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COMICS! |OT| February 2016. World of love and strangeness and charm.


Has anyone else here tried out Stela? It's a new digital comics imprint focused on making comics to read on your phone. Which is cool for me, because i'm on my phone all the time but I'm not about to read comics optimized for print on it. There's stuff from Ron Wimberly, Irene Koh, Victor Santos, Jen Bartel, et al. I read a little over half of them, the Wimberly story about 3 young ninjas is the main standout and the Koh one is also really good. It's $4.99 for a monthly subscription which i'm down with. There's enough here that i'm already enjoying and it sounds like there's more cool stuff on the way. I recommend giving it a look.

this was a recommended follow on twitter (technology is creepy) but I didn't realize that cool dudes were doing stuff for it.

i'm not on an iphone but i might check this out eventually


With the Justice League being like 10x stronger than they usually are right now you'd think the fights would have more scale to them. I hope Geoff delivers in the finale. And why is Superman not getting any lines and Cyborg possessed again? Geoff must hate characterization like AIDS.

Still enjoying the arc though.

Ive never felt that Johns was good at writing Justice League level threats. They usually tackle the most mundane shit under him. I like Morrison's run where everything was more "cosmic".


From what I can remember, they showed how radically changed Korugar's society was changed in the aftermath of Sinestro and how Sora was ostracized after becoming a Green Lantern even though she was a brilliant surgeon.

That's what I was thinking of, that's from around Sinestro Corps War right?

That and Hal's sacrifice to save the Earth when he was Parallex have to be the only two events that Johns' is using to hail him as "the greatest," because I can't think of any others.

I think it's funny that the Guardians somehow never expected Sinestro to become a dictator. Like, he bragged about how his sector was completely crime-free and the most orderly sector there was. Yet they never saw it coming...

I had long responses typed up to both of these points before my browser ate the post, so now you're getting the cliff notes version.

Hal being the greatest has been a thing for most of the history of the character and wasn't a Johns invention.

The Guardians have been depicted as anywhere from incompetent to sinister for most of their history, so them not expecting the dude named Sinestro to be evil shouldn't be surprising.
Preview of possibly Ultimates #8 cover:


IGN gave Saga #34 a 7.7. That's like a 4.0/10 anywhere else. Has Saga finally jumped the shark? Time to sell off my #1 and forget that the book ever existed.

I feel like I am the only one who isn't head over heels in love with Lying Cat. Ghuus on the other hand...

That's cool,, I'd rather The Will or something, Prince Robot

Hot damn Justice League was amazing. Fabok made my jaw drop a few times. Reading this story has made me remember why I fell in love with the DC Universe in the first place. I love these characters when done right.

Nice, I was just asking my LCS guy if Fabok is still on that book or what..

IGN gave Saga #34 a 7.7. That's like a 4.0/10 anywhere else. Has Saga finally jumped the shark? Time to sell off my #1 and forget that the book ever existed.

I'll start the bids at $2.99


That's cool,, I'd rather The Will or something, Prince Robot

Nice, I was just asking my LCS guy if Fabok is still on that book or what..

He took a break one month where we got the awesome manapaul drawn issue, but he's off the title come Rebirth which sucks.

Called off due to the weather so I'm going to catch up on some comics and play some Halo and KI.
Has anyone else here tried out Stela? It's a new digital comics imprint focused on making comics to read on your phone. Which is cool for me, because i'm on my phone all the time but I'm not about to read comics optimized for print on it. There's stuff from Ron Wimberly, Irene Koh, Victor Santos, Jen Bartel, et al. I read a little over half of them, the Wimberly story about 3 young ninjas is the main standout and the Koh one is also really good. It's $4.99 for a monthly subscription which i'm down with. There's enough here that i'm already enjoying and it sounds like there's more cool stuff on the way. I recommend giving it a look.
I have a friend who has a comic on Stela. Not sure if it's released yet but it's called Love Run Riot.

Claremont's Uncanny X-Men (at least through the Dark Phoenix Saga): Pretty much redefined X-Men before Morrison came along and did it again. Be wary that the dialogue is very dated, however.

Morrison's New X-Men: Though I don't like the last few arcs, specifically Planet X, it's still highly recommended reading. Especially for an X-Men fan. Though the art is all over the place.

Whedon's Astonishing X-Men: Basically a loose sequel to Morrison's run (not necessary, but it gives Whedon's run more impact), it brings the X-Men back to being superheroes. Whereas Morrison focused more on the politics of it all. Whedon's run has been my favorite run so far. It has a lot of heart, and has a very emotional ending that made me tear up a lot. Not very many books can claim that.

Bendis' Uncanny X-Men: Not necessarily required or definitive at all. It didn't do anything particularly special, but I enjoyed it a lot. It has some genuinely cool moments. Though, if you don't like Bendis, I wouldn't read it. Plus, reading All-New X-Men for the first few arcs is pretty much required, since a good chunk of UXM's story begins there. I'm not exactly a fan of ANXM, though. Final issue of UXM is pure aces, though.

Other books:

Remender's Uncanny X-Force: Next to Whedon's AXM, this is my favorite X book. Redefining Apocalypse (which is still used now) and writing my favorite version of Deadpool. It has some really strong arcs, both plot and character. It's a very dark book, however, generally dealing with the theme of whether or not killing is always the best way to solve a problem (assuming it's an option). Plus it leads up to Remender's Uncanny Avengers, which is also awesome.

Rucka's Cyclops: This book does have more than just Rucka as a writer, but Rucka's initial run is the best. Just a fun space pirate adventure with young Cyclops and the Starjammers. Also a great Cyclops story, even if it is the O5 Cyclops.

Spurrier's X-Force: Again, a very dark and violent book dealing with "how far is too far), but still really good. If you like the good guys being not-so-good guys, this book is perfect. It also has one of the best retcons in a long time (Forget-Me-Not).

X-Men: Age of X: Just a really cool alternate timeline story. Not much beyond that. It gets referenced in Spurrier's X-Force.

Hope that helps, It's just off of the books that I really liked. There are a couple others, but I haven't read a whole lot of them to really recommend them. Those are all books that I've read the whole run of (save for Claremont, but through the Dark Phoenix Saga is a lot).

Peter David X- Factor and. Carey X-men/ X-men Legacy after that
He took a break one month where we got the awesome manapaul drawn issue, but he's off the title come Rebirth which sucks.

Called off due to the weather so I'm going to catch up on some comics and play some Halo and KI.

Ahhh,, yeh I think I got those Manapul issues,, hes awesome (I get to meet him at C2E2 this year)

Where is Fabok going??? I need to know this. lol


Run Love Kill is a book that reeks of one volume and done. It's been ages since we had a issue. None since the first trade and the first trade doesn't wrap up the story. It's sad because the book is quality when it releases.

I like that Joelle Jones is working ahead on Lady Killer so delays don't happen in the second volume.


Green Lantern Edge of Oblivion #2: I'm still disappointed about the changes from the end of Lost Army but this is still a pretty decent book. Unlike Lost Army which was mostly about a small group this is a story of the corps as a whole with Guy and Kilowog fighting over the decisions to take. The art by Van Sciver can be still at times but overall conveys the cosmic entropy the team is facing.
I did hate the killing of Arisa and Bad'g long time Lantern mainstays.


So I have read the first arcs of both Joe Kelly's Deadpool and Cable & Deadpool and I like the latter the best. So I'm gonna trek all the way through that first.

Now that I have Marvel Unlimited, what is some of the best X-Men stories to read?

Yeah, C&D is great. And gets better too. It actually juggles the wacky Deadpool shit and the Cable plot really nicely. It's a good book.
Run Love Kill is a book that reeks of one volume and done. It's been ages since we had a issue. None since the first trade and the first trade doesn't wrap up the story. It's sad because the book is quality when it releases.

I like that Joelle Jones is working ahead on Lady Killer so delays don't happen in the second volume.

Yeah I was just wondering what the hell happen to this book,, loved it.
Eric Canete is a super cool humble dude as well... dammit :(
Thanks for the recommendations guys. I have read Astonishing, Uncanny X-Force (own the omnibus!). Guess I'll try Morrisons run after C&D.
Thanks for the recommendations guys. I have read Astonishing, Uncanny X-Force (own the omnibus!). Guess I'll try Morrisons run after C&D.
I'm not sure how much you like Bendis but I do recommend reading his X-Men work. With the exception of some Peterson cgi looking issues it has tremendous art through the entire run.

I also recommend Magneto: Testament by Pak (I don't remember the artist offhand), the latest Magneto series by Bunn and Walta, Mike Carey's work is considered very solid, Uncanny Avengers continues a lot of the themes and plot lines of Uncanny X Force and is grade A shit prior to Axis.


Hal being the greatest has been a thing for most of the history of the character and wasn't a Johns invention.

The Guardians have been depicted as anywhere from incompetent to sinister for most of their history, so them not expecting the dude named Sinestro to be evil shouldn't be surprising.

Yeah. I never quite agreed with the criticism. Johns seemed to try and give it weight, mostly to me in presenting it as more a matter of 'succession' in a way, as Sinestro is the 'greatest' before he ever got there. Even Abin Sur seems to be rather well regarded.


Yeah. I never quite agreed with the criticism. Johns seemed to try and give it weight, mostly to me in presenting it as more a matter of 'succession' in a way, as Sinestro is the 'greatest' before he ever got there. Even Abin Sur seems to be rather well regarded.

Part of my big post that got swallowed by the web was that essentially Johns was doing the same thing with Hal that Morrison did with Batman - taking his entire published history and making it fit into one dude's lifetime in a quasi believable way. A lot of the world building and mythology from Johns run came from one short story Moore did in a Takes of the Green Lantern Corps annual in '87. The 8 page "Tygers" story laid the ground work for Blackest Night with the prophecy, the Inversions on Ysmault, and the eventual destruction of Mogo.

But yeah, the line of greatest Lanterns went Abin, then Sinestro, then Hal. And even after Sinestro was exiled from the Corps he still considered himself to be the greatest Lantern of all time.


I'm really enjoying thick trade paperbacks lately. They're dense and have a ton of content, but they're still a lot lighter and more manageable than a big OHC or an omnibus. It's a great value-oriented option. I still PREFER OHC and omnibi just because they look a lot nicer, have bigger artwork, and may have nice bindings with no gutter loss, but big trades are great.

I just ordered Daredevil by Bendis/Meleev Ultimate Collection Vol 1 (488 pgs), Batman Cataclysm (464 pgs), and Batman No Man's Land Vol 1 (544 pgs). I've been wanting to read the No Man's Land event forever but lately I've been stuck in this "OHC/omni or nothing" phase that I'm just getting out of now. I also saw that there's a new Doom Patrol collection coming out in big ~400 page TPBs. The first one just came out and I saw it at Books-A-Million. It looks amazing, and I've been wanting to read the series for awhile, so I added it to my IST wishlist.


I'm really enjoying thick trade paperbacks lately. They're dense and have a ton of content, but they're still a lot lighter and more manageable than a big OHC or an omnibus. It's a great value-oriented option. I still PREFER OHC and omnibi just because they look a lot nicer, have bigger artwork, and may have nice bindings with no gutter loss, but big trades are great.

I just ordered Daredevil by Bendis/Meleev Ultimate Collection Vol 1 (488 pgs), Batman Cataclysm (464 pgs), and Batman No Man's Land Vol 1 (544 pgs). I've been wanting to read the No Man's Land event forever but lately I've been stuck in this "OHC/omni or nothing" phase that I'm just getting out of now. I also saw that there's a new Doom Patrol collection coming out in big ~400 page TPBs. The first one just came out and I saw it at Books-A-Million. It looks amazing, and I've been wanting to read the series for awhile, so I added it to my IST wishlist.
They are dope. Love them.
I'm really enjoying thick trade paperbacks lately. They're dense and have a ton of content, but they're still a lot lighter and more manageable than a big OHC or an omnibus. It's a great value-oriented option. I still PREFER OHC and omnibi just because they look a lot nicer, have bigger artwork, and may have nice bindings with no gutter loss, but big trades are great.

I just ordered Daredevil by Bendis/Meleev Ultimate Collection Vol 1 (488 pgs), Batman Cataclysm (464 pgs), and Batman No Man's Land Vol 1 (544 pgs). I've been wanting to read the No Man's Land event forever but lately I've been stuck in this "OHC/omni or nothing" phase that I'm just getting out of now. I also saw that there's a new Doom Patrol collection coming out in big ~400 page TPBs. The first one just came out and I saw it at Books-A-Million. It looks amazing, and I've been wanting to read the series for awhile, so I added it to my IST wishlist.
Oh didn't know Doom Patrol is getting reprinted in tpbs. Putting it on my IST wish list.


East of West might officially be my favorite ongoing. Also, Trump debate tonight! I presume he's awful and the shill audience pats Marco on the head.


Okay, I'm really enjoying Fear Agent. I was a little worried since I couldn't really get into Black Science, but it's fantastic.

Sooo colorful, too:
Part of my big post that got swallowed by the web was that essentially Johns was doing the same thing with Hal that Morrison did with Batman - taking his entire published history and making it fit into one dude's lifetime in a quasi believable way. A lot of the world building and mythology from Johns run came from one short story Moore did in a Takes of the Green Lantern Corps annual in '87. The 8 page "Tygers" story laid the ground work for Blackest Night with the prophecy, the Inversions on Ysmault, and the eventual destruction of Mogo.

But yeah, the line of greatest Lanterns went Abin, then Sinestro, then Hal. And even after Sinestro was exiled from the Corps he still considered himself to be the greatest Lantern of all time.

My big problem with Hal being referred to as "the greatest" isn't that Johns does it, it's that it happens constantly. It feels like it gets mentioned at least once an issue during Johns' run (I know it doesn't, but it's so frequent that it feels like it), and it bothers me because no one says what he does. It bothers me when a character gets called the greatest, but has no actions to apply to the claim. Like, Sinestro had a completely crime-free sector and burned out multiple GL rings because he was apparently that strong. Abin Sur...I dunno. He made an army in secret and was close friends to Sinestro? Sinestro and Abin did basically harness entire colors by themselves (aside from Atrocitus not many can apply the claim).

But getting to the point: everything I've read refers to Hal as the greatest, but with nothing to actually apply to it. It feels like a lot of "He's the greatest!" "Why?" "He's the greatest!" "Oh wow! You're right!" "And that's why he's the greatest!" It's more the way it's told then the fact that he's called the greatest. Same thing with Barry, although at least Barry has the whole Crisis in his back pocket.


The writers keep waffling on who the greatest Lantern is. It was supposed to be Sodam Yat for a while (and that was a choice that made sense. Daxamite bullshit powers plus a Green Lantern ring is a nonsense power set).


My big problem with Hal being referred to as "the greatest" isn't that Johns does it, it's that it happens constantly. It feels like it gets mentioned at least once an issue during Johns' run (I know it doesn't, but it's so frequent that it feels like it), and it bothers me because no one says what he does. It bothers me when a character gets called the greatest, but has no actions to apply to the claim. Like, Sinestro had a completely crime-free sector and burned out multiple GL rings because he was apparently that strong. Abin Sur...I dunno. He made an army in secret and was close friends to Sinestro? Sinestro and Abin did basically harness entire colors by themselves (aside from Atrocitus not many can apply the claim).

But getting to the point: everything I've read refers to Hal as the greatest, but with nothing to actually apply to it. It feels like a lot of "He's the greatest!" "Why?" "He's the greatest!" "Oh wow! You're right!" "And that's why he's the greatest!" It's more the way it's told then the fact that he's called the greatest. Same thing with Barry, although at least Barry has the whole Crisis in his back pocket.

Well it all goes back to the same Earthcentricism that says every Lantern from Earth has to be a special snowflake. Hal was the greatest, John was the first mortal Guardian, Kyle was Ion and the first true White Lantern, Baz can do whatever he wants because no one told him he couldn't, and fuck Guy.

Hal is the greatest because he took down Sinestro and saved the universe and Guardians asses so many times they decreed.


I read The Coming of the Supermen last night. I can't say it moved me in anyway. I guess I should expect all sorts of nostalgia for a bygone era. Lois' hair looked way too weird though. And Superman's belt is all kinds of sassy.


Didnt he not also destroy the Corps and everything?

Yes, after Mongul and the Cyborg Superman nuked Coast City Hal snapped and tried to use his ring to bring it back. The Guardians came down on him for improper use of his ring. Hal thought he just needed more power, so he murdered his way across the universe to Oa, killed all the Lanterns, and the Guardians, and Sinestro (who had been trapped in the Central Power Battery) and absorbed all of the green energy. He took the name Parallax, and was essentially a god. He tried to remake the universe in his own image and was foiled. Ultimately he sacrificed himself to save the universe and then was brought back as the Spectre.

When Johns took over, Hal came back. The new lore was that Parallax was actually an ancient cosmic entity that was the embodiment of fear. Long ago the Guardians trapped Parallax in the Central Power Battery to remove him from the universe (and unintentionally cause the yellow impurity issue in the rings). So when Hal stepped into the Power Battery to absorb all the energy, he also absorbed and was taken over by Parallax. While this is a neat trick to lay the groundwork for the multicolored Lantern Corps and the other emotional entities, it removed any agency Hal had for his actions during his time as Parallax because he wasn't in control of his actions (this also became a plot point as there was a group called the Lost Lanterns who didn't believe Hal and didn't trust him).


Yes, after Mongul and the Cyborg Superman nuked Coast City Hal snapped and tried to use his ring to bring it back. The Guardians came down on him for improper use of his ring. Hal thought he just needed more power, so he murdered his way across the universe to Oa, killed all the Lanterns, and the Guardians, and Sinestro (who had been trapped in the Central Power Battery) and absorbed all of the green energy. He took the name Parallax, and was essentially a god. He tried to remake the universe in his own image and was foiled. Ultimately he sacrificed himself to save the universe and then was brought back as the Spectre.

When Johns took over, Hal came back. The new lore was that Parallax was actually an ancient cosmic entity that was the embodiment of fear. Long ago the Guardians trapped Parallax in the Central Power Battery to remove him from the universe (and unintentionally cause the yellow impurity issue in the rings). So when Hal stepped into the Power Battery to absorb all the energy, he also absorbed and was taken over by Parallax. While this is a neat trick to lay the groundwork for the multicolored Lantern Corps and the other emotional entities, it removed any agency Hal had for his actions during his time as Parallax because he wasn't in control of his actions (this also became a plot point as there was a group called the Lost Lanterns who didn't believe Hal and didn't trust him).

Whats the point of the other lantern corps? What do they do?
Whats the point of the other lantern corps? What do they do?

They represent different aspects of the "emotional spectrum." Yellow is fear, blue is hope, pink is love, red is anger, orange is greed, indigo is... I actually don't remember what Indigo is. But it's something, probably.


Ah, I see.
Thanks for the explanations, I think I really have to watch the movie at some point now. At least its easier to access as the books.

Its really a problem for me. The New 52 is still to young to not start with the first issue but there to many Volumes at this point.

Hope the DC MU movie will be great.
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