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COMICS! |OT| January 2014. Another year of nothing will be the same ever again. EVER.

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I wanted to pop in here and give a hearty thanks to the individuals that answered my questions in the last couple days as I breach my way into this hobby.

I spent money on a month of Marvel Unlimited and have found it servicable but not as well put together as something like Comixology. After some legwork, I have been able to find nearly everything I wanted to out of it, but it was more involved than I feel it should have been. Marvel Unlimited's app on my ipad has fairly regular crashes, sometimes my library/offline picks just disappear and I feel they could have put it together better. For example, when you search by character, they have a "featured" list along the top with the usual suspects: Iron Man, Captain America, X-men, etc. etc. etc. The big movie moneymakers. The problem is that when you tap Iron Man for instance, it will provide what SHOULD be a list of comics involving Iron Man. I naturally (as I expect most would) sorted by oldest -> newest and it then looks like their service doesn't contain any iron man comics before the 1980s.

For the first couple days, I was extremely disappointed with this, until I started digging further and found it was false. If you do actual digging, they have all the way back to Iron Man #1, their auto-sorting by character just doesn't seem to work. This is true for Spiderman and X-men as well within the app and I'm sure others. You kinda expect things to work a certain way but they just don't. Marvel really needs to improve their buggy program but otherwise, once I found the things I wanted, their collection is very appealing.

I also tried Comixology and I have to say, I am impressed by their whole operation. I have had zero problems and their prices are pretty great. That being said, I kinda feel like in terms of pricing new release comics (just like video games) if I am buying digital, why is it the same price as if I went to the comic shop? Shouldn't there be some savings generated from not having to print the comic? I mentioned in my first post in this thread, that I would be buying digital almost exclusively and this may remain true for awhile when I'm getting caught up on some series'. However, I am thinking when I start getting to the point where I would be buying day one comics in a series, I will go buy a physical edition if it is the same price.

Last bit, I actually went out to my local shop yesterday and picked up a whole mess of the lenticular editions from the villains month in September. I figured it would be nice to have the entire set of these. Unfortunately there were six I couldn't locate nearby (Yeah I bought like 46 comics in one go haha)

Mr. Freeze #1
Clayface #1
Shadow Thief #1
Harley Quinn #1
Two-Face #1

Since everyone is saying what they are grabbing, I figured I'd put that too. I'm going to be on the hunt for those this weekend to complete my set.

Jedeye Sniv

I also tried Comixology and I have to say, I am impressed by their whole operation. I have had zero problems and their prices are pretty great. That being said, I kinda feel like in terms of pricing new release comics (just like video games) if I am buying digital, why is it the same price as if I went to the comic shop? Shouldn't there be some savings generated from not having to print the comic? I mentioned in my first post in this thread, that I would be buying digital almost exclusively and this may remain true for awhile when I'm getting caught up on some series'. However, I am thinking when I start getting to the point where I would be buying day one comics in a series, I will go buy a physical edition if it is the same price.

Mostly the same reasons that digital games are as pricey as physical ones - retailers go 'waaaaah, digital!" so the publishers have price parity.

The physical vs digital argument is more than simply price though - a physical collection will grow and grow, taking up valuable space. Try moving house with 10,000 comics and see how fun it is. And as well, consider that (unfortunately) you will only read most comics once in your life - do you really need them kicking around the house still? They won't be worth any money in the future, and tbh most comics are barely worth reading the first time let alone twice (enjoy those villains month issues btw :p).

For these reasons and many more (eg, travel costs to the comic store, dealing with smelly people, saving the environment) I think digital is more than servicable for a disposable medium like this. Personally, I only buy books and trades as physical beautiful items now.

Just my two penneth, ymmv of course. Just don't get suckered into feeling you need physical copies. Because besides you, nobody will probably ever look at your collection once it's in the box (this makes me sad too).
I kinda feel like in terms of pricing new release comics (just like video games) if I am buying digital, why is it the same price as if I went to the comic shop? Shouldn't there be some savings generated from not having to print the comic? .

Not that I'd necessarily agree, especially in the case of comics as there is so much to the experience you're sacrificing to have it digital versus a game where you're just obtaining it in a different manner to the same end result, but the argument put forward by these companies will always be that you are not paying for the raw materials it was distributed on when you pay the cover price, you are paying the price of the entertainment within; this does not change by changing the format. Like I said, that doesn't necessarily reflect my own views, as I also think comics stands even further apart from games on the matter.

I also agree with your Marvel Unlimited thoughts. I enjoyed the service when I gave it a month's chance, but the app was extremely bad, pretty much the reason I ditched the sub after my first month. They need to improve it alot. What you're getting access to is great though.
The funny thing about Digital Comics is that they actually, on the average for a new issue, tend to be more expensive than physical. Between LCS discounts for a pull list or DCBS, you can save anywhere between 10-50% off cover price. It isn't until 0.99¢ sales that digital becomes attractive. Obviously there are other pros and cons too.

There are some options like physical books with codes. Use the code then sell the book. Or go halves with someone and keep the code and they get the book.
Mostly the same reasons that digital games are as pricey as physical ones - retailers go 'waaaaah, digital!" so the publishers have price parity.

The physical vs digital argument is more than simply price though - a physical collection will grow and grow, taking up valuable space. Try moving house with 10,000 comics and see how fun it is. And as well, consider that (unfortunately) you will only read most comics once in your life - do you really need them kicking around the house still? They won't be worth any money in the future, and tbh most comics are barely worth reading the first time let alone twice (enjoy those villains month issues btw :p).

For these reasons and many more (eg, travel costs to the comic store, dealing with smelly people, saving the environment) I think digital is more than servicable for a disposable medium like this. Personally, I only buy books and trades as physical beautiful items now.

Just my two penneth, ymmv of course. Just don't get suckered into feeling you need physical copies. Because besides you, nobody will probably ever look at your collection once it's in the box (this makes me sad too).

Yeah I'm not counting on the villains month stuff to appreciate much (if at all) in value, but I liked the covers, so it was worth it to me to have a nice looking set for myself. As to your last point though, this is why I'm still going to buy digital, by and large. It will take me awhile to get caught up anyways so I have time to mull over my future strategy.

Jedeye Sniv

Yeah I'm not counting on the villains month stuff to appreciate much (if at all) in value, but I liked the covers, so it was worth it to me to have a nice looking set for myself. As to your last point though, this is why I'm still going to buy digital, by and large. It will take me awhile to get caught up anyways so I have time to mull over my future strategy.

I took me SO LONG to realise I was painstakingly curating a collection for precisely nobody. So I ended up giving away thousands of comics, chucking about the same amount and am left with about 10 shortboxes with contain the 'permanent collection'.

Personally if I had all those villains issues I would choose a bunch of the best covers, rip them off and maybe stick them on my wall. Because they're badass.


I took me SO LONG to realise I was painstakingly curating a collection for precisely nobody. So I ended up giving away thousands of comics, chucking about the same amount and am left with about 10 shortboxes with contain the 'permanent collection'.

I went through a similar process a few years ago. I had created a pretty nice collection of books over the years and one day it dawned on me that other than myself, no one cared. My wife hated how much space it took up, none of my friends read comics, so I had this great collection that was just taking up space in the house. I pulled out some stuff I knew I really wanted to keep and then sold the rest to a shop that had recently opened. It felt great to be unencumbered of my floppies.
I don't think I'll ever be able to get over the sense of "value" a real object has to me. Digital is, essentially, nothing to me. Valueless. One might as well pirate it at that point. It takes the throwaway price point to really capture my interest and even then in small doses.

For clarity, I don't curate digital collections of pretty much anything, save a steam library and even then I loathe it. I'd have bought them physical if I could but outside a few titles I rarely pay full price.

I would however be more enticed by a Netflix/Marvel Unlimited style subscription.
I went through a similar process a few years ago. I had created a pretty nice collection of books over the years and one day it dawned on me that other than myself, no one cared. My wife hated how much space it took up, none of my friends read comics, so I had this great collection that was just taking up space in the house. I pulled out some stuff I knew I really wanted to keep and then sold the rest to a shop that had recently opened. It felt great to be unencumbered of my floppies.

When I got back into comics around 2006, I just bought floppies until 2009 when I had a similar realisation. I can very much empathise with Harrier's feeling though that with digital ,you have nothing physical to value. I have trouble emotionally investing to the point of even giving a comic time to read it if I have it digitally. I find buying as graphic novels hits a perfect balance though, on a personal level. They take up less room on a shelf and look nicer and more of a collection than buying floppies and having to bag board and box em. I actually have something though, that can please me visually as a physical object, even if they're really only for my own and girlfriends benefit. I try and be strict with myself and really only buy what really blows me away and I know I'll come back to again and again, and thus I have a large bookshelf full of runs that are finished or will be eventually. I find it interesting how we all get different things from the various methods of buying them though.


I use a Kindle Fire HD 8.9 and it works great for me. Most people will probably tell you to get an iPad.
Does marvel unlimited work full screen with the kindle app? It's broken on android and will only fill two thirds of the screen, not sure about kindle, for that reason I recommend ipad with a retina screen.

Every time I see the app has an update I presume it's fixed, but it never is.
My other problem with Digital (and to a lesser extent trades) is that not everything gets released. Stop me if you've heard this before but I REALLY love the Legion. Digital is a sad affair for their older stuff and there are big gaps in the trades / archives (don't get me started on Legion Archive #8... The only one I am missing sells for $200 used...) if I could be assured of getting everything I want in a timely fashion (lol) I'd probably gravitate to trades too.

Edit: Really curious to see how the quarterly version of Legends of the Dark Knight does. 100 page issue every 3 months.


Does marvel unlimited work full screen with the kindle app? It's broken on android and will only fill two thirds of the screen, not sure about kindle, for that reason I recommend ipad with a retina screen.

Every time I see the app has an update I presume it's fixed, but it never is.

There isn't even a dedicated Kindle app, you have to side load the Android one so it's the same janky mess.

doniewhalberg said:
When I got back into comics around 2006, I just bought floppies until 2009 when I had a similar realisation. I can very much empathise with Harrier's feeling though that with digital ,you have nothing physical to value. I have trouble emotionally investing to the point of even giving a comic time to read it if I have it digitally. I find buying as graphic novels hits a perfect balance though, on a personal level. They take up less room on a shelf and look nicer and more of a collection than buying floppies and having to bag board and box em. I actually have something though, that can please me visually as a physical object, even if they're really only for my own and girlfriends benefit. I try and be strict with myself and really only buy what really blows me away and I know I'll come back to again and again, and thus I have a large bookshelf full of runs that are finished or will be eventually. I find it interesting how we all get different things from the various methods of buying them though.

There is definitely stuff I either only buy in trade or double dip on to have a physical copy (ie Manhattan Projects). But for monthly issues I definitely prefer digital for a couple reasons. Like I said earlier, there's the issue of physical storage space which I don't have to worry about. There's also the sheer convenience, I like being able to just throw my Kindle in my bag and have access to a ton of comics to read on the bus during my commute or while I eat my lunch. Oddly enough I reread stuff way note digitally than I ever did in floppy, but I think that goes back to the convenience of having stuff either saved locally or just a download away as opposed to digging out a stack of floppies. So yeah, to each their own. I never thought I'd get into buying comics digitally until I tried it, now I can't imagine ever going back to floppies.


There isn't even a dedicated Kindle app, you have to side load the Android one so it's the same janky mess.

that's a shame. I've been eying that new Kindle Fire 8.9XDXDXXX but i demand proper marvel unlimited so i've stayed with my ipad 3 this fall instead of selling it.

My digital worry is that comixology will lose my account and i'll wake up one day and only bendis books will be in My Books section.
I don't think I'll ever be able to get over the sense of "value" a real object has to me. Digital is, essentially, nothing to me. Valueless. One might as well pirate it at that point. It takes the throwaway price point to really capture my interest and even then in small doses.

For clarity, I don't curate digital collections of pretty much anything, save a steam library and even then I loathe it. I'd have bought them physical if I could but outside a few titles I rarely pay full price.

I would however be more enticed by a Netflix/Marvel Unlimited style subscription.

Space saved, permanence, and pixel perfect repro is of great value to me. The only value print comics have to many anymore is supporting my LCS. Unless some thought has gone into the final designed physical book, print monthly comics are simply an inferior format, now that Comixology has Fixed Width.
Space saved, permanence, and pixel perfect repro is of great value to me. The only value print comics have to many anymore is supporting my LCS. Unless some thought has gone into the final designed physical book, print monthly comics are simply an inferior format, now that Comixology has Fixed Width.
You think that shit is inferior nro? You think Guttenburg and Eisner created this medium not contemplating using superior technology that was available to them??? The only comics that are superior in digital are those created in digital without a pencil, like Greg Land and Kelly Sue DeConnick comics.
Been asked a thousand times so let's make it one thousand and one; thinking of getting a tablet and while digital comics aren't going to be a focus, I'd like to get something that is decent for the occasional dabble. What do you digital comic readers use?

I use a Nook HD+, it works great. Don't know if you'll be able to find one now though. I've tried Comixology on a Nexus 7 2012 and a Nexus 10 and they were both pretty good. iPad's probably gonna be king though, for dat screen.

My digital worry is that comixology will lose my account and i'll wake up one day and only bendis books will be in My Books section.

And now that's my fear too. That, or my library will just be the bad books from the 700 free #1s Marvel gave away last year.

I'm digital-only for singles, I buy tons of trades as well. Don't have a comic shop that's less than an hour-and-a-half away, don't like the feel of singles, and prices in Ireland for floppies are insane (US books are around €6, UK reprints are €5).
You think that shit is inferior nro? You think Guttenburg and Eisner created this medium not contemplating using superior technology that was available to them??? The only comics that are superior in digital are those created in digital without a pencil, like Greg Land and Kelly Sue DeConnick comics.

Printing inconsistency and shit paper says, "Yup, inferior."

Higher fidelity versions of comics drawn with pen and ink look immeasurably better on digital than print. Look at Scalped or Spaceman. I can wait.
The only physical stuff I buy is oversized hardcovers or OGNs.

Embrace the digital future, old people. Free yourself of floppies
Printing inconsistency and shit paper says, "Yup, inferior."

Higher fidelity versions of comics drawn with pen and ink look immeasurably better on digital than print. Look at Scalped or Spaceman. I can wait.
Holding the paper of The Midas Flesh and Pretty Deadly in my hands was a religious experience for me. The revolution will not be televised.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Rafa may be fucking around but I totally agree. Ain't nothing like physical. Y'all future spacemen gotta cool it and come back to the caveman age where we got non-apple product things to touch, like paper, and each other.


I collected for many years. Looking at it now I have some stuff I'm definitely glad I picked up, some stuff I consider collectible that I will always hold on to, and some stuff I would like to one day let my son read when he's old enough.

That's like 20% of it though. The rest I'm just stuck with a lot of boxes of stuff that has no real value and takes up a lot of space.

I'm pretty much all digital now, except for the trade here and there I really want to keep a physical copy of or a special issue I'd like to pick up.

Been asked a thousand times so let's make it one thousand and one; thinking of getting a tablet and while digital comics aren't going to be a focus, I'd like to get something that is decent for the occasional dabble. What do you digital comic readers use?

I've had a OG Kindle Fire, iPad Mini, both versions of the Nexus 7, iPad 3 and iPad Air all at different times. Have enjoyed reading on the Air the most - big screen, hi res, options for apps (though I mainly stick with Comixology). The newer 'retina' iPad Mini might be pretty solid too, I don't know.

If you are budgeting, the newer 8.9" Fire or Nook HD+ for a bigger screen but cheaper. Back when I had a Fire the app situation was rather limited, though I don't know how it is now.

Nexus 7 is a great tablet for the price and the screen looks good, but once you've read digital comics on a bigger screen it's hard to go back to the 7" screen.

Here's the iPad Air, first gen Mini, 2013 Nexus 7:


Thanks to the improved res, it's easier to read text on the N7 without zooming, though it's not quite as comfortable and any two page spreads you will still be zooming or rotating. Comixology's guided view helps if you are ok with that.
Rafa may be fucking around but I totally agree. Ain't nothing like physical. Y'all future spacemen gotta cool it and come back to the caveman age where we got non-apple product things to touch, like paper, and each other.

I'm going to be a hipster and say I liked how comics felt when they were like newspaper still. Today's comics are too smooth!


i don't like how delicate paper comics are right now, especially now that marvel reduced paper quality. I'm also worried about leaving smudges if i handle them too much. At least image comics has some beefy paper.
i don't like how delicate paper comics are right now, especially now that marvel reduced paper quality. I'm also worried about leaving smudges if i handle them too much. At least image comics has some beefy paper.

Seriously. They're so glossy and thin, I'm afraid I'm going to sneeze and blow a hole right through them.

I don't know about y'all but I got major allergies and sometimes I just unleash the fury.


Seriously. They're so glossy and thin, I'm afraid I'm going to sneeze and blow a hole right through them.

I don't know about y'all but I got major allergies and sometimes I just unleash the fury.

I accidentally nicked the cover of my Avengers 24 just from turning pages too..."strongly". It's ridiculous.
Rafa may be fucking around but I totally agree. Ain't nothing like physical. Y'all future spacemen gotta cool it and come back to the caveman age where we got non-apple product things to touch, like paper, and each other.


I said compare Vertigo's shit paper and print quality to the Comixol' version.

Like I said, I can wait.
Pretty Deadly is just so needlesly confusing and vague. It would be Pretty fucking Schway if the scirpt sisn't read like it was run through Bbalefish a few rimes than deciphered by Ann Noccenti.

Jedeye Sniv

You think that shit is inferior nro? You think Guttenburg and Eisner created this medium not contemplating using superior technology that was available to them??? The only comics that are superior in digital are those created in digital without a pencil, like Greg Land and Kelly Sue DeConnick comics.

You are a beautiful troll and I love you for it, but I will answer this seriously. Even though I buy 'special' books for stuff I think is really good or I want to share, I 100% prefer digital. You know what sucks about books? That they're bendy. Do you realise how much bending and moving you have to do to read panels next to the book spine? I forget all about it until I'm reading a trade and realise that it's nowhere near as pleasurable as just having my iPad on my lap (this is a separate point actually: with the rise of trades in the past 20 years, when will publishers learn that putting text next to the spine is a pain to read, not to mention double page spreads where the focal point is dead centre of the spine).

The you've got low light conditions as well, my living room is quite dark since our main lights broke (long story) - for digital it's not even a problem. I have to read my print comics in the day like a fucking chump!

Jedeye Sniv

Comics were the only print media that grew in 2013. I love the tactile feedback of a floppy.

lol tactile feedback? :p I like the tactile feedback of tapping a screen, and pinch to zoom never gets old. How do you zoom with a floppy, eh? Hold that shit up to your face like a peasant? LOLOLOL


I said compare Vertigo's shit paper and print quality to the Comixol' version.

Like I said, I can wait.

I thought that Sweet Tooth looked really good digitally too, way nicer than the toilet grade paper they used.
I've had a OG Kindle Fire, iPad Mini, both versions of the Nexus 7, iPad 3 and iPad Air all at different times. Have enjoyed reading on the Air the most - big screen, hi res, options for apps (though I mainly stick with Comixology). The newer 'retina' iPad Mini might be pretty solid too, I don't know.

If you are budgeting, the newer 8.9" Fire or Nook HD+ for a bigger screen but cheaper. Back when I had a Fire the app situation was rather limited, though I don't know how it is now.

Nexus 7 is a great tablet for the price and the screen looks good, but once you've read digital comics on a bigger screen it's hard to go back to the 7" screen.

Thank you for the comparisons!
I thought that Sweet Tooth looked really good digitally too, way nicer than the toilet grade paper they used.

I certainly couldn't deny this. I would replace my Sweet Tooth, Scalped or Northlanders trades in a heartbeat for nicer paper. While digital is one way around it, I could just go for some nice hardcovers haha. Why can't they all be as nice as the unwritten :(
lol tactile feedback? :p I like the tactile feedback of tapping a screen, and pinch to zoom never gets old. How do you zoom with a floppy, eh? Hold that shit up to your face like a peasant? LOLOLOL

I thought that Sweet Tooth looked really good digitally too, way nicer than the toilet grade paper they used.

Whew, you turned into The Joker there for a second.
Mostly lurker, long time reader, reading almost exclusively digitally now.

Not here to add to the "debate," but I wanted to point out that the Marvel Comixology digital store regularly puts up free comics that don't appear on the Comixology site.
For example, Wolverine and the X-Men #1, Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1, Invincible Iron Man #521, Ultimatum #1 (of 5), X-Force #1 and Black Widow #1 among others are free. I think they update every week. Just FYI.

Check it out here.


Another day another volume of Hellboy down and I continue to kick myself for taking so long to finally dive in. I bet the Kirby krackle Mignola uses when Hellboy fights demons looks amazing digitally.

Back to what Harrier said earlier about gaps in digital availability, it does irk me that I have no legal way to get digital copies of The Fourth World comics or Etrigan. I believe Amazon has Kindle editions of OMAC and Challengers of the Unknown and comixology has the first 30ish issues of Kamandi, but what I wouldn't give for digital copies of my Fourth World omnibuses.

And it should be no surprise that Kirby's art looks amazing digitally, a friend gifted me the first 20 issues of Kamandi for my birthday a couple years ago.
Another day another volume of Hellboy down and I continue to kick myself for taking so long to finally dive in. I bet the Kirby krackle Mignola uses when Hellboy fights demons looks amazing digitally.

Yaaaay, I love this. Where you up to now man?

So I reread the first three volumes, then read for the first time the next 3 volumes of morning glories over the last few days. I do reaaaally like the book, Spencer's got a real nice ear for dialogue, he obviously isn't lacking in the plot ideas department, and Eisma's art is great. I do feel like there is something heavily off about the series. Part of it is he simply tries to live up to it being his "Lost" way too often by overloading the mysteries. Imagine you watched Lost or whatever, but EVERYTHING that happened in the WHOLE show, was loaded into the first season. Way too often he throws in stuff he clearly plans to come back to, but has no intention of for a long time. If he could just focus on throwing in a few threads at a time and as he's slowly unravelling them, SLOWLY put more in, it would be fine. At this point though it feels like he's thrown in alot of stuff before he's really earned it all, which leads on to what I think it's particularly off.

If he would remove some of those mysteries and use the extra pages just to show the cast doing things together. Who chooses to sit beside who in class? Where they all sit at lunch? Just things. We see plenty of the characters separately at the school ,and separately in flashbacks, but hardly any relationship building time together in the here and now. I think all his mad plot stuff is great but (sticking with the lost comparison), it could all be so much better if I was more personally invested in the characters and their relationships with each other. Lost earned it, maybe too much with some slow seasons, but then I cared when crazy shit happened. Because the island or the school blowing up because reality is warping is not the inherently interesting part. It's whether X character and Z character's relationship will survive it after X has to give them all up for the greater good. Stuff like that. I do REALLY like the book. I'll follow it to the end, and I'm interested in what's reaallyy going on, but I can't help but feel if he could slow down in the right ways and get on with it in others, the book would be one of the greats. Decrease the number of mysteries, get through an individual mystery quicker with a proper explanation at the end, and focus on the cast together, and it would be perfect imo.

I've also been reading Mind The Gap, which imo, effectively does ALL the things I've just requested of MG haha. It's very much in a similar vein. Every answer presents a new question, every background item or throw away remark means something and no one is what they seem kind of thing. McCann is taking his time though. You can tell there is so much to come, and obviously the very big overall mysteries clearly won't be revealed until the end of the series but in the here and now he is patiently asking us a few questions and clearly answering them as he asks more. The core cast is pretty well fleshed out, there is a nice squad of secondary characters who are on the cusp of jumping into the spotlight if need be, and the art. Oh the art. Rodin Esquejo, who does the Morning Glories covers but not the interiors, heads up the art and it's just brilliant. I'd at #12 right now, plans to finish off the 3rd trade later. With MG, I would recommend but with a good few caveats, MTG I would recommend free of such restrictions to anyone looking for a great twisty mystery/thriller.
You are a beautiful troll and I love you for it, but I will answer this seriously. Even though I buy 'special' books for stuff I think is really good or I want to share, I 100% prefer digital. You know what sucks about books? That they're bendy. Do you realise how much bending and moving you have to do to read panels next to the book spine? I forget all about it until I'm reading a trade and realise that it's nowhere near as pleasurable as just having my iPad on my lap (this is a separate point actually: with the rise of trades in the past 20 years, when will publishers learn that putting text next to the spine is a pain to read, not to mention double page spreads where the focal point is dead centre of the spine).

The you've got low light conditions as well, my living room is quite dark since our main lights broke (long story) - for digital it's not even a problem. I have to read my print comics in the day like a fucking chump!

You basically gave my exact "pros" for digital I was telling people yesterday and today IRL.

- My living room doesn't have the best light for reading comics.

- I picked a JLA one shot 100-page spectacular from Oct 2011 I had on my shelf from the last time I bought comics (right when the new 52 was starting) and god damnit fucking word bubbles are spilling over into the spine! I don't have to deal with that shit when reading on my ipad. It's clean. It's crisp. It is fucking backlit beautifully so that artwork I used to complain about ("Modern comics are too dark!") shimmers so good!
Well I like the creative team, but nobody liked The Watcher, so I'm not sure why people didn't just shrug their shoulders and go on about their lives
Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato are doing the next Marvel event, "Original Sin", which deals with the death of The Watcher and the search for his killer http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2014/01/07/original-sin-marvel-comics-event/4338965/

I really hope this is good but I have my doubts. I like Aaron's stuff and want him to do well. They're probably going to kill off OG Nick Fury in this as well, no reason why they'd bring him back otherwise.

Never been the biggest fan of Deodato's art either outside of his Dark Avengers stuff.

Really, I'd just like the books I'm reading to keep doing their own thing without any crossovers. There will be so many ham-fisted tie-ins to a story like this, probably Fear Itself levels where the entire line is sucked it.
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