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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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Wolverine #4

Suicide Squad #21
Pretty good issue IMO, wonder what the deal is with the post Harley breakout events?

Megaman #26
Fun and hilarious issue, Sonic calling Megaman out on his 'Mega Undies' cracked me up.
clearly cornell got employed at marvel as a sleeper agent for dc.

I had that theory for years, there were secretly trading sleeper agents. Loeb is back at Marvel writing that terrible Rulk book and fuckin' up the Ultimate Universe, JMS seems to have lost whatever talent I saw in him from ASM and Midnight Nation, and went to DC to write some of the worst Brave and the Bold/Superman stories of the last 30 years.
Yo, Thor was the shit this week. Genuinely epic, whole creative team deserves credit, right down to the lettering. And Gorr feels like a very personal antagonist for Thor, and he's developed better than a similar antagonist Dan Jurgens tried back in his Thor run. I'm loving it.


No Scrubs
Yo, Thor was the shit this week. Genuinely epic, whole creative team deserves credit, right down to the lettering. And Gorr feels like a very personal antagonist for Thor, and he's developed better than a similar antagonist Dan Jurgens tried back in his Thor run. I'm loving it.

The book is really so amazingly good. I got the first trade the other day and lent it to a friend who wasn't really into Thor, dude is hooked. Marvel has really done a good job choosing creative teams for these books, I can't think of a single major character who has a bad book at this point.


I don't know. It's pretty crazy, like X Men Legacy. The Gorilla makes the save. Soldiers being transported by giant tortoises and stuff. Crazy.

Good crazy? Pulpy? I can't find any previews other than the cover, but I might have to pick this up.

The cover

I had that theory for years, there were secretly trading sleeper agents. Loeb is back at Marvel writing that terrible Rulk book and fuckin' up the Ultimate Universe, JMS seems to have lost whatever talent I saw in him from ASM and Midnight Nation, and went to DC to write some of the worst Brave and the Bold/Superman stories of the last 30 years.

We'll know for certain that sabotage is a thing if waid ever agrees to write for dc again.


Nah, Waid is pretty much the biggest DCU fanboy in existence and his problems are with editorial (especially Didio) so if they get the boot, he'll probably be pretty happy to write Action or Superman (this is actually a really great idea!!) forever and ever.


No Scrubs
Nah, Waid is pretty much the biggest DCU fanboy in existence and his problems are with editorial (especially Didio) so if they get the boot, he'll probably be pretty happy to write Action or Superman (this is actually a really great idea!!) forever and ever.

Somehow this does not surprise me in the slightest.
Nah, Waid is pretty much the biggest DCU fanboy in existence and his problems are with editorial (especially Didio) so if they get the boot, he'll probably be pretty happy to write Action or Superman (this is actually a really great idea!!) forever and ever.

This will only happen in our dreams sadly.
Nah, Waid is pretty much the biggest DCU fanboy in existence and his problems are with editorial (especially Didio) so if they get the boot, he'll probably be pretty happy to write Action or Superman (this is actually a really great idea!!) forever and ever.

So you're saying...

Oh God, I'm talked shit about all these dudes buying Age of Ultron, but I'm totally gonna read all of of this Battle of the Atom thing. They're all like $4 bucks and half of 'em are written by Bendis.

Fricken' X-Men crossovers...


Somehow this does not surprise me in the slightest.
This will only happen in our dreams sadly.
So you're saying...


It's worth noting that Waid notoriously had huge problems with Jemas on Fantastic Four as well, to the extent he actually got fired. When Jemas got kicked out, Waid was rehired so it's not like him returning to DC is completely out of the question in the long run. As long as someone has the balls to apologize, anyways.

Oh God, I'm talked shit about all these dudes buying Age of Ultron, but I'm totally gonna read all of of this Battle of the Atom thing. They're all like $4 bucks and half of 'em are written by Bendis.

Fricken' X-Men crossovers...

lmao, good luck my dude
Oh God, I'm talked shit about all these dudes buying Age of Ultron, but I'm totally gonna read all of of this Battle of the Atom thing. They're all like $4 bucks and half of 'em are written by Bendis.

Fricken' X-Men crossovers...

You won't be alone, I'm buying more x-men monthly then I ever have.

Fricken double-shipping Bendis.
Oh God, I'm talked shit about all these dudes buying Age of Ultron, but I'm totally gonna read all of of this Battle of the Atom thing. They're all like $4 bucks and half of 'em are written by Bendis.

Fricken' X-Men crossovers...
I read all that shit. Even that Infinity shit is enticing to me, Forever Evil, gonna buy all of it. Dont have a job anymore so gotta get one fast.
Recent reads:

Clive Barker's New Testament #1: Fierce. Despite touches of of dry characterization and trite dialogue, number two will be a must buy. The plot and main... baddie, I guess he'd have to be called, make for a compelling read.

Killjoys #1: This is the type of book that I just want to immediately give away. I don't even know.. what is this? About half way through I started skimming. Just exactly not written for me at all.

Astro City #1: Pretty. Interesting enough, I guess. Not really all that fascinated with 50-something everyman smoking jacket guy, but something about the writing and the world will inspire me to dip for #2.

Also picked up the hardcover of Flex Mentallo, which I'm stoked to read. Heard good things. Mainly from the comics podcast House to Astonish, which you should all be listening to.

And the lastest The Walking Dead trade. After reading 17 trades, there's no way I'm not seeing this one to the finish line. Which I personally suspect will be relatively soon. Unless they want to keep it going as long as the show runs.


Good crazy? Pulpy? I can't find any previews other than the cover, but I might have to pick this up.

Good crazy :) Not really pulpy though.

Stokely put up some of the interior art (sans text) on his tumblr: http://jeffstokely.tumblr.com/post/52826879138/six-gun-gorilla-1-is-out-today-written-by
He has some uncoloured previews for some stuff too(http://jeffstokely.tumblr.com/tagged/6GG) and links to a cbr interview Spurrier did which showed some of the concept art (http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=44376)

I didn't see any of this stuff until after I'd read it though, so I had no idea what I'd be getting; I basically bought it because it sounded mad, and because Spurrier was writing it. I really enjoyed it. The art worked really well, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with in the next issue.


I had that theory for years, there were secretly trading sleeper agents. Loeb is back at Marvel writing that terrible Rulk book and fuckin' up the Ultimate Universe, JMS seems to have lost whatever talent I saw in him from ASM and Midnight Nation, and went to DC to write some of the worst Brave and the Bold/Superman stories of the last 30 years.

Yeah, uh-
Paul Jenkins saved the Red Hulk book, his run was fantastic.

Ultimate-verse still had Bendis, whose Ultimate Spiderman remained the best book from that universe.

JMS' B&B run was great, loved all the stories he wrote, fuck's sake man he had AQUAMAN STOP CTHULHU AND HAVE IT BE AS A REGULAR BASIS!

What the hell is going on with Wolverine? It's legit terrible.

I actually liked the first 3 issues, not to mention that it also had Logan make Fury Jr. look like a rookie/scrub, but this 4th issue was soooooooooooo anti-climatic >=/ If he's still the writer for the next few issues I'll still keep reading it.

I don't know. It's pretty crazy, like X Men Legacy. The Gorilla makes the save. Soldiers being transported by giant tortoises and stuff. Crazy.

Sounds like the kind of crazy psychadelic shit I'd be interested in, will give it a read.

Nah, Waid is pretty much the biggest DCU fanboy in existence and his problems are with editorial (especially Didio) so if they get the boot, he'll probably be pretty happy to write Action or Superman (this is actually a really great idea!!) forever and ever.

Speaking of Superman, why the hell was Supes all '>=(' in Unchained? If Mark writes Supes like he does Daredevil it'd be the best Supes book on the shelves along with Smallville.

For that matter, why hasn't DC gotten Bryan Q. Miller to write the main Superman books already?

It's worth noting that Waid notoriously had huge problems with Jemas on Fantastic Four as well, to the extent he actually got fired. When Jemas got kicked out, Waid was rehired so it's not like him returning to DC is completely out of the question in the long run. As long as someone has the balls to apologize, anyways.

Mind elaborating on this please? I never knew there were issues while writing his run on F4.


In his own words.

From 2003:

"I wish I'd had a longer run, and I'll admit I was surprised at being so abruptly fired," Waid told Newsarama. "A few weeks ago, Bill [Jemas] phoned and tried to convince me to jettison our high-adventure approach and everything else we've been doing in favor of making the FF a wacky suburban dramedy where Reed's a nutty professor who creates amazing but impractical inventions, Sue's the office-temp breadwinner, the cranky neighbor is their new "arch-enemy", etc. Editor Tom Brevoort and I discussed that option at length; ultimately, I apologized and explained that I didn't feel it was something I could write nor something that played to any of my strengths--a radical revamp like that was just too much of a departure from what I was originally hired to write. I simply, honestly, couldn't even wrap my head around the idea. Still can't. And when word came back, 'We'll use that concept somewhere else. Tell Mark to keep doing what he's doing,' all seemed well.

"But -- they're not my characters. Ultimately, my job is to sell the publisher something he wants to publish. So, in a good-faith attempt at bridging the gap, Tom and I put our heads together and - kind of to our surprise! - figured out a logical way to deliver a run of stories following 'Authoritative Action' that could temporarily 'suburbanize' the series without completely changing the FF's personalities beyond recognition. To be honest, we were kinda proud of ourselves for being play-along guys and assumed we were good to go for the long haul, but our effort was, in retrospect, pointless. It would seem the decision to replace me was made the moment I failed to get with the program. Still--Bill's company, his prerogative."

From 2009 in retrospect (one of my favourite industry interviews, tbh. Dude gives no fucks. Also a sign that things at DC have Not Been Well for a long time)

The publisher hated what I was doing, which was not something I'd never knowingly experienced before. Bill Jemas, along with Joe Quesada, gets and deserves all the credit in the world for making Marvel Comics vital again for the 21st century. And Joe was always very supportive, is very supportive, of my work. Bill, on the other hand, handed down marching orders pretty much out of the blue to Brevoort that he didn't like our direction, and he dictated to Tom a whole new concept for the FF--which was to take the "Fantastic" totally out of the series. First off, said Bill, the whole family had to move to the suburbs. Immediately. No explanation necessary. Reed was to be a wacky, scatterbrained inventor who kept coming up with cool stuff (like "waterless fish tanks," whatever those were) that had no commercial applicability, meaning the family was living check-to-check. Ben was working construction. Johnny was a fireman, and--and this is the best one, please sit down for this--Sue was a beleaguered secretary who would go invisible every time her boss was looking for her. No, no, no, not a super-spy; that would make too much sense. No, a secretary. Oh, and their "super-villain arch-enemy" was the suspicious neighbor next door who thought there was something weird about these people. Gladys Kravitz.

Brevoort and I were just gobsmacked by this. Just speechless. And there was no arguing with Bill--he wanted the MUNDANE FOUR because they'd be more "relatable." BUT--he was the boss, and Marvel owns the characters, not me, so we actually took a stab at trying to give Bill what we thought he wanted without destroying the FF. We planned a story arc in which Reed had been forced to brainwash the entire family, including himself, into this basic scenario for reasons I forget. It was actually a pretty elegant workaround--I can't remember the details, but I promise it was better than it sounds--but Bill decreed that it was too little, too late (three days later was "too late") and one Friday, poor Brevoort called me to tell me that I didn't have to bother with the next script because Bill had already written it himself and had dropped it on his desk. I was fired. I had never been fired off an assignment before. I was stunned. Artist Mike Wieringo was asked if he'd stick around, but in a gesture I thanked him for till the day he died, he told Jemas to take a hike.

And before either of us had a chance to really have the news sink in, it hit the internet...and, my God, what a firestorm. Bill had a rep by that time among the fans for making bonehead plays, but this seemed to them to be the proverbial straw, and it melted the internet. Almost literally. Every major comics newssite crashed. CRASHED. As in, couldn't handle the traffic of the outraged. Newsarama was down for nearly 48 hours. It was incredible. And when these sites did limp back to life, the outpouring...I felt like Tom Sawyer at his own funeral. I couldn't believe how vocal and strident such a vast majority of people were about how much they loved what we'd been doing and how nuts Jemas was to let us go. Never before or since have I ever felt more loved and respected for what I do than I did that weekend.

Not long after--I doubt because of this, but we can dream--Bill was let go from Marvel, and Joe Q asked Mike and I to come back. I was far enough ahead on the scripts where I could just move on without a break in publishing, and Mike rejoined me ASAP. We stuck around for another year and change until Mike felt the urge to move on, at which point I left with him--he wasn't just my partner, he was one of my best friends. But we never forgot the outpouring of faith and good wishes. So, thanks, Crazy Unca Bill, wherever you are, for ginning up the love! And good luck with that waterless fish tank!

The "Mundane Four" concept got reworked into the Marvel Knights Fantastic Four comic that Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa wrote which, while a bit boring, actually wasn't bad for what it was.


In his own words.

From 2003:

From 2009 in retrospect (one of my favourite industry interviews, tbh. Dude gives no fucks. Also a sign that things at DC have Not Been Well for a long time)

The "Mundane Four" concept got reworked into the Marvel Knights Fantastic Four comic that Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa wrote which, while a bit boring, actually wasn't bad for what it was.

Thanks I'm reading it now!
BTW, what's your avatar from?
This line from mark waid when he joined Fantagraphics cracked me up:
But the freelance trade-publication career was taking off. I was writing thousands and thousands of words a month for magazines like AMAZING HEROES, and in 1986 moved to L.A. to work at FANTAGRAPHICS as the A.H. editor. The first day was straight out of a sitcom; I was told I had to fire the guy I was replacing, who had no idea he was out. That should give you some sense of the level of professionalism at work and is a pretty big clue as to how smoothly the rest of my time there went.


No way on Heistieri but the Kindt one for sure.

I like some of Kindt's work but that students fighting students premise has never been interesting to me. I'm curious but might wait until it hits Marvel Unlimited.

I've been going several days at a time not bothering to read any of my comics backlog. Last thing i read was WATXM #23 to start to catch up and it finished off the Frankenstein arc, that was a bad arc. Might have made for a fun one and done story. Next up is the full six issues i have of Millar's Secret Service...
reread JLA: The Nail today. I don't think I enjoyed it as much as I did the first time. There really isn't a whole lot that's interesting save for the last 20 pages or so.

I do like the idea of amish kal-el and the kents as a secret hideaway for the metahumans though.


How long before Six Gun Gorilla has a crossover with Planet of the Apes?

I need to keep a closer eye on BOOM!. They sneak in an interesting oddball title once in awhile that flies under the radar.
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