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COMICS! |OT| July 2013. Celebrate liberty with the ultimate patriotic superhero.

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Gettin' really dusty in this thread

Weeklong Flashpoint sale on Comixology. Is there anything actually worth picking up? I can recommend Batman: Knight of Vengeance but that's about it really. I kinda liked the Deathstroke pirate mini though, should've had Palmiotti write the Deathstroke book. Too bad it had a different artist each issue and deteriorated with each one.


Worth getting the last issue of GMs run on Batman if I have not followed it?

Probably not.

To be honest, I don't think it's worth catching up either -- there's some great stuff in there but a whole lotta chaff too.

In other news, that Wolverine rec thread made me reread Old Man Logan again and even though it's that same kinda Mark Millar-y blandness most of the time, I still think a lot of people would benefit from studying how he writes fight scenes.


man what's up with this comic vine website?!?!?!

I was searching for a good comics podcast becoz ifanboy sucks lol and found this site.

first off the podcast is 3 hours! aint nobody got time for that!

2nd off their site has a reviews page where every comic gets a 5 star review o_O

in other news, my goal for this week is to finish Harbinger Wars... trying to catch up on my Valiant stuff

halfway thru and it's real good!! an action packed fun time!!
Damn, I'm enjoying the hell out of Superior Spider-Man.

Still in catch-up mode obviously, as I mentioned the other day, just finished up issue 08. Art is great and thoroughly enjoying the writing/evolution of Otto.
Worth getting the last issue of GMs run on Batman if I have not followed it?

Well there's a pretty good amount of stuff that probably won't make that much sense to you if you didn't at least read his batman inc run. It's not that hard to catch up, there's the one TPB with his pre-new 52 batman inc run, and his new 52 run which is only 13 issues. You should generally be fine just picking those up to understand what's happening now.
Well there's a pretty good amount of stuff that probably won't make that much sense to you if you didn't at least read his batman inc run. It's not that hard to catch up, there's the one TPB with his pre-new 52 batman inc run, and his new 52 run which is only 13 issues. You should generally be fine just picking those up to understand what's happening now.

Ill just read everyones spoilers. Thanks for the reply.

Captain Marvel #14
Daredevil #29
Guardians of the Galaxy #5
Uncanny X-Men #8
What If? Avengers vs. X-Men #3 of 4
X-Men #3

Batman Annual #2
Batman Incorporated #13

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #7 of 12 (IDW)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #24 (IDW)
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #19 (IDW)


To the guy who asked about batman inc: I'm reading through it atm and it's okay. It's kind of perplexing to read though, because despite being part of the new 52 the writer seems to go out of his way at every turn to spurn the "reboot" and reference stuff that happened in the old continuity. The art in the #0 issue is gorgeous though, so it's worth checking out that issue simply to ogle at the art imo :D

Flashpoint comixology sale, make sure to get the great batman 3 issue mini.

How's the Project Superman stuff in the sale? Superman as a character has never really resonated with me, but the thought of him going on a heel turn is pretty interesting.

Batman: Snow by JH Williams and Seth Fisher is a really good Mr Freeze story with fantastic artwork. Got a good origin for Freeze plus a quirky subplot where Batman forms a team, set in the early years.

There are actually lots of good stories to come form the old title Legends of the Dark Knight as well as Snow. There's a great Two Face story by Matt Wagner called Faces, Venom is a great Batman-on-drugs take and Shaman and Gothic are both very good late 80's feeling dark mysteries.

As for other stuff, Hush is always easy to recommend since it's kinda a 'greatest hits' style story and is a lot of fun. The Knightfall saga is really long and is collected in a good value phonebook-style book. It's very 90s but when read all together is a pretty impressive story about what happens when Batman loses.

Yeah I did a little digging around and it seems like the modern incarnation of Freeze started in TAS, so the window of stories utilizing that incarnation of him is kinda narrow. Thanks for the rest of the recommendations, though. I'll be sure to try and check them all out!


How's the Project Superman stuff in the sale? Superman as a character has never really resonated with me, but the thought of him going on a heel turn is pretty interesting.

I liked Project Superman but i don't think he actually went bad in the comic, if you want to see a superman go nuts i'd check out Irredeemable by Mark Waid, or to an extent Millar's Red Son superman mini. Project Superman was a little disappointing by the third issue but worth checking out if you're curious for $3.


Yet another reason to like Chris Burnham (Batman Inc artist)...

Best Batman writer of the past (not named Miller or Moore).

Moore? Dude wrote one f---ing Batman story and it ruined comics for thirty years. It's a beautifully crafted story but it's totally gross. I don't need to see Joker paralyze (and rape?) Batgirl. That would work great in a Marshal Law story with a Batman analogue, but I think it was a foolish thing to put in an actual Batman comic. (Ed. He’s 100 percent right.)
That's probably a little hypocritical considering that I drew Robin getting brutally eviscerated, but at least Damian was the tragic hero of the story and not the original woman in a refrigerator. Great art (by Brian Bolland), tho.
To answer your question, I dunno … Denny O'Neil?

From http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/gamer..._burnham_gEiFRnO2TtMRZw2PrM34IL#axzz2aRpO4siB
Uh… I’m gonna redraw all of the fill-in pages for the last five issues of Batman Inc! You know how the little fill-in pages kinda snuck in? So I’m pretty sure I”m gonna redraw those pages for the big deluxe hardcover

Thank you, based Burnham

Jedeye Sniv

To the guy who asked about batman inc: I'm reading through it atm and it's okay. It's kind of perplexing to read though, because despite being part of the new 52 the writer seems to go out of his way at every turn to spurn the "reboot" and reference stuff that happened in the old continuity. The art in the #0 issue is gorgeous though, so it's worth checking out that issue simply to ogle at the art imo :D

Out of interest, had you read Batman and Son/The Black Glove/RIP/Batman and Robin? Jumping in on nu52 Inc is a bit like judging the Lord of the Rings on the last half of Return of the King. "This doesn't make any sense, who are these short people and why is the baddie a giant eye?"

That said, nu52 Inc has certainly been the 'easiest' part of the run. The first Vol of Inc was a bit confusing even for me, and I usually give Morrison the benefit of the doubt. Actually need to read it all again soon. Best Batman story ever.


I liked Project Superman but i don't think he actually went bad in the comic, if you want to see a superman go nuts i'd check out Irredeemable by Mark Waid, or to an extent Millar's Red Son superman mini. Project Superman was a little disappointing by the third issue but worth checking out if you're curious for $3.

Hmm, thanks. Regardless of the heel Superman aspect, which is the best read between the three?
Yet another reason to like Chris Burnham (Batman Inc artist)...

From http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/gamer..._burnham_gEiFRnO2TtMRZw2PrM34IL#axzz2aRpO4siB

I'm new to comics so forgive the ignorance, but what about The Killing Joke "ruined comics for 30 years"? I read it years ago (it was the first batman comic I ever read), and looking back I don't remember anything so bad about it that it would warrant such vitriol.

Out of interest, had you read Batman and Son/The Black Glove/RIP/Batman and Robin? Jumping in on nu52 Inc is a bit like judging the Lord of the Rings on the last half of Return of the King. "This doesn't make any sense, who are these short people and why is the baddie a giant eye?"

That said, nu52 Inc has certainly been the 'easiest' part of the run. The first Vol of Inc was a bit confusing even for me, and I usually give Morrison the benefit of the doubt. Actually need to read it all again soon. Best Batman story ever.

I had not, and yeah reading it made me feel like that dog in that "I have no idea what I'm doing" meme that goes around. I picked up a lot of stuff based on inference, some of the animated stuff I've seen (thank god for the Red Hood animated special--that thing has been a godsend for anything Jason Todd related) and general murmurs (eg stuff like Batman dying I knew about just because everyone talks about it) though.

Really with the New 52 stuff I've read I feel like the reboot wasn't really much of a reboot at all. It feels more like they decided that the ongoing stuff had gotten too bloated for its own good, cherry picked all the stuff they wanted to keep, and threw out the rest. I'd call it more a "patch-work retcon on a massive scale" than a "reboot", lol.


Out of interest, had you read Batman and Son/The Black Glove/RIP/Batman and Robin? Jumping in on nu52 Inc is a bit like judging the Lord of the Rings on the last half of Return of the King. "This doesn't make any sense, who are these short people and why is the baddie a giant eye?"

That said, nu52 Inc has certainly been the 'easiest' part of the run. The first Vol of Inc was a bit confusing even for me, and I usually give Morrison the benefit of the doubt. Actually need to read it all again soon. Best Batman story ever.

I think I'm going to take advantage of being off work next week by rereading Morrison's entire Batman run, I have it all in form or another.

Jedeye Sniv

Hmm, thanks. Regardless of the heel Superman aspect, which is the best read between the three?

I'm new to comics so forgive the ignorance, but what about The Killing Joke "ruined comics for 30 years"? I read it years ago (it was the first batman comic I ever read), and looking back I don't remember anything so bad about it that it would warrant such vitriol.

I quite enjoy it myself, but it is a bit rapey and misogynistic and as well can been seen as one of the progenitors of the boring grimdark batman we got stuck with for yeeeaaaars afterwards. I'm not saying every Batman story needs to have UFOs and zebra costumes, but the darkness of the 80s Batman stuff did kinda poison the well for a bit.

I think I'm going to take advantage of being off work next week by rereading Morrison's entire Batman run, I have it all in form or another.

Do it! I really really want a nice deluxe hardcover collection of the entire run in three volumes: Batman, Batman and Robin and then Incorporated, numbered 1, 2 and 3 on their spines. I could go for 4 books maybe instead if those'll be too big.

DO NOT WANT a stupid fucking 1000 page omnibus though, I hate those.


Hmm, thanks. Regardless of the heel Superman aspect, which is the best read between the three?

I'm new to comics so forgive the ignorance, but what about The Killing Joke "ruined comics for 30 years"? I read it years ago (it was the first batman comic I ever read), and looking back I don't remember anything so bad about it that it would warrant such vitriol.

Definitely Red Son. Irredeemable is a wild ride but it goes on for 30+ issues and gets a little weird at the end. Project Superman is the cheapest due to the sale, but doesn't hold up to either of the other two.


I'm new to comics so forgive the ignorance, but what about The Killing Joke "ruined comics for 30 years"? I read it years ago (it was the first batman comic I ever read), and looking back I don't remember anything so bad about it that it would warrant such vitriol.

It jump started the grim and gritty Batman that became the de facto interpretation of the character, which personally is my least favorite version of Batman.

Jedeye Sniv said:
Do it! I really really want a nice deluxe hardcover collection of the entire run in three volumes: Batman, Batman and Robin and then Incorporated, numbered 1, 2 and 3 on their spines. I could go for 4 books maybe instead if those'll be too big.

It's like you can read my mind, I was telling my wife last week that's how they should collect his run (and then do something similar for Johns GL run).
I don't mind big omnibus editions though, I'm actually getting the Morrison Animal Man omni.


My list for this week:

Adventure Time Summer Special
Collider #1
Daredevil #29
FF #10
Transformers: MTMTE #19
X-men Legacy #14

Might also pick up Flash Annual #2 and X-men #3

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Finally reading Kingdom Come. And I like it! About 50% done.


Morning Glories #28: Same complaints as always, this book would read better in an omnibus and i'm still lost on an issue to issue basis. This issue makes major callbacks to #13, which is told to you at the back of book's morning glories academy explanation pages....


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Uh… I’m gonna redraw all of the fill-in pages for the last five issues of Batman Inc! You know how the little fill-in pages kinda snuck in? So I’m pretty sure I”m gonna redraw those pages for the big deluxe hardcover

Thank you, based Burnham

So I should keep on waiting for that deluxe hardcover...


Been reading some of the back issue stuff comixology has been adding and I may have mentioned it before, but man I love the Grant/Breyfogle Batman. Top tier Bats work IMO. Nice mix of adventure and action and captured the multiple aspects of the character - the 'grim and gritty' but also light hearted Batman who also did some detective work and balanced his Bruce Wayne life with his superhero side - plus a good supporting cast with a very cool art style to tie it together. Great stuff.

So I should keep on waiting for that deluxe hardcover...

Batman Inc Vol. 1 got a great deluxe hardcover, Paquette/Burnham/Stewart's work looks great oversized, I knew to hold off on the TPBs since the deluxe is just around the corner. Then I'll have the whole run in oversized format, wheee


I quite enjoy it myself, but it is a bit rapey and misogynistic and as well can been seen as one of the progenitors of the boring grimdark batman we got stuck with for yeeeaaaars afterwards. I'm not saying every Batman story needs to have UFOs and zebra costumes, but the darkness of the 80s Batman stuff did kinda poison the well for a bit.

Do it! I really really want a nice deluxe hardcover collection of the entire run in three volumes: Batman, Batman and Robin and then Incorporated, numbered 1, 2 and 3 on their spines. I could go for 4 books maybe instead if those'll be too big.

DO NOT WANT a stupid fucking 1000 page omnibus though, I hate those.
Moore being weirdly misogynistic???????? Never!


Yet another reason to like Chris Burnham (Batman Inc artist)...

From http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/gamer..._burnham_gEiFRnO2TtMRZw2PrM34IL#axzz2aRpO4siB

In fairness, that's not Moore's fault. The Killing Joke was originally intended to be a oneshot story. It just got so popular that DC put it into continuity. And Moore himself said that he regretted being so harsh on Barbara.

Not to say that I agree with you or Burnham though. I do like Dark and Gritty Bats (though not to the exclusion of all lighter elements, of course) and I have no qualms of really dark things happening to the characters. Hell, thanks to that story, Barbara gained the unique status of being one of the few disabled superheroes and a symbol of strength for people in similar situations.
A while back I had this idea for a retconning of 'The Killing Joke' (because hey, they're retconning everything else so why not that?) that sort of went along with this reinvention of the Joker that I was kicking around for fun. In a nutshell, the events that took place in Jim Gordon's home that night still happened, just not quite in the way depicted in Moore's version, and my version would have resulted in a very different and somewhat complicated relationship between Barbara Gordon and the Joker. It absolutely would have required a universe reboot to make happen, and it involved a very different Joker than what we're seeing in the New52. If I think about it later, I might post an abbreviated version.


(Not that kind of relationship!)


A while back I had this idea for a retconning of 'The Killing Joke' (because hey, they're retconning everything else so why not that?) that sort of went along with this reinvention of the Joker that I was kicking around for fun. In a nutshell, the events that took place in Jim Gordon's home that night still happened, just not quite in the way depicted in Moore's version, and my version would have resulted in a very different and somewhat complicated relationship between Barbara Gordon and the Joker. It absolutely would have required a universe reboot to make happen, and it involved a very different Joker than what we're seeing in the New52. If I think about it later, I might post an abbreviated version.


(Not that kind of relationship!)

Well, I'm intrigued. What do you have in mind?


oNLY Thing that comes to mind is that Barbra and Gordon had a dysfunctional relationship based on what Spike posted.

Loved this answer.
My absolute favorite Grant moment came when he, Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka and I were together in a conference room plotting the back half of 52 and trying to figure out how to tie up the Ralph Dibny storyline. We didn't want to bring his dead wife back, but neither did we want to kill Ralph because it felt so bleak and dark a fate--until Grant and I looked at one another and (my hand to God) shouted in unison, "RALPH AND SUE DIBNY, GHOST DETECTIVES!" We were so excited about that.

Our enthusiasm was not shared by all, clearly.
Read the second nu52 Batwoman volume, To Drown the World. I dug it, as expected, as I really like the character and think she's in good hands. My only real quibble is all the time jumping. 3 months ago... 28 minutes from now... Yesterday... It just jumped all over the damn place. I guess to add, what, suspense? It just added confusion. I have no idea how people who read the single issues could have followed.

There is so much of this time jumping in comics these days. Just tell the story, geez. Reminds me of when someone starts telling you a story and then part way in says "oh, no wait, I forgot to tell you what happened BEFORE all that."
Read the second nu52 Batwoman volume, To Drown the World. I dug it, as expected, as I really like the character and think she's in good hands. My only real quibble is all the time jumping. 3 months ago... 28 minutes from now... Yesterday... It just jumped all over the damn place. I guess to add, what, suspense? It just added confusion. I have no idea how people who read the single issues could have followed.

I read this book in single issues and i dropped it a few issues into the second arc partly because of the time jumping. The shit ass inks and the fact that i didn't find the story to be that interesting at all being the other reasons.
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