That belongs in a museum, Viewtiful.
Never seen any of those movies. Good statue though. Premium format figures are no joke. They cost BANK.
Never seen any of those movies. Good statue though. Premium format figures are no joke. They cost BANK.
Wellllll....speaking of more statues. I got this yesterday too...
Never seen any of those movies. Good statue though. Premium format figures are no joke. They cost BANK.
You're probably right haha.I think it's safe to say you have an addiction. XD
Never seen any Star Wars or Godfather. I just don't watch movies like that. I mostly watch rom coms and some such. I've seen and own all of Olivia Wildes movies :/
Wellllll....speaking of more statues. I got this yesterday too...
What the hell happened in Earth 2 this week? Been getting rave reviews and people are talking about it a bunch on Twitter.
Just read American Flagg! #1.
Holy god.
It wasn't a bad issue at all IMHO. But I guess people must be mad at (Spoilers for this week's issue)Evil Superman killing Pa Kent with his heat vision...
People are not mad, people are raving about it.
I don't own any statues. However, i may go in for that iZombie one
ahahahaha fuck
If you plan on ordering that through TFAW. Their cutoff date is Sunday.
What the hell happened in Earth 2 this week? Been getting rave reviews and people are talking about it a bunch on Twitter.
but moon knight iscancelled next monthessentially
My face at the end of Moon Knight #5:
"Listen. Where you're going? Tell your friends,. Tell everyone you meet. You tell them all.
When you see me coming?
In a word? Brutal. O_O
oh god, it looks like IDW is going to be reprinting the TMNT trades, now with Michael Bay-inspired atrocities on the covers....
Val reveals that he was adopted by the Els, along with Kal, Kara, and himself they sent out a 4th person from Kypton to Earth. Evil Clark forces Lois to go to dinner with him at his parents in Kansas. He basically forces everyone to act like nothing happened and everything the same as it ever was. Pa Kent is like I've had enough of this, and Clark flips out and is all like everything is for Darkseid! To which Pa Kent is basically Fuck Darkseid. Then Clark kills him with I guess his heat vision but they look more like Omega Beams. Green Lantern, Hawkgirl and Flash take out a huge Parademon collection and Flash kills the Beguiler by running so fast he seems to push her into infinity. Then Val fixes Dr Fates helmet, and I forget the dude's name opens up a Boomtube large enough to suck in the Earth, so Green Lantern is trying to hold it back. Superman shows up and then so does Val and the book ends.
I thought it was a damn good read.
No problem.
I just remembered I also have this dude, who kind of counts as a statue right.
No problem.
I just remembered I also have this dude, who kind of counts as a statue right.
honestly though, i loved Cityfall & the arcs since but the art is fuckin' terrible inside too
That big footed fuck is so damn awesome.
No problem.
I just remembered I also have this dude, who kind of counts as a statue right.
Never seen any Star Wars or Godfather. I just don't watch movies like that. I mostly watch rom coms and some such. I've seen and own all of Olivia Wildes movies :/
I think he was made by Trendmasters, and yes he's totally more relevant. The Iron Giant was Vin Diesel's best acting performance, ever.
When I grow up, I wanna be just like Moon Knight
When I grow up, I wanna be just like Moon Knight
What happened in this week's Captain America by Remender? A lot of noise about the issue.
You want to jump around on mostly blank pages?
LMAO Where is this Gif from?