there.
and then you missed an exciting second half...
Every time I see Frank Cho art, my first thought is that it's kind of pathetic that he's still doing this, and the second is that he's an amazing artist. I wish he wouldn't spend so much time on a grudge and do some other stuff.
He'll keep doing it as long as people keep giving him shit for it, or giving shit to artists in general about the same thing.
its about money.
Money is always good.
I never liked how Capullo drew Dick's hair. It's like he was using one of the Three Stooges as reference.
It's always reminded me of Ultimate Peter Parker.I never liked how Capullo drew Dick's hair. It's like he was using one of the Three Stooges as reference.
I barely know that guy and i already want him to win. They already ruined the Authority getting kicked out last time, surely they won't do it again.
Cho's spider-gwen cover is funnier and more interesting than the book itself in its current state >.>
It's absolutely going to happen. The signs are there![]()
Why don't they have mouths?
You don't know Shane McMahon? Did you start watching wrestling last Tuesday?
Secret Six Vol. 1: Friends in Low Places
So, my big fear going in was, "what if this isn't as good as Simone's previous run?" For the first couple chapters, I thought my fears had been realized. The art was good, but I wasn't a fan of any of the characters aside from Strix and Porcelain. Which is fine, since they're both effectively my favorite characters in this run. However, once they reach the suburbs...honestly this book turns it up a lot. The characters all have started to grow on me more, and I've gained a genuine interest in them. Big Shot's backstory is actually really cool, and I love his relationship with Black Alice. Black Alice is about what I expected, considering the previous run I read, but still an interesting character none the less. Catman...honestly I didn't like him at first, and I'm still shaky, but he's grown on me. They played the "cat" part of him up way too much, and it bothered me quite a bit. Still does, in fact, but not nearly as much.
The one character I'm genuinely shaky on is Ventriloquist. Honestly seems like she's there to try to replace Ragdoll as the "super kooky, weird character." But then Ragdoll, Scandal, and Jeanette show up and it's goddamned amazing.
So yeah, it took a bit, but it's definitely grown on me. I can certainly see this living up to the previous run.
Looks like Rebirth will be the end of it so it likely wont get a chance to live up to the first run![]()