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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.


Wasn't there a long delay between the first and second issues? I genuinely forgot it was a thing for awhile, and the pre-New 52 Secret Six is my favourite DC book ever.

Yeah there was a big delay and then issues 2 and 3 shipped out of order. 2 was meant to be 3 or vice versa. I agree the series didn't find its feet until the suburbs part. But I believe they retooled the arc after lukewarm reaction to the first issue. But thats just speculation.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Wasn't there a long delay between the first and second issues? I genuinely forgot it was a thing for awhile, and the pre-New 52 Secret Six is my favourite DC book ever.

Yes and then they had to release of couple of issues out of order due to one of the artists being slow as shit.

Edit: shit beaten by a good 20 minutes.


Starbrand and Nightmask #1: decent first issue, i don't think i'm sold on it to pre-order monthly since i only ordered this issue, but i'll read it on MU for a few more. One minor problem i have with books is when they draw characters way too young, Starbrand looks like a kid who's going to college, and unless that's on purpose it's just weird at times. A fairly tame opening issue while trying to ramp up at the end. Random 5/10

Since i'm not buying this monthy i'm not going to redeem the digital code. Whoever quotes this post first and in 1000 words or less describes why they are a fan of Roman Reigns gets the digital code.

I'll know if you aren't really a fan and code award will depend on this. Believe that.
Looks like Rebirth will be the end of it so it likely wont get a chance to live up to the first run :(
It'll have been fun whilst it lasted.
Wasn't there a long delay between the first and second issues? I genuinely forgot it was a thing for awhile, and the pre-New 52 Secret Six is my favourite DC book ever.
It's tied with Nightwing for mine.
Bummer. I didn't enjoy his Nightwing run (though it had potential), but I liked Power Rangers. I think I'm reading one other thing by him, but I can't recall what it is. He's a decent writer.


Nothing is worse than Nemesis. Nemesis was just fucking mean, and gross. Civil War was poor execution on a pretty good idea.

Put it this way: Nemesis more or less accomplishes what it's trying to do (a 13 year old's idea of Batman) whereas Civil War barely holds together as a story.

Also Nemesis has way better fights


Civil War should have been a Wordy Talky comic series instead of a big superhero punch up. It's one of the coolest ideas the Marvel Universe could explore and they royally cocked it up.
Civil War should have been a Wordy Talky comic series instead of a big superhero punch up. It's one of the coolest ideas the Marvel Universe could explore and they royally cocked it up.

I feel like this could go for many events, Secret Invasion immediately comes to mind. New Avengers #31 was so good for a WTF moment with Skrull!Electra's body. It could have been Battlestar Galactica With Superheroes, we got one issue of set-up and then seven more of casual alien murder, oh and we blew up The Wasp, 'cause reasons.
Starbrand and Nightmask #1: decent first issue, i don't think i'm sold on it to pre-order monthly since i only ordered this issue, but i'll read it on MU for a few more. One minor problem i have with books is when they draw characters way too young, Starbrand looks like a kid who's going to college, and unless that's on purpose it's just weird at times. A fairly tame opening issue while trying to ramp up at the end. Random 5/10

Since i'm not buying this monthy i'm not going to redeem the digital code. Whoever quotes this post first and in 1000 words or less describes why they are a fan of Roman Reigns gets the digital code.

I'll know if you aren't really a fan and code award will depend on this. Believe that.

Because he BRINGS THE FIGHT! #OneVersusAll #HeCanHeWill #BelieveTHAT


Working my way through this massive backlog of floppies (still haven't made a dent in the pile of IST orders)

Caught up on WicDiv, Daredevil up to the end of Waid/Samnee and Sam Wilson: Captain America.

Sam Wilson is fantastic. Love how it is pretty damn goofy (CapWolf!) but manages to still feel like a Captain America book.


Is Sunstone any good? I checked out the Deviantart page but it's just a bunch of loose pinups in terrible English.

Yes. Get the trades and don't bother with the deviantart page. The art has been fixed in the trades and it read much better there.


Someone sent this to Tim Seeley on twitter and I had completely forgotten about it. Whatever happened to this Suicide Squad lineup. They never ended up in the book right?

I feel like this could go for many events, Secret Invasion immediately comes to mind. New Avengers #31 was so good for a WTF moment with Skrull!Electra's body. It could have been Battlestar Galactica With Superheroes, we got one issue of set-up and then seven more of casual alien murder, oh and we blew up The Wasp, 'cause reasons.
I have that issue! Pretty dope.
If only they had a second chance at it...
I love Bendis, but even then I'm still worried.
This time, she finds out she isn't really Jewish...she's Inhuman.
Working my way through this massive backlog of floppies (still haven't made a dent in the pile of IST orders)

Caught up on WicDiv, Daredevil up to the end of Waid/Samnee and Sam Wilson: Captain America.

Sam Wilson is fantastic. Love how it is pretty damn goofy (CapWolf!) but manages to still feel like a Captain America book.
CapWolf was the worst part about that book by a lot.
Dude come on

Not wrong...


I feel like this could go for many events, Secret Invasion immediately comes to mind. New Avengers #31 was so good for a WTF moment with Skrull!Electra's body. It could have been Battlestar Galactica With Superheroes, we got one issue of set-up and then seven more of casual alien murder, oh and we blew up The Wasp, 'cause reasons.

Bendis: I kill people because...

And before people say AvX, he just wanted to kiss ass since he was jumping from Avengers to X-Men.


Umm... Those things are true about me, too.

I also ordered the Wayward HC with my IST order. Dis better be good.

I hope you enjoy both then.

You just have to be wary of which telltale shows up for this game. GoT/Minecraft Telltale or Walking Dead S1/Tales of the Borderlands Telltale.

I hope its good though.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I hope you enjoy both then.

You just have to be wary of which telltale shows up for this game. GoT/Minecraft Telltale or Walking Dead S1/Tales of the Borderlands Telltale.

I hope its good though.

Which are the good ones and which are the bad?
Which are the good ones and which are the bad?

Walking Dead Season 1 and Tales from the Borderlands are considered to be Telltale's best games. Wolf Among Us is my personal favourite and I like all three.

I haven't played Game of Thrones or Minecraft. I don't think I will bother with Thrones as I find the show a slog (that didn't stop me buying it though), and Minecraft, well my friends that like Minecraft and Telltale say it's good. I'll get it in the Summer Sale.


three Trump wins in a row, this is just the best.

Also Duggan's Deadpool is still fun, I read issue #25.NOW! today. Without that specific numbering we'd all be lost.


Quick note if you're reading the super-dope story in the Superman books: Superman goes AFTER Superman/Wonder Woman.

PSA done.


Justice League is what a Major Team book should be, in the absence of an event Justice League and The Avengers should be the Event you read every month

I'm guessing Cruz is somehow freeded from Power Ring and her Willpower gets her a shiny new GL ring.
Superman/Wonder Woman & Superman: I'm grouping these two as one thing because, well, I'm lazy.

Ultimately... I'm pretty disappointed with how this story turned out. Sure, it's had some cool moments, but the sheer potential from those first couple of issues of Greg Pak's run never really got realized, instead traded for another bombastic "punch fools, save the world" plot. Don't get me wrong, it does that pretty well, but it could have been so much more.

Still, we got Mythbrawl out of it, so I guess I've got no real reason to complain. Definitely going to want to sit down with a collected version of the entire arc, see if it reads better that way.

Justice League: This is definitely an event book. How do I know it is? Because the big bad just waved his hand and a half-dozen Green Lanterns died! That is absolutely event book material.

Anyway, things are heating up. Crime Syndicate jobbing hard (as expected), but the heroes aren't doing a lot better. Someone's gonna have to pull one hell of a rabbit out of their hat.

Art is great too, btw. I love the visuals on God Superman.
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