Seriously though. I love Spurrier and Boom but why is the Spire trade 29.99
its worth that much
Seriously though. I love Spurrier and Boom but why is the Spire trade 29.99
Oh my God. The ghost. My heart.
its worth that much
its worth that much
That good?
That good?
Hot damn that latest Logan trailer is good
I really think the movie will deliver
100% no snark, cynicism, or sarcastic bullshit, I'd think you'd really like it in particular, Nudull.
Oh my God. The ghost. My heart.
Seriously though. I love Spurrier and Boom but why is the Spire trade 29.99
Oh nevermind you liked it.
I like most image books so you are really fucked
Why is Hopeless so bad at writing Laura Kinney, why why why. He wrote her badly in Avengers Arena, ignored all feedback, and went "clearly this is an amazing direction to take her" going into All-New X-Men.
The difference between ANXM Laura and All-New Wolverine Laura is the most extreme between two simultaneous portrayals I have ever seen, and the latter feels far more true to the character. Hopeless just makes her Logan-lite with a generous dose of unwarranted teen angst.
Why is Hopeless so bad at writing Laura Kinney, why why why. He wrote her badly in Avengers Arena, ignored all feedback, and went "clearly this is an amazing direction to take her" going into All-New X-Men.
The difference between ANXM Laura and All-New Wolverine Laura is the most extreme between two simultaneous portrayals I have ever seen, and the latter feels far more true to the character. Hopeless just makes her Logan-lite with a generous dose of unwarranted teen angst.
Superior Spider-Man finished!
What a remarkable run of superhero comics. The switch-up in tone and personality makes it always interesting. You never really know what's going to happen next, because it's not really something that's ever happened.
It was really a pretty bittersweet feeling by the end. Otto-Spidey was a very complex character, often very funny in his villainous dialogue and personality style, but never really getting a full understanding of what it means to be a hero. Maybe he didn't need to, but it was clear that he was going about it in a way that could have only ended badly (which it did). He really redeemed himself in that ending moment for him and felt good to have Peter back, even if I was going to miss Otto.
Art was consistently good to great. I really enjoyed Javier Rodriguez' stuff particularly. I'd say Ramos was the weak point, but I honestly liked his stuff quite a bit too.
Also, shout-out to Anna Maria. Great character. I have a feeling it's going to be very sad going into Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1, since I can't imagine that they'll stay together.
She made it to ANAD?
Also, love that little N52 Lobo joke DC pulled in Green Lantern.
Superior Spider-Man finished!
What a remarkable run of superhero comics. The switch-up in tone and personality makes it always interesting. You never really know what's going to happen next, because it's not really something that's ever happened.
It was really a pretty bittersweet feeling by the end. Otto-Spidey was a very complex character, often very funny in his villainous dialogue and personality style, but never really getting a full understanding of what it means to be a hero. Maybe he didn't need to, but it was clear that he was going about it in a way that could have only ended badly (which it did). He really redeemed himself in that ending moment for him and felt good to have Peter back, even if I was going to miss Otto.
Art was consistently good to great. I really enjoyed Javier Rodriguez' stuff particularly. I'd say Ramos was the weak point, but I honestly liked his stuff quite a bit too.
Also, shout-out to Anna Maria. Great character. I have a feeling it's going to be very sad going into Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1, since I can't imagine that they'll stay together.
As someone who deals with anxiety, Jessica Cruz in general is a very relatable character. This week's issue was especially well done, you can tell Humphries is writing from a position of experience and really captured what the struggle is like.
I may have to give it another try so. I'm an anxious person by nature myself.
Even if past issues didn't do a lot for you, I'd still recommend this one issue. It's not part of a larger story or anything, just a one and done "day in the life" story.
ANXM has improved, but he always writes Laura as someone who doesn't care about what happens to herself due to her healing factor.So Hopeless hasn't really improved all that much through his ANXM run?
I actually got to read all of Avengers Undercover recently while doing some writing research. To be honest, it's actually a really interesting premise (villains teaching and running an underground academy/paradise for young would-be criminals), but the baggage of the Arena cast ruins it from the get-go. It actually made me realize that we don't get stories about young/legacy supervillains as much as we do heroes. Feels like an untapped well.
ANXM has improved, but he always writes Laura as someone who doesn't care about what happens to herself due to her healing factor.
A Monsters Unleashed ongoing starring Kid Kaiju, Elsa Bloodstone, and some newer monsters by Bunn and David Baldeon was announced.
Yeah, Jessica's already one of my favs. Can see parts of myself in her...As someone who deals with anxiety, Jessica Cruz in general is a very relatable character. This week's issue was especially well done, you can tell Humphries is writing from a position of experience and really captured what the struggle is like.
Yeah, Jessica's already one of my favs. Can see parts of myself in her...
Yeah, Jessica's already one of my favs. Can see parts of myself in her...
A Monsters Unleashed ongoing starring Kid Kaiju, Elsa Bloodstone, and some newer monsters by Bunn and David Baldeon was announced.
I'm just realizing now that Boom's WWE comic just started. Anyone read it?
Not the Legion of Monsters comics I hoped for, but I'll take it.
We don't talk about wrestling just in case sillymonkey comes back.
We don't talk about wrestling just in case sillymonkey comes back.