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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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Isn't Marvel Infinity one of those weird digicomics? Or is the hashtag referring to the Infinity arc?

EDIT: nvm, digicomics were Marvel Infinite.
The other two are Songbird and IF. Shulkie and BM were leaked on /co yesterday, SSM monday and now they are saying IF and Songbird are the other two.


The other two are Songbird and IF. Shulkie and BM were leaked on /co yesterday, SSM monday and now they are saying IF and Songbird are the other two.


She Hulk
Blue Marvel
Otto Spider-man
Luke Cage
Song Bird
Iron Fist

I will be reading whatever this is unless the creative team is horrible.


No Scrubs
The other two are Songbird and IF. Shulkie and BM were leaked on /co yesterday, SSM monday and now they are saying IF and Songbird are the other two.

I'd read that book. Any word on who is writing this line up? Part of me thinks it may be a revolving lineup of writers considering the team.

She Hulk
Blue Marvel
Otto Spider-man
Luke Cage
Song Bird
Iron Fist

I will be reading whatever this is unless the creative team is horrible.


I will be reading this fucking book :O

Remender come write this book please.. drop the lame ass avengers, come get with the Newer ones.



She Hulk
Blue Marvel
Otto Spider-man
Luke Cage
Song Bird
Iron Fist

I will be reading whatever this is unless the creative team is horrible.

4 men, 2 women? :/
I'll admit, I am curious enough to check it out, depending on the creatives.


Rick's best stories have that human conflict at the core on top of all the bombastic shit(even Bulletstorm is grounded with some real emotional hooks built in the first hour that he uses throughout the entire game's narrative), and this is a prime example of that.

trufax. It's also why he's generally a strong team book writer. Where Bendis loses the plot under the weight of his characters (he has straight up admitted on tumblr that he writes character first and plot is a tertiary concern for him) and where Hickman loses character under the weight of the Hickman superstructure, Remender actually tends to be very good at balancing both since his characters reveal themselves via the story and the fights - it also helps that he is a much strong writer of fight scenes than either of them (but that's not really saying much!)

Opena in X-Force>>>Opena in Avengers.

Paul Jenkins legdropping DC whoa nelly



"Perhaps if I sent you the actual script that I wrote for Dark Knight #5 to compare against the pile of turd they published?"


gott damn
No idea on the creative team.

Hickman does character but not character focused issues. His character development and take multiple issues to express themselves.


So Scarlet Witch decimates millions and gets a pass AND gets to be an Avenger because she pleads insanity while the same team tries to take out Scott for killing Xavier while possessed by Dark Phoenix?
I actually agree with Jean on this.
The thing with Hickman is that he obviously has a lot of long-term plans for what he wants to say with this property; you can tell this is a guy who has plotted out every single one of his 40+ issue runs down to the issue number. This guy will say this at #7, which will be followed up on in #10, which sets up this thing in #14, which is gonna pay off in #21, etc. I admire that kind of longevity. At the same time though, his work seems very cold and mechanical, like precision clockwork or something. I feel like reading his books I'm reading Wikipedia summaries of the stories. His characters often seem like they're speaking in plot descriptions and somebody forgot to fill in the dialog for them. It's something I admire from a distance instead of embrace.

That first year of Uncanny X-Force was so good not just because Dean White is a coloring genius and he had Jerome Opena and Esad Ribic drawing most of the issues, but because he gets us invested in these characters, make them seem like genuine people with emotions we can relate to. He does that with a lot of Frank Miller-esque clipped narration to get inside their heads, or stuff like that great scene with Betsy and Warren before they head off to the big Apocalypse base that lovingly explains their relatable character motivations and what emotions drive them.



That one scene is the crux of that entire year, that builds through short and long arcs, until we got the craziness that was the Dark Angel Saga. It's not just the world-ending threats or great fight scenes or wonderful visuals that make it special, but it's ultimately a tragic love story between Warren and Betsy that's been building and changing for 18 issues and various stories, all climaxing in this beautiful, crazy, sad epic.

I read something about Rick's technique that he sits down with all the characters in his stories, he writes all their names down, gives them hundreds of topics to talk about(the president, guns, ninjas, poverty, death, etc), and then he writes dialog for each character. What would that character sound like? What does this character think? What are their beliefs, their motivations, just who is this person? I think this approach works really well for his stories; he creates real characters you get invested in, then puts them a lot of crazy shit so you give a damn about said crazy shit. And when he kills them off(because he's NOT afraid to unceremoniously kill somebody off if he thinks the story demands it, readers of Fear Agent or UXF or even the Punisher himself will note), again, you give a damn about it!


Knows the Score
Age of Ultron is bordering on nonsense, the ARGHG, URRRGHR, HURK, BURRHH opening suits it.

East of West, Dial H & Avengers are really good though.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Paul Jenkins legdropping DC whoa nelly



"Perhaps if I sent you the actual script that I wrote for Dark Knight #5 to compare against the pile of turd they published?"


Yeah. But they gotta protect their ICONIC characters from those writers, you know. Because otherwise they get the idea that they could create another Kyle Rayner, Stephanie Brown, Jack Knight or Connor Hawke. And those are not ICONIC. Because the readers only buy books about ICONIC characters. And you need those ICONIC characters, because even if they don't act or talk like the characters created by the great company that is DC (no no, don't believe this writers, who tell you they created a character, it was always the great company!), they are those characters because they have the right costume and haircolor!

Too funny that they have good sales numbers, but lose one good writer after another...

On this note: I read GL #21 today and was more or less okay. But completely changed the way the power batteries work, as well as giving us strange exposition on how the violet rings work... Dialogue was ok, if a bit bland. Maybe it is the negativity I feel towards DC currently, but it felt like a very bland and non controversial take on a franchise, that is way past it's prime.

On the other hand, it was Bendis and Hickman day! ANXM and Avengers delivered in spades. It's like day and night compared to DC. Those books are as mainstream as they get, but bursting with dialoge, ideas, embracing history of the fictional universe they are set in and even proveding a tiny bit of insight into the writers ideas about the characters and not dried out non-aggressive company approved voices.

I would love to do a sociological study in both companies at this point and try to find out how the intra-company structures and networks are organized and how the percieve their work. The interviews given by the ex-DC writers are already nice primers for this.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"

She Hulk
Blue Marvel
Otto Spider-man
Luke Cage
Song Bird
Iron Fist

I will be reading whatever this is unless the creative team is horrible.

blue marvel bitches! our time is now.

...unless marvel finds some way to completely fuck this up.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
So Scarlet Witch decimates millions and gets a pass AND gets to be an Avenger because she pleads insanity while the same team tries to take out Scott for killing Xavier while possessed by Dark Phoenix?
I actually agree with Jean on this.

decimate millions? really?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I find it laughable that there's any comparison between Dark Pheonix/Scott and Scarlet Witch.

noone died on either of the psychotic breaks. there are comparisons(although possibly few) to be made

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I finally get to buy an Iron Man comic or two again because Greg Land is off art duties, and Gillen reveals it was his intention to create THE WORST EVER RUN on Iron Man anyway, now by retroactively stealing away every single Tony Stark achievement since the character's origin.

Then I read Avengers Arena and feel like shit and its like... comics... why do I read them? A week to wait for that Scarlet Spider and Hawkeye uplift...
So Scarlet Witch decimates millions and gets a pass AND gets to be an Avenger because she pleads insanity while the same team tries to take out Scott for killing Xavier while possessed by Dark Phoenix?
I actually agree with Jean on this.

The main difference between Wanda and Scott is that Wanda blames herself for what happened, Scott chooses to blame others.


No Scrubs
The main difference between Wanda and Scott is that Wanda blames herself for what happened, Scott chooses to blame others.

Pretty much. I'm sure Scott is going to get to that point eventually though, logically he would but who knows if Bendis wants to deal with that.


I would also be really interested in what's going on at DC internally at the moment. Something's definitely up.

On that note, Deadshot, Killer Frost, Shadow Thief and Black Adam are the four JLA villains.

Deadshot written by Kindt.

Despite being a giant cash grab this is starting to look really exciting. I love all of those.

I think Matt Kindt is writing like 4 or 5 of these, he's also doing a pre bad guy Sinestro story, one of the Earth 2 books, one of the JL books, the Forever Evil ARGUS miniseries, dude is everywhere now. It's pretty awesome.


On this note: I read GL #21 today and was more or less okay. But completely changed the way the power batteries work, as well as giving us strange exposition on how the violet rings work... Dialogue was ok, if a bit bland. Maybe it is the negativity I feel towards DC currently, but it felt like a very bland and non controversial take on a franchise, that is way past it's prime.

Please spoil GL for me.
I finally get to buy an Iron Man comic or two again because Greg Land is off art duties, and Gillen reveals it was his intention to create THE WORST EVER RUN on Iron Man anyway, now by retroactively stealing away every single Tony Stark achievement since the character's origin.

But Land and Gillen are still working on Iron Man till August.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Well, some did end up dying as a result of their depowering. Though specific examples escape me at the moment, I know it was mentioned at some point.

They explored this idea when the High Evolutionary depowered all mutants for a couple days around early-2000, although it did lead directly to a really shitty X-Men storyline from Chris Claremont. (The one about The Neo, who wanted revenge for all of their people killed by being depowered.)
There's no way Scarlet Witch avoided murdering anyone. Just the people flying at the time alone...


East of West #3 was good. ViewtifulJC was right about the Hickman dialog though. I noticed I was reading all of it in a monotone, and maybe that's what he's going for, but it could use some different personalities or something.

I also just finished the final TPB of Y: The Last Man. The series definitely dragged for a couple volumes, but the ending was good.


Finally home with comics! About to settle in with:

Cap #7
Gambit #13
Green Lantern #21
Astro City #1
Thor: The Dark World Prelude #1 <3
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