Here you go!
I know he is the writer but he does pretty good art!
IDW's new TMNT series is pretty great. Alex + Ada, and Black Science from Image. And the new Ms. Marvel series is awesome. Also check out Six-Gun Gorilla, which is out now in trade paperback.
Justice League United. It's like an old hot rod. It looks good and under the hood is a beastly engine. But the mother fucker ain't firing up. Turn the ignition and it wants to start but it doesn't catch the spark. I like this car, so I'll continue to wait for ignition but the mechanics need to diagnose the problem and get the right parts in there.
Totally agreed. All the pieces are there. I love Lemire's writing normally and Mike McKone's artwork is great. The character lineup is a who's who of DC characters I love: Green Arrow! Stargirl! Supergirl! J'onn! Motherfucking Animal Man!* Going to space for the first arc already gives it a different feel from the main JLA title, and frankly, all the pieces are there for it to run laps around that book. And yet, there I was, reading today's issue wondering why I'm not already totally in love with this book.
*Although I'm waiting for Lemire to do something with Equinox; so weird to introduce a brand new character then leave them out of the first story.
Coffin Hill. If it wasn't for my wife liking the title, I would have dropped it by now. It's not a bad book by any means and it's fun to look at, but I am not attached to any of the characters. My wife is though so it has an audience.
Oh yeah, much less now.I haven't read the issue for fear it'd bring down this awesome week of comics, but at least tell me there's no more fucking exposition. The last issue was repulsive with the amount of terrible exposition Lemire decided he needed to dump.
oh yeah, I forgot about Equinox*Although I'm waiting for Lemire to do something with Equinox; so weird to introduce a brand new character then leave them out of the first story.
My favorite thing about Grayson that's not a Morrison reference is that Midnighter is totally flirting with Dick. Like, if it wasn't for the fact they both have their missions, he'd totally try to hit that.
All caught up? Good. It seems like no on else reads this book. I'm happy the main plot with Sahara and Obadiah Horn is finally starting to move forward again. It seemed to be stagnant for a good while during those other story arcs.
Yeah, just finished #58 a few days ago. I hope like you do that the story can advance and we get to the bottom of the endless layers of Mappo. No more FCH virus though, that shit creeps me out.
That scene altogether totally justified the Wildstorm characters in the DC Universe for me.
New Teen Titans does look damn good, pls be good, pls.
New Teen Titans does look damn good, pls be good, pls.
New Teen Titans does look damn good, pls be good, pls.
The initial Paul Cornell Stormwatch issues when the New52 began were really good, and then those characters were shit on and eventually they were exploded in the classic-in-the-making known as Futures End.
Randomly appearing in Grayson is as good as it's gonna get for these characters.
Safe to assume Brubaker run on Daredevil after Bendis run is pretty good?
Safe to assume Brubaker run on Daredevil after Bendis run is pretty good?
Yes. Skip Diggle/Shadowland between Brubaker and Waid when you get there though. Abysmal stuff.
Indeed. Includes one of the best Daredevil stories, too. The Devil in Cell Block D
Thanks! Looking forward to continuing the story now. Bendis run was amazingYes. Skip Diggle/Shadowland between Brubaker and Waid when you get there though. Abysmal stuff.
Thanks! Looking forward to continuing the story now. Bendis run was amazing
Yo, all you Fables fans need to go play the last episode of The Wolf Among Us. TWAU>TWD
Indeed. Includes one of the best Daredevil stories, too. The Devil in Cell Block D
I finished it yesterday. And I still prefer TWD over this one. Your choices in TWD feel more organic to me. Not to say they aren't both great games. I'm extremely happy old-school adventure gameplay is making a comeback. As long as Telltale keeps putting out games like this, I'll keep buying them. I'm really looking forward to their Game of Thrones project. swordsman Norgal and his unlikely companion, the severed head of the blue witch Agatha, have been summoned to the Scottish Isle of Barra to rid them of the sea monster plaguing its shores. But what the duo did not intend is to find a much more sinister and ancient evil.
The two now face a series of trials that will test both their strength and their faith. Even if they survive the island, can they survive each other's company?
a kick-ass comic about a viking being badass and cutting heads here and there.
Yesterday i discovered by chance Head Lopper by Andrew MacLean, a kick-ass comic about a viking being badass and cutting heads here and there.
Don't know if it's popular or not, but it really blew me away: it oozes style (the art direction is clearly influenced by Mignola), the pacing is amazing and i dig the writing (the tone is pretty ironic at times, and the dialogues are very short).
Volume 1 is just 1.99$ on Comixology, here is the plot and a link to it:
Volume 2 is not yet on Comixology, but it's available on the author's website for 5$ (it's got a lot more content apparently, i bought it but i still have to read it).
Cool shit, give it a go.
A question related to something else: how is The Maxx?
I've never read it, and i saw it on Comixology... do you think it has aged well? Is it worth it? Care to tell me something about it guys?
Meh. Typical non-Comics OT comic thread.
What's interesting is that the thread is full of manga readers who dislike western comics, but next to no one on the opposite end.
I don't appreciate sexualizing Dick like this. Unrealistic role model!