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COMICS!!! |OT| January 2017 This is the Dawning of the Age of Apocalypse

Why is Hopeless so bad at writing Laura Kinney, why why why. He wrote her badly in Avengers Arena, ignored all feedback, and went "clearly this is an amazing direction to take her" going into All-New X-Men.

The difference between ANXM Laura and All-New Wolverine Laura is the most extreme between two simultaneous portrayals I have ever seen, and the latter feels far more true to the character. Hopeless just makes her Logan-lite with a generous dose of unwarranted teen angst.


Wait... What?



Why is Hopeless so bad at writing Laura Kinney, why why why. He wrote her badly in Avengers Arena, ignored all feedback, and went "clearly this is an amazing direction to take her" going into All-New X-Men.

The difference between ANXM Laura and All-New Wolverine Laura is the most extreme between two simultaneous portrayals I have ever seen, and the latter feels far more true to the character. Hopeless just makes her Logan-lite with a generous dose of unwarranted teen angst.

So Hopeless hasn't really improved all that much through his ANXM run?

I actually got to read all of Avengers Undercover recently while doing some writing research. To be honest, it's actually a really interesting premise (villains teaching and running an underground academy/paradise for young would-be criminals), but the baggage of the Arena cast ruins it from the get-go. It actually made me realize that we don't get stories about young/legacy supervillains as much as we do heroes. Feels like an untapped well.


Superior Spider-Man finished!


What a remarkable run of superhero comics. The switch-up in tone and personality makes it always interesting. You never really know what's going to happen next, because it's not really something that's ever happened.

It was really a pretty bittersweet feeling by the end. Otto-Spidey was a very complex character, often very funny in his villainous dialogue and personality style, but never really getting a full understanding of what it means to be a hero. Maybe he didn't need to, but it was clear that he was going about it in a way that could have only ended badly (which it did). He really redeemed himself in that ending moment for him and felt good to have Peter back, even if I was going to miss Otto.

Art was consistently good to great. I really enjoyed Javier Rodriguez' stuff particularly. I'd say Ramos was the weak point, but I honestly liked his stuff quite a bit too.

Also, shout-out to Anna Maria. Great character. I have a feeling it's going to be very sad going into Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1, since I can't imagine that they'll stay together.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Why is Hopeless so bad at writing Laura Kinney, why why why. He wrote her badly in Avengers Arena, ignored all feedback, and went "clearly this is an amazing direction to take her" going into All-New X-Men.

The difference between ANXM Laura and All-New Wolverine Laura is the most extreme between two simultaneous portrayals I have ever seen, and the latter feels far more true to the character. Hopeless just makes her Logan-lite with a generous dose of unwarranted teen angst.

Hopeless should just write Jessica Drew forever.


Superior Spider-Man finished!


What a remarkable run of superhero comics. The switch-up in tone and personality makes it always interesting. You never really know what's going to happen next, because it's not really something that's ever happened.

It was really a pretty bittersweet feeling by the end. Otto-Spidey was a very complex character, often very funny in his villainous dialogue and personality style, but never really getting a full understanding of what it means to be a hero. Maybe he didn't need to, but it was clear that he was going about it in a way that could have only ended badly (which it did). He really redeemed himself in that ending moment for him and felt good to have Peter back, even if I was going to miss Otto.

Art was consistently good to great. I really enjoyed Javier Rodriguez' stuff particularly. I'd say Ramos was the weak point, but I honestly liked his stuff quite a bit too.

Also, shout-out to Anna Maria. Great character. I have a feeling it's going to be very sad going into Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1, since I can't imagine that they'll stay together.

Anna Maria is still around and is amazing. I won't spoil what happens tho


Thus far Marvel has me reading one of their series. Great Lake Avengers thus far is pretty entertaining, but I liked the original so.

Also, love that little N52 Lobo joke DC pulled in Green Lantern.
Superior Spider-Man finished!


What a remarkable run of superhero comics. The switch-up in tone and personality makes it always interesting. You never really know what's going to happen next, because it's not really something that's ever happened.

It was really a pretty bittersweet feeling by the end. Otto-Spidey was a very complex character, often very funny in his villainous dialogue and personality style, but never really getting a full understanding of what it means to be a hero. Maybe he didn't need to, but it was clear that he was going about it in a way that could have only ended badly (which it did). He really redeemed himself in that ending moment for him and felt good to have Peter back, even if I was going to miss Otto.

Art was consistently good to great. I really enjoyed Javier Rodriguez' stuff particularly. I'd say Ramos was the weak point, but I honestly liked his stuff quite a bit too.

Also, shout-out to Anna Maria. Great character. I have a feeling it's going to be very sad going into Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1, since I can't imagine that they'll stay together.

First thing, I love this picture.

Second. I loved this series. I want to reread the whole series again. It's one of my top 5 favorite superhero comics in recent memory. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
As someone who deals with anxiety, Jessica Cruz in general is a very relatable character. This week's issue was especially well done, you can tell Humphries is writing from a position of experience and really captured what the struggle is like.




I may have to give it another try so. I'm an anxious person by nature myself.





I may have to give it another try so. I'm an anxious person by nature myself.

Even if past issues didn't do a lot for you, I'd still recommend this one issue. It's not part of a larger story or anything, just a one and done "day in the life" story.


So Hopeless hasn't really improved all that much through his ANXM run?

I actually got to read all of Avengers Undercover recently while doing some writing research. To be honest, it's actually a really interesting premise (villains teaching and running an underground academy/paradise for young would-be criminals), but the baggage of the Arena cast ruins it from the get-go. It actually made me realize that we don't get stories about young/legacy supervillains as much as we do heroes. Feels like an untapped well.
ANXM has improved, but he always writes Laura as someone who doesn't care about what happens to herself due to her healing factor.
ANXM has improved, but he always writes Laura as someone who doesn't care about what happens to herself due to her healing factor.

Worse, he writes her as someome who consciously and actively makes the worst decisions possible in order to thrillseek.

I have a rant related to this I wanna vent but am stuck on a phone atm. Will probably blindside the thread with it in an hour or two.


A Monsters Unleashed ongoing starring Kid Kaiju, Elsa Bloodstone, and some newer monsters by Bunn and David Baldeon was announced.
As someone who deals with anxiety, Jessica Cruz in general is a very relatable character. This week's issue was especially well done, you can tell Humphries is writing from a position of experience and really captured what the struggle is like.
Yeah, Jessica's already one of my favs. Can see parts of myself in her...


I'm just realizing now that Boom's WWE comic just started. Anyone read it?

A Monsters Unleashed ongoing starring Kid Kaiju, Elsa Bloodstone, and some newer monsters by Bunn and David Baldeon was announced.

Not the Legion of Monsters comics I hoped for, but I'll take it.


He only lost so he can be the wwe universe champ at royal rumble...there's no way Roman isn't champ in Trump's America.

So my problem with All-New X-Men is that it just feels like Hopeless thinks a teen book HAS to have romantic drama, and he inexplicably chose Laura and Angel for that since they're the only couple on the team. The thing is, it couldn't possibly fit Laura less. On top of that, he seems to think Laura WANTS to be just like Logan, when in her entire history, it's been drilled again and again that she wants his respect and admiration, but not to copy him. She wants to carve out her own path. ANXM is decent outside of that, but every time Laura shows up, the comic drops from like a 6/10 to a 1/10 for me, and that's egregious when Laura is one of my top 5 comic book characters.

It's not that I find All-New Wolverine perfect, either. I've actually got some BIG HONKING ISSUES™ with it. But it gets the 'good' characters right. Taylor nails Laura's personality as a natural progression of her development so far. Gabby is great too. Where Taylor suffers, in my opinion, is writing villains. I literally don't think he's capable of writing anyone bad as more than a stereotype or mindless beast. I think that's true of Injustice, and it's true of All-New Wolverine. Just a look at the villains in ANW, in order of appearance:

Alchemax - Incompetent, hostile assholes who literally go out of their way to piss Laura off, and hire her to kill her own clones instead of someone who wouldn't get immediately emotionally attached. The entire plotline falls apart when you realize they could have just hired Taskmaster to take out the clones first. Yes, they still had to deal with Laura somehow, since she found the first clone, but hiring her to dispatch the others is -literally- the worst possible idea they could have come up with.

Taskmaster - An amoral mercenary who usually displays cleverness and lack of attachment, portrayed suddenly as an incredibly generic, 'I'm too powerful for you' villain right out of a Saturday cartoon. Compared to Laura's great writing, Tony was portrayed at literal Skeletor-tier.

I'm not even mad that Tony lost. Becoming a Taskmaster fan kinda requires you accept the jobbing parts of the deal. It's that he was incredibly out of character, showing zero degrees of risk aversion or his usual personality. And let's not even get into the blatant lies they told before the comic came out, about how Task would be Laura's biggest fight yet, and how him being Finesse's father would tie into the plot.

Kimura - A generic, invulnerable sadist with 0 depth or character development since her debut over a decade ago. Again, cartoon level villain.

Dr. Strange's Monster Closet - Monsters that literally can't talk, just cause random violence. There's nothing to write.

Fin Fang Foom - Primordial force of chaos, again, nothing to write. Sometimes Fin Fang Foom is portrayed as intelligent. Here? Absolutely not. He just roars.

Even Old Man Logan, when he went berserk, was perfectly well-written until OOPS MINDLESS RAGE.

This ties into my greater rant, so, sorry this is getting long, but the thing is, I love these Legacy heroes. I -adore- them. But they're almost all missing the same thing: a proper nemesis. This ties into a previous poster's point about a severe lack of up-and-coming villains. Miles has no Green Goblin. They were seemingly setting up Black Cat as his nemesis, but 1. Kind of a bad choice anyways and 2. She's pretty much become a nemesis for his -dad- now. Kamala has no arch-nemesis. She hasn't had a CHANCE to yet; Civil War II has been battering the hell out of her run. Sam-Nova? No one. Sam Wilson-Cap? No one.

I feel like Ewing's New Avengers was by far the strongest team book of younger heroes, and you know why? A lot of reasons, but one was they had clear, consistent villains. Evil Reed Richards plagued them from literally issue one, plus a good side plot with them battling SHIELD. Continuing from that, US Avengers is giving us Golden Skull, right off the bat, no fucking around.

Tying this back to Wolverine, Laura needs her Sabretooth, and Kimura is -definitely- not up to the task. When Laura was a scared, solitary teen, Kimura was a perfect bogeyman. But Laura's grown the hell up. She's too experienced, too capable, and has too many friends for Kimura - a shittier Luke Cage who can be seriously thrown off-balance with a flashbang - to be a real nemesis. She's not the villain Laura needs, but sadly, she's just the type Taylor specializes in; a two-dimensional sadist with no redeeming qualities.

Rant over, but yeah. I feel like we need a new wave of young, ambitious villains to challenge the new heroes, and until we get them, many runs will keep spinning their wheels.


Just read X-23 by Majorie Liu if you want a good book about Laura.

Man I just realized how much I want Rucka, Bru, Fraction, Liu, Waid, Ewing and Hickman writing all the top books at Marvel at the same time. I will trade a Bendis for this.
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