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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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Jock is the next writer/artist to take on Savage Wolverine.


Jock takes Wolverine and puts him in a fish-extremely-out-of-water tale: Set in what the creator describes as "the far-flung future," the sci-fi story finds the clawed mutant member of the X-Men crash-landed on an alien planet having to adapt and survive to his new surroundings.

However, the world holds some secrets that are unearthed as the three-issue arc progresses.

"Logan has the power of regeneration as we know, but he'd only ever be able to regenerate his own cells," Jock explains. "So what if thousands, maybe even millions of years in the future, the world around him has continued to evolve, and he's left literally, a Neanderthal man?

"He always chose to be the outsider, but now he has no choice. He doesn't fit in."



I was searching for Greg Land pics to make fun of and found this:

Why doesn't he use this style all of the time? Even if it still involves swiping and tracing, it's 100x better than this:

Savage Wolverine seems to be "get star/random creators on a book to tell a *insert popular superhero here* story, free from the grips of continuity", like Legends of the Dark Knight was/is for Batman, or Tangled Web was for Spider-Man. Wells/Mad are doing a three-issue story about Wolverine/Elektra going up against The Hand and...actually, it starts in next week's issue. It's June, July, August issues, then Jock's story starts here in September.

Don't know if Jock can write, but he's a great artist, and story sounds neat. Color me interested.


Is 'he's got a really tight Superhero style' code for 'yeah we know he is a terrible artist who traces most of his work but the higher ups wont fire him for some reason and we're really sorry he's on this book'?


Well, I finally get to post to Comics-GAF after lurking without an account for a long time. (Too bad TTOB left, did Rafa get perma-banned?)

My titles currently:


Winter Soldier (Latour and Klein are amazing on this title, sad to see it end, but it did with a bang. Can't wait for the relaunch, I just hope Marvel keep Bucky with the domino mask and avoid giving him the movie mask, though it does look really cool if I do say so myself).

Cap (Remender is doing work and JRJR has actually redeemed himself in my eyes. I'm interested in the artist for "Nuke" story arc though, I wonder if Romita will be coming back after?)

Hawkguy: Because boomerangs.


Thor: God of Thunder

I'm also reading through Bendis/Maleev Daredevil and have to work my way through Brubaker's stuff (I've read a bit before actually).


Well, I finally get to post to Comics-GAF after lurking without an account for a long time. (Too bad TTOB left, did Rafa get perma-banned?)

My titles currently:


Winter Soldier (Latour and Klein are amazing on this title, sad to see it end, but it did with a bang. Can't wait for the relaunch, I just hope Marvel keep Bucky with the domino mask and avoid giving him the movie mask, though it does look really cool if I do say so myself).

Cap (Remender is doing work and JRJR has actually redeemed himself in my eyes. I'm interested in the artist for "Nuke" story arc though, I wonder if Romita will be coming back after?)

Hawkguy: Because boomerangs.


I'm also reading through Bendis/Maleev Daredevil and have to work my way through Brubaker's stuff (I've read a bit before actually).

Welcome! You should be picking up Thor as well. It's the best Marvel Solo title you are currently not reading.

goddamn it


Land must sell books. After 10 years of being on fairly large properties, it's the only explanation.


No Scrubs
Welcome! You should be picking up Thor as well. It's the best Marvel Solo title you are currently not reading.

Land must sell books. After 10 years of being on fairly large properties, it's the only explanation.

Or that he can get the job done under any time constraint, which makes sense considering his use of tracing paper.


Welcome! You should be picking up Thor as well. It's the best Marvel Solo title you are currently not reading.

Thanks for the welcome! I actually am reading Thor haha, forgot to add that one to my list. I'm also thinking of picking up Sif's story arcs in Journey Into Mystery actually, love the character.


Thanks for the welcome! I actually am reading Thor haha, forgot to add that one to my list. I'm also thinking of picking up Sif's story arcs in Journey Into Mystery actually, love the character.

Ignoring things like Morbius, Marvel's lineup of solo books is pretty strong right now. Especially their mid tier titles.

Or that he can get the job done under any time constraint, which makes sense considering his use of tracing paper.

There's that, but he gets a lot of big books. It would be different if Marvel was using him as a fill in artist, but he's usually the main penciller on whatever project he's put on. Someone likes his work.


I was searching for Greg Land pics to make fun of and found this:

Why doesn't he use this style all of the time? Even if it still involves swiping and tracing, it's 100x better than this:


Land can draw just fine. His Nightwing stuff (while occasionally cribbed from other artists like Scott McDaniel) was actually pretty good.



But his Photoshop Heavy / Tracing style is far more economical and allows him to never miss a deadline. So he's popular with editors.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You all were right about Dial H. It's the bomb.


Land can draw just fine. His Nightwing stuff (while occasionally cribbed from other artists like Scott McDaniel) was actually pretty good.



But his Photoshop Heavy / Tracing style is far more economical and allows him to never miss a deadline. So he's popular with editors.

I'm gonna say this : Guru eFx or whatever the fuck his name is, you know, the guy who's been coloring him for a while at Marvel, is one of the worst gradient-worshipping terrible fucking colorists in the business today, and makes Land's work look about a billion percent worse.


Well, one thing that's a (distant) plus about Greg Land: there's usually no ambiguity as to who is in each character frame. There have been times when I totally don't know what's going on because of the art style.

edit: I'm looking right at you, UXM.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
You all were right about Dial H. It's the bomb.

Yeah--glad you're enjoying it! I seriously can't get over issue 13. It's just been lodged in my head as one of the best comic issues I've read in a while.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah--glad you're enjoying it! I seriously can't get over issue 13. It's just been lodged in my head as one of the best comic issues I've read in a while.

not that far yet! looking forward to it!


I half expect Dial H to come back in October slightly different and rebranded, especially considering a new Dial pops up as part of Villains Month.
The Marvel Now! comics seem to be a great jumping on point, at least they were for me. I was in a similar situation to you, except I hadn't read any civil war stuff, so I'll tell you what I've been enjoying.

In terms of Marvel, Hawkeye is absolutely superb and you should definitely check that out, also Daredevil is having a really good run and the art on both of these is amazing. I'm really enjoying Avengers Arena too. FF (not Fantastic Four) and Superior Spider-Man have also been really entertaining and are solid reads. Depending on your budget I'd also recommend the recent X-Men books, although there are a few interconnecting ones (All-New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, etc) so keeping track of them all might cost you a bit. They're good though.

I don't read a lot of DC, but Wonder Woman and Batwoman have been good so far IMO. Supergirl is good, although that also has a bunch of crossovers with the other Super- titles so you might have the same issue of having to buy multiple titles (same goes for Batman etc with a generally higher level of quality across all those).

Image has a bunch of great stuff at the moment, Manhattan Projects, Saga, Sex, Nowhere Men, Ten Grand, East of West and Five Ghosts are all entertaining, The Black Beetle from Dark Horse is a great pulpy comic with fantastic art. Vertigo has a few decent titles too, Fables (up to #75) is incredible, The Unwritten is great too.

My top 5 picks for now coming from someone who's recently got back into comics are probably Hawkeye, Daredevil, Superior Spider-Man, FF and Saga, but look at previews for the rest and see how you feel!

Cheers mate I appreciate it. I'll check out the Marvel Now stuff, I just grabbed the AvX stuff too, that sounds pretty kick arse.

I completely forgot, I read a bunch of Ultimate stuff when I was at uni and it first came out (figured it made sense to start from the start there) but kind of got over them. Some of the changes (from my pretty basic knowledge of the characters) seemed pretty lame.


is Al Ewing a good writer? I never heard of him

He's pretty dope. I've not read a lot of his stuff (Zaucer of Zilk and his AoU tie-ins and some Zombo) but he's got a good grasp of the medium and is also v. funny. I would be all over Mighty Avengers if it weren't for Land.


Pizza Dog
Cheers mate I appreciate it. I'll check out the Marvel Now stuff, I just grabbed the AvX stuff too, that sounds pretty kick arse.

I completely forgot, I read a bunch of Ultimate stuff when I was at uni and it first came out (figured it made sense to start from the start there) but kind of got over them. Some of the changes (from my pretty basic knowledge of the characters) seemed pretty lame.
And that reminds me that I started reading Ultimate Spider-Man and it's not bad. Had a weird side plot going on where the USA had a civil war or something that kind of disrupted the flow though. I don't read any other ultimate stuff though.

Also your use of mate and arse suggests to me you're either from the UK or Australia, am I far off? London-GAF here!


Passing metallic gas
I was searching for Greg Land pics to make fun of and found this:

Why doesn't he use this style all of the time? Even if it still involves swiping and tracing, it's 100x better than this:


Im pretty sure he traced that juggs from an adam kubert hulk page.


No Scrubs
He's pretty dope. I've not read a lot of his stuff (Zaucer of Zilk and his AoU tie-ins and some Zombo) but he's got a good grasp of the medium and is also v. funny. I would be all over Mighty Avengers if it weren't for Land.

Which is why I am willing to maybe give it a chance.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
The porn faces are what get me the most about Land's tracing. So distracting.
Man, I'd be all over Mighty Avengers if it weren't for Land. I'm still gonna give it a shot though, but I'm not too optimistic

Definitely gonna start picking up Savage Wolverine. Wells/Mad should be pretty good, and the Jock stuff looks interesting. I'm alright with SW being a Legends of the Dark Knight type thing


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Damnit, why is land on mighty? That is making me second guess it, and its got blue marvel in a team book
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