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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Any Brother Lono impressions? It's sitting on my desk but I won't be reading it until way later tonite.


AoU spoilers/conjecture:

Bleeding Cool is suggesting that the Spider-Man in Mighty Avengers could actually be Miles, with him as the only survivor of the Ultimate Universe after the Hunger Mini Series. I don't know if that will happen, but between the outcome of AoU and the announcement that a sequel to Spider-men is happening, I think Miles will end up in 616, and they will shutter the Ultimate line. Everything other than Ultimate Comics Spider-man is selling outside the Top 100 now. Basically cancellation sales.

That is fucking ridiculous, utterly fucking ridiculous.
First Vertigo now this?
I really liked the Ultimate universe, but it has had it's day. It was never the same after Ultimatum, although Hickman's Ultimates was very good and Ultimate Comics Spider-Man was reasonably entertaining. Spider-Men was probably the best thing to come out of it, when 616-Peter meets Ultimate Peter's family and friends, that was intense.
Yeah I think the fact that
Miles is in this issue
leads to some kind of Ultimate end/reboot.

Did Quesada draw the reveal of Angela? It looks like his handiwork.


Yeah, the sales have been sliding for years, and it's had two (!) failed relaunches in the past four years. It's not really much of a surprise at this point.


Wait what??? UoA is connected to the Ultimate Universe???
Time is fucked up thanks to TOO MANY TIME TRAVELLING and you see Galactus getting transported into the Ultimate universe as Ultimate Spider-Man looks up at him with a "wtf?" look. It was a little prelude to the Hunger mini-series starting soon.


AoU spoilers/conjecture:

Bleeding Cool is suggesting that the Spider-Man in Mighty Avengers could actually be Miles, with him as the only survivor of the Ultimate Universe after the Hunger Mini Series. I don't know if that will happen, but between the outcome of AoU and the announcement that a sequel to Spider-men is happening, I think Miles will end up in 616, and they will shutter the Ultimate line. Everything other than Ultimate Comics Spider-man is selling outside the Top 100 now. Basically cancellation sales.

Where will the artists/writers on any UU book go? How many titles would go poof in this scenario?

Also, anyone think that the AoU universe cracking stuff is related to the current Avengers plotline?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I really liked the Ultimate universe, but it has had it's day. It was never the same after Ultimatum, although Hickman's Ultimates was very good and Ultimate Comics Spider-Man was reasonably entertaining. Spider-Men was probably the best thing to come out of it, when 616-Peter meets Ultimate Peter's family and friends, that was intense.

Yeah, same sentiment here. There was a time (6-8 years ago) where I actually liked the Ultimate Universe more than 616. That time has long come and gone. If everything except a few elements of the Ultimate universe were put on hold until someone came along with a good pitch, I'd be cool with that.


Time is fucked up thanks to TOO MANY TIME TRAVELLING and you see Galactus getting transported into the Ultimate universe as Ultimate Spider-Man looks up at him with a "wtf?" look. It was a little prelude to the Hunger mini-series starting soon.

I don't read the Ultimate line;
Why don't they have their own Galactus?


Ultimate universe died a long time ago. It hasn't been the "21st Century Marvel Comics" brand for several years, just the "how badly can we fuck with our characters and the world around them" line.


I don't read the Ultimate line;
Why don't they have their own Galactus?
They do.
Gah Lak Tus was a bit... different... to 616 Galactus, but was still a world eater, and had a trilogy of mini-series back in 2004-2006). So... now they have two? :D
Essentially everything happening in the major Marvel comics storylines right now could be related-but it would seem like a real stretch-

Avengers-the "World Builders"
New Avengers-Universes collapsing upon each other-Inifinity Gems are lost
Fantastic Four-Reed Richards Universe/Time hopping
Guardians of the Galaxy/Nova-Cosmic stuff-Infinity/Thanos tie in?
All New X-Men -Major Time Travel
Thor-Major Time Travel
Uncanny Avengers - Time Travel with Kang/Time Travel Blocking with Apocalypse Twins


Essentially everything happening in the major Marvel comics storylines right now could be related-but it would seem like a real stretch-

Avengers-the "World Builders"
New Avengers-Universes collapsing upon each other-Inifinity Gems are lost
Fantastic Four-Reed Richards Universe/Time hopping
Guardians of the Galaxy/Nova-Cosmic stuff-Infinity/Thanos tie in?
All New X-Men -Major Time Travel
Thor-Major Time Travel
Uncanny Avengers - Time Travel with Kang/Time Travel Blocking with Apocalypse Twins

Cap's Dimension Z stuff too maybe, but that could be a stretch too. And isn't Miguel coming back in Superior soon?
Ultimate universe died a long time ago. It hasn't been the "21st Century Marvel Comics" brand for several years, just the "how badly can we fuck with our characters and the world around them" line.

Not coincidentally, I can think of at least three other struggling alternate-reality imprints that tried the exact same sort of stunts before finally being cancelled permanently within a few years (New Universe, 2099, WildStorm).


Essentially everything happening in the major Marvel comics storylines right now could be related-but it would seem like a real stretch-

Avengers-the "World Builders"
New Avengers-Universes collapsing upon each other-Inifinity Gems are lost
Fantastic Four-Reed Richards Universe/Time hopping
Guardians of the Galaxy/Nova-Cosmic stuff-Infinity/Thanos tie in?
All New X-Men -Major Time Travel
Thor-Major Time Travel
Uncanny Avengers - Time Travel with Kang/Time Travel Blocking with Apocalypse Twins

Young Avengers - Teddy's dimension diving in issue 1 has messed things up somewhat, and upcoming solicits for issue
number eight
"The Young Avengers desperately race across the multiverse" and has that cover with alternate versions of themselves splashed across it.

Wolverine and the X-Men #29 - had a whole host of time travel related stuff where
Future Wolverine is barred from time travel because he's a "repeated arms treaty violator and time code offender", access to time travel tech was "strictly prohibited without proper approval from X-Men High Command, the Time Variance Authority, the Interstellar Committeee on Superhuman Arms Control, the Bureau of Mass Destruction..."
and then there was this exchange (spoilers, obviously) http://imgur.com/039pnPE , and a load of potential future plots in another panel. In the end he
only sends a key back in time, but hey, he still sent something back.
Actually, WatXM 25-28 had that whole Dog Logan arc my brain switched off for, and that sort of had time travel too. (And then there's the fact Dog Logan is around at all, but I don't actually know when that happened).

Battle of the Atom -
Future x-men
time travellers. Is that a spoiler when it's the entire premise of the crossover? I'm not sure.

Edit: Also

Captain Marvel - Her book's opening arc was time travel and (upcoming solicit spoilers)
her series' crossover with Avengers Assembled is looking like it will involve it too. #13 is part 3 with "The Avengers Assemble in the most pivotal event in Captain Marvel's history!" and Avengers Assemble #17 is part 4 with "With the world quite literally ripping apart at the seams, and the Avengers scattered..." so...

Indestructible Hulk #6-8 Banner's team meet
Past Thor
and (upcoming solicits)
#11 - "History's breaking--and only the Hulk is strong enough to hold it together!". Continues into #12 and #13 too.

Red She-Hulk #65 - http://imgur.com/vDbuGEt (
There's some alternate/divergent timeline stuff going on here too

Also, I'm not quite sure exactly how Thor fits in with other series at the moment, but it involves time travel too, right?
Only just recently picked up the Ultimates but the last two issues have been good fun, Reed Richards with Infinity gauntlet is some scary fun stuff.
He looked like he had to tell a kid his dog got run over by a car driven by his now-dead mom

It was good 'cept for that 2-page sermon with Wanda as RR's mouthpiece


Most of the time, post-Cassaday, I really like UA. In a way, it's kind of what I want out of an Avengers book as well as an X-Men book.... but goddamn, dude needs to stop with his half-assed polemics if he's gonna make his stand-in that obvious.


Lets not give Age of Ultron/Marvel too much credit with its reveals/importance regarding Marvel 616. Age of Ultron has been in the works for a long time as a Bendis pet project. He hinted at it in the first arc the Heroic Age Avengers relaunch back in 2010. However, when the time came, Marvel decided that AvX and the Marvel Now! initiative would be a better way to combat sales resurgence DC was experiencing with New 52 at the end of 2011. Age of Ultron was already being written/illustrated, and Bendis has a lot of clout at Marvel, so it was heavily modified and released anyhow. All this stuff in the last issue and a half was clearly added after the fact based on prexisting Marvel Now! plans by Hickman and others to give the book a sense of importance.


If Miles does
come to 616, I wonder what role, if any, he would play in outing Ock

Avengers Arena Season 2! :p


If the rumors about the Ultimate line are true, I wonder what
characters will be brought over to the main 616 universe?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"

If Miles does
come to 616, I wonder what role, if any, he would play in outing Ock

he wont be so stupid as to be unaware of whats going on, thats for sure. so probably some sort of team up with logan

If the rumors about the Ultimate line are true, I wonder what
characters will be brought over to the main 616 universe?

all of the spider man cast. the fantastic four(minus johnny) can die in hellfire for all i care


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes






Uncanny and New Avengers were great this week. Tons of great character moments, even if both were set up issues. Doc Strange putting a certain someone in his place was the moment of the week for me.

Someone needs to deck pretty much every version of Captain America other than the one in his solo title though. So much self righteousness and hypocrisy comes out of that dude's mouth these days.


Ultimate universe died a long time ago. It hasn't been the "21st Century Marvel Comics" brand for several years, just the "how badly can we fuck with our characters and the world around them" line.

I am borrowing this for future use to describe the downfall of the Ultimate line. I hope they keep the Miles nonsense far from the 616. Spock is temporary and we all know it.
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