Hi all! I was given the Graphic Novel The Encyclopedia of Early Earth as a gift for Christmas as everyone knows I now love comic books. I was surprised as I had never heard of it before, and I think it's flown under the radar. I wrote a review of it on my new fangled website, comicbooklit.com
It's essentially a collection of short stories loosely tied to one man's journey of Enlightenment and finding True Love. It's told through a storyteller, so it's filled with simple and charismatic stories of giants and magic and deception and all that good stuff. If you're looking for something a little simpler but still has some great art and writing, check it out!
It's essentially a collection of short stories loosely tied to one man's journey of Enlightenment and finding True Love. It's told through a storyteller, so it's filled with simple and charismatic stories of giants and magic and deception and all that good stuff. If you're looking for something a little simpler but still has some great art and writing, check it out!