I do, why?
Sorry, Kipp cancelled your subscription. You have been reading Rafa comics all along.
I do, why?
lolwut? Their comics sell. Hell, 9/10 of the best selling comics last year were Marvel.
Can I get a link?Stef on Talking Comics tried to claim Marvel weren't one of the big two anymore and that it was now DC and Image. To which she was put in her place with the cold hard facts. lol. We were talking about it a few days ago. My joke is crap, its ok![]()
Sorry, Kipp cancelled your subscription. You have been reading Rafa comics all along.
so not a single person subscribes to marvel unlimited?
i figured
Can I get a link?
I do, why?
i wanna read simonson and byrne ff runs so bad
did marvel unlimited get fixed width in hd yet????
like, can you read it horizontal with half of a single page taking up the whole screen?
or does it force you into the double page view?
i looked at a sample comic on the ios app, still 2 pages and i don't see the option to go to wide view.
You'll love the main X-Factor book, I think it's best in a binge read, and it's tough to put down, so be prepared for that!
plaese halp
Thanks, I'm 6 minutes in.
Stef on Talking Comics tried to claim Marvel weren't one of the big two anymore and that it was now DC and Image. To which she was put in her place with the cold hard facts. lol. We were talking about it a few days ago. My joke is crap, its ok![]()
i never got into the wide view when reading digitally, i like seeing a whole page even if it is smaller on my ipad.
Thanks, I'm 6 minutes in.
"Marvel is 37%, DC is 36%, Image is 11%."
Eh, I don't mind. AND there it is! I got to the part!I have to be fair to them. This was a really bad first episode to listen to. Usually everyone but stef is fair and balanced.
I listened to that thing and to be fair she's talking about trade sales.
They saved her ass saying trade sales. They were talking about event's and they saved her blushes by saying trade sales.
anyone pre-ordering Batman Earth One vol 2? i forgot about that from dcbs. I know it's not part of the big 1 but it still counts.
anyone pre-ordering Batman Earth One vol 2? i forgot about that from dcbs. I know it's not part of the big 1 but it still counts.
Stef on Talking Comics tried to claim Marvel weren't one of the big two anymore and that it was now DC and Image. To which she was put in her place with the cold hard facts. lol. We were talking about it a few days ago. My joke is crap, its ok![]()
I wonder how they are going to fit Harley into these last batch of Eternal issues. She hasnt been in it yet and she was on the promo poster.
Any thoughts on Copperhead, Birthright, and Wayward?
I'm finishing up my dcbs order and deciding if i want to add any trades that are half off.
So far i've read Copperhead #1, it was okay but i'm not too fond of the premise. Maybe if it had Kevin Costner. I did pick up Birthright #1 when it was on special so i'll give that a read next, but i'm interested in if these books have a good first arc.
ugh no
harley is so wack
Finally got my hands on this. I never realized how huge the book actually is! Since this is the entire Miller run with the exception of Born Again and the Man Without Fear I'm hoping I'll get to understand the whole character of Daredevil before the Netflix show starts.
When is it due out? I really enjoyed volume 1.
When the fuck Teen Titans Earth One happen? I just heard about this.
When the fuck Teen Titans Earth One happen? I just heard about this.
you would rather keep reading about Jokers Daughter?
Pretty sure that came out in November, it was solid. Great writing by Lemire and art by the Dodsons.
fair enough
i'd literally erased her presence from my brain and didn't remember she was in it until the second i finished your sentence
She has been in a fair bit of the story. it bothers me.
yeah, i remember now.
that whole thread in and under arkham was really terrible.
it wasn't.
it brought us Alfred n' Bane.
it was the best goddamned thing ever.