Yeah it's out next week with JLA and JL Dark.
And every other book currently being published by anyone.
What has been going on with Age of Ultron?
I don't mind spoilers.
Is it worth to wait for TPB?
Your best bet is probably just to forget about it entirely. It's been a complete fucking waste, and the one issue left can't save it, even it's spectacular. If you want to know,
Ultron (from the future) sent Vision back in time as his agent to take over the world. The good guys (that are left) decide to go into the future to fight Ultron, while Wolverine and Susan Storm go back in time and kill Hank Pym so Ultron is never built. Wolverine does it, they go back and oh no! Now it's some Ultron-ish Tony Stark they have to worry about! They decide, "Hey, this was a bad idea, let's go back in time and stop Wolverine from killing Hank Pym!". So they do that, Wolverine kills Wolverine to eliminate a paradox, they tell Pym to build Ultron anyway, but build in a virus fail-safe for when Ultron pulls his crazy bullshit from the future, Ultron gets built (and he looks like a giant blender) and that's where we are.