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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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The past two issues of Lobdell Superman are basically Dragonball combined with relationship drama.

It's actually not bad.
It didn't even make sense. Wolverine is going to "kill time" if he keeps time travelling, but over in Uncanny Avengers Kang is time hopping all over the place. Same with the Fantastic Four in their book.

Maybe next issue, Angela will be introduced as part of the Angelic Time Police.

You know what? Let's just bear with them for the moment. Infinity is supposed to result in all this time-travel bullshit being fixed.

More Marvel 6/12 previews (CBR)


I want to start reading Marvel's Civil War because I saw it at work and it got me interested.

Where should I start?

- Civil War 1-7
- Captain America (vol 5) #25
- Civil War: The Confession

There were about 50 other tie in issues, but those were of varying importance. Civil War: Frontline #1-11 was a companion series, but it wasn't that great.
It should be fine just reading the main series, did you want to read all the tie-ins and junk?

I would recommend the Civil War Trade + Civil War - Iron Man/Captain America: Cassulties of War + Civil War: The Confession.

This is to me the most sensible way to get around civil war, adressing the problems with how both Cap and Tony act during the conflict and not having to worry about the depiction of lunactic actions by either party, that somehow made it through editorial.
Yo ComicGAF how's tricks? I'm keen to get into some superhero comics, but have no idea where to start. I've read some Civil War a while back, and remember liking Marvel stuff, but otherwise I have no idea where to start. Hit me with some recommendations, as long as I can amazon or comixology it


Pizza Dog
Yo ComicGAF how's tricks? I'm keen to get into some superhero comics, but have no idea where to start. I've read some Civil War a while back, and remember liking Marvel stuff, but otherwise I have no idea where to start. Hit me with some recommendations, as long as I can amazon or comixology it

The Marvel Now! comics seem to be a great jumping on point, at least they were for me. I was in a similar situation to you, except I hadn't read any civil war stuff, so I'll tell you what I've been enjoying.

In terms of Marvel, Hawkeye is absolutely superb and you should definitely check that out, also Daredevil is having a really good run and the art on both of these is amazing. I'm really enjoying Avengers Arena too. FF (not Fantastic Four) and Superior Spider-Man have also been really entertaining and are solid reads. Depending on your budget I'd also recommend the recent X-Men books, although there are a few interconnecting ones (All-New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, etc) so keeping track of them all might cost you a bit. They're good though.

I don't read a lot of DC, but Wonder Woman and Batwoman have been good so far IMO. Supergirl is good, although that also has a bunch of crossovers with the other Super- titles so you might have the same issue of having to buy multiple titles (same goes for Batman etc with a generally higher level of quality across all those).

Image has a bunch of great stuff at the moment, Manhattan Projects, Saga, Sex, Nowhere Men, Ten Grand, East of West and Five Ghosts are all entertaining, The Black Beetle from Dark Horse is a great pulpy comic with fantastic art. Vertigo has a few decent titles too, Fables (up to #75) is incredible, The Unwritten is great too.

My top 5 picks for now coming from someone who's recently got back into comics are probably Hawkeye, Daredevil, Superior Spider-Man, FF and Saga, but look at previews for the rest and see how you feel!


As is the case with all 60s superhero comics, you can't go in expecting anything similar to modern books. If you are completely fine with the goofy dialogue, cheesy story lines and tons of exposition, than it's a nice little history lesson with sweet Kirby art.

Ah, alright. I was just asking because it's one of my brothers comics he wants me to read since I'm just getting into western stuff.

I need to look into digital comic stores more. Just tried out the Archie one. So cooooool.


Marvel is doing a Liveblog about the Mighty thing and its role in Infinity.

I'll edit here if there's anything interesting.


UltimateKidNova: Starting in September, it's Mighty Avengers, by Al Ewing and Greg Land, featuring the likes of Luke Cage, Spider-Man, She-Hulk, White Tiger, Blue Marvel, Power Man...and more!


UltimateKidNova: "Mighty Avengers is launching in the midst of Infinity. It's a pretty key component. The gist of the opening story is that the Avengers are off in space dealing with the Builders and in their absence, Thanos comes to Earth. A number of other characters rise up and join together to oppose to what's going on, arraying themselves around Luke Cage. 'If the Avengers aren't here, we're the Avengers.'" - Tom Brevoort


UltimateKidNova: "The book really came about because we saw an opportunity to launch a different kind of Avengers title out of Infinity. We had just wrapped Dark Avengers, so we were one Avengers book down from previous months, and I'm not one to let an opportunity like that pass. I floated the basic idea to Al." - Tom Brevoort


UltimateKidNova: "I looked at the possibilities with what was happening with Infinity and thought there was a nice for a team of Avengers more on the ground and part of the community, almost a community outreach thing. During the first few issues, 'There comes a day...' as they say." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "Monica Rambeau will be on the team. She's the field leader. New costume, new name, kind of rejoining and rebranding herself. She'll be called Spectrum." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "I remember Monica from the Roger Stern days of Avengers leading the team. It's great to have her back in that role. I like her personality and her powers. When you start thinking about her, there are so many ways she use those powers. She's definitely one of the ones I'm most looking forward to writing." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: The Falcon and a new Ronin will also be part of the book.


UltimateKidNova: "When we first see Ronin, he will have an entirely different identity." - Tom Brevoort


UltimateKidNova: "With Luke having a kid now and having quit the Avengers before, he's no longer the first one in the line of fire always, but he is taking a strong role guiding the team." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "Blue Marvel has a military background. He's used to following authority figures, but also to speaking his mind if he has something to say." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "Power Man does not respond well to authority. At all." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "I don't think there's anybody on this team who is an automatic blind follower. They're all going to have their own ideas on how to deal with situations. It's not Professor Yes and the Yes Men." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "It's a sort of idealistic assortment of characters really embodied by Luke. He has an idea for what the Avengers could be. It dates back to a lot of stuff Brian Bendis alluded to when he was writing Avengers but we never had the space to expand on." - Tom Brevoort


UltimateKidNova: "There is a feeling, perhaps justified perhaps not, from some characters that Captain America has sent Falcon to keep an eye on them. There is some friction." - Tom Brevoort

At this point there was a poll on who should lead the team. I chose Spectrum for kicks. She's second behind Luke Cage now.


UltimateKidNova: "Greg Land has never done an Avengers ongoing series. He was looking for a new challenge and has a really exciting, really polisher super hero art style. His characters all have weight and presence. He can do action and storytelling. Al is writing this book classic Marvel style, plot-art-script, so Greg is getting to flex some storytelling muscles." - Tom Brevoort
Paul Jenkins:

I would like to relay an editorial comment that I received near the end of my time writing the Dark Knight New 52 series. In one scene, I had written that Batman is sitting on a rooftop during an intense conversation, close to a person who has been injured. The editorial comment: “We’re not sure you are “getting” the character because it’s common knowledge that Batman never sits down.” This, mind you, after I had made it clear I was not going to rewrite material for the umpteenth time after it had already been approved.



Greg Land is doing the art? Eww.

Maybe this means he is off Iron Man though. That would be a silver lining.


I expect to see that face a lot.


Luke Cage is one of those characters I've never really connected with.
And its not cuz he's black haha, he always seems shoehorned in places and stories that he has no connection to. I feel like he doesn't have a purpose.


Greg Land is doing the art? Eww.

Maybe this means he is off Iron Man though. That would be a silver lining.


I expect to see that face a lot.

Someone just asked this. Yes. Confirmed.


UltimateKidNova: @Max Yes, Dale Eaglesham is currently drawing Iron Man, then Greg will be back briefly, and we'll have more news on that front soon.

I think we're into the Q&A segment now so I'll edit here.


UltimateKidNova: @magorich It will kick off during Infinity then continue as an ongoing series.


UltimateKidNova: "The racial diversity of the line-up is no accident, really. I've always responded to people asking why we don't have a black Avengers or Latino Avengers that it feels artificial. But, the reality is that people who want to see characters in comics representing them have a point. We first started conceptualizing this book in February around Black History Month and the anniversary of the death of my friend Dwayne McDuffie. So I set out no to do 'Black Avengers' but more Dwayne McDuffie Avengers. I wanted to have a minimum of non-white characters but not have that necessarily be the point, then a lot of the characters who fit into what we wanted to do ended up being minorities. It's not a 'solution' to lack of diversity elsewhere, but it's something we considered." - Tom Brevoort


UltimateKidNova: "Power Man's power set is actually a lot like Iron Fist's, so there's that with him and Luke. Their dynamic is not the teacher-student relationship Victor has with Danny Rand. It's more boss and intern. It's like when you're running a business and there's a spot for your friend's kid who you don't really like. There's a pretty massive argument between them right in the first issue." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "Spider-Man is not going to miss a horrible thing happening in the middle of New York, but once it passes, he somewhat takes on the attitude of 'who are you people and how DARE you try to protect MY streets?' People are not happy he's there, he's kind of crashing the party." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "This is a team that initially comes together out of necessity because the world is in jeopardy and the guys who would usually step up to the plate are otherwise occupied. Thereafter, personalities gel and a framework begins to evolve that defines the goals of the team, their vision, their work. The cast will evolve beyond these nine characters." - Tom Brevoort


UltimateKidNova: "It's a classic free form Avengers team like you would have seen in the 70's or 80's." - Tom Brevoort


UltimateKidNova: "I've never worked the Marvel Method before, and it turns out I love it. There's a lot of dialogue, but I want to give Greg the freedom to interpret the plot how he will. Every time I get a new page I get quite excited. It's a lot of fun to write. I think it's page 2 of issue #1 with the Plunderer where I wrote a bit of a rant for him. It's going to be one of my top 10 all-time rants." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "You won't see Iron Fist right away. Luke is actually married to somebody else now, so for good or ill he will sometimes get involved with things Danny is not. I think it's inevitable he will show up though." - Tom Brevoort


UltimateKidNova: "Iron Fist will be on the phone." - Al Ewing

Iron Fist confirmed


UltimateKidNova: "Thinking about how Blue Marvel and Spectrum may come together is interesting. They are both energy based in a way. I've been thinking about how they'd interact. Not to start any shipping on Tumblr..." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "Luke brings in She-Hulk as much for her legal knowledge as her powers. What he's planning will involve not necessarily being connected to S.H.I.E.L.D. or the main Avengers. They're the Ron Swanson and Leslie Knope of the Avengers." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "We'll be getting Thanos lieutenants, some other new villains, an old villain with a connection to White Tiger and more. Plunderer is not the toughest threat they will face as a team." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "I like mixing comedy and drama. You can't have all grim and serious all the time, you need to have some humor beats to lighten the mood. Similarly, you need some dramatic beats to comedy to give it weight and purpose and sell the emotions." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "There will almost certainly be some sort of terrifying hidden mountain in this book. Possibly an orbiting boardroom? I'm making it up a bit on the fly. They will be going outside New York. I'm thinking of who they will be fighting. And with the Blue Marvel around, we will see the bottom of the ocean's deepest trench occasionally." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: "Wolverine was almost in the book. There was no room for Wolverine. No room in his schedule, no room in my schedule." - Al Ewing

Didn't one of you guys joke about this earlier? It's actually true!


I can deal with Greg Land art. Monica Rambeau being back is cool.

When do we get Peter Parker and why do we never see Parker as a leader in team situations ?



UltimateKidNova: "[Jessica Jones]'ll definitely be showing up. She might even get some hits in. She's not totally happy Luke is back with an Avengers team, but she also fell in love with a man who had dreams and this is one of them. He's trying to compromise between his dreams of what super heroics should be and the family that he has built. The short answer is: they love each other." - Al Ewing


UltimateKidNova: And that is a wrap!


UltimateKidNova: So to sum up, Mighty Avengers by Al Ewing and Greg Land debuts in September as part of Infinity and will be ongoing. We will have more updates on Marvel.com moving forward.

They didn't answer my question about why they chose to reuse the name Mighty Avengers for this team.


So now we'll have:

New Avengers
Avengers A.I.
Mighty Avengers
Secret Avengers
Uncanny Avengers
Young Avengers
Avengers Assemble
Avengers Arena

Given that the last two are tenuous - especially Arena, which is Avengers in name only.



love how batman doesnt sit is a core tenant of the character in DC editorial

Tim Drake's tenure as Robin, and his relationship with Bruce? Trivial detail that is easily discarded. Batman sitting down? Serious business.

It's too bad Mighty Avengers is saddled with Land because that line up sounds really interesting. I'm curious how they will incorporate Monica and Blue Marvel into a team that is otherwise pretty street level.

Going back to what ViewtifulJC was joking about yesterday, 5 black characters on one team (maybe 6 depending on who Ronin is) must be a record for Marvel. TTOB was drawing a black Avengers team a few months back before he quit the board, and now it looks like most of his lineup has become a reality.


No Scrubs
Greg Land is drawing it? Everything about the book sounds interesting except that. Maybe I can live with it.


And now, Tom Brevoort will make this more hilarious.
The call spoke to Land's role in the series as this is the artist's first "Avengers" title. "He's got a really tight looking superhero art style," Brevoort said. "He can do action. He can do storytelling...and as he's done for us in the past, Al is writing this book in classic Marvel Style. He's working plot first, so hopefully Greg is getting an opportunity to flex some storytelling muscles he doesn't always get to use.


The only reason i'd buy Mighty is if it were necessary for Infinity, then i'd drop it. I know they are trying to say it's an important component, but i'll do my best to avoid it. The " we were down a book with Dark Avengers ending so let's do another one" is abhorrent. Also, Land.
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