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COMICS! |OT| July 2014. Lots of stores on the way to San Diego sell deodorant.

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Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Holy fuckballs, Donnie's back!

Haha, cheers guys! Just nature of things being a tradewaiter unfortunately :( I catch up then it's another 6 months of waiting before I have more to buy. .

Also I dropped Chew so I guess I'll be completely dead to Acid after now after I rejected Fear Agent last time.

Motherfucker. A'ite Donnie, maybe it's time for your next retirement...
bruh hasn't posted here in a while either so you good. But not really - why the hell'd you drop Chew

Ah I dunno man. I was still kind of enjoying it but it was also becoming a bit of a slog. I enjoy it issue to issue but the overarching plot hasn't really satisfied me for a good while, and it feels like I've been waiting for it to get to *the point* for years now. I think I wrote before, but the series in general never lived up to the first 6 issues for me in the first place. I've always felt everything else was a notch down. So I just thought fuck it, I'll buy the hardcovers when it's all finished and I can sit and see the whole thing and how it pays off.
I'm going to have to leave again, aren't I?

So so many of my favourite creators are shipping more than one series this year though, I've set a really really strict cut off line for myself to keep following stuff, so I can fit in everything I really want to read. No dead weight.

Motherfucker. A'ite Donnie, maybe it's time for your next retirement...

I am going to have to leave again
Batman Eternal #13 and #14 were great! Thoroughly engrossing!

Batman Eternal #15 I have no fucking idea what just happened!

Enjoying this series so much.
Yeah, I'm not digging it, either. The mystical stuff doesn't always mesh well in a Batman book.

I actually forgot about this particular story thread especially because we haven't seen it in a number of issues. I was really digging everything else that was happening though, so this one issue being sort of a unexpected bump in the flow doesn't bother me too much.


Haha, cheers guys! Just nature of things being a tradewaiter unfortunately :( I catch up then it's another 6 months of waiting before I have more to buy. Eventually I run out of productive stuff to add if I'm not actually actively reading alongside everyone and then I catch up on games or something. I culled all that marvel stuff I got into last time around though haha, I enjoyed reading a lot of it but when it came to looking at myself, I just had way too many books to keep up on again. Pretty much just Batman, Wonder Woman and Batwoman again on the big two front, almost everything is Image and Dark Horse again.

Omg though, I did get the zero trade for my birthday in March though and WTF
dat ending
. I'm going to have to discuss that with some peeps.

Also I dropped Chew so I guess I'll be completely dead to Acid after now after I rejected Fear Agent last time.

Holy shit dude, welcome back!
Even when you're caught up you should stick around, lord knows we spend as much time talking about old stuff as new. Hell, you missed Kipp posting his impressions of Unknown Soldier as he went through it.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Haha, cheers guys! Just nature of things being a tradewaiter unfortunately :( I catch up then it's another 6 months of waiting before I have more to buy. Eventually I run out of productive stuff to add if I'm not actually actively reading alongside everyone and then I catch up on games or something. I culled all that marvel stuff I got into last time around though haha, I enjoyed reading a lot of it but when it came to looking at myself, I just had way too many books to keep up on again. Pretty much just Batman, Wonder Woman and Batwoman again on the big two front, almost everything is Image and Dark Horse again.

Welcome back, Donie!
I don't think I posted much until right around when you stopped posting, but regardless, I owe you big time for recommending Unknown Soldier to the other people in this thread who recommended it to me.
I just finished reading it a few days back and it was incredible. I'm not going to go on too long about it since I already wrote quite a few long posts about how amazing it was, but what a superb comic. Definitely one of the most well-written comics I've ever read.

Also, regarding posting here as a tradewaiter, I've found that posting about what you're reading, even if it's old, can make for some good discussion. It does make it more difficult to post when you aren't reading the monthly issues, but hey, we all like to talk about comics whether they're new or old.
Basically what I'm saying is don't leave us again. We need your top-tier recommendations and opinions in here.
Although, you are wrong about Fear Agent.

Edit: Great minds think alike, Tim. Except you covered all the points my two-paragraph post made in just two sentences. Haha


The more of Gotham Central I read the more I am enjoying it. It's all so well put together. I am nearly finished the second book. I am also left wondering why Fox's Gotham show isnt Gotham Central. It's perfectly set up for it. Ensemble cast, relationships, multi episode arcs and cases that lead to Villians (finales lets say). It wouldn't even have to be top level guys like Joker. Gotham just seems boneheaded.

One other thought, Maggie Sawyer is brilliant. But I can't see a universe where Maggie from Gotham Central stays with Kate/Batwoman once she finds out who she is. New 52 Maggie is a bit different it seems.

Did Gotham Central get canned or does it have a proper ending?

Great series thus far


Welcome back, Donie!
I don't think I posted much until right around when you stopped posting, but regardless, I owe you big time for recommending Unknown Soldier to the other people in this thread who recommended it to me.
I just finished reading it a few days back and it was incredible. I'm not going to go on too long about it since I already wrote quite a few long posts about how amazing it was, but what a superb comic. Definitely one of the most well-written comics I've ever read.

Also, regarding posting here as a tradewaiter, I've found that posting about what you're reading, even if it's old, can make for some good discussion. It does make it more difficult to post when you aren't reading the monthly issues, but hey, we all like to talk about comics whether they're new or old.
Basically what I'm saying is don't leave us again. We need your top-tier recommendations and opinions in here.
Although, you are wrong about Fear Agent.

Edit: Great minds think alike, Tim. Except you covered all the points my two-paragraph post made in just two sentences. Haha

Part of my professional training, gotta be able to condense as much info into as little space as possible.
I've been trolling through IST and continue to be amazed by their prices. Ridiculous.

The only problem is I already have two full shelves filled with TPBs and am not looking to add a ton to my collection. I've transitioned over to almost exclusively digital for my comic consumption, due to the portability, image pop, and saving space on my bookshelf.

The one negative I've noticed is you don't really get solid discounts on TPBs going that route. You might save a dollar or two waiting to buy a digital trade, but you're pretty close to paying full cover price. It's weird how much of a savings purchasing a physical TPB can be over individual floppies. I hate that digital isn't the same way.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Busiek's run on Conan from 2004 is damn good. In the process of rereading it.

Yes! It seems very few people have read it, but it really is great stuff. That first 7 or 8 issue arc in particular was just fantastic. The following arcs were basically just as good too, but I enjoyed the first one especially.
I still need to finish Busiek's run, actually. I got about 500 pages into Colossal Conan then decided to take a break for a while (I think the last story I read was the Tower of the Elephant arc). I thoroughly enjoyed what I did read, though.

I've recommended it before, but I'll recommend it again. If anyone's even a little bit interested in Conan, I'd highly recommend picking up this TPB.


Also I dropped Chew so I guess I'll be completely dead to Acid after now after I rejected Fear Agent last time.

You will pick up the TPBs though right?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
The more of Gotham Central I read the more I am enjoying it. It's all so well put together. I am nearly finished the second book. I am also left wondering why Fox's Gotham show isnt Gotham Central. It's perfectly set up for it. Ensemble cast, relationships, multi episode arcs and cases that lead to Villians (finales lets say). It wouldn't even have to be top level guys like Joker. Gotham just seems boneheaded.

One other thought, Maggie Sawyer is brilliant. But I can't see a universe where Maggie from Gotham Central stays with Kate/Batwoman once she finds out who she is. New 52 Maggie is a bit different it seems.

Did Gotham Central get canned or does it have a proper ending?

Great series thus far

Yet another series I really ought to read sometime soon.

Part of my professional training, gotta be able to condense as much info into as little space as possible.

See, I on the other hand got a bachelor's in Sociology. So essentially, I had to learn how to turn a few small ideas into half a dozen pages. :p
Mostly joking. Sociology was pretty interesting.
Green Lantern: New Guardians #33...

Welp. That was pretty messed up. A real creepy, dark, twisted look at the sci fi concept of
"uplifting". We learn that the creatures responsible for the horrors were a race that the Guardians uplifted, evolved and changed a long time ago and in their efforts to become like the Guardians, after they left, they've been performing horrific experiments to "become better".


Man, I will stick with Cap to support Falcon since I really dig him following in Bucky's footsteps, but that is a terrible mess of a costume. I don't understand why Remender didn't just use a modified version of Brubaker's BuckyCap outfit, with Falcon-esque goggles and no pirate boots. I also really think they should stop using a half-headpiece for Sam, it looks ridiculous when most artists draw it. Still excited for this angle though.

Caught up on Ms. Marvel, this book is fantastic fun and $2.99 to boot. Kamala is too cute. :D
Did Gotham Central get canned or does it have a proper ending?

Great series thus far
I really enjoyed it up until the ending - it felt like the series was building up to a magnificent climax but then it got infested by the superhero / magical crossover comic book wars stuff at the time. And then abruptly cancelled.



but I am taking tiny steps forward
Guys, I have an immense desire to adapt a Hunter S Thompson story to comics.
His short story "Death of a Poet" would be absolutely perfect. And would only end up being 10 pages or so, probably.

Now I just need to get real good at drawing.

Comics superstardom, here I come!


Man, I will stick with Cap to support Falcon since I really dig him following in Bucky's footsteps, but that is a terrible mess of a costume. I don't understand why Remender didn't just use a modified version of Brubaker's BuckyCap outfit, with Falcon-esque goggles and no pirate boots. I also really think they should stop using a half-headpiece for Sam, it looks ridiculous when most artists draw it. Still excited for this angle though.

Seriously... with sites like Project Rooftop, Marvel (and DC) would have no problem finding designers that could knock a new suit like that out of the park. There's no excuse.
Thinking about reading Vol 1. of Federal Bureau of Physics right now, anyone have any experience with that one? The art (no surprise there) caught my attention and the premise seemed interesting.
You just got here, man. Don't be in such a rush to bail. At least wait until Scott Snyder's next Batman story changes the Batman universe...FOREVER.

Listen man, when I was a kid, my father kept these dogs on the farm we lived on and every day he made us...

Holy shit dude, welcome back!
Even when you're caught up you should stick around, lord knows we spend as much time talking about old stuff as new. Hell, you missed Kipp posting his impressions of Unknown Soldier as he went through it.

Haha, Damn it! I was thinking the other day too, I hope Dysart gets through with his Valiant stuff soon and cracks out his next masterpiece. And now they're taking up Lemire's time with that stuff too :(

Welcome back, Donie!
I don't think I posted much until right around when you stopped posting, but regardless, I owe you big time for recommending Unknown Soldier to the other people in this thread who recommended it to me.
I just finished reading it a few days back and it was incredible. I'm not going to go on too long about it since I already wrote quite a few long posts about how amazing it was, but what a superb comic. Definitely one of the most well-written comics I've ever read.

Also, regarding posting here as a tradewaiter, I've found that posting about what you're reading, even if it's old, can make for some good discussion. It does make it more difficult to post when you aren't reading the monthly issues, but hey, we all like to talk about comics whether they're new or old.
Basically what I'm saying is don't leave us again. We need your top-tier recommendations and opinions in here.
Although, you are wrong about Fear Agent.

Haha, truly great fiction will make it's way to you somehow in the end anyway man, I'll definitely lookout your thoughts on Unknown when I get a chance. I'm always interested in what people think of the book, the gun issue, the way they change the colours over when it gets to Dry Season, the ending. so much good stuff to discuss. The team has such strong synergy, it really is unbelievable. I feel kind of disappointed in myself for bailing during the Unkown Soldier revival actually, that was really fun when everyone started jumping on and reading it. Did myself a disservice there. And Black Science is on that list I've made for the image books, going to give volume 1 a whirl, so Remender has a chance with me yet. Literally what Black Science looks like, is specifically the part of Fear Agent I liked most and wanted so much more of, so I have a good feeling about it.

Did Gotham Central get canned or does it have a proper ending?

Great series thus far

Well, it did get canned, but I guess it does have a proper ending too, although I definitely felt the book petered out compared to how it started. Still, a fantastic run. Apparently Jim Corrigan is going to be in that Constantine series on tv too?

You will pick up the TPBs though right?

Haha, brilliant! Yea, for sure man, I will read the whole series when it's over but I felt like I had to get space from it. It was one of my longest running books I was still reading and I felt I was going to turn on it if I didn't step away first. I know that's a weird thing to say for a fairly lighthearted book, but I really want to know all about the government cover up of the bird flu and all that. It definitely excels in the little moments and issue to issue stuff but I really want to see the whole thing. I'll go back though, it's just not something I'm going to keep up with until it finishes now.

Fuuuuck, I find this guy entrancing haha. He has a way of speaking in interviews, when he really digs into his thoughts that is just incredible. Or he's just high as a kite. Or both! Such a great dude.

Interested in FBP too btw guys, not sure if I'll get to it in this round though. The stack I ordered there was all Hellboy, Abe, BPRD, Sledgehammer, Lobster Johnson. My next go round in the next week or so is looking like catching up on Saga, finally getting the last volume of Locke and Key (don't, just don't), East of West, TMP and then a bunnnch of new image volume 1s. I'm thinking: Black Science, Deadly Class, Pretty Deadly (is this cancelled already though)?, Velvet (fuck yes) annnd Umbral. SO I think FBP is after those, but it looks good.

Also, christ, catching up on all the news I've missed and Stumptown is finally comnig back, AS AN ONGOING. Heaven.

(Apologies for the offensively large post too, bet you all missed me now)

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I'm glad Kot is blowing up. He's an incredible and important talent, and it's clear his PR-speak is finally hitting Scott Snyder levels.

Thinking about reading Vol 1. of Federal Bureau of Physics right now, anyone have any experience with that one? The art (no surprise there) caught my attention and the premise seemed interesting.

Yes, FBP is fucking great. Robbi Rodriguez' art is stellar, the coloring is vibrant and dominant, but the story is really unique. It's hard science, and explores tons of physics related phenomena, but it's all deeply tied into the narrative and explained well. It's not just an info dump. I think it's my favorite Vertigo title currently running.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Haha, truly great fiction will make it's way to you somehow in the end anyway man, I'll definitely lookout your thoughts on Unknown when I get a chance. I'm always interested in what people think of the book, the gun issue, the way they change the colours over when it gets to Dry Season, the ending. so much good stuff to discuss. The team has such strong synergy, it really is unbelievable. I feel kind of disappointed in myself for bailing during the Unkown Soldier revival actually, that was really fun when everyone started jumping on and reading it. Did myself a disservice there. And Black Science is on that list I've made for the image books, going to give volume 1 a whirl, so Remender has a chance with me yet. Literally what Black Science looks like, is specifically the part of Fear Agent I liked most and wanted so much more of, so I have a good feeling about it.

I feel awful saying this since everyone else who read Unknown Soldier thought the issue following the gun around was amazing, but I thought it was probably the weakest issue (please don't hate me, guys). To be fair though, I think that was mostly due to the fact that at that point in the story, I was so interested in what was going to happen next that I was just sort of upset that that standalone issue was in the way. What I'm trying to say is that I didn't enjoy that issue much because Dysart's writing was so good. Haha.
I also think having the different artist for that issue didn't help my enjoyment of it. Ponticelli's art was so good that the guest artist just looked kind of boring in comparison.
It was very interesting though, to be fair. And the end of the issue with the flash-forward definitely added some intrigue.

(Edit: So that you don't have to search for my Unknown Soldier posts in case you did want to read them, here they are. Or at least the ones that went slightly more in depth than just "Unknown Soldier is so good." 1 2 3 4 5
Reading back on that first post, I can see my skepticism was completely unwarranted. Haha)

Good luck with Black Science! I hope it goes better for you than Fear Agent!
I personally haven't read Black Science yet, but I'm really looking forward to checking it out when it gets an oversized hardcover.


Seriously... with sites like Project Rooftop, Marvel (and DC) would have no problem finding designers that could knock a new suit like that out of the park. There's no excuse.

Yeah, it boggles my mind. David Aja for example had an amazing redesign for HYDRA to make them look less goofy (more like a real militarized threat), yet Marvel editorial threw it away after Immortal Iron Fist ended. There's still tons of characters/villains who could use redesigns and so far Marvel has been reluctant to move on that. The pajamas outfits need to be phased out, except for intentionally dumb villains.

Falcon could have had a cool Cap outfit that meshed more with his former identity, but the artist who drew this dropped the ball by mixing everything. Someone should try to suggest to Remender that a new look might be in order after some issues.

Huge props, Ales is great even if I'm not a Secret Avengers fan. I have mah Zero and Winter Soldier from him and I will watch the TV show when it happens!


but I am taking tiny steps forward
So The Auetuer was only a mini-series huh ? Enjoyed it none the less.

I think it got bumped up to an ongoing.
Somebody posted a tweet saying it's going to continue after the first trade is released.
I'm really looking forward to picking up that trade.


Thanks for the Hellboy info, guys. I'll probably jump at it before super long, but I'll hold off for now since it'd be kind of fiscally irresponsible right now.

Also, since the manga v comics thing came up again, I've been wondering... who else "double dips" and reads both?

I read both. Started with manga earlier though. Came to western comics much later. There's good shit on both sides.
I think it got bumped up to an ongoing.
Somebody posted a tweet saying it's going to continue after the first trade is released.
I'm really looking forward to picking up that trade.

Glad to hear it enjoyed the pure insanity going on in this series. Book deserves some more recognition.
Just finished FBP Vol 1. That cliffhanger! Really awesome overall, though I thought Issue #1 felt a bit disjointed. But, after that things really stepped up. Really love the conspiracy stuff, Uncle Eli is hilarious, and Adam is a sound main. Rosa has me very very intrigued. Best part was definitely Robbi Rodriguez's artwork. Breathtaking, some of it, with the panel-to-panel stuff being strong and kinetic. Art like this is why I love comics and what pulled me in. Easily a 9/10 for me at this rate.

FBP, Black Science...I love having intriguing sci-fi.
Just finished FBP Vol 1. That cliffhanger! Really awesome overall, though I thought Issue #1 felt a bit disjointed. But, after that things really stepped up. Really love the conspiracy stuff, Uncle Eli is hilarious, and Adam is a sound main. Rosa has me very very intrigued. Best part was definitely Robbi Rodriguez's artwork. Breathtaking, some of it, with the panel-to-panel stuff being strong and kinetic. Art like this is why I love comics and what pulled me in. Easily a 9/10 for me at this rate.

FBP, Black Science...I love having intriguing sci-fi.

Glad you enjoyed it!

I'm looking forward to the second volume coming out in September, but sad that Robbi Rodriguez is leaving.
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