So, its taken me a fair bit of time to write this post. Mostly because I am hopelessly optimistic in most things and somewhat stubborn. I kept my small flame alight for Catwoman for many months through sheer optimism choosing to be in denial about just how bad Ann Nocenti's series is. But I can't take it anymore. I feel like I am being taken for a ride by DC and Ann Nocenti. They are preying on people's love for Selina Kyle and turning out a book that is beyond sub par, greedily taking the fans $2.99 each month with little regard for quality.
I refuse to believe that Ann Nocenti sits back after finishing a script and thinks to herself "Yep, thats a good story". What galls me the most is not the horrendous scripts that contradict themselves over and over again sometimes on the same page. But more so the complete disregard for Selina's character or motivations. You could swap out Catwoman for any other character and they would fit in just the same. This is not a Catwoman book it is a generic anti hero book. Ann Nocenti has taken the decent work done by Judd Winnick and completely dismantled it.
I wonder if DC higher up's look at Catwoman pulling 20,000 sales a month and are happy with that. Seeing in the same list that the critically acclaimed Harley Quinn is pulling close to 65,000 a month. These books shouldn't be that far apart. If a Catwoman book was treated like Harley Quinn then those sales could be much closer. Catwoman fans want a book they can enjoy and share with others. As it is right now I am ashamed to be a Catwoman reader.
But I wont take it anymore. I wont give them any more money until they fix what is wrong creatively. I bought the floppies, I bought the trades, I supported the character and they have treated me with such disregard. My money will no longer support Ann Nocenti. Hell, I am angry enough that I let it get to this stage. That month after month I shit up with this thread ironically calling her Queen Nocenti and actually trying to review the book. To give constructive critique. I am sorry to anyone who has been bothered by me talking about Ann Nocenti. From this point on I am going to refuse to talk about her until she has left Catwoman and moved onto something else less close to my heart.
TLDR: Catwoman, Dropped. Fix this shit DC.