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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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I read something about Rick's technique that he sits down with all the characters in his stories, he writes all their names down, gives them hundreds of topics to talk about(the president, guns, ninjas, poverty, death, etc), and then he writes dialog for each character. What would that character sound like? What does this character think? What are their beliefs, their motivations, just who is this person? I think this approach works really well for his stories; he creates real characters you get invested in, then puts them a lot of crazy shit so you give a damn about said crazy shit. And when he kills them off(because he's NOT afraid to unceremoniously kill somebody off if he thinks the story demands it, readers of Fear Agent or UXF or even the Punisher himself will note), again, you give a damn about it!

Great Post I was wondering how do you feel about Remender's Uncanny Avengers now ?
Well, some did end up dying as a result of their depowering. Though specific examples escape me at the moment, I know it was mentioned at some point.

Water breathing student at the school drowned and quite a few flying mutants fell to their deaths. All the mutants on Tian died too.
Okay, Astro City was awesome. You guys were right. :p

I'm not going to go hunting down all of the past Astro City stuff, but what's especially good out of the trades that are still readily available?


Okay, Astro City was awesome. You guys were right. :p

I'm not going to go hunting down all of the past Astro City stuff, but what's especially good out of the trades that are still readily available?

Life in the Big City and Family Album.

Check your library though, if they do interlibrary loan you can read them all for for free.


Found them both in my library system.

I think I love you.

I've been getting that a lot in these threads lately...

If your library has them all, by all means grab them all. It's just that a handful of them are out of print to buy, hopefully something that gets rectified with the series relaunching.

This was a pretty strong week for me, but Astro City was hands down my book of the week.
Avengers Arena...............
sad sad sad sad sad sad. Why hopeless, why. And fucking Darkhawk being the one to do it. This is just... God help me.

All New X-Men was great as usual.
I love the irony of Scarlet Witch of all people hunting down Cyclops for crimes while he was possessed by Dark Phoenix. What a bitch.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Plus-she depowered them. She didn't murder them.

Age of Ultron has been completely and utterly pointless. A total waste of time-and completely squandered potential.

Yeah, have to agree. I had to drop it after the 4th issue. It was pretty apparent after Issue 2 and 3 that it was going nowhere, but I completely lost interest by 4. Felt like a completely phoned in "event."


Hasbro's Marvel Legends SDCC exclusive is glorious.



Hopefully I won't have to resort to ebay this time like I did for Uncanny X-Force last year..


noooooo my store didnt get my Archer & Armstrong or any of the Empowered 1-shots :(


on the bright side, my bill was less than $20!!


Mmm good to read some Astro City again.

GL#21 showed some potential. Had a good, space cop feel to it that I like about GL and the Corps. But
it's stupid that the Hal/Carol dynamic has reverted to the same old stuff. Felt totally out of place after the last arc and just a retread of their relationship.
. I'll give it a couple of issues to decide.

Age of Ultron has plenty of faults, but I am curious how they wrap it up.

New X-Men was good, but I feel like the storyline is starting to drag a bit.


Picked up a few issues of X-O Manowar from Comixology sale awhile ago and I don't think I'll continue on with it. Aric seems like a pretty shallow character and it's honestly hard to care what happens to him when his one singular motivation seems to be genocide.

Unrelated, I picked up Astro City due to the hype in this thread. Better be good.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Can I just say that this, right now, is probably the best comics have been...well, in my lifetime. 32 years old and I'm loving the entire medium more than I think I ever have.

Daredevil since Bendis/Brubaker has been amazing and the relaunch is mindblowing.
Batwoman is a shining example of artistic beauty.
Saga is jawdropping.
Hawkeye is a book that marries lowkey storytelling with wit, heart and charm.
Punisher is coming off a fantastic, in the actual 616 storyline.
Aquaman is badass.
Captain America is somehow breaking fairly new ground.
Captain Marvel, while a niche title, is doing strong, female characters that are universal in appeal, imo. And pants!

I'm absolutely loving comics right now.
Daredevil since Bendis/Brubaker has been amazing and the relaunch is mindblowing.
Batwoman is a shining example of artistic beauty.
Saga is jawdropping.
Hawkeye is a book that marries lowkey storytelling with wit, heart and charm.
Punisher is coming off a fantastic, in the actual 616 storyline.
Aquaman is badass.
Captain America is somehow breaking fairly new ground.
Captain Marvel, while a niche title, is doing strong, female characters that are universal in appeal, imo. And pants!

You, sir.... Have the same opinions I do. Well done.
Except that Wanda doesn't really blame herself and was called out about it by rogue. Wanda is way more guilty than Scott.

It's not that she doesn't blame herself. She just knows there's no point in dwelling on the past. She's able to rebuild her life, Scott so far has shown by the people he surrounds himself with that he can't or doesn't want to.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
You, sir.... Have the same opinions I do. Well done.


It's just honestly a great time time to be a fan of comics. I really, honestly look forward to Batwoman, Daredevil and Hawkeye every month. Like, I get a wee bit sad when I close a new issue and realize I have to wait. I know most fans hate DC nu, but I doubt we would've gotten my absolutely favorite book currently without the reboot. It would've been a miniseries, at best.

I swear I'm not high, btw. Just full of love after re-reading the Daredevil storyline that ends with him escaping prison and realizing that the book has been consistently awesome since Vol2. I wish I could track down one of those Marvel CDs that had all the old issues, because I think I'd like to read from Daredevil 1. Catch up on the older stuff.

Because Daredevil may be my favorite Marvel hero all the sudden.


It's not that she doesn't blame herself. She just knows there's no point in dwelling on the past. She's able to rebuild her life, Scott so far has shown by the people he surrounds himself with that he can't or doesn't want to.
Without taking responsibility of what she actually did since she said it wasn't her fault Both are guilty of things that they both should take responsibility for but It seems like to me especially after reading that one comic she doesn't think she bares any responsibility to it and your right neither does Scott admit but I think he's way less guilty than Wanda is.
Is there a good way to get the full Daredevil run since bendis? I want hard covers. I still have volume 1-6 in hc of the daredevil reboot that started with quesada and ended with bendis.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Is there a good way to get the full Daredevil run since bendis? I want hard covers. I still have volume 1-6 in hc of the daredevil reboot that started with quesada and ended with bendis.

I would like to know this too. I bummed them, but even digital, I'd like to buy these.
wasnt blown away by astro city but will be reading the first arc at least. art was really good.

Red lanterns
on earth 2. ?? this book get s better each month

Avengers Arena was great.
I swear I'm not high, btw. Just full of love after re-reading the Daredevil storyline that ends with him escaping prison and realizing that the book has been consistently awesome since Vol2. I wish I could track down one of those Marvel CDs that had all the old issues, because I think I'd like to read from Daredevil 1. Catch up on the older stuff.

Because Daredevil may be my favorite Marvel hero all the sudden.

I just got into Daredevil about a month ago, myself. Never really had an interest, but I read through the current Waid issues after hearing how good it is. Then I went back and plowed through the Bendis/Maleev run, and now the Brubaker run is in the mail.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I just got into Daredevil about a month ago, myself. Never really had an interest, but I read through the current Waid issues after hearing how good it is. Then I went back and plowed through the Bendis/Maleev run, and now the Brubaker run is in the mail.

Wasn't Echo an absolutely amazing character???

Daredevil is like Punisher. He works best when he's in his own book, separate from the cosmic/magic/mutant worlds.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Avengers Arena was great.

As someone who has no attachment to any of these characters, it's pretty amazing. But the backlash... great googly moogly. The last death especially, but that character went out like a boss. Any hero would... well, die for that death.
Some of the reactions on other boards are pretty schizo. Like they hate one character for using a Sentinel, (what?) but are giving the one real villain a pass even though
they also use a Sentinel... which they got by fucking murdering the owner.
She started trying to kill people literally a few minutes after arriving FFS.

Inititially, I thought that leaving X-23 alive once she was beaten into submission was a dumb oversight, but she got taken out so easily that I don't think she's seen as a threat at all. If anything, her programming makes her potentially useful for clearing the field.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Oops, double post.
Wasn't Echo an absolutely amazing character???

Daredevil is like Punisher. He works best when he's in his own book, separate from the cosmic/magic/mutant worlds.

Echo was great. I'm glad I was able to find the Daredevil /Echo hardcovers. "Parts of a Hole", especially, since that one seems to be getting a bit scarce.
probably the #1 of when Waid started
then you can go back to the Bendis if you want. unless you want to start from way back there. I never read the Brubaker ones but I'm about to order the Ultimate trades of that but I wanted to get the Frank Miller stuff...lol
hell I liked the Nocenti stuff when I was a kid they should collect that too


So I want to start reading Fables...should I buy the trades or the deluxe editions?

From what I've read, the deluxe editions are really nice - though content wise start to get progressively smaller with #5. The trades are easier to read in chronological order* but apparently the binding wears down easily (from what I've read in reviews).

* http://myreadingbooks.blogspot.com/2012/06/so-you-want-to-read-fables.html
* http://www.tradereadingorder.com/list/comics/fables/

So which should I go with?
Please spoil GL for me.

Ok, here we go :) GL 21 spoilers

Starts out in the near futre: Hal, John, Salak and a group of new characters is under fire at OA, their rings are low on energy, as the new "Big Bad" Relic attacks them. And despite having power batteries with them they can't charge their rings because now the lanterns have to be charged at the CPB - and it's treated like this was always the status quo. They make a run for the CPB - only to find it completely dry.

Flashback to today: Hal meets Carol and she is kinda angry with him. Tells him to stay away because she wants to be a Star Sapphire, and being a Sapphire depends on her being in LOVE with him. And because he is messing up all the time she has to be in love with the idea of him and not him to continue to be a Star Sapphire.

At OA Kyle shows the new Guardians the archives and they are shown to be careless. Kinda throwback at the "Kyle trains the little guardians" time after he returned them at the backend of his run. Hal shows up. The guardians make him corps leader, despite his and Kyle's complaints about this. Kyle stays with the Guardians.

Hal goes to command, where Kilowog is shown to be his Nr. 1. In typical Kirk-manner his first act as leader is to send out the rings to find new GLs, despite Kilowogs protest. After the last few years of perma war destroyed the corps pretty much Hal wants a few new red shirts. Just as the first newbies arrive Larfleeze comes in ring blazing to raid the GL treasury and we see again a hint of the male-function of the CPB and the regular batteries and the issue ends.

Mucho Set up. Kyle, Carol, Kilowog and John are used as support players, in a way that was ok, but bland.


Is there a good way to get the full Daredevil run since bendis? I want hard covers. I still have volume 1-6 in hc of the daredevil reboot that started with quesada and ended with bendis.

Marvel Unlimited on the iPad! I just plowed through all the Daredevil books this way.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Marvel Unlimited on the iPad! I just plowed through all the Daredevil books this way.

Just downloaded the app on Android to take a look at it. The image is 6" on my 9" tablet. Eeeeewwwwwww...
Plus-she depowered them. She didn't murder them.

Age of Ultron has been completely and utterly pointless. A total waste of time-and completely squandered potential.

Well, some of them did die as a result of their powers being switched off (flying or under water a tthe time). So she did murder a couple!


Just downloaded the app on Android to take a look at it. The image is 6" on my 9" tablet. Eeeeewwwwwww...

I can't speak for Android-but everything looks great on iPad. There were done performance issues with loading comics a few weeks ago but I think that's been resolved server side.


Ok, here we go :) GL 21 spoilers

Starts out in the near futre: Hal, John, Salak and a group of new characters is under fire at OA, their rings are low on energy, as the new "Big Bad" Relic attacks them. And despite having power batteries with them they can't charge their rings because now the lanters have to be charged at the CPB - and it's treated like this was always the status quo. They make a run for the CPB - only to find it completley dry.

Flashback to today: Hal meets Carol and she is kinda angry with him. Tells him to stay away because she want's to be a star saphire, and being a star saphire depends on her being in LOVE with him. And because he is messing up all the time she has to be in love with the idea of him and not him to continue to be a Star Saphire.

At OA Kyle shows the new Guardians the archives and they are shown to be careless. Kinda throwback at the "Kyle trains the little guardians" time after he returend them at the backend of his run. Hal shows up. The guardians make him corps leader, despite his and Kyle's complaints about this. Kyle stays with the Guardians.

Hal goes to command, where Kilowog is shown to be his Nr. 1. In typical Kirk-manner his first act as leader is to send out the rings to find new GLs after the last few years of perma war destroyed the Corps pretty much. Just as the first newbies arive Larfleeze comes in ring blazing to raid the GL treasury and we see again a hint of the mail function of the CPB and the regular batteries and the issue ends.

Mucho Set up. Kyle, Carol, Kilowog and John are used as support players, in a way that was ok, but bland.

Ugh, no thanks. Now I see why Vendetti was quick to say Johns' endings did not have to be absolute and were subject to the influence and prejudices of the bookkeeper.
Hal and Carol deserve their happy ending dammit
Ugh, no thanks. Now I see why Vendetti was quick to say Johns' endings did not have to be absolute and were subject to the influence and prejudices of the bookkeeper.
Hal and Carol deserve their happy ending dammit

This seems like the beginning of a GL run that DC should/could have done when they started the nu52 ... Especially as I'm sure many aspects of Hals past will be retconned now that the books are free from the need to finish Johns story and have to work with the 6 year timeline.


This seems like the beginning of a GL run that DC should/could have done when they started the nu52 ... Especially as I'm sure many aspects of Hals past will be retconned now that the books are free from the need to finish Johns story and have to work with the 6 year timeline.

Honestly, they probably should have cancelled the books with issue 20 and take them off the table for a year or so before relaunching them with the new creative teams. That would have given Johns run the sense of finality it deserved and create a nice buffer and separation for the new guys.
Honestly, they probably should have cancelled the books with issue 20 and take them off the table for a year or so before relaunching them with the new creative teams. That would have given Johns run the sense of finality it deserved and create a nice buffer and separation for the new guys.

Kinda hard for a big franchise like GL. But yeah.

But to be honest since the beginning of "Blackest Night" the books were all only okay and sometimes truley bad. Simon Bazz was the one really good thing to emerge of the last three years of GL and it seems he is gone from the books and will only be in Johns JLA.


Kinda hard for a big franchise like GL. But yeah.

But to be honest since the beginning of "Blackest Night" the books were all only okay and sometimes truley bad. Simon Bazz was the one really good thing to emerge of the last three years of GL and it seems he is gone from the books and will only be in Johns JLA.

It had its highs and lows but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love Johns run as a whole. He said he left Baz available for the new teams to use, but yeah it seems he and B'dg will exist only in JLA.


Pizza Dog
Oh man, Avengers Arena. I like this series a lot.
Niko's the first character I actually knew about before reading the series to die. OR DID SHE? (dun dun dun)

Looking forward to digging into the rest of my haul when I get back from work, didn't get a chance to read yesterday as I was out all night and so I've got quite a few waiting. Good stuff.
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