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COMICS! |OT| July 2013. Celebrate liberty with the ultimate patriotic superhero.

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Thanks for the comments. Thats just out graphic novel section. We have 2 other book shelfs in another room full of books. My wife loves books. Not just for reading but for looks and smell. She thinks old book stores smell great.

Lost at Sea I have not read.
I decided to check out Dark Horse Presents this last week (#26). Can anyone tell me if this was a typical issue of the series? The only story I really liked was the Trekker one. The others were a little more dark/violent/sci-fi than I usually go for.
Might be late, but I just noticed the Wolverine O-face issue (#60) is on sale on Comixology, lol. I scrolled past it and burst out laughing



Apologies for going a little off topic, but as some of you have Nook HD+ tablets I'm hoping you can help. I just got one (this thread has advertising power :p), and I'm rather concerned about the heat it generates. I've never had a tablet before, but my sister has an ipad and it doesn't seem to have the same problem.
Granted, I don't have a cover or case yet and if I did I might not notice the heat so much, but as it is I'm more than a little concerned about the fact it seems to be trying to burn its way through my palm while I use it. It gets rather hot while its charging too, to the point that I'm not entirely comfortable leaving it charging unsupervised or over night.

Now, it's entirely possible I'm paranoid, so I'm seeking guidance. Is this normal, or is it possible mine is defective in some way?

... To attempt to be slightly on topic, heat aside I'm impressed. The screen is really good, and I've been messing around with some apps from the google play store, and comixology which I've been testing it out with some of the free comics. The guided view can be a little iffy, but the full screen view works well and the text is perfectly readable at that size. The colours are great :) I guess the next step will be redeeming some of the codes in my issues, and then maybe trying to find some manga to test (although that could be a trial and the half. Until now I'd never truly appreciated what a mess the digital publishing rights were, and the way titles have been divided across various stores is kind of laughable).
I have a short question regarding Batman: I am close to finish vol. 1: Court of owls. So far i'm loving it. Is the next tpb to read Night of owls or vol. 2: City of owls? Thanks!
Next is City of Owls

Skip Night of Owls unless you want to know what the Bat family are doing during the attack, such as Nightwing and Batgirl. Night of Owls also spoils the ending.


Thanks for the comments. Thats just out graphic novel section. We have 2 other book shelfs in another room full of books. My wife loves books. Not just for reading but for looks and smell. She thinks old book stores smell great.

Lost at Sea I have not read.

You have the name of that bookcase? I'm trying to do a physical collection, and my very small bookcase is packed with other books.


No Scrubs
Might be late, but I just noticed the Wolverine O-face issue (#60) is on sale on Comixology, lol. I scrolled past it and burst out laughing


They had to know everyone would make fun of it, they had to.

Didn't we find out his spirit animal was a panda during that run as well?
You have the name of that bookcase? I'm trying to do a physical collection, and my very small bookcase is packed with other books.

Sadly I dont. I think we may have got it at Walmart. It was in another room full of books and we took all of the books that were not graphic novels and put them in a smaller book shelf that my dad gave us and moved the big one to the computer area for comics only.


Superior Spidey #14 was really good, though part of my brain thinks Slott's Superior Spidey feels like a plot progression without the minor things being interesting unto themselves. The only thing that felt like an extra layer was
Fisk killing the guy who looked like him, that was well done

All New X-Men is to Dawson's Creek as Superior Spidey is to Revolution.
I feel like Spidey and Avengers are losing me.
But I've never cared about Smythe crap, that felt like forever

Wait I couldn't make it through 5ish episodes of Revolution, I don't get it


I feel like Spidey and Avengers are losing me.
But I've never cared about Smythe crap, that felt like forever

Wait I couldn't make it through 5ish episodes of Revolution, I don't get it

Revolution was a stretch, especially since i stopped watching too after awhile...but i was looking for a show where i disliked every character and thought they were annoying yet was interested in the plot points rundown. Dollhouse comes to mind, i stuck with that show until the end to see what happened but i didn't particularly like the daily ongoings.

Can't decide if i want to sell my WATXM run or hang on to it based on how much i liked the first seven issues. The rest of it however...
I made it through 4 episodes of Revolution, just bad stuff all around. I'd even put TWD over it for shows in that vein.

Anyway, I'm reading through Minimum Carnage and christ Khoi Pham sucks. Like, his art looks almost incomplete/rushed, which is kinda shitty of me to say cuz i don't know how he works but it gives off that impression to me. Especially when someone actually good like Reilly Brown is doing the other pages of the same issues (less pages, unfortunately). The other artists are slightly better but the best guy on the whole thing did like less than a whole issue overall. Shalvey is pretty decent though.

Oh and the story isn't that great either. It probably didn't need to be 6 issues long.


Three more days and we will finally have the end of Morrison's Bat run. I will have to go back and re-read the entire thing one day.


Anyway, I'm reading through Minimum Carnage and christ Khoi Pham sucks. Like, his art looks almost incomplete/rushed, which is kinda shitty of me to say cuz i don't know how he works but it gives off that impression to me.

The only time his art looked decent-ish, was when he was drawing the opening arc of Incredible Herc.

God, I miss that title :'(



I am I the only one who isn't a fan of Slott's writing?

I am ready for a new Spider-man writer and Peter back as well.

I don't like Slott at all on Spider-man (and haven't since Brand New Day), but I liked his She Hulk and Great Lakes Avengers stuff. I didn't like his Mighty Avengers either, so I think my problem is basically Slott + characters that deal with science. Slott is not a knowledgeable/well read man outside of pop culture. I know comics often stretch science and scientific theories to their breaking point, but Slott does it in ways that just make no sense. Like a guy writing about football without having ever seen, played, or read about the game.
The only time his art looked decent-ish, was when he was drawing the opening arc of Incredible Herc.

God, I miss that title :'(

Yeah, that's not bad right there. I started catching up on SS up to #14 and it looks better than it did in MC, but still not good.

Which is a shame because i like the book still. I'd just like someone else to do the book. Too bad Reilly Brown is busy, he's a perfect fit and his issue was awesome.
Ill do it. I would have to wait til after 6 tomorrow otherwise.


Last of Us #4
Batman Annual #2
Collider #1
Detective Comics Annual #2
Trinity of Sin Pandora #2
Wake #3
Morning Glories #29
Sex #5
Kick-Ass #2
X-Men #3

Now with budgets! $36.41


I am I the only one who isn't a fan of Slott's writing?

I am ready for a new Spider-man writer and Peter back as well.

I like Slott's stories and ideas, but his dialogue is pretty terrible. I think Waid, Joe Kelly, and Zeb Welles all did a much better job during the Brand New Day years and wish any of them had taken over.
Well here's my list:

Flash Annual #2
Guardians of the Galaxy #5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #24
Venom #38
Sonic the Hedgehog #251 (the exciting conclusion of Worlds Collide!)





Man, if [Batman] keeps up I'll probably have find some way to get it delivered to my house in order to have a hard copy of this stuff (I live like 70+ miles away from the nearest comic shop so that's out of the question). I looked into a subscription from DC themselves, but I'm not sure how it works. It says I get 12 issues, but I'm not sure how it handles that. Like does that include the annuals and the little one off sub-issues (like 23.1/2/3)? Thanks for any replies!

Reposting because it got burred at the end of a page and apparently no one saw it.

Also, can anyone recommend some good classic Batman arcs? I feel like I have a good enough grasp on the character that I can jump in at the start of a new arc and not be lost. I'd really like to read some good Mr. Freeze arcs as he's probably my favorite batman villain outside of the Joker, and I'd welcome any recommendations!
Lists! It's Annual time!

Animal Man Annual 2
Batman Annual 2
Batman Inc 13
Detective Comics Annual 2
Flash Annual 2
Red Lanterns 22
Superboy 22
Superman Annual 2
Trinity of Sin Pandora 2
List time, yay.

Trinity of Sin: Pandora #2
The Wake #2
TMNT #24
Daredevil #29
Fearless Defenders #7
Guardians of the Galaxy #5
Uncanny X-Force #9
Uncanny X-men #9
X-Men #3


Reposting because it got burred at the end of a page and apparently no one saw it.

Also, can anyone recommend some good classic Batman arcs? I feel like I have a good enough grasp on the character that I can jump in at the start of a new arc and not be lost. I'd really like to read some good Mr. Freeze arcs as he's probably my favorite batman villain outside of the Joker, and I'd welcome any recommendations!

not a lot of freeze, but Morrison's Batman is a definite read, as is Snyder's pre-new 52 Detective Comics work collected in the "black mirror" trade.

I shy away from direct subs for those very reasons you list, along with never knowing what issue will be the first you get.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Got an iPad a couple months ago, and just got into comics using the Comixology app, completely new to them but so far I've enjoyed Hawkeye and Civil War. Any recommendations for someone starting off and is available on iOS? I prefer more abstract stuff, not necessarily superhero focused material.

Last of Us American Dreams #4 of 4 (Dark Horse)
Sex #5 (Image) dropping after this issue
Black Bolt Something Inhuman This Way Comes (Marvel) If I find Black Bolt and The Inhumans intriguing then I'm guessing that this is a good pick up, ninjas?
X-Men #3 (Marvel)
Next Testament #3 of 12 (Boom!)
Scratch 9 #1 (Hermes Press)
2000 AD Pack- since reading the 2000 AD FCBD issue, I've wanted more, but $21 for this magazine? Eeesh.

And heads up, Six-Gun Gorilla #1 second printing is listed. Only 2 issues in; it's not to late to hop on this fantastic series. All aboard!


Adventure Time Summer Special #1
Sonic The Hedgehog #251
X-Men #3

I may end up taking a break from the Sonic books after this latest issue, since I only took them up initially for the crossover, which may free up some room for Six-Gun Gorilla. :3


Got an iPad a couple months ago, and just got into comics using the Comixology app, completely new to them but so far I've enjoyed Hawkeye and Civil War. Any recommendations for someone starting off and is available on iOS? I prefer more abstract stuff, not necessarily superhero focused material.

have you considered trying Marvel Unlimited service? It's best for newcomers as they have a lot of material, just not enough new updates. The ipad app works decently well with the update making comics fullscreen.

As a general recommendation for something really fun and ridiculous: Nextwave Agents of Hate. I mention MU because all 12 issues are available on that service.


Got an iPad a couple months ago, and just got into comics using the Comixology app, completely new to them but so far I've enjoyed Hawkeye and Civil War. Any recommendations for someone starting off and is available on iOS? I prefer more abstract stuff, not necessarily superhero focused material.
Try out Prophet and Multiple Warheads by Brandon Graham.
Got an iPad a couple months ago, and just got into comics using the Comixology app, completely new to them but so far I've enjoyed Hawkeye and Civil War. Any recommendations for someone starting off and is available on iOS? I prefer more abstract stuff, not necessarily superhero focused material.

Great recommendations have been made already, but I'll add Ales Kot's Change to the mix. Its a four issue mini. If you like abstract, I'd say this is worth looking into.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Thanks for the recommendations, ill definitely check some of them out and maybe that Marvel service, the whole media of comic books is a lot more appealing and easy to get into for me now that I can do it from a tablet. The Hawkeye series is pretty great so far, the only issue I've had is its hard getting used to how short each issue is :lol
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