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COMICS! |OT| January 2014. Another year of nothing will be the same ever again. EVER.

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Look at this fucking face. This is the face of a guy who's given up on life, knowing he would forever be written by Dan fucking Slott.


Hopefully Slott is in his last act cause it's time to change it up.



Look at this fucking face. This is the face of a guy who's given up on life, knowing he would forever be written by Dan fucking Slott.

I know that Ramos is pretty divisive I imagine many will disagree, but that art is horrific. From the creepy lifeless mannequin face to the right foot which makes Liefeld's feet look good to the paper thin mask it is one of the most off-putting covers I have seen in years.

Looking forward to checking out Black Widow soon.


Miles :(

ill never forget you, even when these guys have all gone back to Peter. You are my Spidey :(

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
But I already played The Last of Us. Though funny you mention that game, since I feel like around the time I finished it is right around the time I started gaming less.

Haha--I totally understand. At least you finished what could be the game of the generation before hitting a gaming slump.
I read the Flashpoint TPB last night after Hawkeye Volume 1.

I liked that they jumped right into the story with very little background information. The art was really good. I really liked the alternate dimension ideas of Batman and Superman. Wonder Woman and Aquaman were pretty lame though. Call me a stereotypical non-comic reader(as I rarely read comics) but I just cannot take Aquaman very seriously as a war leader.

I have never read a Flash-centric story before and my only real exposure to him as a character is the Justice League TV shows and recent JL movies. I really liked him in this. Thomas Wayne Batman was a bawsse. I liked the overall story and relationship between the two of them and enjoyed going through it all.

My only complaint was that I really felt that it ended too suddenly. They were building up this final battle for quite a while(issues two and onwards, it seemed like) but yet the entire thing goes down in about half an issue. It all seemed very anticlimactic and I was a bit let down until those last two pages.

Pretty good ending and pretty good overall. 8/10.
I didnt think Milligan X-statix could be upstaged today, but Peter Parker is back and all is right in the world

and now for the Marvel Boy 2 Announcement
The real Peter Parker is the best super hero in the god damn Marvel Universe. It's about time the dude didn't have a completely shit life.

Parker deserves better.
Not a big week for me, but certainly a diverse one. Unfortunately, they were sold out of the new Sex Criminals.

Marvel Comics
Black Widow #1
Young Avengers #15

DC Comics
Scooby-Doo! Team-Up #2

Other Publishers
Afterlife with Archie #3 (Archie)
Li'l Vampi One-Shot (Dynamite)

Also, this lovely surprise was waiting for me when I got there. Completely forgot I had ordered it.



Young Avengers, you will be missed! The last issue was great, ended on a high note IMO. Absolutely LOVED the first few pages with Becky/Jordie art.

I dabbled in a little bit of the X-Factor, thought the team was interesting but honestly didn't keep up with it. All New X-Factor was some good shit though, Gambit ( <3 ), Polaris and Quicksilver seem like they'll make a witty combo. I liked it enough that I'll definitely be buying issue 2.

Black Widow #1 :O :O :O I said GOD DAMN! I had no idea who Phil Noto was but his art is unbelievable. Natasha has never been my cup of tea, I don't dislike her, but she's not at the top of my favorite hero list. I'm happy to say I hope this book changes that conception though, it was a very well done first issue and I hope we see more of

Sex Criminals #4 One of the few books with plenty of laugh out loud moments. I feel like it has one of the best Letters to the Editors section of any book, ever. Some of the questions and comments are so batshit crazy that I have to read them to my boyfriend so he can stop thinking I'm insane for smiling like a freakin' weirdo while I'm reading it.

Another excellent week, I still have All New Point One, Detective Comics 27 (with the superior Catwoman cover :D), Batman/Superman, Action Comics and Hinterkind to get through. I'll post my thoughts on those when I'm done.

Look at this fucking face. This is the face of a guy who's given up on life, knowing he would forever be written by Dan fucking Slott.

Slott & Ramos. Doing a Spider-Man book together. Breaking new ground here eh, Marvel?

Man, I really used to love Ramos, then I realize that was ten years ago and get depressed. This team doing more vanilla Spider-Man doesn't put any angle to my dangle.

I don't want Peeta Parker to come back. Otto is too much fun right now.

He really is.



Look at this fucking face. This is the face of a guy who's given up on life, knowing he would forever be written by Dan fucking Slott.

I'm tempted to pick it up again, but Ramos is a no-no and I think I might wait until Slott is off the book.

Mark Waid for new Spider-Man writer, you heard it here first folks.
Wow, big Wednesday. So many posts to catch up on after work. Y'all are making me want to read Black Widow. I've been hankering for a well done female hero since Batwoman fell off. I'm vaguely interested in Action Comics, too. I've always had a soft spot for Superman because of the Reeve movies. But the more modern gritty Superman that I see around a lot holds no interest to me.

I went to my shop but forgot to bring money, ewps. Got to hold the Complete Multiple Warheads TP though and good god is it a thing of glory. The cover felt all slooshy and amazing; how does a cover do that? And it looks gorgeous. Stoked.

Oh and, yeah, I almost never game anymore. The only game I spent any real time on this year was GTA. Rarely watch TV or movies either. It's pretty much comics, comics podcasts, comics websites (including this thread), and, uh, kitties. My cats get a fair bit of my attention, too.
Wow, big Wednesday. So many posts to catch up on after work. Y'all are making me want to read Black Widow. I've been hankering for a well done female hero since Batwoman fell off.

It's seriously a good issue. I wouldn't say it's quite on the level of Velvet, but BW was really good.


Superior has been getting on my nerves since the 2099 story so I'm exciting to Peter back in an ongoing.

There's a rumor that PAD could be writing Superior so that is actually possible.

Who is PAD?

In case you people didn't figure this out, I'm fucking clueless about comics. Only read Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns (both rocked).


Who is PAD?

In case you people didn't figure this out, I'm fucking clueless about comics. Only read Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns (both rocked).

Peter David, the guy who wrote the Spider-Man 2099 book and the creator of the character.


No Scrubs

Look at this fucking face. This is the face of a guy who's given up on life, knowing he would forever be written by Dan fucking Slott.

Glad to see they aren't going to be dragging out Superior anymore than they have to, I can only hope the train wreck that is Otto's life as Peter is going to end in an amazing way.


It's seriously a good issue. I wouldn't say it's quite on the level of Velvet, but BW was really good.

Yep, you summed up my thoughts pretty well.

But at least Edmondson never brain wiped a character in order to end one of the best romances the MU ever had, like a certain writer did. Still waiting for Bru's mistake to be fixed.


When Peter comes back, I wonder if he'll be pissed.

Seriously, almost no one figured out Peter wasn't Peter, except the girl he told (Carlie).

But saying that, I enjoyed Doc Ock and Superior Spider-man. Great run, can't wait to see how it ends.
Greg Pak double whammy! Batman/Superman was an action filled fun time. Pak is just awesome lately, he has the Supes and Bat relationship down. Also Booths art is incredible.



Look at this fucking face. This is the face of a guy who's given up on life, knowing he would forever be written by Dan fucking Slott.
Damn couldn't someone who isn't a hatin' ass motherfucker post this? Still, that's the shitty Ramos I remember hating. He was actually good on a lot of Superior, too. Also I'm not completely convinced this actually means Peter is back.

Also missed that Iron Fist news earlier, that's going to be fucking awesome.
Yep, you summed up my thoughts pretty well.

But at least Edmondson never brain wiped a character in order to end one of the best romances the MU ever had, like a certain writer did. Still waiting for Bru's mistake to be fixed.

Surely this will be one of the secrets the Watcher reveals. Aaron did say all the characters team-ups were chosen for very specific reasons, so you have to wonder why Gamora/Winter Soldier/Moon Knight is a thing.

Unless that thing is to promote upcoming products(MK's ongoing, Cap 2/GotG movie), then it totally makes sense


Surely this will be one of the secrets the Watcher reveals. Aaron did say all the characters team-ups were chosen for very specific reasons, so you have to wonder why Gamora/Winter Soldier/Moon Knight is a thing.

Unless that thing is to promote upcoming products(MK's ongoing, Cap 2/GotG movie), then it totally makes sense

Sorry Viewtiful, I'm a little confused haha. I mean Natasha and Bucky's relationship.

EDIT: Wait, he's paired up with those two for The Watcher event?
Sorry Viewtiful, I'm a little confused haha. I mean Natasha and Bucky's relationship.

EDIT: Wait, he's paired up with those two for The Watcher event?

Right, the Watcher will reveal to Nat they were totally a thing, somehow undoing the brainwashing, just like people seeing Peter's face undid the OMD mindwipe. I'M CALLIN IT NOW

and yes, Aaron did mention that team-up in an interview for Original Sin, where a lot of characters you don't normally see in these big events show up, like the Punisher teaming up with Rafa's favorite Doc Strange to another dimension.


Batman/Superman was a decent end to what was a pretty meh arc overall. While Pak nails Superman, his Batman leaves me wanting. Mongul was completely wasted here.

Black Widow good first issue with Noto's arc being the highlight. I don't know how long I'll stick with it as I'm pretty apathetic towards the character, but I'll be back for next issue.

Green Arrow with dat cliffhanger tho. I said wow.

Action Comics is making Lana Lang an interesting and fun character. What is this brave new world we're in? If it can't be Lois for whatever reason, Lana should be Nu Supes' love interest. She's had much better chemistry with Clark in these last 3 issues than Diana has had since the New 52 started.

Earth 2: I still like this book, but I'm really wanting it to become something other than "the book about the really really sad world where no one ever smiles or is happy." And I'm not even the type that demands all my books be "fun" or whatever, but I'm ready to see the heroes really come together and see another side to this world beyond just being this really depressing place.

Anyone pick up Avengers World? Impressions?
Wow, big Wednesday. So many posts to catch up on after work. Y'all are making me want to read Black Widow. I've been hankering for a well done female hero since Batwoman fell off. I'm vaguely interested in Action Comics, too. I've always had a soft spot for Superman because of the Reeve movies. But the more modern gritty Superman that I see around a lot holds no interest to me.

Give Pak's run a shot. Pretty grit free and I dare say it's the best Superman's been since the New 52 started.


Right, the Watcher will reveal to Nat they were totally a thing, somehow undoing the brainwashing, just like people seeing Peter's face undid the OMD mindwipe. I'M CALLIN IT NOW

and yes, Aaron did mention that team-up in an interview for Original Sin, where a lot of characters you don't normally see in these big events show up, like the Punisher teaming up with Rafa's favorite Doc Strange to another dimension.

Ok thanks man, very interesting pairing. And I wish OMD and the brainwashing were removed, same with New Fury.

Heh, The Punisher and Doc Strange sounds wonderful, but what if they're fighting gangsters and raiding crack houses in that other dimension? Rafa would have a stroke, Morbius reincarnated.

The thing with Bucky and Nat is that NO ONE at Marvel gave a fuck about them other than Brubaker

I forgot where I read it, but I think there were a few people there who really liked the pairing. Alonso claims his hands are clean, who knows how much truth there is to that but I think Brubaker would be salty if he was forced to end it.
Damn, Phantom Stranger could be my book of the week. Out of nowhere it continues to be a really interesting story (Forever Evil Blight). Love their plan at the end
to go kick god in his teeth, lol
Give Pak's run a shot. Pretty grit free and I dare say it's the best Superman's been since the New 52 started.

I read the first three pages on Comixology and really liked it but in the end I couldn't pull the trigger. $4 for 23 digital "pages" ... I just couldn't do it. Maybe if it was even $3, but $4? So ouch.

The adventure of attempting to transition to digital continues..
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