That Punisher page could be a scary gif. You see a guy and he has like, pronounced lips, he turns away from you and around again and he has MONSTROUS SCARY BLACKFACE LIPS.
I'm a dirty trade waiter (partially because they don't sell singles in Poland) but sometimes I feel the need to buy a single issue, so I buy something on Comixology. Based on your recommendations I got the new Casanova #1 (I know nothing about it except that it's by Fraction). Will read tomorrow. I also got Uncanny Avengers (vol 2) #1 because Remender. I still have to catch up with the first volume as I've only read the first trade.
Aaand I also bought Incal because, you know, you guys mention it on a regular basis which makes it a must-read for me.
That Capullo Batman, hngggg. I really should get on that Zero Year volume 2 and then wait for Endgame to be collected in 2017. Also, perhaps a re-read of the run is in order.This doesn't spoil anything and you might look over it but this might be the first Bat Fist-Bump.
I'm a dirty trade waiter (partially because they don't sell singles in Poland) but sometimes I feel the need to buy a single issue, so I buy something on Comixology. Based on your recommendations I got the new Casanova #1 (I know nothing about it except that it's by Fraction). Will read tomorrow. I also got Uncanny Avengers (vol 2) #1 because Remender. I still have to catch up with the first volume as I've only read the first trade.
Aaand I also bought Incal because, you know, you guys mention it on a regular basis which makes it a must-read for me.