Jedeye Sniv
So I got bored at work.. here is all the PSN names so far
(PSN to the right)
EDIT: (I will keep adding names as they come)
KoruptData = KoruptData
Messi = RemyWilde
Freezasaurus = Freezasaurus
Cheska = Cheska19
GrandHarrier = GrandHarrier
Tyrant Rave = PR1M3R1B
Bii = Socheata
Gketter = DarkKnight77
Espi = SirRobes
Sca2511 = sca2511
Gipsy Danger = fenix1989uk
Shin Johnpv = ShinJohnpv or Shin Johnpv
CorporateClown = CorporateClown
Supermanisdead = Supermanizdead
GrandHarrier = GrandHarrier
ThyMusicMan = TruKill420
Sillymonkey321 = Owzers
WadiumArcadium = WadiumArcadium
I am JedeyeSniv on the PSNs, mostly just playing MGS or GTA.
edit: argh top of the page. Something about comics.... uhhhh. I saw a guy in a Harley t-shirt the other day, reminded me of Messi. So that happened.