COMICS! |OT| July 2014. Lots of stores on the way to San Diego sell deodorant.

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I think about this more than I should.

These two need to happen.



I'd just take a trade or two at this stage. :(

It just doesn't make any sense. It creates an entire market for DC. This could be a show that sells toys for both girls and boys, and the strips themselves are quality. They need to pay everyone involved and incubate the idea. JL8 is Sanrio status if it's taken care of correctly.


It just doesn't make any sense. It creates an entire market for DC. This could be a show that sells toys for both girls and boys, and the strips themselves are quality. They need to pay everyone involved and incubate the idea. JL8 is Sanrio status if it's taken care of correctly.

Yet they tried Lil Gotham.

Someday I'll get a commission from Yale. I'm sure of it.
Batman 22 finished. This issue did an excellent job of portraying young Bruce's pent up anger. He snaps so easyand very easily annoyed. One of the main themes of Zero Year has been Bruce's PTSD. You really get to see how the anxiety and stress turns to anger. This is why I love this story because I and a lot of others can relate. I'm on medication for anxiety and I know that it can make you highly irritable.

I didn't see any Easter eggs this issue but it did have a Sphinx that was included in a few Batman stories in the past. Also has one of the coolest comic panels I have ever seen.


Wife want to watch a movie so I'll read 23 later.


Batman 22 finished. This issue did an excellent job of portraying young Bruce's pent up anger. He snaps so easyand very easily annoyed. One of the main themes of Zero Year has been Bruce's PTSD. You really get to see how the anxiety and stress turns to anger. This is why I love this story because I and a lot of others can relate. I'm on medication for anxiety and I know that it can make you highly irritable.

I didn't see any Easter eggs this issue but it did have a Sphinx that was included in a few Batman stories in the past. Also has one of the coolest comic panels I have ever seen.


Wife want to watch a movie so I'll read 23 later.

I am loving the recaps so far. I usually miss a lot of the little things when reading comics. I have trouble connecting themes and small tells or nods. So this is really nice for me. That artwork is ludicrously good. He constantly blows me away.

Also Greg Capullo favourited my tweet calling him a wizard :D.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Why in fucks name isn't JL8 more than what it is? It should be huge. It needs to be picked up and printed.

Seriously. I would buy a hardcover of JL8 so fast.
...To be honest, I haven't gotten fully caught up on it yet though. But that's one of the main reasons I want a hardcover. I can't really enjoy it as much while sitting at my computer.

But yeah, it's bizarre to me how DC refuse to acknowledge Yale Stewart. He could easily be their Skottie Young equivalent (except better, in my opinion; sorry Skottie Young lovers). I suppose DC just hates money.


Seriously. I would buy a hardcover of JL8 so fast.
...To be honest, I haven't gotten fully caught up on it yet though. But that's one of the main reasons I want a hardcover. I can't really enjoy it as much while sitting at my computer.

But yeah, it's bizarre to me how DC refuse to acknowledge Yale Stewart. He could easily be their Skottie Young equivalent (except better, in my opinion; sorry Skottie Young lovers). I suppose DC just hates money.

Skottie and Yale are both amazing. Yale could totally be their Skottie. There has to be a reason why they don't try and get him.


No Scrubs
Batman 22 finished. This issue did an excellent job of portraying young Bruce's pent up anger. He snaps so easyand very easily annoyed. One of the main themes of Zero Year has been Bruce's PTSD. You really get to see how the anxiety and stress turns to anger. This is why I love this story because I and a lot of others can relate. I'm on medication for anxiety and I know that it can make you highly irritable.

I didn't see any Easter eggs this issue but it did have a Sphinx that was included in a few Batman stories in the past. Also has one of the coolest comic panels I have ever seen.


Wife want to watch a movie so I'll read 23 later.

It also happens to be
a clever bit of foreshadowing as to where this story ends up.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Gotta say Skottie is incredible. Yale is good but Skottie is another level. Just look at Oz.

Skottie's stuff is undoubtedly much better on a technical level and is definitely some really great stuff, but Yale's version of cute just clicks with me much more.
I don't want to start no arguments. I totally get why most people would prefer Skottie. Something about Yale just does it for me a little better. Haha


Skottie's stuff is undoubtedly much better on a technical level and is definitely some really great stuff, but Yale's version of cute just clicks with me much more.
I don't want to start no arguments. I totally get why most people would prefer Skottie. Something about Yale just does it for me a little better. Haha

What the hell man, totally rediculous and uncalled for. Step off.



Who is responsible for the bad half of the art in Batwoman this month? Usually it's one of the best looking dc books but this month half of it looks like it was drawn by an amature. Luckily it fixes itself before the end. Enjoying the book otherwise. Kate has become a somewhat interesting character. I'd like more Maggie though.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Who is responsible for the bad half of the art in Batwoman this month? Usually it's one of the best looking dc books but this month half of it looks like it was drawn by an amature.

...Sorry. DC called me in to churn out a few pages. I'm new to this drawing thing, okay?
Enjoying the book otherwise. Kate has become a somewhat interesting character. I'd like more Maggie though.

I think the dynamics of the Kate/Maggie relationship is the only thing that really keeps me reading Batwoman. I'm always down for that slice-of-life stuff.


Alright Korupt, I'm diving into Zero Year right now! As someone who doesn't keep himself up to date with the series, I'm interested to see what all of the fuss is about. I'll be back soon with impressions.


Anyone getting the temptation to read Age of Ultron as a hype up to Avengers 2 should remember that AoU is a 200+ page story where Ultron only shows up for the last 5 or so pages. 10 times as many pages are dedicated to Hawkeye breaking Spider-man out of a crack house and Captain America sitting down.


Anyone getting the temptation to read Age of Ultron as a hype up to Avengers 2 should remember that AoU is a 200+ page story where Ultron only shows up for the last 5 or so pages. 10 times as many pages are dedicated to Hawkeye breaking Spider-man out of a crack house and Captain America sitting down.

but why did Cap sit down...and will he stand up again? I had to read it myself to find out.
Zero Year: Dark City Completed

The power is down in Gotham and the police have nothing better to do than chase a furry in a Bat costume. There is also a bone monster killing folk.

Dr. Death's design is awesome and terrifying, the splash page with him on the weather balloon is amazing.
Who knew the Batcave could be so colorful, one of the scenes at the beginning of the arc we see Bruce exit the cave that is filled with warm colors into an earth tone surface coming face to face with Gordon. Beautiful work here by FCO Plascencia.
Kind of sad about the lackluster Batmobile chase
Batman gets his ass handed to him courtesy of the GCPD
Young Bruce scenes were done incredibly throughout the arc
The Tokyo Moon story was good, it humanized Dr. Death pretty well and it hits Bruce hard how he's responsible for many deaths.
Finally the Fall scene, I've read this issue a couple of times and it is so great at portraying the hopelessness of Batman failing the city. The last four pages of issue #29 show a very violent death of Bruce's parents, nothing is held back.

I'll finish up later tonight.

Edit: Went ahead and spoiler tagged everything, I wouldn't want to ruin anyone else's fun


Batman #21

(mild spoilers at best, but just in case...)

Page 1 - Already, holy shit. The art is amazing and yet the color somehow finds a way to wow me even more.

Page 2 - So Gotham went through some kind of doomsday scenario 6 years ago? The atmosphere reminds me of the Last of Us (and of course that's a compliment).

Page 3 - These bad dudes look great, yet I can't help but be reminded of Boo (from the Mario franchise).

Page 4 - First appearance of Batman and already it's a "Fuck Yeah, Batman!" moment. The goddamn Batman appears on a goddamn dirtbike and I'm grinning ear to ear (plus the color is still absolutely phenomenal).

Page 5 - "Zero Year, Secret City: Part One". They say it's important to grab your reader within the first few page turns to convince those folks flipping through the book at their local shop to impulse buy... bravo, Team Snyder.


Batman #21

(mild spoilers at best, but just in case...)

Page 1 - Already, holy shit. The art is amazing and yet the color somehow finds a way to wow me even more.

Page 2 - So Gotham went through some kind of doomsday scenario 6 years ago? The atmosphere reminds me of the Last of Us (and of course that's a compliment).

Page 3 - These bad dudes look great, yet I can't help but be reminded of Boo (from the Mario franchise).

Page 4 - First appearance of Batman and already it's a "Fuck Yeah, Batman!" moment. The goddamn Batman appears on a goddamn dirtbike and I'm grinning ear to ear (plus the color is still absolutely phenomenal).

Page 5 - "Zero Year, Secret City: Part One". They say it's important to grab your reader within the first few page turns to convince those folks flipping through the book at their local shop to impulse buy... bravo, Team Snyder.

Capullos art is amazing in that first issue. The first few pages are wow.
So here's something you guys may find amusing. When I heard that Marvel announced a Captain Falcon series, for like, the entire following day, I thought they meant this:

Then I actually looked it up and was greatly disappointed. :(


I can't get through it. Not a fan of the art or story few issues in, but I'm told they are the best around in both categories.

Maybe I'm just fucked. :-

Maybe it's just not for you? It happens. I read two volumes of Sandman and realized I hated it. We all have different tastes. Zero Year looks different than most Batman stories. It's what I love about it.
I can't get through it. Not a fan of the art or story few issues in, but I'm told they are the best around in both categories.

Maybe I'm just fucked. :-

If you are, I am too. I've picked up an issue here and there, but mostly I've been sitting out for Zero Year. But then I'm also not usually a fan of prequel material in general. I'll definitely be checking out Batman #34, though. Let's get this train moving again.
So I just ordered a few things for my gf for her birthday. A Wonder Woman fan who loved the Wonder Woman movie you guys recommended to me a month or two ago.




Among some other things. Did I do good gaf?


So I just ordered a few things for my gf for her birthday. A Wonder Woman fan who loved the Wonder Woman movie you guys recommended to me a month or two ago.[/mg]

Among some other things. Did I do good gaf?[/QUOTE]

Nailed it. All great stuff.

She might want a baby soon though. Beware.
So here's something you guys may find amusing. When I heard that Marvel announced a Captain Falcon series, for like, the entire following day, I thought they meant this:

Then I actually looked it up and was greatly disappointed. :(

lmao that's hilarious

I'm still behind on the current Batman series... One day I'll catch up with you guys


Maybe it's just not for you? It happens. I read two volumes of Sandman and realized I hated it. We all have different tastes. Zero Year looks different than most Batman stories. It's what I love about it.

If you are, I am too. I've picked up an issue here and there, but mostly I've been sitting out for Zero Year. But then I'm also not usually a fan of prequel material in general. I'll definitely be checking out Batman #34, though. Let's get this train moving again.

I went digital for the first time, so it could be effecting my palette. Not sure I I want to go and re-purchase the issues in physical form.

I'm desperately trying to get back into the swing of things, but it's always difficult taking some time off and jumping back in. So far the only thing I've made headway in is the IDW TMNT series.


Original Sin #6: This is the point where it no longer matters what issue 7 and 8 do, this event is garbage. We have Strange talking about saving the world without ever having to kill anyone, which they would never do. Steve and Iron Man are working together while Steve is whining to Fury about no more secrets. Fury doing stuff no one cares about...this is as bad as it could be without Cap sitting down more frequently. I now look at Forever Evil, which i hated, and give it new respect. Another sub-par stretched-out Marvel event. Is this what gave Aaron the idea of someone no longer being worthy? Not so random 3/10, pathetic.
Nailed it. All great stuff.

She might want a baby soon though. Beware.

We both turn 21 in the next month we can't handle that Mess(i)


Oh yeah, Astonishing X-Men is gud. Haven't been here in a while to post impressions on the trades. Saga Volume 1 was fantastic. Hopefully I can get Volumes two and three soon. Haven't read Batman: Black Mirror or Dark Phoenix Saga yet. That old school 90s X-Men art and overall style is just brutal to me. I cannot get into it at all. Will try again at some point though. Only took me four tries before I finally sat through Days of Future Past.


We both turn 21 in the next month we can't handle that Mess(i)


Oh yeah, Astonishing X-Men is gud. Haven't been here in a while to post impressions on the trades. Saga Volume 1 was fantastic. Hopefully I can get Volumes two and three soon. Haven't read Batman: Black Mirror or Dark Phoenix Saga yet. That old school 90s X-Men art and overall style is just brutal to me. I cannot get into it at all. Will try again at some point though. Only took me four tries before I finally sat through Days of Future Past.

We don't want the baby the baby the baby either. But Azz has decided that life is about the baby the baby the baby.
Superman #33
Transformers vs. GI Joe #1
Supreme: Blue Rose #1
100th Anniversary Special: Avengers


Storm #1
Life with Archie #37
Bravest Warriors #22
The Shadow Hero GN
Superman #33
Transformers vs. GI Joe #1
Supreme: Blue Rose #1
100th Anniversary Special: Avengers


Storm #1
Life with Archie #37
Bravest Warriors #22
The Shadow Hero GN

Still watching this movie, wife picked, Blue is Warmest Color. Whoa!


AQUAMAN #33 $2.99
FLASH #33 $2.99
RED LANTERNS #33 $2.99
SUPERMAN #33 $3.99
WONDER WOMAN #33 $2.99
REVIVAL #22 (MR) $2.99
SAGA #21 (MR) $2.99


List :

Batman #33
Batman Eternal #16
Batman and Robin #33
Catwoman #33
Secret Origins #4 (Amanda and Jimmys new Harley Quinn origin)
Wonder Woman #33

Saga #21
Velvet #6
Zero #9

Amazing Spider-man #4
Deadpool #32

Decent week.
Zero Year: Savage City 3/4 Completed

In a world where Batman has failed his city, it is up to him to finally save it from riddles, lions, plant overgrowth, robots, dysentery, and more riddles.

I want to see more of this young brash Bruce sneaking into the girls dorms, having embarrassing moments in class, setting fires to teacher yards, haunted by his past... Okay maybe not so much but seeing Bruce trying to make a connection with someone was very refreshing.
It seems Snyder has taken a few liberties from the Dark Knight Rises film which I don't really have a problem with.
I still don't feel Nygma been fully developed yet but that might be in the last issue.
Bats in the pit was a pretty cool sequence.

Looking forward to the finale and now Zero List:
ZERO #9 - Comic of the Year
WOLVERINE AND X-MEN #6 - Probably dropping after this issue

Going to close out tonight with a Warren Ellis post about Batman
It occurs to me that an awful lot of trouble in Gotham City could have been averted a long time ago if Batman had just ripped the Joker’s nipples off.

I mean, treatment doesn’t work, does it? They stick the Joker in the nuthatch, he comes out again and does the same things.

A man with the nipples ripped off him does not make the same mistakes twice.

Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot, and need the nipples ripped off them.

I mean, who’s going to argue?

“Batman, I’ve heard disturbing reports that you ripped the Joker’s nipples off.”

“Choke on my fuck, Commissioner Gordon.”


I mean, crime in Gotham City doesn’t exactly seem to be affected by a man dressed as a bat flapping around the place. But no-one disobeys a man wearing a necklace of human nipples.

“I’m Batman” isn’t cutting it in the striking-fear-into-their-hearts stakes. But “I’m Batman — and I’m here for your nipples” is an entirely different proposition.

Criminals would see the error of their ways after a man in a black leather pervert suit had their nipples off with the edge of a Batarang, you mark my words. Or a Bat-Denipplizer.

I’m off to ring DC Comics.
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