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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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Who's the masked one on the bottom row, second from the left?

Son of Darkseid, I believe.

I did enjoy early on Atrocitus realizing he may have fucked up with what he did for Bleez, and I think that was a fun motivator in the beginning.

I also love old Punisher books so I think that really speaks to why I enjoy RL :p Atrocitus is a pretty interesting character in the midst of all the blood spewing, I'm glad they're working to develop him.

And my goodness I love it when 'normal people' end up with a Red ring.

Red Lanterns got caught up in all the Lantern Crossovers; That may be in part why it managed to stay a consistent seller (but it sold well before those too, so who knows). It never really had a chance to develop itself. The next couple moves are going to be interesting to see if it can find an identity; The return of Guy is going to be a great start. He may be a hot head but I think he'll bring some mellowing balance to the group that will allow for some more character growth. Or maybe he'll just add to the general eff-ing-stuff-up, who knows.

An aside; Bleez is sort of Atrocitus' Starscream, now that I think about it, isn't she?


Is Battle of the Atom going to be the greatest story ever told? This lady looks pretty extreme:


Is Battle of the Atom another time travelling future story? Never really paid attention to the media surrounding it


Comixology is having a $0.99 digital sale on all Marvel Now! #1 and #2 issues.

I suppose this is a cheap way to try any series you may have skipped over. Especially if you don't sub to Marvel Unlimited.


EDIT: I read the email wrong. Not just Marvel Now stuff.

The Entire List (Issues #1 and 2 on sale for each)

Age of Apocalypse (the recent series)
All New X-Men
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine
Astonishing X-Men (Whedon run)
Avengers (Now!)
Avengers Academy
Avengers Arena
Avengers Assemble
Avengers Prime
Avengers vs X-Men
Avengers: The Children's Crusade
Avengers: X-Sanction
Avenging Spider-man
AVX Consequences
Cable and X-Force
Cable and Deadpool
Captain America (Now!)
Captain Marvel
Carnage USA
Civil War
Daredevil (Waid)
Deadpool (Now!)
Fantastic Four (Now!)
Fear Itself
FF (Now!)
Gambit (current series)
Hawkeye (Fraction)
House of M
Hulk (Loeb Red Hulk)
Indestructable Hulk
Invincible Iron Man (pre-Now!, Fraction)
Iron Man (Now!)
Marvel Zombies
The Mighty Thor (Pre-Now!, Fraction)
New Avengers (Now!)
Scarlet Spider (recent series)
Superior Spider-Man
Thor (JMS series)
Thunderbolts (Now!)
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (Miles)
Ultimate Comics: Ultimates (Hickman)
Ultimate Comics: X-Men (most recent run)
Uncanny Avengers
Uncanny X-Force (Remender)
Uncanny X-Men (Pre-Now!, Gillen)
Venom (Remender)
Wolverine and the X-Men
Wolverine Origin
World War Hulk
X-Men (Pre-now, Gishler)
X-Men Legacy (Now!)




Marvel Comics
A+X #9 (depends on the the stories within)
Avengers #14
Captain Marvel #13
Indestructible Hulk #9
New Avengers #7
Uncanny Avengers #9
X-Factor #258

DC Comics
Batgirl Robin Year One TP (through Amazon)

Dark Horse Comics
Conan the Barbarian #17

I'm still trying to decide whether or not I want to check out that She-Hulk Diaries book.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Man, I'm kind of surprised at the lack of Brother Lono on peeps' lists.


Saw Man of Steel last night and it's got me in a superman type of mood. Already got Unchained, and want to check out Waid's Birthright via comixology sale... it's Waid so it's legit good right?
Animal Man #21
Batman and Batgirl #21
Legion of Superheroes #21
Supergirl #21

Avengers #14
Fantastic Four #9
Indestructible Hulk #9
New Avengers #7
Superior Spiderman #12
Uncanny Avengers #9
X-Factor # 258

Batgirl Robin Year one

maybe Green Lantern Guardians

also Batman #21 if it decides to show its damn face

..it'll probably come at the cost of X-factor :/


Man the Zero issues were pretty fucking boring by and large and broke up the pacing in alot of books. Now we get more of that, yay
So, serious question. There have been alot of complaints about crossovers and events. Do people who have issues with them actually practice what they preach? Have they avoided stuff like the trainwreck of lol that was Age of Ultron and the AU stories?

I mean, I operate from a pull list. So this means I tend to get that comic irregardless of what it is. If a book I don't get has an event/crossover that interests me I get it for those issues, then drop off (unless the book intrigues me). I don't plan to leave holes in my collection so even if an event is "bad" I'll weather it like any other bad issue.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Because crossovers and events sell.

So rather than bitch and complain without having any idea what the stories are about I'm willing to see what those stories writers have to tell.

Maybe they've got great stories once again going back to the early days. I don't know. In general, however, I was kinda hoping the third year of the reboot would be moving characters and the universe forward, rather than looking back.

So, serious question. There have been alot of complaints about crossovers and events. Do people who have issues with them actually practice what they preach? Have they avoided stuff like the trainwreck of lol that was Age of Ultron and the AU stories?

I mean, I operate from a pull list. So this means I tend to get that comic irregardless of what it is. If a book I don't get has an event/crossover that interests me I get it for those issues, then drop off (unless the book intrigues me). I don't plan to leave holes in my collection so even if an event is "bad" I'll weather it like any other bad issue.

I buy trades, so it's easy for me skip events that are pointless or terrible arcs. I'm already several months behind on all DC stuff, so I have no need to be on the cutting edge of continuity regardless of a book's quality.


So, serious question. There have been alot of complaints about crossovers and events. Do people who have issues with them actually practice what they preach? Have they avoided stuff like the trainwreck of lol that was Age of Ultron and the AU stories?

I mean, I operate from a pull list. So this means I tend to get that comic irregardless of what it is. If a book I don't get has an event/crossover that interests me I get it for those issues, then drop off (unless the book intrigues me). I don't plan to leave holes in my collection so even if an event is "bad" I'll weather it like any other bad issue.

If I have no interest in the event I skip whatever issues of any book I read that ties in. Heck, that's why I ended up dropping Batgirl, like a quarter of the first 15 issues were spent telling someone else's story. Forget that.
So, serious question. There have been alot of complaints about crossovers and events. Do people who have issues with them actually practice what they preach? Have they avoided stuff like the trainwreck of lol that was Age of Ultron and the AU stories?

I mean, I operate from a pull list. So this means I tend to get that comic irregardless of what it is. If a book I don't get has an event/crossover that interests me I get it for those issues, then drop off (unless the book intrigues me). I don't plan to leave holes in my collection so even if an event is "bad" I'll weather it like any other bad issue.

Just because it's fairly stand alone for an "event", how is AoU a trainwreck. Even a bunch of the tie ins were great (Avengers Assemble, Fantastic Four, and Uncanny Avengers were all great).

Or is it just you guys don't like it. Fear Itself redux.
Maybe they've got great stories once again going back to the early days. I don't know. In general, however, I was kinda hoping the third year of the reboot would be moving characters and the universe forward, rather than looking back.

I buy trades, so it's easy for me skip events that are pointless or terrible arcs. I'm already several months behind on all DC stuff, so I have no need to be on the cutting edge of continuity regardless of a book's quality.

Legit points!

I think part of my frustration with the way people react stems from the fact that it seems to take an negative viewpoint as the default. Now, sure, I guess I understand that there are a contingent of people who are predisposed to dislike DC, in this community at the moment, but as someone who has a fairly large pull list, I just weather the changes and accept that certain aspects of the industry are geared towards sales ($$$) and boosting books readership, something that tends to decline in general for almost all books, save for a few with devout followings. In many respects, crossovers do alot of good, especially for books with lower tier numbers. It can sometimes be the difference between saving a book and canceling it.

In the end I guess I'd just be more bummed by a cancelation ( LOSH :( ) than a crossover. And there are many examples of legit good books getting canceled or in the danger zone, almost primarily because they aren't getting an audience. Demon Knights, Journey into Mystery, Dial H, then ones that are close like Fearless Defenders/Ms. Marvel and Green Arrow, etc all books that probably would have benefited by more aggressive crossovers / events.

Just because it's fairly stand alone for an "event", how is AoU a trainwreck. Even a bunch of the tie ins were great (Avengers Assemble, Fantastic Four, and Uncanny Avengers were all great).

Or is it just you guys don't like it. Fear Itself redux.

My AoU opinions are questionable. My roomate has been getting it and some of the tie-ins, so I'm judging from having read AoU proper and glanced through (some of) the tie-ins.


So, serious question. There have been alot of complaints about crossovers and events. Do people who have issues with them actually practice what they preach? Have they avoided stuff like the trainwreck of lol that was Age of Ultron and the AU stories?

I mean, I operate from a pull list. So this means I tend to get that comic irregardless of what it is. If a book I don't get has an event/crossover that interests me I get it for those issues, then drop off (unless the book intrigues me). I don't plan to leave holes in my collection so even if an event is "bad" I'll weather it like any other bad issue.

I'm guilty of buying pretty much every major event. I even buy the DC events, even though I never have more than a small handful of DC titles on my pull list. I avoid tie in issues to events for the most part though. Unless I am already reading something that ties in, or a particular issue gets rave reviews from fans.

Crossovers I dislike. 1 in 5 is actually worth reading, and the rest are just trying to get me to buy some series I am not interested in. All too often, they also jump back and forth in perspective, depending on whose book it is, leading to a less coherent narrative. If you are going to have a big event, I would rather it was given its own mini series. If you just want to have two teams work or fight eachother, do it in one title. The culmination of Hickman's Fantastic Four arc (before he did a series of 1-shots) was an example of this done right. The Avengers and other heroes entered the scene right at the end. The scale was pretty epic, but they allowed it to happen in Fantastic Four (and FF which was basically the same Fantastic Four story shipping twice a month) without pulling other books in.


my replacement copy of Hellboy library vol 6 was sent in the same manner, no padding on the sides, snug in a box. Bottom right corner is indented a little. Xo

If i try for a third time i'm emailing amazon first to see if they can make sure my package gets shipped safer XO XO XO XO

AMAZONNNNNNNNN. I am just buying my books from dcbs or instock trades now Xo.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Didn't Snyder say that other writers approached him and were interested in writing about what their character were doing while Batman was honing his shit? I don't see the reason to get upset over this--a lot of those titles are struggling with their current stories, maybe this'll be a nice creative bolster.
Didn't Snyder say that other writers approached him and were interested in writing about what their character were doing while Batman was honing his shit? I don't see the reason to get upset over this--a lot of those titles are struggling with their current stories, maybe this'll be a nice creative bolster.

Yes, but as others are likely to point out, that could just as easily be what he says after editorial pressure to "allow" the inclusion. Obviously in the end it is their (Editorial) decision but its better to have his (Snyder's) blessing one way or the other.

That particular list of series, though, does lend some? evidence that it was writer inspired? Unless editorial just throw darts at a board, it seems some unusual choices, but I could see the Flash writers having an idea for a past story, for example.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Yes, but as others are likely to point out, that could just as easily be what he says after editorial pressure to "allow" the inclusion. Obviously in the end it is their (Editorial) decision but its better to have his (Snyder's) blessing one way or the other.

That particular list of series, though, does lend some? evidence that it was writer inspired? Unless editorial just throw darts at a board, it seems some unusual choices, but I could see the Flash writers having an idea for a past story, for example.

Sure, I mean, he's DC's golden boy right now and I get that he HAS to sell shit to people that may be a bit weary of super mega crossover events. Thing is, from my personal perspective, just like with those zero issues, a good writer can make this inclusion in Zero Year good, if not great. I look at that list of books and I notice that they're all books that I had on my pull list for a little, and then dropped due to stagnating/uninteresting storylines. So i'm kind of looking at this as a potential reason to pick them up once more.


Why weren't you doing this all along?

And say what you will about Amazon, but Barnes & Noble boxes shit up even worse.

amazon actually had it cheaper than dcbs this time, i don't have to pay 5 months in advance and i only get my dcbs shipments once a month so i think in this particular case i'd get it faster with amazon despite amazon getting it later than dcbs. That stuff doesn't matter as much though considering the hassle it is to get a decent copy from amazon Xo

Autsch .... as we say in German.

I love the idea to revisit the first days of the heroes and get some universe building done. But this is messed up. Snyder told us he wanted to tell a self-contained story with Capullo and not have to focus on too many moving parts.

I currently buy GL, GL:NG, Batman & Nightwing monthly and JL (+ soon JLA), Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash & Action (till the end of Morrisons run) in hard cover. But I gotta reevaluate soon.

The preview of New Guardians just pumped me for tomorrow and now I'm kinda bumed.

Please tell me there is something from the indies or marvel today to look forward to.

hmmm okay ... double dose of Hickman's glorious Avengers should get me through the week.
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