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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Oh man, Avengers Arena. I like this series a lot.
Niko's the first character I actually knew about before reading the series to die. OR DID SHE? (dun dun dun)

Not sure what you mean. If you mean the likely spell on the last page, I don't think that's what it was for. If it was, looks like it failed, right? I think that maybe the urgency and amount of blood might make a call to outside possible where it wasn't before, and play a part in issue 13. Or maybe the original Darkhawk was dead, dying or trapped and it revives/releases him. That's out there, though. Personally, I think they'll just stumble across his remains in an advanced state of decay at some point.
If you think it's all some sort of simulation, then you didn't read issue 7.
Not sure what you mean. If you mean the likely spell on the last page, I don't think that's what it was for. If it was, looks like it failed, right? I think that maybe the urgency and amount of blood might make a call to outside possible where it wasn't before, and play a part in issue 13. Or maybe the original Darkhawk was dead, dying or trapped and it revives/releases him. That's out there, though. Personally, I think they'll just stumble across his remains in an advanced state of decay at some point.
If you think it's all some sort of simulation, then you didn't read issue 7.

that could totally be the transmission at the end of Season 2 in LOST!!!
Surprised at how much I enjoyed The Movement #2. Those are some interesting characters. And the art by Freddie Williams is just Amanda Connorsesque enough to scratch that primal itch of appreciation I have for that style.


Pizza Dog
Not sure what you mean. If you mean the likely spell on the last page, I don't think that's what it was for. If it was, looks like it failed, right? I think that maybe the urgency and amount of blood might make a call to outside possible where it wasn't before, and play a part in issue 13. Or maybe the original Darkhawk was dead, dying or trapped and it revives/releases him. That's out there, though. Personally, I think they'll just stumble across his remains in an advanced state of decay at some point.
If you think it's all some sort of simulation, then you didn't read issue 7.

that could totally be the transmission at the end of Season 2 in LOST!!!

Haha. Yeah, the first thing is what I was referring to, although I'm not holding out much hope about it. Just thought it could either
have saved her somehow but we're not aware and she'll show up later unexpectedly to save the day
or more likely than that
it'll have put some other chain of events in motion that we're unaware of and helped the rest of the survivors somehow
. I don't think it's a
. Just like to dun dun duuuuun stuff. Also, nice new avatar Birdie!
. Simon Bazz was the one really good thing to emerge of the last three years of GL and it seems he is gone from the books and will only be in Johns JLA.

See I disagree with this part. I find Bazz boring, uninteresting and totally unneeded. When the other human GLs were added there was a reason for it, it fit a purpose. I mean shit Kyle was the universe's ONLY GL for awhile. At a time when we have 4 active GLs from Earth, did we REALLY need another one. I get what Johns was going for, but it all just feels so forced and contrived to me.

In 6 years they've chosen 5 GLs for the same damn space sector. I think Bazz is some one that might have worked in the old DCU, if Hal retired, and if Jon and/or Guy also stopped be a GL.
See I disagree with this part. I find Bazz boring, uninteresting and totally unneeded. When the other human GLs were added there was a reason for it, it fit a purpose. I mean shit Kyle was the universe's ONLY GL for awhile. At a time when we have 4 active GLs from Earth, did we REALLY need another one. I get what Johns was going for, but it all just feels so forced and contrived to me.

In 6 years they've chosen 5 GLs for the same damn space sector. I think Bazz is some one that might have worked in the old DCU, if Hal retired, and if Jon and/or Guy also stopped be a GL.

I like that there is finally a guy that is not a token arab in comics and he gave the character of Simon more work in those few issues than he did with Hal Jordan over years.

The fact that every single one of the five GLs is a male US citizen, with slightly different ethnic backgrounds is a bit stupid yes. The fact that in 6 years 5 of them emerged after thousands of years is even more problematic and the idea that every cosmic story has to somehow be tied back to earth made it more boring...


So I bought Phantom Stranger this month because of Trinity War hype and it wasn't terrible. When did JM DeMatteis take it over from Didio?

will be joining the book starting next issue.
I like that there is finally a guy that is not a token arab in comics and he gave the character of Simon more work in those few issues than he did with Hal Jordan over years.

Absolutely, but I think what Johns should have done is created a whole new hero, or a new group for him to be a part of, maybe have him as one of the other colors of Lanterns. Having yet ANOTHER Earth lantern is just UGH.

*edit* Actually now thinking about it, it would have had way more impact if he had been made a Red Lantern (instead of the guy they did do it to) and had him be the Red Lantern to over come his rage, to move beyond it and reach a whole nother level for that spectrum. To become something more than his anger, and rage.

The fact that every single one of the five GLs is a male US citizen, with slightly different ethnic backgrounds is a bit stupid yes. The fact that in 6 years 5 of them emerged after thousands of years is even more problematic and the idea that every cosmic story has to somehow be tied back to earth made it more boring...

Exactly, and not to be even more nit picky, but it's yet another Male US citizen GL in 6 years that can do something that no other GL in thousands of years has ever been able to do. It just feels so fucking contrived. It feels like Johns going LIKE HIM, HE'S AMAZING, HE'S BETTER THAN HAL, LOOK HOW AWESOME HE IS, LOVE HIM!!!!!!!


Exactly, and not to be even more nit picky, but it's yet another Male US citizen GL in 6 years that can do something that no other GL in thousands of years has ever been able to do. It just feels so fucking contrived. It feels like Johns going LIKE HIM, HE'S AMAZING, HE'S BETTER THAN HAL, LOOK HOW AWESOME HE IS, LOVE HIM!!!!!!!

It's funny that in an era where DC is axing robins, and either erasing legacy characters or shunting them off to Earth 2, we have even more earth Green Lanterns than we started with.


wasnt blown away by astro city but will be reading the first arc at least. art was really good.

Red lanterns
on earth 2. ?? this book get s better each month

Avengers Arena was great.

No point in getting excited about the E2 developments since Robinson will likely be gone long before whatever his plan is for said developments would have been realized.
It's funny that in an era where DC is axing robins, and either erasing legacy characters or shunting them off to Earth 2, we have even more earth Green Lanterns than we started with.

What would you have them do? The mere mention of a rumor of one being killed cause the internet (and several members of this thread) to raise a storm of protest.

I don't see why people find the idea of Earthcentrism to be a difficult concept to grasp. In the DC (and the Marvel) universe, Earth is a focal point of some sort. Cosmic nexus, dimensional anchor point, etc.

It also helps that all of the GLs, prior to Baz, are popular. For many people John or Kyle are their "first". And Hal has legacy and then Geoff Johns run to thank for invigorating him.

Lastly, why does it matter. The Lantern Corp fails in the end. The 31st Century proves this. ;)
Exactly, and not to be even more nit picky, but it's yet another Male US citizen GL in 6 years that can do something that no other GL in thousands of years has ever been able to do. It just feels so fucking contrived. It feels like Johns going LIKE HIM, HE'S AMAZING, HE'S BETTER THAN HAL, LOOK HOW AWESOME HE IS, LOVE HIM!!!!!!!

Yeah. I hear you. But I somehow have accepted this. And after years of "Hal Jordan is the bestest bestest there is!" it was quite good to see a bit of change in tone.

The problem is I never warmed up to Johns' Hal as it he is not a character I want to read about. Not many elements of the story Johns told were depending on Jordan being the protagonist and this is a large problem with most of his stories. His characters are not changing or evolving, they are simply put through the motions again and again, without ever learning anything or evolving, with one conflict exchanged for another. Johns is the perfect writer for monthly popcorn comics and it's nice to read for a while.
What would you have them do? The mere mention of a rumor of one being killed cause the internet (and several members of this thread) to raise a storm of protest.

I don't see why people find the idea of Earthcentrism to be a difficult concept to grasp. In the DC (and the Marvel) universe, Earth is a focal point of some sort. Cosmic nexus, dimensional anchor point, etc.

It also helps that all of the GLs, prior to Baz, are popular. For many people John or Kyle are their "first". And Hal has legacy and then Geoff Johns run to thank for invigorating him.

Lastly, why does it matter. The Lantern Corp fails in the end. The 31st Century proves this. ;)

I'm fine with the universe being Earth centric, that is totally cool with me. That's not my issue here. My issue is adding yet another Lantern to sector 2814 when the previous 4 are still fucking active. It's just too many damn GLs for one sector. It makes it really boring when he's only slightly different than the GLs we already have. Like I said in my edit above, I think it would have been way more interesting, and have more of a character arc pay off if they had made him a Red Lantern. Let him be the first Red Lantern to truly come to terms with, and control their anger and range. OR hell let him be an Earth Blue Lantern that works to bring hope to areas that have none.

There's so many more interesting ways that they could have gone with the character to make him a part of the greater DC Universe instead of just another GL. There were so many opportunities to take and Johns took the most boring and straightforward answer IMHO.

There was just no reason for another Earth GL and it just feels forced.

Don't take this as me bashing Johns, or DC. I love for the most part Johns' run on GL, it's just this last addition that feels so unneeded and pushed onto the audience.
I don't see why people find the idea of Earthcentrism to be a difficult concept to grasp. In the DC (and the Marvel) universe, Earth is a focal point of some sort. Cosmic nexus, dimensional anchor point, etc.

I do get what they want to do with this. They think that their consumers need to see the typical US-american city threatend, otherwise the reader may not be able to see that the bad guys are dangerous.

The problem is that it is that this approch hurts many stories and it hurt especially Blackest Night in my eyes...

One of the main reason marvels last cosmic push worked so well from a storytelling perspective (and thus critical acclaim) was that it did not force itself to embed every conflict in the happenings on earth. It made it possible for conflicts that were not based on the illusion of change, but change. The Kree empire did not have to survive the fight with the forces from the negative zone, but he you can't trash New York for long as you need this backdrop for so many heroes.
I'm not going to argue that it doesn't feel like there are too many Earth based GLs. Agreed. It's a valid point without arguement. So the only options that DC has is to either kill them off (unlikely, for a couple reasons) or diversify them. So far you have Kyle as a White Lantern; That's a good start. It's an entirely different Corp and purpose. Now you have Guy returning to being a Red Lantern, by all accounts, which is also good. Now you're down to Hal, John and Baz. If Hal is going to be focusing on his current role, as of GL#21, that effectively removes him from Earth for the most part.

So it doesn't solve the "problem", but it lessens it, imo.

Edit: It also puts things into perspective, if the rumors that John Stewart was going to be killed were true, if there had been a replacement of a different gender/minority mixture in the works (which would have been the case around the time of the controversy)


I'm fine with the universe being Earth centric, that is totally cool with me. That's not my issue here. My issue is adding yet another Lantern to sector 2814 when the previous 4 are still fucking active. It's just too many damn GLs for one sector. It makes it really boring when he's only slightly different than the GLs we already have. Like I said in my edit above, I think it would have been way more interesting, and have more of a character arc pay off if they had made him a Red Lantern. Let him be the first Red Lantern to truly come to terms with, and control their anger and range. OR hell let him be an Earth Blue Lantern that works to bring hope to areas that have none.

There's so many more interesting ways that they could have gone with the character to make him a part of the greater DC Universe instead of just another GL. There were so many opportunities to take and Johns took the most boring and straightforward answer IMHO.

There was just no reason for another Earth GL and it just feels forced.

Don't take this as me bashing Johns, or DC. I love for the most part Johns' run on GL, it's just this last addition that feels so unneeded and pushed onto the audience.

Two points, first, there already is a human RL from Earth--Rankorr. Second when Simon Baz received his ring Hal and Sinestro were dead, Kyle was becoming the White Lantern and had been kicked out of the Corps, and Guy had been stripped of his ring by the Guardians. So at that time the only GL for 2814 was John Stewart and he was off with Fatality trying to save Mogo.

Even post Johns, Kyle is still the White Lantern and not part of the Corps, Guy is a RL, and Hal is in charge. So once again Simon Baz and John are the only Lanterns for 2814.


What would you have them do? The mere mention of a rumor of one being killed cause the internet (and several members of this thread) to raise a storm of protest.

I don't see why people find the idea of Earthcentrism to be a difficult concept to grasp. In the DC (and the Marvel) universe, Earth is a focal point of some sort. Cosmic nexus, dimensional anchor point, etc.

It also helps that all of the GLs, prior to Baz, are popular. For many people John or Kyle are their "first". And Hal has legacy and then Geoff Johns run to thank for invigorating him.

Lastly, why does it matter. The Lantern Corp fails in the end. The 31st Century proves this. ;)

I like the various lanterns for the most part. It's just funny that Green Lantern is the sole property immune from DC's attempt to streamline everything by destroying the concept of legacy characters.

EDIT: In short, I'd prefer that we had more legacy characters. I think they played a big part in making DC feel unique compared to the Marvel U which is perpetually stuck in the "10 years since the foundation of the Fantastic Four" point.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Dial H #13 is one of the best comics I've read in years. YEARS.

Dial H is a fucking gem. Honestly, it's been such an impressive and interesting comic since issue #1. Sucks that more people aren't into it but I imagine it's a rough read for those looking for a safe cape book.
Dial H is a fucking gem. Honestly, it's been such an impressive and interesting comic since issue #1. Sucks that more people aren't into it but I imagine it's a rough read for those looking for a safe cape book.

Selling somebody on an unknown quantity is the magical nut, that if cracked, would lead to a glorious age of really unique comics. But that isn't likely to happen; And when it does, it's a rare thing indeed.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Selling somebody on an unknown quantity is the magical nut, that if cracked, would lead to a glorious age of really unique comics. But that isn't likely to happen; And when it does, it's a rare thing indeed.

Yeah, definitely agree, and I mean, just reading through the first ish of Dial H I knew it wasn't going to last, especially under the general DC imprint. But, you know what, that's okay because I think Mieville needed to test the waters and I'm sure that a group of comic lovers, granted a small one right now, have learned his name and taken to his writing.

I look at all my favorite writers and their first comics were 'unknown quantity' incarnate. Hopefully people will look at this run with some reverence down the line.
I'm not going to argue that it doesn't feel like there are too many Earth based GLs. Agreed. It's a valid point without arguement. So the only options that DC has is to either kill them off (unlikely, for a couple reasons) or diversify them. So far you have Kyle as a White Lantern; That's a good start. It's an entirely different Corp and purpose. Now you have Guy returning to being a Red Lantern, by all accounts, which is also good. Now you're down to Hal, John and Baz. If Hal is going to be focusing on his current role, as of GL#21, that effectively removes him from Earth for the most part.

So it doesn't solve the "problem", but it lessens it, imo.

Edit: It also puts things into perspective, if the rumors that John Stewart was going to be killed were true, if there had been a replacement of a different gender/minority mixture in the works (which would have been the case around the time of the controversy)

I just think it could have been done more creatively than the path chosen.

Two points, first, there already is a human RL from Earth--Rankorr. Second when Simon Baz received his ring Hal and Sinestro were dead, Kyle was becoming the White Lantern and had been kicked out of the Corps, and Guy had been stripped of his ring by the Guardians. So at that time the only GL for 2814 was John Stewart and he was off with Fatality trying to save Mogo.

Even post Johns, Kyle is still the White Lantern and not part of the Corps, Guy is a RL, and Hal is in charge. So once again Simon Baz and John are the only Lanterns for 2814.

Right byt Rankorr came around about the same time as Bazz if I remember. So it's not like story ideas couldn't have been changed. Plus I think Bazz with his anger at how he was treated would have fit better as a RL than Rankorr does, and again could have offered a much more interesting character arc in the long run.

I'll give you that Hal is off word, Kyle is an every color lantern, and Guy seems to be a RL again. I just think they could have had a much more interesting character, and a bigger chance for having some where to go with the character if he wasn't just another GL. I also know the character has only been around for like less than a year, but they're just not doing anything interesting with him.


Right byt Rankorr came around about the same time as Bazz if I remember. So it's not like story ideas couldn't have been changed. Plus I think Bazz with his anger at how he was treated would have fit better as a RL than Rankorr does, and again could have offered a much more interesting character arc in the long run.

I'll give you that Hal is off word, Kyle is an every color lantern, and Guy seems to be a RL again. I just think they could have had a much more interesting character, and a bigger chance for having some where to go with the character if he wasn't just another GL. I also know the character has only been around for like less than a year, but they're just not doing anything interesting with him.

Rankorr was introduced fairly early in Milligan's run on RL, by like issue 4 or 5 if I remember correctly. And what a terrible character he ended up being. The only Earth representative the Red Lanterns need is Dex-Starr.

Personally I really wanted Simon's sister to get a Blue ring and for the two of them to get a spin off team up book, it would have been an interesting dynamic.

I have zero issues with Baz as a GL though, the impetus of his character was to explore cultural fear and more personal stories. It's a shame that none of the new creators saw fit to use him in their books, so I'm glad he and B'dg will be in JLA.


Not really enjoying Aquaman lately, just read issues 19 and 20 and didn't really like them. Johns' "Others" was decent in their regular arc but i don't think he established them well enough outside of people Aquaman talks down to when he's moody to justify a random issue featuring them. I'm also starting to think pre-ordering Superman Unchained was a bad idea given how DC is lately.
Power Man and White Tiger for the last two members of this "Mighty" thing


Remember Dwayne McDuffie(RIP)'s rule of Three, more than two black people on a show, it's a "black product" now


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I want to know how close Marvel was to putting Wolverine in the book.

Well, when you put it that way, of course they had to put one of the two in...

They made the right call.

But still, Luke and Danny are basically Daredevil's sidekicks. What's up with Cloak and Dagger these days? They could be special guests!


When does Hawkguy and Superman Unchained hit?

Not really enjoying Aquaman lately, just read issues 19 and 20 and didn't really like them. Johns' "Others" was decent in their regular arc but i don't think he established them well enough outside of people Aquaman talks down to when he's moody to justify a random issue featuring them. I'm also starting to think pre-ordering Superman Unchained was a bad idea given how DC is lately.

I thought that Others issue was good and I'd be curious to see an ongoing with them.



I don't criticize art too often, but why would you waste a 4 page foldout on....that? Well, one of the sides is sort of nice at least, but the close up of superman pulling wires doesn't seem to warrant a big deal being made out of it.
I agree. Considering the amount of hype they attributed to this, it's underwhelming.

I liked the songbird and Iron Fist rumor better than White Tiger and a second Power Man. Is White Tiger still a female?

Yeah. It's probably the White Tiger that is also in the USM cartoon. Meh.


Thanos Rising spoiler
How come he don't want me, man?

White Tiger? That's a odd choice, must be because of the Spider-man show.
Was hoping for Songbird.


I think it was his attempt at cynically explaining the attitudes of big media companies.

Unfortunately, if it's an ongoing instead of a mini or arc in some existing book, it will probably be cancelled within a year with that line up. Comic fans hate diversity going by the Top 300 and DC's list of fallen titles.


No Scrubs

I don't criticize art too often, but why would you waste a 4 page foldout on....that? Well, one of the sides is sort of nice at least, but the close up of superman pulling wires doesn't seem to warrant a big deal being made out of it.

I think he's supposed to be punching out a Space Shuttle....

Power Man and White Tiger for the last two members of this "Mighty" thing


Remember Dwayne McDuffie(RIP)'s rule of Three, more than two black people on a show, it's a "black product" now

Really? No Ironfist? Lame!

I'll still try it.


Knows the Score
It's a bit clumsy at first, but the last 6 or so issues are the best thing DC have published in ages.
It's a bit clumsy at first, but the last 6 or so issues are the best thing DC have published in ages.

Thanks for the heads up. On a side note, I read Batman Hush yesterday and it was my fav out of what I read so far from Batman. Way to include just about everybody yet keeping it cohesive all the way through. Art was amazing.
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