Guys do you think Infinite Crisis was good? I passed up on the omnibus and now I just keep thinking how I should have gotten it.
Yes one of johns best work
Guys do you think Infinite Crisis was good? I passed up on the omnibus and now I just keep thinking how I should have gotten it.
My wife and I really want the Batman and Catwoman Hush statue when it comes out but it's damn expensive.
Young Avengers #15: That's weird and over.
The Longbow Hunters is very good.Finally got around to reading Green Arrow: Year One. I really enjoyed it. Are there any other solid Green Arrow stories I should be reading?
Deadly Class #1 was thrilling, reminded me of Zero but with an extra focus on moving everything forward. I'm on board both due to the first issues, probably trades though.
The next cape book i read in my stack from dcbs is going to get judged extra harsh because of Deadly Class.
Guys do you think Infinite Crisis was good? I passed up on the omnibus and now I just keep thinking how I should have gotten it.
Stop hyping Deadly Class so much you guys. You're gonna get my expectations up. lol
what's the best superman title out? i read the 1st issue of Super Unchained and it was fairly decent...other than that i'm totally out of the loop
My Ranking (note: all of them are good):what's the best superman title out? i read the 1st issue of Super Unchained and it was fairly decent...other than that i'm totally out of the loop
ReiGun hates Wonder Woman confirmed.
ReiGun hates Wonder Woman confirmed.
Pretty obvious right?
Superman could do better is all I'm saying.
Oh please you have it twisted
Superman is batting out of his league and Wonder Woman is settling because Batman wants nothing to do with her.
Have you seen her family? The environment she grew up in? Woman's clearly of poor upbringing. No wonder she dresses like a harlot. What Superman needs is a nice, Southern girl with good home values.
And of course Batman wants nothing to do with her. The only woman in his life is a sweet lady named Justice, and his sidechick Vengeance. And...Catwoman sometimes I guess.
Have you seen her family? The environment she grew up in? Woman's clearly of poor upbringing. No wonder she dresses like a harlot. What Superman needs is a nice, Southern girl with good home values.
And of course Batman wants nothing to do with her. The only woman in his life is a sweet lady named Justice, and his sidechick Vengeance. And...Catwoman sometimes I guess.
I think not.
Oh please you have it twisted
Superman is batting out of his league and Wonder Woman is settling because Batman wants nothing to do with her.
Yep yep yep.Action Comics with Pak is actually good? I dropped AC after Morrison left.
Pretty much. Though to be fair, when has Bruce really ever wanted anything to do with anyone? His closest relationship is really with Alfred and that's kind of sad.
It depends, for comic superstars I give them at least 18 issues, what is which I did for Saga until i dropped it. For others I feel compelled to support them so they can achieve stardom and have at least 18 issues purchased by me. For Pretty Deadly, which seems like ii was translated through several different languages then rewritten by Ann Noccenti before going to the presses, will get....I don't know how many issues.How do you guys decide how much of a chance to give a series?
Part of me believes that once I've decided to read past the first issue, I might as well give a book an arc to win me. Because sometimes it does seem to take even the best ongoings a full 4-6 issues (or more) to get the story off the ground.
But another part of me feels like the fact I'm toying with dropping something should be all I need to drop it. I have unread collections on the shelf and there are so many exciting books to make space for on the pull list. If I'm thinking of dropping something, I'm probably not enjoying it enough to keep it.
Bruce is just holding out for someone willing to enable his insane lifestyle the way Alfred does. The only other women who give him the time of day either want to take over the world or eventually want a normal life and shit.
Bruce is just holding out for someone willing to enable his insane lifestyle the way Alfred does. The only other women who give him the time of day either want to take over the world or eventually want a normal life and shit.
How do you guys decide how much of a chance to give a series?
Part of me believes that once I've decided to read past the first issue, I might as well give a book an arc to win me. Because sometimes it does seem to take even the best ongoings a full 4-6 issues (or more) to get the story off the ground.
But another part of me feels like the fact I'm toying with dropping something should be all I need to drop it. I have unread collections on the shelf and there are so many exciting books to make space for on the pull list. If I'm thinking of dropping something, I'm probably not enjoying it enough to keep it.
How do you guys decide how much of a chance to give a series?
Can I add that Pak and Lee's Earth 2 Bruce/Selina in Batman/Superman was pretty much the greatest.
Pretty much. Though to be fair, when has Bruce really ever wanted anything to do with anyone? His closest relationship is really with Alfred and that's kind of sad.
*wakes up*
*checks thread*
...I'm going back to bed.
How do you guys decide how much of a chance to give a series?
Part of me believes that once I've decided to read past the first issue, I might as well give a book an arc to win me. Because sometimes it does seem to take even the best ongoings a full 4-6 issues (or more) to get the story off the ground.
But another part of me feels like the fact I'm toying with dropping something should be all I need to drop it. I have unread collections on the shelf and there are so many exciting books to make space for on the pull list. If I'm thinking of dropping something, I'm probably not enjoying it enough to keep it.
I agree with the top two. I'd rank themMy personal order of preference:
Superman/Wonder Woman
Action Comics
Adventures of Superman
Superman Unchained