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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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EDIT: Ah Liberty Meadows now there's a fun series to read~
Autsch .... as we say in German.

I love the idea to revisit the first days of the heroes and get some universe building done. But this is messed up. Snyder told us he wanted to tell a self-contained story with Capullo and not have to focus on too many moving parts.

I'm assuming the tie-ins are going to be even less related to Snyder's story and more skippable than the Night of Owl ones were.


here's my list ya cunts:

Batwoman #21
Supergirl #21
Wonder Woman #21
Invincible #103
Mara #5
Indestructible Hulk#9
Superior Spidey #12

More DC than Image or Marvel this week. Feels bad man.

Captain Midnight 0
Aimal Man 21
Batman and Batgirl 21
Batman Beyond 17
Green Lantern NG 21
Motherfucking Vibe 5
Redhood 21
Supergirl 21
Wonder Wman 21
X Files Season 10
Invinicble 103
Mind The Gap 11
Revival 11
A +x 9
Age of Ultron 10
Avengers 14
Cable and his brahs 10
Captain Marvel 13
Fantasic Four 9
Indestrucible Hulk
Morbius 6 lol
New Avengers 7
Thunderbolts 11
Black Spiderman 24
Uncanny Avengers 9
X Men Legacy 12
Bloodshot 12
Harbringer 13
Sixth Gun 32
Six Gun Sons of Gun 4
JL3K interview, sorry Harrier no Legion ties at all. Book sounds great though!


Welp. They basically tell Legion fans to go fuck themselves. I think I have to not support it on principal now.

If I need a guy who can throw fireballs around, you can guarantee it's not going to be Sun Boy. Let's think of somebody new. I'm tired of treading old ground.




here's my list ya cunts:

Batwoman #21
Supergirl #21
Wonder Woman #21
Invincible #103
Mara #5
Indestructible Hulk#9
Superior Spidey #12

More DC than Image or Marvel this week. Feels bad man.

You drop everything to do with the Avengers?

My List:
Avengers 14
Cable and X-Force 10
New Avengers 7
Uncanny Avengers 9

- 4Chan saved me $4 on Age of Ultron 10.
- I was previously reading Indestructible Hulk, but I haven't been feeling it, so I think I'm done.


You drop everything to do with the Avengers?

My List:
Avengers 14
Cable and X-Force 10
New Avengers 7
Uncanny Avengers 9

- 4Chan saved me $4 on Age of Ultron 10.
- I was previously reading Indestructible Hulk, but I haven't been feeling it, so I think I'm done.

Trade waiting. Might do the same for Infinity too.
Welp. They basically tell Legion fans to go fuck themselves. I think I have to not support it on principal now.



Yeah, Giffen and Maguire need to pay their dues and prove themselves as creators before they run their mouths off like that and expect to me to support a book by them.

Hold on, my phone is ringing for some reason....


Unconfirmed Member
Rafa can you keep that pull list up while between jobs for long?

I resubbed to Uncanny Avengers.I haven't read it since the second issue. I almost have all of the old issuesI need to catch up.
So, serious question. There have been alot of complaints about crossovers and events. Do people who have issues with them actually practice what they preach? Have they avoided stuff like the trainwreck of lol that was Age of Ultron and the AU stories?

I mean, I operate from a pull list. So this means I tend to get that comic irregardless of what it is. If a book I don't get has an event/crossover that interests me I get it for those issues, then drop off (unless the book intrigues me). I don't plan to leave holes in my collection so even if an event is "bad" I'll weather it like any other bad issue.

I didnt pull any of AoU. I had zero excitement for that book from the start.

Batman is about to get dropped too. I was going to last week but the guy at the shop was like "dude this issue is so good, its Batman meets Mad Max!!". And i was like ok i'll check it out.

4 Pages into the issue I was like sweet! Dirt bike crossbow apocalyptic bats! Then I turned the next page and realized I probably wouldn't see that for 9 months and would have tons of family bullshit to deal with. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


comixology updated their reader so the landscape view fits the width now XP, good update.

up to issue #25 now of Morning Glories, i'm only 75% lost! That 25% is great reading though. Issue #26, yep, i don't even know what i'm reading anymore. It's been forever since i've payed attention to this character.


Yeah, Giffen and Maguire need to pay their dues and prove themselves as creators before they run their mouths off like that and expect to me to support a book by them.

Hold on, my phone is ringing for some reason....

Yeah! Who do these young upstarts think they are? Comics superstars?!


Is Cable and his Brahs better or worse than Uncanny Brahs? I want to try one of them.

Also just ordered X-Men Legacy Vol. 1+2. Don't let me down.


Is Cable and his Brahs better or worse than Uncanny Brahs? I want to try one of them.

Also just ordered X-Men Legacy Vol. 1+2. Don't let me down.

I think that it's one of those YMMV decisions, but I am enjoying Cable's X-Force more than the Uncanny version. The book has a good sense of humor and an interesting enough premise. Forge and Dr. Nemesis work really well together.

EDIT: Also, Uncanny X-Force is going the decompressed story telling route, while C+XF has been focusing on 1-3 issue mini arcs within the larger narrative.
Son of Darkseid, I believe.

Red Lanterns got caught up in all the Lantern Crossovers; That may be in part why it managed to stay a consistent seller (but it sold well before those too, so who knows). It never really had a chance to develop itself. The next couple moves are going to be interesting to see if it can find an identity; The return of Guy is going to be a great start. He may be a hot head but I think he'll bring some mellowing balance to the group that will allow for some more character growth. Or maybe he'll just add to the general eff-ing-stuff-up, who knows.

An aside; Bleez is sort of Atrocitus' Starscream, now that I think about it, isn't she?

I think what helps Red Lanterns has been the fact that the story moves along at a semi brisk pace. It doesn't hint at things and then linger around a barely there story and finally give a pay off 12 issues later. It's one of DC's faster moving titles story wise and I think it's better off for it.

I've said before but I think that's what's hurting Vibe, the story is moving too damn slow. Give us a crazy ass pay off already, get people to go ohh shit what happened let me check it out, before it's 14 issues in and you cancel it.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face

How much you wanna bet it's not going to be as awesome as we imagine :(

I'm in x1000000000. YESSSS! Hobo Scarlet Spider was my favorite superhero costume as a kid and I loved Ben. Even some Khoi Pham art can't ruin my hype for this.
So, serious question. There have been alot of complaints about crossovers and events. Do people who have issues with them actually practice what they preach? Have they avoided stuff like the trainwreck of lol that was Age of Ultron and the AU stories?

I mean, I operate from a pull list. So this means I tend to get that comic irregardless of what it is. If a book I don't get has an event/crossover that interests me I get it for those issues, then drop off (unless the book intrigues me). I don't plan to leave holes in my collection so even if an event is "bad" I'll weather it like any other bad issue.

yea skipped AoU, all the A v X stuff except whatever bled into the X-mens I was already buying. Skipped all the Avengers events since whatever the Last one Busiek was around for so thats been most Marvel events. I still want to get Annhilation though. I did buy everything from Blackest Night... I don't do all of them. I end up with a lot of the Bat and X-men stuff since I get a lot of that anyway I don't have a problem with whatever this is though. I think I'm more tolerant of the Dc crossovers but I always liked way back when they'd just do it for a month even if they were blah like Final Night, Zero hour, That one with the neon green on everything, whatever the Darkseid onewas too. I think Dc 1 million was all in a month? I liked that one

I'm bothered by the 4x ship villain month cover gimmick screwjob though
Hey guys, outside of All-Star Superman and Superman: Brainiac (Geoff Johns), my Superman reading has been limited at best. With the release of Man of Steel and Superman Unchained, I'm keen to check out what Comixology's sale has to offer but I don't know where to start. Can I have some recommendations please?
Having digested it all a bit longer, I'm fairly certain that AoU is the worst thing Bendis has written for Marvel, and is easily the worst major Marvel Universe event of the post-Jemas era. Yes, worse than Fear Itself. Only Ultimatum keeps me from labeling it the worst event of that decade, period.


Hey guys, outside of All-Star Superman and Superman: Brainiac (Geoff Johns), my Superman reading has been limited at best. With the release of Man of Steel and Superman Unchained, I'm keen to check out what Comixology's sale has to offer but I don't know where to start. Can I have some recommendations please?

For The Man Who Has Everything (Superman Annual 11), Birthright, and Secret Identity are all v. good.


No Scrubs
Hey guys, outside of All-Star Superman and Superman: Brainiac (Geoff Johns), my Superman reading has been limited at best. With the release of Man of Steel and Superman Unchained, I'm keen to check out what Comixology's sale has to offer but I don't know where to start. Can I have some recommendations please?

Superman for all seasons

Having digested it all a bit longer, I'm fairly certain that AoU is the worst thing Bendis has written for Marvel, and is easily the worst major Marvel Universe event of the post-Jemas era. Yes, worse than Fear Itself. Only Ultimatum keeps me from labeling it the worst event of that decade, period.

You aren't wrong. I think part of that is due to him having to rewrite it, but it sure as hell doesn't excuse Cap sitting on his ass for five issues then sidelining him for Logan.
Having digested it all a bit longer, I'm fairly certain that AoU is the worst thing Bendis has written for Marvel, and is easily the worst major Marvel Universe event of the post-Jemas era. Yes, worse than Fear Itself. Only Ultimatum keeps me from labeling it the worst event of that decade, period.
Come on brah. Hawekey raiding that crackhouse instead of showing Ultron taking over the world was the greatest opening to a comic ever. A true character moment, that even at the end of the world, people still succumb to person demons and can be more destructive than the ones outside.


Come on brah. Hawekey raiding that crackhouse instead of showing Ultron taking over the world was the greatest opening to a comic ever. A true character moment, that even at the end of the world, people still succumb to person demons and can be more destructive than the ones outside.

You'll be happy to know Rafa that Ultron is actually in issue 10 for a few pages.


Hey guys, outside of All-Star Superman and Superman: Brainiac (Geoff Johns), my Superman reading has been limited at best. With the release of Man of Steel and Superman Unchained, I'm keen to check out what Comixology's sale has to offer but I don't know where to start. Can I have some recommendations please?

definitely Secret Identity, Kingdom Come, and Red Son.


We doing lists? I wanna do a list!

Batman And Batgirl #21
Batwoman #21
Supergirl #21
Wonder Woman #21
New Avengers #7
Justice League Of America's Vibe #5

Anyone been reading Christy Marx on Birds of Prey? Was thinking of giving it a go.
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